Generic XML read and write utility
Usage: Either extend xml_reader or add as a class variable.
#This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the
#Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE)
#project funded by the US National Science Foundation.
#If you use DANSE applications to do scientific research that leads to
#publication, we ask that you acknowledge the use of the software with the
#following sentence:
#This work benefited from DANSE software developed under NSF award DMR-0520547.
#copyright 2008,2009 University of Tennessee
import logging
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import E
PARSER = etree.ETCompatXMLParser(remove_comments=True, remove_pis=False)
[docs]class XMLreader():
Generic XML read and write class. Mostly helper functions.
Makes reading/writing XML a bit easier than calling lxml libraries directly.
This class requires lxml 2.3 or higher.
xml = None
xmldoc = None
xmlroot = None
schema = None
schemadoc = None
encoding = None
processing_instructions = None
def __init__(self, xml=None, schema=None):
self.xml = xml
self.schema = schema
self.processing_instructions = {}
if xml is not None:
self.xmldoc = None
self.xmlroot = None
if schema is not None:
self.schemadoc = None
[docs] def reader(self):
Read in an XML file into memory and return an lxml dictionary
if self.validate_xml():
self.xmldoc = etree.parse(self.xml, parser=PARSER)
raise etree.XMLSchemaValidateError(self, self.find_invalid_xml())
return self.xmldoc
[docs] def set_xml_file(self, xml):
Set the XML file and parse
self.xml = xml
self.xmldoc = etree.parse(self.xml, parser=PARSER)
self.xmlroot = self.xmldoc.getroot()
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as xml_error:
except Exception:
self.xml = None
self.xmldoc = None
self.xmlroot = None
[docs] def set_schema(self, schema):
Set the schema file and parse
self.schema = schema
self.schemadoc = etree.parse(self.schema, parser=PARSER)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as xml_error:
except Exception:
self.schema = None
self.schemadoc = None
[docs] def validate_xml(self):
Checks to see if the XML file meets the schema
valid = True
if self.schema is not None:
schema_check = etree.XMLSchema(self.schemadoc)
valid = schema_check.validate(self.xmldoc)
return valid
[docs] def find_invalid_xml(self):
Finds the first offending element that should not be present in XML file
first_error = ""
schema = etree.XMLSchema(self.schemadoc)
first_error = schema.assertValid(self.xmldoc)
except etree.DocumentInvalid as err:
first_error = str(err)
return first_error
[docs] def parse_schema_and_doc(self):
Creates a dictionary of the parsed schema and xml files.
[docs] def to_string(self, elem, pretty_print=False, encoding=None):
Converts an etree element into a string
return etree.tostring(elem, pretty_print=pretty_print, \
[docs] def break_processing_instructions(self, string, dic):
Method to break a processing instruction string apart and add to a dict
:param string: A processing instruction as a string
:param dic: The dictionary to save the PIs to
pi_string = string.replace("<?", "").replace("?>", "")
split = pi_string.split(" ", 1)
pi_name = split[0]
attr = split[1]
new_pi_name = self._create_unique_key(dic, pi_name)
dic[new_pi_name] = attr
return dic
[docs] def set_processing_instructions(self):
Take out all processing instructions and create a dictionary from them
If there is a default encoding, the value is also saved
dic = {}
proc_instr = self.xmlroot.getprevious()
while proc_instr is not None:
pi_string = self.to_string(proc_instr)
if "?>\n<?" in pi_string:
pi_string = pi_string.split("?>\n<?")
if isinstance(pi_string, str):
dic = self.break_processing_instructions(pi_string, dic)
elif isinstance(pi_string, list):
for item in pi_string:
dic = self.break_processing_instructions(item, dic)
proc_instr = proc_instr.getprevious()
if 'xml' in dic:
del dic['xml']
self.processing_instructions = dic
[docs] def set_encoding(self, attr_str):
Find the encoding in the xml declaration and save it as a string
:param attr_str: All attributes as a string
e.g. "foo1="bar1" foo2="bar2" foo3="bar3" ... foo_n="bar_n""
attr_str = attr_str.replace(" = ", "=")
attr_list = attr_str.split()
for item in attr_list:
name_value = item.split("\"=")
name = name_value[0].lower()
value = name_value[1]
if name == "encoding":
self.encoding = value
self.encoding = None
def _create_unique_key(self, dictionary, name, numb=0):
Create a unique key value for any dictionary to prevent overwriting
Recurses until a unique key value is found.
:param dictionary: A dictionary with any number of entries
:param name: The index of the item to be added to dictionary
:param numb: The number to be appended to the name, starts at 0
if dictionary.get(name) is not None:
numb += 1
name = name.split("_")[0]
name += "_{0}".format(numb)
name = self._create_unique_key(dictionary, name, numb)
return name
[docs] def create_tree(self, root):
Create an element tree for processing from an etree element
:param root: etree Element(s)
return etree.ElementTree(root)
[docs] def create_element_from_string(self, xml_string):
Create an element from an XML string
:param xml_string: A string of xml
return etree.fromstring(xml_string)
[docs] def create_element(self, name, attrib=None, nsmap=None):
Create an XML element for writing to file
:param name: The name of the element to be created
if attrib == None:
attrib = {}
return etree.Element(name, attrib, nsmap)
[docs] def write_text(self, elem, text):
Write text to an etree Element
:param elem: etree.Element object
:param text: text to write to the element
elem.text = text
return elem
[docs] def write_attribute(self, elem, attr_name, attr_value):
Write attributes to an Element
:param elem: etree.Element object
:param attr_name: attribute name to write
:param attr_value: attribute value to set
attr = elem.attrib
attr[attr_name] = attr_value
[docs] def return_processing_instructions(self):
Get all processing instructions saved when loading the document
:param tree: etree.ElementTree object to write PIs to
pi_list = []
if self.processing_instructions is not None:
for key in self.processing_instructions:
value = self.processing_instructions.get(key)
pi_item = etree.ProcessingInstruction(key, value)
return pi_list
[docs] def append(self, element, tree):
Append an etree Element to an ElementTree.
:param element: etree Element to append
:param tree: ElementTree object to append to
tree = tree.append(element)
return tree
[docs] def ebuilder(self, parent, elementname, text=None, attrib=None):
Use lxml E builder class with arbitrary inputs.
:param parnet: The parent element to append a child to
:param elementname: The name of the child in string form
:param text: The element text
:param attrib: A dictionary of attribute names to attribute values
text = str(text)
if attrib == None:
attrib = {}
elem = E(elementname, attrib, text)
parent = parent.append(elem)
return parent