# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Module to perform P(r) inversion.
The module contains the Invertor class.
FIXME: The way the Invertor interacts with its C component should be cleaned up
import numpy
import sys
import math
import time
import copy
import os
import re
import logging
from numpy.linalg import lstsq
from scipy import optimize
from sas.pr.core.pr_inversion import Cinvertor
[docs]def help():
Provide general online help text
Future work: extend this function to allow topic selection
info_txt = "The inversion approach is based on Moore, J. Appl. Cryst. "
info_txt += "(1980) 13, 168-175.\n\n"
info_txt += "P(r) is set to be equal to an expansion of base functions "
info_txt += "of the type "
info_txt += "phi_n(r) = 2*r*sin(pi*n*r/D_max). The coefficient of each "
info_txt += "base functions "
info_txt += "in the expansion is found by performing a least square fit "
info_txt += "with the "
info_txt += "following fit function:\n\n"
info_txt += "chi**2 = sum_i[ I_meas(q_i) - I_th(q_i) ]**2/error**2 +"
info_txt += "Reg_term\n\n"
info_txt += "where I_meas(q) is the measured scattering intensity and "
info_txt += "I_th(q) is "
info_txt += "the prediction from the Fourier transform of the P(r) "
info_txt += "expansion. "
info_txt += "The Reg_term term is a regularization term set to the second"
info_txt += " derivative "
info_txt += "d**2P(r)/dr**2 integrated over r. It is used to produce "
info_txt += "a smooth P(r) output.\n\n"
info_txt += "The following are user inputs:\n\n"
info_txt += " - Number of terms: the number of base functions in the P(r)"
info_txt += " expansion.\n\n"
info_txt += " - Regularization constant: a multiplicative constant "
info_txt += "to set the size of "
info_txt += "the regularization term.\n\n"
info_txt += " - Maximum distance: the maximum distance between any "
info_txt += "two points in the system.\n"
return info_txt
[docs]class Invertor(Cinvertor):
Invertor class to perform P(r) inversion
The problem is solved by posing the problem as Ax = b,
where x is the set of coefficients we are looking for.
Npts is the number of points.
In the following i refers to the ith base function coefficient.
The matrix has its entries j in its first Npts rows set to ::
A[j][i] = (Fourier transformed base function for point j)
We them choose a number of r-points, n_r, to evaluate the second
derivative of P(r) at. This is used as our regularization term.
For a vector r of length n_r, the following n_r rows are set to ::
A[j+Npts][i] = (2nd derivative of P(r), d**2(P(r))/d(r)**2,
evaluated at r[j])
The vector b has its first Npts entries set to ::
b[j] = (I(q) observed for point j)
The following n_r entries are set to zero.
The result is found by using scipy.linalg.basic.lstsq to invert
the matrix and find the coefficients x.
Methods inherited from Cinvertor:
* ``get_peaks(pars)``: returns the number of P(r) peaks
* ``oscillations(pars)``: returns the oscillation parameters for the output P(r)
* ``get_positive(pars)``: returns the fraction of P(r) that is above zero
* ``get_pos_err(pars)``: returns the fraction of P(r) that is 1-sigma above zero
## Chisqr of the last computation
chi2 = 0
## Time elapsed for last computation
elapsed = 0
## Alpha to get the reg term the same size as the signal
suggested_alpha = 0
## Last number of base functions used
nfunc = 10
## Last output values
out = None
## Last errors on output values
cov = None
## Background value
background = 0
## Information dictionary for application use
info = {}
def __init__(self):
def __setstate__(self, state):
restore the state of invertor for pickle
(self.__dict__, self.alpha, self.d_max,
self.q_min, self.q_max,
self.x, self.y,
self.err, self.has_bck,
self.slit_height, self.slit_width) = state
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
Overwrite the __reduce_ex__
state = (self.__dict__,
self.alpha, self.d_max,
self.q_min, self.q_max,
self.x, self.y,
self.err, self.has_bck,
self.slit_height, self.slit_width,
return (Invertor, tuple(), state, None, None)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
Set the value of an attribute.
