Source code for sas.qtgui.MainWindow.PackageGatherer

import sys
import logging
import pkg_resources
import pathlib

import sas

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PackageGatherer: """ A class used to gather packages/modules used by SasView and their current installed version :method log_installed_packages: Log version number of locally installed python packages :method log_imported_packages: Log version number of python packages imported in this instance of SasView. :method get_imported_packages: Get a dictionary of imported module version numbers :method remove_duplicate_modules: Strip duplicate instances of each module :method format_unattainable_packages_list: Format module names in the unattainable_modules list """
[docs] def log_installed_modules(self): """ Log version number of locally installed python packages Use pip list to create a dictionary of installed modules as the keys, with their respective version numbers as the values. Only packages available through pip will be included. :returns:Nothing :rtype: None """ # Get python modules installed locally installed_packages = pkg_resources.working_set python_str = f'python:{sys.version}\n' print_str = "\n".join(f"{package.key}: {package.version}" for package in installed_packages) msg = f"Installed packages:\n{python_str+print_str}"
[docs] def log_imported_packages(self): """ Log version number of python packages imported in this instance of SasView. Use the get_imported_packages method to to create a dictionary of installed modules as the keys, with their respective version numbers as the values. There may be some packages whose version number is unattainable. :returns: Nothing :rtype: None """ imported_packages_dict = self.get_imported_packages() res_str = "\n".join(f"{module}: {version_num}" for module, version_num in imported_packages_dict["results"].items()) no_res_str = "\n".join(f"{module}: {version_num}" for module, version_num in imported_packages_dict["no_results"].items()) errs_res_str = "\n".join(f"{module}: {version_num}" for module, version_num in imported_packages_dict["errors"].items()) msg = f"Imported modules:\n {res_str}\n {no_res_str}\n {errs_res_str}"
[docs] def get_imported_packages(self): """ Get a dictionary of imported package version numbers Use a variety of method, for example a module.version call, to attempt to get the module version of each module that has been imported in this instance of running SasView. The sys.modules command lists the imported modules. A list of modules whose version number cannot be found is also included. :returns: A dictionary with the package names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value. :rtype: dict """ package_versions_dict = {'python': sys.version, 'SasView': sas.sasview.__version__} err_version_dict = {} no_version_list = [] # Generate a list of standard modules by looking at the local python library try: standard_lib = [path.stem.split('.')[0] for path in pathlib.Path(pathlib.__file__) .parent.absolute().glob('*')] except Exception: standard_lib = ['abc', 'aifc', 'antigravity', 'argparse', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncio', 'asyncore', 'base64', 'bdb', 'binhex', 'bisect', 'bz2', 'calendar', 'cgi', 'cgitb', 'chunk', 'cmd', 'code', 'codecs', 'codeop', 'collections', 'colorsys', 'compileall', 'concurrent', 'configparser', 'contextlib', 'contextvars', 'copy', 'copyreg', 'cProfile', 'crypt', 'csv', 'ctypes', 'curses', 'dataclasses', 'datetime', 'dbm', 'decimal', 'difflib', 'dis', 'distutils', 'doctest', 'email', 'encodings', 'ensurepip', 'enum', 'filecmp', 'fileinput', 'fnmatch', 'formatter', 'fractions', 'ftplib', 'functools', 'genericpath', 'getopt', 'getpass', 'gettext', 'glob', 'graphlib', 'gzip', 'hashlib', 'heapq', 'hmac', 'html', 'http', 'idlelib', 'imaplib', 'imghdr', 'imp', 'importlib', 'inspect', 'io', 'ipaddress', 'json', 'keyword', 'lib2to3', 'linecache', 'locale', 'logging', 'lzma', 'mailbox', 'mailcap', 'mimetypes', 'modulefinder', 'msilib', 'multiprocessing', 'netrc', 'nntplib', 'ntpath', 'nturl2path', 'numbers', 'opcode', 'operator', 'optparse', 'os', 'pathlib', 'pdb', 'pickle', 'pickletools', 'pipes', 'pkgutil', 'platform', 'plistlib', 'poplib', 'posixpath', 'pprint', 'profile', 'pstats', 'pty', 'pyclbr', 'pydoc', 'pydoc_data', 'py_compile', 'queue', 'quopri', 'random', 're', 'reprlib', 'rlcompleter', 'runpy', 'sched', 'secrets', 'selectors', 'shelve', 'shlex', 'shutil', 'signal', 'site-packages', 'site', 'smtpd', 'smtplib', 'sndhdr', 'socket', 'socketserver', 'sqlite3', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'ssl', 'stat', 'statistics', 'string', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'subprocess', 'sunau', 'symbol', 'symtable', 'sysconfig', 'tabnanny', 'tarfile', 'telnetlib', 'tempfile', 'test', 'textwrap', 'this', 'threading', 'timeit', 'tkinter', 'token', 'tokenize', 'trace', 'traceback', 'tracemalloc', 'tty', 'turtle', 'turtledemo', 'types', 'typing', 'unittest', 'urllib', 'uu', 'uuid', 'venv', 'warnings', 'wave', 'weakref', 'webbrowser', 'wsgiref', 'xdrlib', 'xml', 'xmlrpc', 'zipapp', 'zipfile', 'zipimport', 'zoneinfo', '_aix_support', '_bootlocale', '_bootsubprocess', '_collections_abc', '_compat_pickle', '_compression', '_markupbase', '_osx_support', '_pydecimal', '_pyio', '_py_abc', '_sitebuiltins', '_strptime', '_threading_local', '_weakrefset', '__future__', '__phello__', '__pycache__'] standard_lib.extend(sys.builtin_module_names) standard_lib.append("sas") for module_name in sys.modules.keys(): package_name = module_name.split('.')