Source code for sas.sasgui.perspectives.calculator

PLUGIN_ID = "Calculator plug-in 1.0"
import os
from distutils.filelist import findall
from calculator import *
N_DIR = 12
[docs]def get_data_path(media): """ """ # Check for data path in the package path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), media) if os.path.isdir(path): return path # Check for data path next to exe/zip file. # If we are inside a py2exe zip file, we need to go up # two levels to get to the directory containing the exe # We will check if the exe and the xsf are in the same # directory. path = os.path.dirname(__file__) #Look for maximum n_dir up of the current dir to find media #for i in range(n_dir): i = 0 while(i < N_DIR): path, _ = os.path.split(path) media_path = os.path.join(path, media) if os.path.isdir(media_path): module_media_path = os.path.join(media_path,'calculator_%s'% media) if os.path.isdir(module_media_path): return module_media_path return media_path i += 1 raise RuntimeError('Could not find calculator media files')
[docs]def data_files(): """ Return the data files associated with media calculator. The format is a list of (directory, [files...]) pairs which can be used directly in setup(...,data_files=...) for """ data_files = [] path = get_data_path(media="media") for f in findall(path): data_files.append(('media/calculator_media', [f])) return data_files