Source code for sas.sasgui.guiframe.CategoryInstaller
Class for making sure all category stuff is installed
and works fine.
Copyright (c) Institut Laue-Langevin 2012
@modified by NIST/MD sasview team
import os
import sys
import json
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
USER_FILE = 'categories.json'
[docs]class CategoryInstaller:
Class for making sure all category stuff is installed
Note - class is entirely static!
def __init__(self):
""" initialization """
def _get_installed_model_dir():
returns the dir where installed_models.txt should be
import sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers
return sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.get_data_path()
def _get_models_py_dir():
returns the dir where should be
import sas.sasgui.perspectives.fitting.models
return sas.sasgui.perspectives.fitting.models.get_model_python_path()
def _get_default_cat_file_dir():
returns the dir where default_cat.j should be
# The default categories file is usually found with the code, except
# when deploying using py2app (it will be in Contents/Resources), or
# py2exe (it will be in the exec dir).
import sas.sasview
cat_file = "default_categories.json"
possible_cat_file_paths = [
os.path.join(os.path.split(sas.sasview.__file__)[0], cat_file), # Source
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), '..', 'Resources', cat_file), # Mac
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), cat_file) # Windows
for path in possible_cat_file_paths:
if os.path.isfile(path):
return os.path.dirname(path)
raise RuntimeError('CategoryInstaller: Could not find folder containing default categories')
def _get_home_dir():
returns the users sasview config dir
return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".sasview")
def _regenerate_model_dict(master_category_dict):
regenerates self.by_model_dict which has each model name as the key
and the list of categories belonging to that model
along with the enabled mapping
returns tuplet (by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict)
by_model_dict = defaultdict(list)
model_enabled_dict = defaultdict(bool)
for category in master_category_dict:
for (model, enabled) in master_category_dict[category]:
model_enabled_dict[model] = enabled
return (by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict)
def _regenerate_master_dict(by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict):
regenerates master_category_dict from by_model_dict
and model_enabled_dict
returns the master category dictionary
master_category_dict = defaultdict(list)
for model in by_model_dict:
for category in by_model_dict[model]:
(model, model_enabled_dict[model]))
return OrderedDict(sorted(master_category_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
[docs] def get_user_file():
returns the user data file, eg .sasview/categories.json.json
return os.path.join(CategoryInstaller._get_home_dir(), USER_FILE)
[docs] def get_default_file():
logging.warning("CategoryInstaller.get_default_file is deprecated.")
[docs] def check_install(homedir = None, model_list=None):
the main method of this class
makes sure categories.json exists and if not
compile it and install
:param homefile: Override the default home directory
:param model_list: List of model names except those in Plugin Models
which are user supplied.
_model_dict = { model for model in model_list}
_model_list = _model_dict.keys()
serialized_file = None
if homedir == None:
serialized_file = CategoryInstaller.get_user_file()
serialized_file = os.path.join(homedir, USER_FILE)
if os.path.isfile(serialized_file):
with open(serialized_file, 'rb') as f:
master_category_dict = json.load(f)
master_category_dict = defaultdict(list)
(by_model_dict, model_enabled_dict) = \
add_list = _model_list
del_name = False
for cat in master_category_dict.keys():
for ind in range(len(master_category_dict[cat])):
model_name, enabled = master_category_dict[cat][ind]
if model_name not in _model_list:
del_name = True
logging.error("CategoryInstaller: %s", sys.exc_value)
if del_name or (len(add_list) > 0):
for model in add_list:
model_enabled_dict[model]= True
if _model_dict[model].category is None or len(str(_model_dict[model].category.capitalize())) == 0:
category = _model_dict[model].category
toks = category.split(':')
category = toks[-1]
toks = category.split('-')
capitalized_words = [t.capitalize() for t in toks]
category = ' '.join(capitalized_words)
master_category_dict = \
json.dump(master_category_dict, open(serialized_file, 'wb'))