Access the parent class methods for
x, y, err, d_max, q_min, q_max and alpha
if name == 'x':
if 0.0 in value:
msg = "Invertor: one of your q-values is zero. "
msg += "Delete that entry before proceeding"
raise ValueError, msg
return self.set_x(value)
elif name == 'y':
return self.set_y(value)
elif name == 'err':
value2 = abs(value)
return self.set_err(value2)
elif name == 'd_max':
return self.set_dmax(value)
elif name == 'q_min':
if value == None:
return self.set_qmin(-1.0)
return self.set_qmin(value)
elif name == 'q_max':
if value == None:
return self.set_qmax(-1.0)
return self.set_qmax(value)
elif name == 'alpha':
return self.set_alpha(value)
elif name == 'slit_height':
return self.set_slit_height(value)
elif name == 'slit_width':
return self.set_slit_width(value)
elif name == 'has_bck':
if value == True:
return self.set_has_bck(1)
elif value == False:
return self.set_has_bck(0)
raise ValueError, "Invertor: has_bck can only be True or False"
return Cinvertor.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
Return the value of an attribute
#import numpy
if name == 'x':
out = numpy.ones(self.get_nx())
return out
elif name == 'y':
out = numpy.ones(self.get_ny())
return out
elif name == 'err':
out = numpy.ones(self.get_nerr())
return out
elif name == 'd_max':
return self.get_dmax()
elif name == 'q_min':
qmin = self.get_qmin()
if qmin < 0:
return None
return qmin
elif name == 'q_max':
qmax = self.get_qmax()
if qmax < 0:
return None
return qmax
elif name == 'alpha':
return self.get_alpha()
elif name == 'slit_height':
return self.get_slit_height()
elif name == 'slit_width':
return self.get_slit_width()
elif name == 'has_bck':
value = self.get_has_bck()
if value == 1:
return True
return False
elif name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
return None
[docs] def clone(self):
Return a clone of this instance
#import copy
invertor = Invertor()
invertor.chi2 = self.chi2
invertor.elapsed = self.elapsed
invertor.nfunc = self.nfunc
invertor.alpha = self.alpha
invertor.d_max = self.d_max
invertor.q_min = self.q_min
invertor.q_max = self.q_max
invertor.x = self.x
invertor.y = self.y
invertor.err = self.err
invertor.has_bck = self.has_bck
invertor.slit_height = self.slit_height
invertor.slit_width = self.slit_width
invertor.info = copy.deepcopy(self.info)
return invertor
[docs] def invert(self, nfunc=10, nr=20):
Perform inversion to P(r)
The problem is solved by posing the problem as Ax = b,
where x is the set of coefficients we are looking for.
Npts is the number of points.
In the following i refers to the ith base function coefficient.
The matrix has its entries j in its first Npts rows set to ::
A[i][j] = (Fourier transformed base function for point j)
We them choose a number of r-points, n_r, to evaluate the second
derivative of P(r) at. This is used as our regularization term.
For a vector r of length n_r, the following n_r rows are set to ::
A[i+Npts][j] = (2nd derivative of P(r), d**2(P(r))/d(r)**2, evaluated at r[j])
The vector b has its first Npts entries set to ::
b[j] = (I(q) observed for point j)
The following n_r entries are set to zero.
The result is found by using scipy.linalg.basic.lstsq to invert
the matrix and find the coefficients x.
:param nfunc: number of base functions to use.
:param nr: number of r points to evaluate the 2nd derivative at for the reg. term.
:return: c_out, c_cov - the coefficients with covariance matrix
# Reset the background value before proceeding
self.background = 0.0
return self.lstsq(nfunc, nr=nr)
[docs] def iq(self, out, q):
Function to call to evaluate the scattering intensity
:param args: c-parameters, and q
:return: I(q)
return Cinvertor.iq(self, out, q) + self.background
[docs] def invert_optimize(self, nfunc=10, nr=20):
Slower version of the P(r) inversion that uses scipy.optimize.leastsq.
