# This program is public domain
Fitting service interface.
A fit consists of a set of models and a fitting engine. The models are
collected in an assembly, which manages the parameter set and the
constraints between them. The models themselves are tightly coupled
to the data that they are modeling and the data is invisible to the fit.
The fitting engine can use a variety of methods depending on model.
The fitter can be run directly on the local machine::
import park
M1 = park.models.Peaks(datafile=park.sampledata('peak.dat'))
M1.add_peak('P1', 'gaussian', A=[4,6], mu=[0.2, 0.5], sigma=0.1)
result = park.fit(models=[M1])
print result
The default settings print results every time the fit improves, and
print a global result when the fit is complete. This is a suitable
interface for a fitting script.
For larger fit jobs you will want to run the fit on a remote server.
The model setup is identical, but the fit call is different::
service = park.FitService('server:port')
result = park.fit(models=[M1], service=service)
print result
Again, the default settings print results every time the fit improves,
and print a global result when the fit is complete.
For long running fit jobs, you want to be able to disconnect from
the server after submitting the job, and later reconnect to fetch
the results. An additional email field will send notification by
email when the fit starts and ends, and daily updates on the status
of all fits::
service = park.FitService('server:port')
fit = park.Fit(models=[M1])
id = service.submit_job(fit, jobname='peaks')
print id
The results can be retrieved either by id returned from the server,
or by the given jobname::
import park
service = park.FitService('server:port',user='userid')
fitlist = service.retrieve('peaks')
for fit in fitlist:
print fit.summary()
The fit itself is a complicated object, including the model, the
optimizer, and the type of uncertainty analysis to perform.
GUI Usage
When used from a graphical user interface, a different programming
interface is needed. In this case, the user may want to watch
the progress of the fit and perhaps stop it. Also, as fits can
take some time to complete, the user would like to be able to
set up additional fits and run them at the same time, switching
between them as necessary to monitor progress.
import time, thread
import numpy
import assembly, fitresult
[docs]class Objective(object):
Abstract interface to the fitness function for the park minimizer
Park provides a specific implementation `park.assembly.Assembly`.
TODO: add a results() method to return model specific info to the
TODO: fit handler.
[docs] def residuals(self, p):
Some fitters, notably Levenberg-Marquardt, operate directly on the
residuals vector. If the individual residuals are not available,
then LM cannot be used.
This method is optional.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def residuals_deriv(self, p):
Returns residuals and derivatives with respect to the given
If these are unavailable in the model, then they can be approximated
by numerical derivatives, though it is generally better to use a
derivative free optimizer such as coliny or cobyla which can use the
function evaluations more efficiently. In any case, your objective
function is responsible for calculating these.
This method is optional.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fit_parameters(self):
Returns a list of fit parameters. Each parameter has a name,
an initial value and a range.
See `park.fitresult.FitParameter` for an example.
On each function evaluation a new parameter set will be passed
to the fitter, with values in the same order as the list of
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, p):
Returns the objective value for parameter set p .
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def abort(self):
Halts the current function evaluation, and has it return inf.
This will be called from a separate thread. If the function
contains an expensive calculation, it should reset an abort
flag before each evaluation and test it periodically.
This method is optional.
[docs]class Fitter(object):
"""Abstract interface for a fitness optimizer.
A fitter has a single method, fit, which takes an objective
function (`park.fit.Objective`) and a handler.
For a concrete instance see `park.fitmc.FitMC`.
def __init__(self, **kw):
for k,v in kw.items():
if hasattr(self,k):
raise AttributeError(k+" is not an attribute of "+self.__class__.__name__)
def _threaded(self, fn, *args, **kw):
def _fit(self, objective, x0, bounds):
Run the actual fit in a separate thread
Each cycle k of n:
Each improvement:
On completion (if not already performed):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fit(self, fitness, handler):
Global optimizer.