[0] # A built in python module or a local file, which have no version, only the python/SasView version if package_name in standard_lib or package_name in package_versions_dict: continue # Modules that require specific methods to get the version number if "PyQt5" in module_name: try: from PyQt5.QtCore import PYQT_VERSION_STR except Exception as e: # Unable to access PyQt5 err_version_dict[module_name] = f"Unknown: {e} when attempting to get PyQt5 version" pass else: package_versions_dict["PyQt"] = PYQT_VERSION_STR try: from PyQt5.QtCore import QT_VERSION_STR except Exception as e: # Unable to access Qt err_version_dict[module_name] = f"Unknown: {e} when attempting to get Qt version" pass else: package_versions_dict["Qt"] = QT_VERSION_STR continue # Import module try: package = __import__(package_name) except Exception as e: err_version_dict[package_name] = f"Unknown: {e} when attempting to import module" continue # Retrieving the modules version using the __version__ attribute if hasattr(package, '__version__'): # Module has __version__ attribute try: package_versions_dict[package_name] = package.__version__ continue except Exception as e: # Unable to access module err_version_dict[package_name] = f"Unknown: {e} when attempting to access {package_name} " \ f"version using .__version__" pass # Retrieving the modules version using the pkg_resources package # Unreliable, so second option try: package_versions_dict[package_name] = pkg_resources.get_distribution(package_name).version except Exception: # Modules that cannot be found by pkg_resources pass else: continue # Modules version number could not be attained by any of the previous methods no_version_list.append(package_name) # Currently not required for any packages used by SasView # Retrieving the modules version using the version attribute # if hasattr(package, 'version'): # # Module has version attribute # try: # if isinstance(package.version, str): # print(package) # package_versions_dict[package_name] = package.version # continue # except Exception as e: # # Unable to access module # err_version_dict[package_name] = f"Unknown: {e} when attempting to access {package_name} " \ # f"version using .version" # pass # Clean up package_versions_dict = self.remove_duplicate_modules(package_versions_dict) no_version_dict = self.format_no_version_list(package_versions_dict, no_version_list) return {"results": package_versions_dict, "no_results": no_version_dict, "errors": err_version_dict}
[docs] def remove_duplicate_modules(self, modules_dict): """ Strip duplicate instances of each module Multiple instances of one module can be keys of the dictionary of module version numbers generated by the method get_imported_packages. This is because if an individual class is imported from a module, then each class would be listed in sys.modules. For example the command from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QMdiArea lead to both QMainWindow and QMdiArea being keys, when in reality they are both part of PyQt5. This method save the first instance of each module, unless the version numbers are different. :param modules_dict: A dictionary with the module names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value. :type modules_dict: dict :return: A reduced / cleaned dictionary with the module names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value. :rtype: dict """ output_dict = dict() for module_name in modules_dict.keys(): parent_module = module_name.split('.')[0] # Save one instance of each module if parent_module not in output_dict.keys(): output_dict[parent_module] = modules_dict[module_name] else: # Modules versions are not the same if output_dict[parent_module] != modules_dict[module_name]: output_dict[f"{parent_module}_from_{module_name}"] = modules_dict[module_name] pass return output_dict
[docs] def format_no_version_list(self, modules_dict, no_version_list): """ Format module names in the no_version_list list The unattainable_modules is a list of modules whose version number could not be found. This method rename each module in the unattainable_modules to it's parent modules name, remove modules that already have a version number and remove duplicate modules from the no_version_list list. Entries may appear in the no_version_list if they are a class in a module, and the version number could not be ascertained from the class. :param modules_dict: A dictionary with the module names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value. :type modules_dict: dict :param no_version_list: A list of modules whose version number could not be found. :type no_version_list: list :return: A reduced / clean list of modules whose version number could not be found :rtype: dict """ output_dict = {} for module_name in no_version_list: parent_module = module_name.split('.')[0] # Version number exists for this module if parent_module in modules_dict.keys(): pass # Module is already in output_list elif parent_module in output_dict.keys(): pass # Append module to output_list else: output_dict[module_name] = f"Unknown: Version number could not be found" return output_dict