This probably produce more reliable results, but is much slower.
The minimization function is set to
sum_i[ (I_obs(q_i) - I_theo(q_i))/err**2 ] + alpha * reg_term,
where the reg_term is given by Svergun: it is the integral of
the square of the first derivative
of P(r), d(P(r))/dr, integrated over the full range of r.
:param nfunc: number of base functions to use.
:param nr: number of r points to evaluate the 2nd derivative at
for the reg. term.
:return: c_out, c_cov - the coefficients with covariance matrix
self.nfunc = nfunc
# First, check that the current data is valid
if self.is_valid() <= 0:
msg = "Invertor.invert: Data array are of different length"
raise RuntimeError, msg
p = numpy.ones(nfunc)
t_0 = time.time()
out, cov_x, _, _, _ = optimize.leastsq(self.residuals, p, full_output=1)
# Compute chi^2
res = self.residuals(out)
chisqr = 0
for i in range(len(res)):
chisqr += res[i]
self.chi2 = chisqr
# Store computation time
self.elapsed = time.time() - t_0
if cov_x is None:
cov_x = numpy.ones([nfunc, nfunc])
cov_x *= math.fabs(chisqr)
return out, cov_x
[docs] def pr_fit(self, nfunc=5):
This is a direct fit to a given P(r). It assumes that the y data
is set to some P(r) distribution that we are trying to reproduce
with a set of base functions.
This method is provided as a test.
# First, check that the current data is valid
if self.is_valid() <= 0:
msg = "Invertor.invert: Data arrays are of different length"
raise RuntimeError, msg
p = numpy.ones(nfunc)
t_0 = time.time()
out, cov_x, _, _, _ = optimize.leastsq(self.pr_residuals, p, full_output=1)
# Compute chi^2
res = self.pr_residuals(out)
chisqr = 0
for i in range(len(res)):
chisqr += res[i]
self.chisqr = chisqr
# Store computation time
self.elapsed = time.time() - t_0
return out, cov_x
[docs] def pr_err(self, c, c_cov, r):
Returns the value of P(r) for a given r, and base function
coefficients, with error.
:param c: base function coefficients
:param c_cov: covariance matrice of the base function coefficients
:param r: r-value to evaluate P(r) at
:return: P(r)
return self.get_pr_err(c, c_cov, r)
def _accept_q(self, q):
Check q-value against user-defined range
if not self.q_min == None and q < self.q_min:
return False
if not self.q_max == None and q > self.q_max:
return False
return True
[docs] def lstsq(self, nfunc=5, nr=20):
The problem is solved by posing the problem as Ax = b,
where x is the set of coefficients we are looking for.
Npts is the number of points.
In the following i refers to the ith base function coefficient.
The matrix has its entries j in its first Npts rows set to ::
A[i][j] = (Fourier transformed base function for point j)
We them choose a number of r-points, n_r, to evaluate the second
derivative of P(r) at. This is used as our regularization term.
For a vector r of length n_r, the following n_r rows are set to ::
A[i+Npts][j] = (2nd derivative of P(r), d**2(P(r))/d(r)**2,
evaluated at r[j])
The vector b has its first Npts entries set to ::
b[j] = (I(q) observed for point j)
The following n_r entries are set to zero.
The result is found by using scipy.linalg.basic.lstsq to invert
the matrix and find the coefficients x.
:param nfunc: number of base functions to use.
:param nr: number of r points to evaluate the 2nd derivative at for the reg. term.
If the result does not allow us to compute the covariance matrix,
a matrix filled with zeros will be returned.