This function should return immediately
# Determine initial value and bounds
pars = fitness.fit_parameters()
bounds = numpy.array([p.range for p in pars]).T
x0 = [p.value for p in pars]
# Initialize the monitor and results.
# Need to make our own copy of the fit results so that the
# values don't get stomped on by the next fit iteration.
handler.done = False
self.handler = handler
fitpars = [fitresult.FitParameter(pars[i].name,pars[i].range,v)
for i,v in enumerate(x0)]
handler.result = fitresult.FitResult(fitpars, 0, numpy.NaN)
# Run the fit (fit should perform _progress and _improvement updates)
# This function may return before the fit is complete.
self._fit(fitness, x0, bounds)
[docs]class FitJob(object):
Fit job.
This implements `park.job.Job`.
def __init__(self, objective=None, fitter=None, handler=None):
self.fitter = fitter
self.objective = objective
self.handler = handler
[docs] def run(self):
self.fitter.fit(self.objective, self.handler)
[docs]class LocalQueue(object):
Simple interface to the local job queue. Currently supports start and
wait. Needs to support stop and status. Also, needs to be a proper queue,
and needs to allow jobs to run in separate processes according to priority,
etc. All the essentials of the remote queuing system without the remote
Unlike the remote queue, the local queue need not maintain persistence.
running = False
[docs] def start(self, job):
self.job = job
return id(job)
[docs] def wait(self, interval=.1):
Wait for the job to complete. This is used in scripts to impose
a synchronous interface to the fitting service.
while not self.job.handler.done:
return self.job.handler.result
[docs]def fit(models=None, fitter=None, service=None, handler=None):
Start a fit with a set of models. The model set must be
in a form accepted by `park.assembly.Assembly`.
This is a convenience function which sets up the default
optimizer and uses the local fitting engine to do the work.
Progress reports are printed as they are received.
The choice of fitter, service and handler can be specified
by the caller.
The default fitter is FitMC, which is a monte carlo Nelder-Mead
simplex local optimizer with 100 random start points.
The default handler does nothing. Instead, ConsoleUpdate could
be used to report progress during the fit.
The default service is to run in a separate thread with FitThread.
Note that this will change soon to run in a separate process on
the local machine so that python's global interpreter lock does
not interfere with parallelism.
if models is None: raise RuntimeError('fit expected a list of models')
if service is None: service = LocalQueue()
if fitter is None:
import fitmc
fitter = fitmc.FitMC()
if handler is None: handler = fitresult.FitHandler()
objective = assembly.Assembly(models) if isinstance(models,list) else models
job = FitJob(objective,fitter,handler)
return service.wait()
[docs]def assembly_example():
import park, time
problem = park.assembly.example()
#result = fit(problem)
#result = fit(problem, handler=handler)
result = fit(problem)
print "=== Fit complete ==="
print "=== Target values ==="
print "M1: a=1, c=1.5"
print "M2: a=2.5, c=3"
if False: # Detailed results
print "parameter vector",result.pvec
print "residuals",problem.residuals
for k,m in enumerate(problem.parts):
print "Model",k,"chisq",m.chisq,"weight",m.weight
print "pars",m.fitness.model.a,m.fitness.model.c
print "x",m.fitness.data.fit_x
print "y",m.fitness.data.fit_y
print "f(x)",m.fitness.data.fx
print "(y-f(x))/dy",m.residuals
[docs]def demo(fitter=None):
"""Multiple minima example"""
import time, math
class MultiMin(object):
def fit_parameters(self):
return [fitresult.FitParameter('x1',[-5,5],1)]
def __call__(self, p):
fx = x**2 + math.sin(2*math.pi*x+3*math.pi/2)
return fx
handler = fitresult.ConsoleUpdate() # Show updates on the console
handler.progress_delta = 1 # Update user every second
handler.improvement_delta = 0.1 # Show improvements almost immediately
fitter.fit(MultiMin(), handler)
while not handler.done: time.sleep(1)
[docs]def demo2(fitter=None):
import park, time
problem = park.assembly.example()
handler = fitresult.ConsoleUpdate() # Show updates on the console
handler.progress_delta = 1 # Update user every second
handler.improvement_delta = 1 # Show improvements at the same rate
fitter.fit(problem, handler)
while not handler.done: time.sleep(1)
if __name__ == "__main__":