sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling package¶
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.angles module¶
Different methods for sampling the angular distribution of q vectors
A list of the different methods available can be found at the bottom of the code and needs to be updated if new ones are added.
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.angles.Uniform(geodesic_divisions: int)¶
Spherically averaged sample
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __doc__ = ' Spherically averaged sample '¶
- __init__(geodesic_divisions: int)¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.angles'¶
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- property n_points: int¶
Number of sample points
- static name()¶
Name of this distribution
- static parameters() List[Tuple[str, str, type]] ¶
List of keyword arguments to constructor, names for GUI, and the type of value
- sample_points_and_weights() Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Get sample q vector directions and associated weights
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.angles.ZDelta¶
Perfectly oriented sample
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __doc__ = ' Perfectly oriented sample '¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.angles'¶
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- property n_points¶
Number of sample points
- static name()¶
Name of this distribution
- static parameters()¶
List of keyword arguments to constructor, names for GUI, and the type of value
- sample_points_and_weights()¶
Get sample q vector directions and associated weights
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking module¶
Functions designed to help avoid using too much memory, chunks up the pairwise distributions
Something like this
. First Point
. 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 0 . 1 | | | .S | | | .e 2 CHUNK 1 | CHUNK 2 | CHUNK 3 | CHUNK 4 .c | | | .o 3 | | | .n —————+———–+———–+———— .d 4 | | | . | | | .P 5 CHUNK 5 | CHUNK 6 | CHUNK 7 | CHUNK 8 .o | | | .i 6 | | | .n —————+———–+———–+———— .t 7 | | | . | | | . 8 CHUNK 9 | CHUNK 10 | CHUNK 11 | CHUNK 12 . | | | . 9 | | | . —————+———–+———–+———— . 0 | | | . CHUNK 13 | CHUNK 14 | CHUNK 15 | CHUNK 16 . | | |
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking.Chunker(point_generator: SpatialDistribution)¶
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'_iterator'})¶
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking', '__init__': <function Chunker.__init__>, '__iter__': <function Chunker.__iter__>, '_iterator': <function Chunker._iterator>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Chunker' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Chunker' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__abstractmethods__': frozenset({'_iterator'}), '_abc_impl': <_abc._abc_data object>, '__annotations__': {}})¶
- __doc__ = None¶
- __init__(point_generator: SpatialDistribution)¶
- __iter__()¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- abstract _iterator() Tuple[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray], Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]] ¶
Python generator function that yields chunks
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking.Chunks(point_generator: SpatialDistribution)¶
Class that takes a point generator, and produces all pairwise combinations in chunks
This trades off speed for space.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'_iterator'})¶
- __doc__ = ' Class that takes a point generator, and produces all pairwise combinations in chunks\n\n This trades off speed for space.\n '¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking'¶
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- exception sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking.InputLengthMismatch¶
- __doc__ = None¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking.SingleChunk(point_generator: SpatialDistribution)¶
Chunker that doesn’t chunk
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __doc__ = " Chunker that doesn't chunk "¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.chunking'¶
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- _iterator()¶
Python generator function that yields chunks
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.geodesic module¶
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.geodesic.Geodesic¶
Points arranged pretty uniformly and regularly on a sphere
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.geodesic', '__doc__': ' Points arranged pretty uniformly and regularly on a sphere', '_base_vertices': [(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.8944271909999159, 0.0, 0.4472135954999579), (0.27639320225002106, 0.8506508083520399, 0.4472135954999579), (-0.7236067977499788, 0.5257311121191337, 0.4472135954999579), (-0.7236067977499789, -0.5257311121191335, 0.4472135954999579), (0.27639320225002084, -0.85065080835204, 0.4472135954999579), (0.7236067977499789, 0.5257311121191336, -0.4472135954999579), (-0.27639320225002095, 0.85065080835204, -0.4472135954999579), (-0.8944271909999159, 1.0953573965284052e-16, -0.4472135954999579), (-0.2763932022500211, -0.8506508083520399, -0.4472135954999579), (0.7236067977499788, -0.5257311121191338, -0.4472135954999579), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)], '_base_edges': [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 1), (1, 6), (2, 7), (3, 8), (4, 9), (5, 10), (1, 10), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8), (5, 9), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9, 10), (10, 6), (6, 11), (7, 11), (8, 11), (9, 11), (10, 11)], '_base_triangles': [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3), (0, 3, 4), (0, 4, 5), (0, 5, 1), (2, 1, 6), (3, 2, 7), (4, 3, 8), (5, 4, 9), (1, 5, 10), (6, 10, 1), (7, 6, 2), (8, 7, 3), (9, 8, 4), (10, 9, 5), (6, 7, 11), (7, 8, 11), (8, 9, 11), (9, 10, 11), (10, 6, 11)], '_cache': {}, 'points_for_division_amount': <staticmethod(<function Geodesic.points_for_division_amount>)>, 'minimal_divisions_for_points': <staticmethod(<function Geodesic.minimal_divisions_for_points>)>, 'by_point_count': <staticmethod(<function Geodesic.by_point_count>)>, 'by_divisions': <staticmethod(<function Geodesic.by_divisions>)>, '_calculate_weights': <staticmethod(<function Geodesic._calculate_weights>)>, '_rotation_matrix_to_z_vector': <staticmethod(<function Geodesic._rotation_matrix_to_z_vector>)>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Geodesic' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Geodesic' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})¶