# Note: To make sure an array is contiguous:
# blah = numpy.ascontiguousarray(blah_original)
# ... before passing it to C
if self.is_valid() < 0:
msg = "Invertor: invalid data; incompatible data lengths."
raise RuntimeError, msg
self.nfunc = nfunc
# a -- An M x N matrix.
# b -- An M x nrhs matrix or M vector.
npts = len(self.x)
nq = nr
sqrt_alpha = math.sqrt(math.fabs(self.alpha))
if sqrt_alpha < 0.0:
nq = 0
# If we need to fit the background, add a term
if self.has_bck == True:
nfunc_0 = nfunc
nfunc += 1
a = numpy.zeros([npts + nq, nfunc])
b = numpy.zeros(npts + nq)
err = numpy.zeros([nfunc, nfunc])
# Construct the a matrix and b vector that represent the problem
t_0 = time.time()
self._get_matrix(nfunc, nq, a, b)
raise RuntimeError, "Invertor: could not invert I(Q)\n %s" % sys.exc_value
# Perform the inversion (least square fit)
c, chi2, _, _ = lstsq(a, b)
# Sanity check
chi2 = -1.0
self.chi2 = chi2
inv_cov = numpy.zeros([nfunc, nfunc])
# Get the covariance matrix, defined as inv_cov = a_transposed * a
self._get_invcov_matrix(nfunc, nr, a, inv_cov)
# Compute the reg term size for the output
sum_sig, sum_reg = self._get_reg_size(nfunc, nr, a)
if math.fabs(self.alpha) > 0:
new_alpha = sum_sig / (sum_reg / self.alpha)
new_alpha = 0.0
self.suggested_alpha = new_alpha
cov = numpy.linalg.pinv(inv_cov)
err = math.fabs(chi2 / float(npts - nfunc)) * cov
# We were not able to estimate the errors
# Return an empty error matrix
# Keep a copy of the last output
if self.has_bck == False:
self.background = 0
self.out = c
self.cov = err
self.background = c[0]
err_0 = numpy.zeros([nfunc, nfunc])
c_0 = numpy.zeros(nfunc)
for i in range(nfunc_0):
c_0[i] = c[i + 1]
for j in range(nfunc_0):
err_0[i][j] = err[i + 1][j + 1]
self.out = c_0
self.cov = err_0
# Store computation time
self.elapsed = time.time() - t_0
return self.out, self.cov
[docs] def estimate_numterms(self, isquit_func=None):
Returns a reasonable guess for the
number of terms
:param isquit_func:
reference to thread function to call to check whether the computation needs to
be stopped.
:return: number of terms, alpha, message
from num_term import NTermEstimator
estimator = NTermEstimator(self.clone())
return estimator.num_terms(isquit_func)
# If we fail, estimate alpha and return the default
# number of terms
best_alpha, _, _ = self.estimate_alpha(self.nfunc)
logging.warning("Invertor.estimate_numterms: %s" % sys.exc_value)
return self.nfunc, best_alpha, "Could not estimate number of terms"
[docs] def estimate_alpha(self, nfunc):
Returns a reasonable guess for the
regularization constant alpha
:param nfunc: number of terms to use in the expansion.
:return: alpha, message, elapsed
where alpha is the estimate for alpha,
message is a message for the user,
elapsed is the computation time
#import time
pr = self.clone()
# T_0 for computation time
starttime = time.time()
elapsed = 0
# If the current alpha is zero, try
# another value
if pr.alpha <= 0:
pr.alpha = 0.0001
# Perform inversion to find the largest alpha
out, _ = pr.invert(nfunc)
elapsed = time.time() - starttime
initial_alpha = pr.alpha
initial_peaks = pr.get_peaks(out)
# Try the inversion with the estimated alpha
pr.alpha = pr.suggested_alpha
out, _ = pr.invert(nfunc)
npeaks = pr.get_peaks(out)
# if more than one peak to start with
# just return the estimate
if npeaks > 1:
#message = "Your P(r) is not smooth,
#please check your inversion parameters"
message = None
return pr.suggested_alpha, message, elapsed
# Look at smaller values
# We assume that for the suggested alpha, we have 1 peak
# if not, send a message to change parameters
alpha = pr.suggested_alpha
best_alpha = pr.suggested_alpha
found = False
for i in range(10):
pr.alpha = (0.33) ** (i + 1) * alpha
out, _ = pr.invert(nfunc)
peaks = pr.get_peaks(out)
if peaks > 1:
found = True
best_alpha = pr.alpha
# If we didn't find a turning point for alpha and
# the initial alpha already had only one peak,
# just return that
if not found and initial_peaks == 1 and \
initial_alpha < best_alpha:
best_alpha = initial_alpha
# Check whether the size makes sense
message = ''
if not found:
message = None
elif best_alpha >= 0.5 * pr.suggested_alpha:
# best alpha is too big, return a
# reasonable value
message = "The estimated alpha for your system is too "
message += "large. "
message += "Try increasing your maximum distance."
