Source code for sas.plottools.canvas

This module implements a faster canvas for plotting.
it ovewrites some matplolib methods to allow printing on sys.platform=='win32'
import wx
import sys
import logging
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg
from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseEvent, RendererBase
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import GraphicsContextWx, PrintoutWx
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import RendererWx

[docs]def draw_image(self, x, y, im, bbox, clippath=None, clippath_trans=None): """ Draw the image instance into the current axes; :param x: is the distance in pixels from the left hand side of the canvas. :param y: the distance from the origin. That is, if origin is upper, y is the distance from top. If origin is lower, y is the distance from bottom :param im: the class`matplotlib._image.Image` instance :param bbox: a class `matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` instance for clipping, or None """ pass
[docs]def select(self): """ """ pass
[docs]def unselect(self): """ """ pass
[docs]def OnPrintPage(self, page): """ override printPage of matplotlib """ self.canvas.draw() dc = self.GetDC() try: (ppw, pph) = self.GetPPIPrinter() # printer's pixels per in except: ppw = 1 pph = 1 (pgw, _) = self.GetPageSizePixels() # page size in pixels (dcw, _) = dc.GetSize() (grw, _) = self.canvas.GetSizeTuple() # save current figure dpi resolution and bg color, # so that we can temporarily set them to the dpi of # the printer, and the bg color to white bgcolor = self.canvas.figure.get_facecolor() fig_dpi = self.canvas.figure.dpi # draw the bitmap, scaled appropriately vscale = float(ppw) / fig_dpi # set figure resolution,bg color for printer self.canvas.figure.dpi = ppw self.canvas.figure.set_facecolor('#FFFFFF') renderer = RendererWx(self.canvas.bitmap, self.canvas.figure.dpi) self.canvas.figure.draw(renderer) self.canvas.bitmap.SetWidth(int(self.canvas.bitmap.GetWidth() * vscale)) self.canvas.bitmap.SetHeight(int(self.canvas.bitmap.GetHeight() * vscale)) self.canvas.draw() # page may need additional scaling on preview page_scale = 1.0 if self.IsPreview(): page_scale = float(dcw) / pgw # get margin in pixels = (margin in in) * (pixels/in) top_margin = int(self.margin * pph * page_scale) left_margin = int(self.margin * ppw * page_scale) # set scale so that width of output is self.width inches # (assuming grw is size of graph in inches....) user_scale = (self.width * fig_dpi * page_scale) / float(grw) dc.SetDeviceOrigin(left_margin, top_margin) dc.SetUserScale(user_scale, user_scale) # this cute little number avoid API inconsistencies in wx try: dc.DrawBitmap(self.canvas.bitmap, 0, 0) except: try: dc.DrawBitmap(self.canvas.bitmap, (0, 0)) except: logging.error(sys.exc_value) # restore original figure resolution self.canvas.figure.set_facecolor(bgcolor) # # used to be self.canvas.figure.dpi.set( fig_dpi) self.canvas.figure.dpi = fig_dpi self.canvas.draw() return True = select GraphicsContextWx.unselect = unselect PrintoutWx.OnPrintPage = OnPrintPage RendererBase.draw_image = draw_image
[docs]class FigureCanvas(FigureCanvasWxAgg): """ Add features to the wx agg canvas for better support of AUI and faster plotting. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(FigureCanvas, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self._isRendered = False # Create an timer for handling draw_idle requests # If there are events pending when the timer is # complete, reset the timer and continue. The # alternative approach, binding to wx.EVT_IDLE, # doesn't behave as nicely. self.idletimer = wx.CallLater(1, self._onDrawIdle) # panel information self.panel = None self.resizing = False self.xaxis = None self.yaxis = None self.ndraw = 0 # Support for mouse wheel self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self._onMouseWheel)
[docs] def set_panel(self, panel): """ Set axes """ # set panel self.panel = panel # set axes self.xaxis = panel.subplot.xaxis self.yaxis = panel.subplot.yaxis
[docs] def draw_idle(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Render after a delay if no other render requests have been made. """ self.panel.subplot.grid(self.panel.grid_on) if self.panel.legend != None and self.panel.legend_pos_loc: self.panel.legend._loc = self.panel.legend_pos_loc self.idletimer.Restart(5, *args, **kwargs) # Delay by 5 ms
def _onDrawIdle(self, *args, **kwargs): """ """ if False and wx.GetApp().Pending(): self.idletimer.Restart(5, *args, **kwargs) else: # Draw plot, changes resizing too self.draw(*args, **kwargs) self.resizing = False def _get_axes_switch(self): """ """ # Check resize whether or not True if self.panel.dimension == 3: return # This is for fast response when plot is being resized if not self.resizing: self.xaxis.set_visible(True) self.yaxis.set_visible(True) self.panel.schedule_full_draw('del') else: self.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.panel.schedule_full_draw('append') # set the resizing back to default= False self.set_resizing(False)
[docs] def set_resizing(self, resizing=False): """ Setting the resizing """ self.resizing = resizing self.panel.set_resizing(False)
[docs] def draw(self, drawDC=None): """ Render the figure using agg. """ # Only draw if window is shown, otherwise graph will bleed through # on the notebook style AUI widgets. # raise fig = FigureCanvasWxAgg if self.IsShownOnScreen() and self.ndraw != 1: self._isRendered = True self._get_axes_switch() # import time # st = time.time() try: fig.draw(self) except ValueError: logging.error(sys.exc_value) else: self._isRendered = False if self.ndraw <= 1: self.ndraw += 1
def _onMouseWheel(self, evt): """Translate mouse wheel events into matplotlib events""" # Determine mouse location _, h = self.figure.canvas.get_width_height() x = evt.GetX() y = h - evt.GetY() # Convert delta/rotation/rate into a floating point step size delta = evt.GetWheelDelta() rotation = evt.GetWheelRotation() rate = evt.GetLinesPerAction() # print "delta,rotation,rate",delta,rotation,rate step = rate * float(rotation) / delta # Convert to mpl event evt.Skip() self.scroll_event(x, y, step, guiEvent=evt)
[docs] def scroll_event(self, x, y, step=1, guiEvent=None): """ Backend derived classes should call this function on any scroll wheel event. x,y are the canvas coords: 0,0 is lower, left. button and key are as defined in MouseEvent """ button = 'up' if step >= 0 else 'down' self._button = button s = 'scroll_event' event = MouseEvent(s, self, x, y, button, self._key, guiEvent=guiEvent) setattr(event, 'step', step) self.callbacks.process(s, event) if step != 0: self.panel.is_zoomed = True
def _onRightButtonDown(self, evt): """ Overload the right button down call back to avoid a problem with the context menu over matplotlib plots on linux. :TODO: Investigate what the root cause of the problem is. """ if sys.platform == 'linux2' or self.panel.dimension == 3: evt.Skip() else: FigureCanvasWxAgg._onRightButtonDown(self, evt) # This solves the focusing on rightclick. # Todo: better design self.panel.parent.set_plot_unfocus() self.panel.on_set_focus(None) return # CRUFT: wx on OS X doesn't release the mouse on leaving window def _onLeave(self, evt): if self.HasCapture(): self.ReleaseMouse() super(FigureCanvas, self)._onLeave(evt)