Source code for sas.qtgui.Utilities.ResultPanel

FitPanel class contains fields allowing to fit  models and  data

import sys
import datetime

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

[docs]class ResultPanel(QtWidgets.QTabWidget): """ FitPanel class contains fields allowing to fit models and data :note: For Fit to be performed the user should check at least one parameter on fit Panel window. """ ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "Result panel" windowClosedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, manager=None, *args, **kwargs): """ """ super(ResultPanel, self).__init__(parent) self.manager = manager self.communicator = self.manager.communicator() self.setMinimumSize(400, 400) self.data_id = None self.updateBumps() # patch bumps ## TEMPORARY ## # the following two imports will move to the top once # the monkeypatching is gone from bumps.gui.convergence_view import ConvergenceView from bumps.gui.uncertainty_view import UncertaintyView, CorrelationView, TraceView self.convergenceView = ConvergenceView() self.uncertaintyView = UncertaintyView() self.correlationView = CorrelationView() self.traceView = TraceView()
[docs] def updateBumps(self): """ Monkeypatching bumps plot viewer to allow Qt """ from . import PlotView import bumps.gui sys.modules['bumps.gui.plot_view'] = PlotView
[docs] def onPlotResults(self, results, optimizer="Unknown"): # import moved here due to its cost from bumps.dream.stats import var_stats, format_vars self.clearAnyData() result = results[0][0] name = current_optimizer = optimizer self.data_id = self.setWindowTitle(self.window_name + " - " + name + " - " + current_optimizer) if hasattr(result, 'convergence') and len(result.convergence) > 0: best, pop = result.convergence[:, 0], result.convergence[:, 1:] self.convergenceView.update(best, pop) self.addTab(self.convergenceView, "Convergence") else: self.convergenceView.close() if hasattr(result, 'uncertainty_state'): stats = var_stats(result.uncertainty_state.draw()) msg = format_vars(stats) self.correlationView.update(result.uncertainty_state) self.addTab(self.correlationView, "Correlation") self.uncertaintyView.update((result.uncertainty_state, stats)) self.addTab(self.uncertaintyView, "Uncertainty") self.traceView.update(result.uncertainty_state) self.addTab(self.traceView, "Parameter Trace") else: for view in (self.correlationView, self.uncertaintyView, self.traceView): view.close() # no tabs in the widget - possibly LM optimizer. Mark "closed" if self.count()==0: self.close()
[docs] def onDataDeleted(self, data): """ Check if the data set is shown in the window and close tabs as needed. """ if not data or not self.isVisible(): return if == self.data_id: self.setWindowTitle(self.window_name) self.clearAnyData() self.close()
[docs] def clearAnyData(self): """ Clear any previous results and reset window to its base state. """ self.data_id = None # Clear up previous results for view in (self.convergenceView, self.correlationView, self.uncertaintyView, self.traceView): view.close() # close all tabs. REMEMBER TO USE REVERSED RANGE!!! for index in reversed(range(self.count())): self.removeTab(index)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close """ # notify the parent so it hides this window self.windowClosedSignal.emit() event.ignore()