return best_alpha, message, elapsed
message = "Invertor.estimate_alpha: %s" % sys.exc_value
return 0, message, elapsed
[docs] def to_file(self, path, npts=100):
Save the state to a file that will be readable
by SliceView.
:param path: path of the file to write
:param npts: number of P(r) points to be written
file = open(path, 'w')
file.write("#d_max=%g\n" % self.d_max)
file.write("#nfunc=%g\n" % self.nfunc)
file.write("#alpha=%g\n" % self.alpha)
file.write("#chi2=%g\n" % self.chi2)
file.write("#elapsed=%g\n" % self.elapsed)
file.write("#qmin=%s\n" % str(self.q_min))
file.write("#qmax=%s\n" % str(self.q_max))
file.write("#slit_height=%g\n" % self.slit_height)
file.write("#slit_width=%g\n" % self.slit_width)
file.write("#background=%g\n" % self.background)
if self.has_bck == True:
file.write("#alpha_estimate=%g\n" % self.suggested_alpha)
if not self.out == None:
if len(self.out) == len(self.cov):
for i in range(len(self.out)):
file.write("#C_%i=%s+-%s\n" % (i, str(self.out[i]),
file.write("<r> <Pr> <dPr>\n")
r = numpy.arange(0.0, self.d_max, self.d_max / npts)
for r_i in r:
(value, err) = self.pr_err(self.out, self.cov, r_i)
file.write("%g %g %g\n" % (r_i, value, err))
[docs] def from_file(self, path):
Load the state of the Invertor from a file,
to be able to generate P(r) from a set of
:param path: path of the file to load
#import os
#import re
if os.path.isfile(path):
fd = open(path, 'r')
buff = fd.read()
lines = buff.split('\n')
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('#d_max='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.d_max = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#nfunc='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.nfunc = int(toks[1])
self.out = numpy.zeros(self.nfunc)
self.cov = numpy.zeros([self.nfunc, self.nfunc])
elif line.startswith('#alpha='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.alpha = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#chi2='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.chi2 = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#elapsed='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.elapsed = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#alpha_estimate='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.suggested_alpha = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#qmin='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.q_min = float(toks[1])
self.q_min = None
elif line.startswith('#qmax='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.q_max = float(toks[1])
self.q_max = None
elif line.startswith('#slit_height='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.slit_height = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#slit_width='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.slit_width = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#background='):
toks = line.split('=')
self.background = float(toks[1])
elif line.startswith('#has_bck='):
toks = line.split('=')
if int(toks[1]) == 1:
self.has_bck = True
self.has_bck = False
# Now read in the parameters
elif line.startswith('#C_'):
toks = line.split('=')
p = re.compile('#C_([0-9]+)')
m = p.search(toks[0])
toks2 = toks[1].split('+-')
i = int(m.group(1))
self.out[i] = float(toks2[0])
self.cov[i][i] = float(toks2[1])
msg = "Invertor.from_file: corrupted file\n%s" % sys.exc_value
raise RuntimeError, msg
msg = "Invertor.from_file: '%s' is not a file" % str(path)
raise RuntimeError, msg