# This program is public domain
## \file
# \brief Abstract class for defining calculation threads.
import thread
import traceback
import sys
if sys.platform.count("darwin") > 0:
import time
stime = time.time()
def clock():
return time.time() - stime
def sleep(t):
return time.sleep(t)
from time import clock
from time import sleep
[docs]class CalcThread:
"""Threaded calculation class. Inherit from here and specialize
the compute() method to perform the appropriate operations for the
If you specialize the __init__ method be sure to call
CalcThread.__init__, passing it the keyword arguments for
yieldtime, worktime, update and complete.
When defining the compute() method you need to include code which
allows the GUI to run. They are as follows: ::
self.isquit() # call frequently to check for interrupts
self.update(kw=...) # call when the GUI could be updated
self.complete(kw=...) # call before exiting compute()
The update() and complete() calls accept field=value keyword
arguments which are passed to the called function. complete()
should be called before exiting the GUI function. A KeyboardInterrupt
event is triggered if the GUI signals that the computation should
be halted.
The following documentation should be included in the description
of the derived class.
The user of this class will call the following: ::
thread = Work(...,kw=...) # prepare the work thread.
thread.queue(...,kw=...) # queue a work unit
thread.requeue(...,kw=...) # replace work unit on the end of queue
thread.reset(...,kw=...) # reset the queue to the given work unit
thread.stop() # clear the queue and halt
thread.interrupt() # halt the current work unit but continue
thread.ready(delay=0.) # request an update signal after delay
thread.isrunning() # returns true if compute() is running
Use queue() when all work must be done. Use requeue() when intermediate
work items don't need to be done (e.g., in response to a mouse move
event). Use reset() when the current item doesn't need to be completed
before the new event (e.g., in response to a mouse release event). Use
stop() to halt the current and pending computations (e.g., in response to
a stop button).
The methods queue(), requeue() and reset() are proxies for the compute()
method in the subclass. Look there for a description of the arguments.
The compute() method can be called directly to run the computation in
the main thread, but it should not be called if isrunning() returns true.
The constructor accepts additional keywords yieldtime=0.01 and
worktime=0.01 which determine the cooperative multitasking
behaviour. Yield time is the duration of the sleep period
required to give other processes a chance to run. Work time
is the duration between sleep periods.
Notifying the GUI thread of work in progress and work complete
is done with updatefn=updatefn and completefn=completefn arguments
to the constructor. Details of the parameters to the functions
depend on the particular calculation class, but they will all
be passed as keyword arguments. Details of how the functions
should be implemented vary from framework to framework.
For wx, something like the following is needed::
import wx, wx.lib.newevent
(CalcCompleteEvent, EVT_CALC_COMPLETE) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
# methods in the main window class of your application
def __init__():
# Prepare the calculation in the GUI thread.
self.work = Work(completefn=self.CalcComplete)
self.Bind(EVT_CALC_COMPLETE, self.OnCalcComplete)
# Bind work queue to a menu event.
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCalcStart, id=idCALCSTART)
def OnCalcStart(self,event):
# Start the work thread from the GUI thread.
self.work.queue(...work unit parameters...)
def CalcComplete(self,**kwargs):
# Generate CalcComplete event in the calculation thread.
# kwargs contains field1, field2, etc. as defined by
# the Work thread class.
event = CalcCompleteEvent(**kwargs)
wx.PostEvent(self, event)
def OnCalcComplete(self,event):
# Process CalcComplete event in GUI thread.
# Use values from event.field1, event.field2 etc. as
# defined by the Work thread class to show the results.
def __init__(self, completefn=None, updatefn=None,
yieldtime=0.01, worktime=0.01):
"""Prepare the calculator"""
self.yieldtime = yieldtime
self.worktime = worktime
self.completefn = completefn
self.updatefn = updatefn
self._interrupting = False
self._running = False
self._queue = []
self._lock = thread.allocate_lock()
self._delay = 1e6
[docs] def queue(self,*args,**kwargs):
"""Add a work unit to the end of the queue. See the compute()
method for details of the arguments to the work unit."""
self._queue.append((args, kwargs))
# Cannot do start_new_thread call within the lock
if not self._running:
self._time_for_update = clock() + 1e6
thread.start_new_thread(self._run, ())
[docs] def requeue(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Replace the work unit on the end of the queue. See the compute()
method for details of the arguments to the work unit."""
self._queue = self._queue[:-1]
self.queue(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Clear the queue and start a new work unit. See the compute()
method for details of the arguments to the work unit."""
self.queue(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stop(self):
"""Clear the queue and stop the thread. New items may be
queued after stop. To stop just the current work item, and
continue the rest of the queue call the interrupt method"""
self._interrupting = True
self._queue = []
[docs] def interrupt(self):
"""Stop the current work item. To clear the work queue as
well call the stop() method."""
self._interrupting = True
[docs] def isrunning(self):
return self._running
[docs] def ready(self, delay=0.):
"""Ready for another update after delay=t seconds. Call
this for threads which can show intermediate results from
long calculations."""
self._delay = delay
self._time_for_update = clock() + delay
# print "setting _time_for_update to ",self._time_for_update
[docs] def isquit(self):
"""Check for interrupts. Should be called frequently to
provide user responsiveness. Also yields to other running
threads, which is required for good performance on OS X."""
# Only called from within the running thread so no need to lock
if self._running and self.yieldtime > 0 \
and clock() > self._time_for_nap:
self._time_for_nap = clock() + self.worktime
if self._interrupting:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs):
"""Update GUI with the lastest results from the current work unit."""
if self.updatefn != None and clock() > self._time_for_update:
self._time_for_update = clock() + self._delay
self._time_for_update += 1e6 # No more updates
if self._interrupting:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
[docs] def complete(self, **kwargs):
"""Update the GUI with the completed results from a work unit."""
if self.completefn != None:
[docs] def compute(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Perform a work unit. The subclass will provide details of
the arguments."""
raise NotImplemented, "Calculation thread needs compute method"
def _run(self):
"""Internal function to manage the thread."""
# The code for condition wait in the threading package is
# implemented using polling. I'll accept for now that the
# authors of this code are clever enough that polling is
# difficult to avoid. Rather than polling, I will exit the
# thread when the queue is empty and start a new thread when
# there is more work to be done.
while 1:
self._time_for_nap = clock() + self.worktime
self._running = True
if self._queue == []:
self._interrupting = False
args, kwargs = self._queue[0]
self._queue = self._queue[1:]
self.compute(*args, **kwargs)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
#print 'CalcThread exception',
self._running = False
# ======================================================================
# Demonstration of calcthread in action
[docs]class CalcDemo(CalcThread):
"""Example of a calculation thread."""
[docs] def compute(self, n):
total = 0.
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
total += j
[docs]class CalcCommandline:
Test method
def __init__(self, n=20000):
print thread.get_ident()
self.starttime = clock()
self.done = False
self.work = CalcDemo(completefn=self.complete,
updatefn=self.update, yieldtime=0.001)
self.work2 = CalcDemo(completefn=self.complete,
self.work3 = CalcDemo(completefn=self.complete,
print "Expect updates from Main every second and from thread every 2.5 seconds"
print ""
while not self.done:
print "Main thread %d at %.2f" % (thread.get_ident(),
clock() - self.starttime)
[docs] def update(self, i=0):
print "Update i=%d from thread %d at %.2f" % (i, thread.get_ident(),
clock() - self.starttime)
[docs] def complete(self, total=0.0):
print "Complete total=%g from thread %d at %.2f" % (total,
clock() - self.starttime)
self.done = True