Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotHelper

`Singleton` plot helper module
All its variables are bound to the module,
which can not be instantiated repeatedly so IDs are session-specific.
import sys

this = sys.modules[__name__]

this._plots = {}
this._plot_id = 0

[docs]def clear(): """ Reset the plot dictionary """ this._plots = {}
[docs]def addPlot(plot): """ Adds a new plot to the current dictionary of plots """ this._plot_id += 1 this._plots["Graph%s"%str(this._plot_id)] = plot
[docs]def deletePlot(plot_id): """ Deletes an existing plot from the dictionary """ if plot_id in this._plots: del this._plots[plot_id]
[docs]def currentPlots(): """ Returns a list of IDs for all currently active plots """ return list(this._plots.keys())
[docs]def plotById(plot_id): """ Returns the plot referenced by the ID """ return this._plots[plot_id] if plot_id in this._plots else None
[docs]def idOfPlot(plot): """ Returns the ID of the plot """ plot_id = None for key in list(this._plots.keys()): if this._plots[key] == plot: plot_id = key break return plot_id