Source code for sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_statusbar

Defines and draws the status bar that should appear along the bottom of the
main SasView window.
import wx
import sys
import logging
import datetime
from wx import StatusBar as wxStatusB
from wx.lib import newevent
import wx.richtext
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ICON

# Number of fields on the status bar
#position of the status bar's fields

if sys.platform.count("win32") > 0:

GREEN = wx.Colour(95, 190, 95)
YELLOW = wx.Colour(247, 214, 49)
RED = wx.Colour(234, 89, 78)

[docs]class ConsolePanel(wx.Panel): """ Interaction class for adding messages to the Console log. """ def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kwargs) self.parent = parent self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.msg_txt = wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl(self, size=(CONSOLE_WIDTH-40, CONSOLE_HEIGHT-60), style=wx.VSCROLL|wx.HSCROLL|wx.NO_BORDER) self.msg_txt.SetEditable(False) timestamp = status = '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} : No message available'.format(timestamp) self.msg_txt.SetValue(status) self.sizer.Add(self.msg_txt, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
[docs] def set_message(self, status="", event=None): """ Adds a message to the console log as well as the main sasview.log :param status: A status message to be sent to the console log. :param event: A wx event. """ status = str(status) if status.strip() == "": return # Add timestamp timestamp = status = '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} : '.format(timestamp) + status color = (0, 0, 0) #black icon_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_INFORMATION, wx.ART_TOOLBAR) if hasattr(event, "info"): icon_type = if icon_type == "warning": logging.warning(status) color = (0, 0, 255) # blue icon_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_WARNING, wx.ART_TOOLBAR) if icon_type == "error": logging.error(status) color = (255, 0, 0) # red icon_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_ERROR, wx.ART_TOOLBAR) if icon_type == "info": icon_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_INFORMATION, wx.ART_TOOLBAR) self.msg_txt.Newline() self.msg_txt.WriteBitmap(icon_bmp) self.msg_txt.BeginTextColour(color) self.msg_txt.WriteText("\t") self.msg_txt.AppendText(status) self.msg_txt.EndTextColour()
[docs]class Console(wx.Frame): """ The main class defining the Console window. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, status="", *args, **kwds): kwds["size"] = (CONSOLE_WIDTH, CONSOLE_HEIGHT) kwds["title"] = "Console" wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kwds) self.SetWindowVariant(FONT_VARIANT) self.panel = ConsolePanel(self) self.panel.set_message(status=status) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.Close)
[docs] def set_multiple_messages(self, messages=[]): """ Method to send an arbitrary number of messages to the console log :param messages: A list of strings to be sent to the console log. """ if messages: for status in messages: self.panel.set_message(status=status)
[docs] def set_message(self, status, event=None): """ Exposing the base ConsolePanel set_message :param status: A status message to be sent to the console log. :param event: A wx event. """ self.panel.set_message(status=str(status), event=event)
[docs] def Close(self, event): """ Calling close on the panel will hide the panel. :param event: A wx event. """ self.Hide()
[docs]class StatusBar(wxStatusB): """ Application status bar """ def __init__(self, parent, id): wxStatusB.__init__(self, parent, id) self.parent = parent self.parent.SetStatusBarPane(MSG_POSITION) #Layout of status bar width = STATUS_BAR_ICON_SIZE height = STATUS_BAR_ICON_SIZE self.SetFieldsCount(NB_FIELDS) # Leave some space for the resize handle in the last field console_btn_width = 80 self.SetStatusWidths([width+4, -2, -1, width+console_btn_width]) self.SetMinHeight(height + 10) #display default message self.msg_position = MSG_POSITION # Create progress bar gauge_width = 5 * width self.gauge = wx.Gauge(self, size=(gauge_width, height), style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL) self.gauge.Hide() # Create status bar icon reflecting the type of status # for the last message self.status_color = wx.StaticText(self, id=wx.NewId(), label=" ", size=wx.Size(15, 15)) self.status_color.SetBackgroundColour(GREEN) self.status_color.SetForegroundColour(GREEN) # Create the button used to show the console dialog self.console_button = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Console", size=(console_btn_width, -1)) font = self.console_button.GetFont() _, pixel_h = font.GetPixelSize() font.SetPixelSize(wx.Size(0, int(pixel_h*0.9))) self.console_button.SetFont(font) self.console_button.SetToolTipString("History of status bar messages") self.console_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._onMonitor, id=self.console_button.GetId()) self.reposition() ## Current progress value of the bar self.nb_start = 0 self.nb_progress = 0 self.nb_stop = 0 self.frame = None self.list_msg = [] self.frame = Console(parent=self) if hasattr(self.frame, "IsIconized"): if not self.frame.IsIconized(): try: icon = self.parent.GetIcon() self.frame.SetIcon(icon) except: try: FRAME_ICON = wx.Icon(GUIFRAME_ICON.FRAME_ICON_PATH, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.frame.SetIcon(FRAME_ICON) except: pass self.frame.set_multiple_messages(self.list_msg) self.frame.Hide() self.progress = 0 self.timer = wx.Timer(self, -1) self.timer_stop = wx.Timer(self, -1) self.thread = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self._on_time, self.timer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self._on_time_stop, self.timer_stop) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.on_size) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.on_idle)