- __doc__ = ' Points arranged pretty uniformly and regularly on a sphere'¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.geodesic'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- _base_edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 1), (1, 6), (2, 7), (3, 8), (4, 9), (5, 10), (1, 10), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8), (5, 9), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9, 10), (10, 6), (6, 11), (7, 11), (8, 11), (9, 11), (10, 11)]¶
- _base_triangles = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3), (0, 3, 4), (0, 4, 5), (0, 5, 1), (2, 1, 6), (3, 2, 7), (4, 3, 8), (5, 4, 9), (1, 5, 10), (6, 10, 1), (7, 6, 2), (8, 7, 3), (9, 8, 4), (10, 9, 5), (6, 7, 11), (7, 8, 11), (8, 9, 11), (9, 10, 11), (10, 6, 11)]¶
- _base_vertices = [(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.8944271909999159, 0.0, 0.4472135954999579), (0.27639320225002106, 0.8506508083520399, 0.4472135954999579), (-0.7236067977499788, 0.5257311121191337, 0.4472135954999579), (-0.7236067977499789, -0.5257311121191335, 0.4472135954999579), (0.27639320225002084, -0.85065080835204, 0.4472135954999579), (0.7236067977499789, 0.5257311121191336, -0.4472135954999579), (-0.27639320225002095, 0.85065080835204, -0.4472135954999579), (-0.8944271909999159, 1.0953573965284052e-16, -0.4472135954999579), (-0.2763932022500211, -0.8506508083520399, -0.4472135954999579), (0.7236067977499788, -0.5257311121191338, -0.4472135954999579), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)]¶
- _cache = {}¶
- static _calculate_weights(points) ndarray ¶
Calculate the anular area associated with each point
- static _rotation_matrix_to_z_vector(point_on_sphere: ndarray) ndarray ¶
Calculate a rotation matrix that moves a given point onto the z axis
- static by_divisions(n_divisions) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Get point sample on a unit geodesic sphere, points are creating by dividing each face of an icosahedron into smaller triangles so that each edge is split into n_divisions pieces
Weights of each point are calculated by fractional spherical area of dual polyhedron, and total weight = 4pi
- static by_point_count(self, n_points) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Get point sample on a unit geodesic sphere, at least n_points will be returned
Weights of each point are calculated by fractional spherical area of dual polyhedron, and total weight = 4pi
- static minimal_divisions_for_points(n_points)¶
What division number should I use if I want at least n_points points on my geodesic
rounded (ciel) inverse of points_for_division_amount
- static points_for_division_amount(n_divisions)¶
Get the number of points on the sphere for a given number of geodesic divisions by which I mean how many sections is each edge of the initial icosahedron split into (not how many times it is divided in half, which might be what you think given some other geodesic generation methods)
Icosahedron counts as 1 division
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.geodesic.GeodesicDivisions¶
Use this so that the GUI program gives geodesic divisions box, rather than a plain int one
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.geodesic', '__doc__': ' Use this so that the GUI program gives geodesic divisions box, rather than a plain int one', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'GeodesicDivisions' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'GeodesicDivisions' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})¶
- __doc__ = ' Use this so that the GUI program gives geodesic divisions box, rather than a plain int one'¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.geodesic'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points module¶
Instances of the spatial sampler
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points.BoundedByCube(radius: float, n_points: int, n_desired_points)¶
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'generate'})¶
- __doc__ = None¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points'¶
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- _boundary_base_points = array([[-1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., -1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1.], [ 0., 0., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., -1.], [ 1., -1., 1.], [ 1., -1., -1.], [-1., 1., 1.], [-1., 1., -1.], [-1., -1., 1.], [-1., -1., -1.]])¶
- _bounding_surface_check_points() Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Points used to check that the SLD/magnetism vector are zero outside the sample space
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points.Grid(radius: float, desired_points: int)¶
Generate points on a grid within a cube with side length 2*radius
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __doc__ = ' Generate points on a grid within a cube with side length 2*radius '¶
- __init__(radius: float, desired_points: int)¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points'¶
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- generate(start_index: int, end_index: int) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Generate points from start_index up to end_index
- property info¶
Information to be displayed in the settings window next to the point number input
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points.PointGeneratorStepper(point_generator: SpatialDistribution, step_size: int, bootstrap_sections: int)¶
Generate batches of step_size points from a PointGenerator instance
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points', '__doc__': ' Generate batches of step_size points from a PointGenerator instance\n ', '__init__': <function PointGeneratorStepper.__init__>, '_iterator': <function PointGeneratorStepper._iterator>, '__iter__': <function PointGeneratorStepper.__iter__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'PointGeneratorStepper' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'PointGeneratorStepper' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})¶
- __doc__ = ' Generate batches of step_size points from a PointGenerator instance\n '¶
- __init__(point_generator: SpatialDistribution, step_size: int, bootstrap_sections: int)¶
- __iter__()¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- _iterator()¶
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points.RandomCube(radius: float, desired_points: int, seed=None)¶
Generate random points in a cube with side length 2*radius
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __doc__ = ' Generate random points in a cube with side length 2*radius'¶
- __init__(radius: float, desired_points: int, seed=None)¶
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.ParticleEditor.sampling.points'¶
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- allows_bootstrap() bool ¶
- generate(start_index: int, end_index: int) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Generate points from start_index up to end_index