[docs] def reposition(self): """ Place the various fields in their proper position """ rect = self.GetFieldRect(GAUGE_POSITION) self.gauge.SetPosition((rect.x, rect.y)) rect = self.GetFieldRect(ICON_POSITION) self.status_color.SetPosition((rect.x, rect.y)) rect = self.GetFieldRect(CONSOLE_POSITION) self.console_button.SetPosition((rect.x, rect.y)) self.size_changed = False
[docs] def on_idle(self, event): """ When the window is idle, check if the window has been resized """ if self.size_changed: self.reposition()
[docs] def on_size(self, evt): """ If the window is resized, redraw the window. """ self.reposition() self.size_changed = True
[docs] def get_msg_position(self): """ Get the last known message that was displayed on the console window. """ return self.msg_position
[docs] def SetStatusText(self, text="", number=MSG_POSITION, event=None): """ Set the text that will be displayed in the status bar. """ wxStatusB.SetStatusText(self, text.split('\n', 1)[0], number) self.list_msg.append(text) self.status_color.SetBackgroundColour(GREEN) self.status_color.SetForegroundColour(GREEN) if self.frame is not None: self.frame.set_message(status=text, event=event)
[docs] def PopStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ Override status bar """ wxStatusB.PopStatusText(self, field=MSG_POSITION)
[docs] def PushStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ PushStatusText """ text = "PushStatusText: What is this string?" wxStatusB.PushStatusText(self, field=MSG_POSITION, string=text)
[docs] def enable_clear_gauge(self): """ clear the progress bar """ flag = True # Why we do this? #if (self.nb_start <= self.nb_stop) or \ # (self.nb_progress <= self.nb_stop): # flag = True return flag
def _on_time_stop(self, evt): """ Clear the progress bar :param evt: wx.EVT_TIMER """ count = 0 while count <= 100: count += 1 self.timer_stop.Stop() self.clear_gauge(msg="") self.nb_progress = 0 self.nb_start = 0 self.nb_stop = 0 def _on_time(self, evt): """ Update the progress bar while the timer is running :param evt: wx.EVT_TIMER """ # Check stop flag that can be set from non main thread if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.gauge.Pulse()
[docs] def clear_gauge(self, msg=""): """ Hide the gauge """ self.progress = 0 self.gauge.SetValue(0) self.gauge.Hide()
[docs] def set_icon(self, event): """ Display icons related to the type of message sent to the statusbar when available. No icon is displayed if the message is empty """ if hasattr(event, "status"): status = str(event.status) if status.strip() == "": return else: return if not hasattr(event, "info"): return # Get the size of the button images height = STATUS_BAR_ICON_SIZE msg = if msg == "warning": self.status_color.SetBackgroundColour(YELLOW) self.status_color.SetForegroundColour(YELLOW) elif msg == "error": self.status_color.SetBackgroundColour(RED) self.status_color.SetForegroundColour(RED) else: self.status_color.SetBackgroundColour(GREEN) self.status_color.SetForegroundColour(GREEN)
[docs] def set_dialog(self, event): """ Display dialogbox """ if not hasattr(event, "info"): return msg = if msg == "error": e_msg = "Error(s) Occurred:\n" e_msg += "\t" + event.status + "\n\n" e_msg += "Further information might be available in " e_msg += "the Console log (bottom right corner)." wx.MessageBox(e_msg, style=wx.ICON_ERROR)
[docs] def set_message(self, event): """ display received message on the statusbar """ if hasattr(event, "status"): self.SetStatusText(text=str(event.status), event=event)
[docs] def set_gauge(self, event): """ change the state of the gauge according the state of the current job """ if not hasattr(event, "type"): return type = event.type self.gauge.Show(True) if type.lower() == "start": self.nb_start += 1 #self.timer.Stop() self.progress += 5 self.gauge.SetValue(int(self.progress)) self.progress += 5 if self.progress < self.gauge.GetRange() - 20: self.gauge.SetValue(int(self.progress)) if type.lower() == "progress": self.nb_progress += 1 self.timer.Start(1) self.gauge.Pulse() if type.lower() == "update": self.progress += 5 if self.progress < self.gauge.GetRange()- 20: self.gauge.SetValue(int(self.progress)) if type.lower() == "stop": self.nb_stop += 1 self.gauge.Show(True) if self.enable_clear_gauge(): self.timer.Stop() self.progress = 0 self.gauge.SetValue(100) self.timer_stop.Start(5)
[docs] def set_status(self, event): """ Update the status bar . :param type: type of message send. type must be in ["start","progress","update","stop"] :param msg: the message itself as string :param thread: if updatting using a thread status """ self.set_message(event=event) self.set_icon(event=event) self.set_gauge(event=event) # dialog on error self.set_dialog(event=event)
def _onMonitor(self, event): """ Pop up a frame with messages sent to the status bar """ self.frame.Show(False) self.frame.Show(True)
[docs]class SPageStatusbar(wxStatusB): def __init__(self, parent, timeout=None, *args, **kwds): wxStatusB.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) self.SetFieldsCount(1) self.timeout = timeout width, height = parent.GetSizeTuple() self.gauge = wx.Gauge(self, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL, size=(width, height/10)) rect = self.GetFieldRect(0) self.gauge.SetPosition((rect.x , rect.y )) if self.timeout is not None: self.gauge.SetRange(int(self.timeout)) self.timer = wx.Timer(self, -1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self._on_time, self.timer) self.timer.Start(1) self.pos = 0 def _on_time(self, evt): """ Update the progress bar while the timer is running :param evt: wx.EVT_TIMER """ # Check stop flag that can be set from non main thread if self.timeout is None and self.timer.IsRunning(): self.gauge.Pulse()
if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = wx.Frame(None, wx.ID_ANY, 'test frame') #statusBar = StatusBar(frame, wx.ID_ANY) statusBar = SPageStatusbar(frame) frame.SetStatusBar(statusBar) frame.Show(True) #event = MessageEvent() #event.type = "progress" #event.status = "statusbar...." = "error" #statusBar.set_status(event=event) app.MainLoop()