Source code for

#This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the
#Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE)
#project funded by the US National Science Foundation.
#See the license text in license.txt
#copyright 2009, University of Tennessee

Dialog panel to explore the P(r) inversion results for a range
of D_max value. User picks a number of points and a range of
distances, then can toggle between inversion outputs and see
their distribution as a function of D_max.

import wx
import numpy
import logging
import sys

# Avoid Matplotlib complaining about the lack of legend on the plot
import warnings

# Import plotting classes
from sas.sasgui.plottools.PlotPanel import PlotPanel
from sas.sasgui.plottools import Data1D as Model1D
from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ID
from sas.sasgui.plottools.plottables import Graph

from pr_widgets import PrTextCtrl

# Default number of points on the output plot
# Default output parameter to plot

[docs]class OutputPlot(PlotPanel): """ Plot panel used to show the selected results as a function of D_max """ ## Title for plottools window_caption = "D Explorer" def __init__(self, d_min, d_max, parent, id= -1, color=None, \ dpi=None, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, **kwargs): """ Initialization. The parameters added to PlotPanel are: :param d_min: Minimum value of D_max to explore :param d_max: Maximum value of D_max to explore """ PlotPanel.__init__(self, parent, id=id, style=style, **kwargs) self.parent = parent self.min = d_min self.max = d_max self.npts = DEFAULT_NPTS step = (self.max - self.min) / (self.npts - 1) self.x = numpy.arange(self.min, self.max + step * 0.01, step) dx = numpy.zeros(len(self.x)) y = numpy.ones(len(self.x)) dy = numpy.zeros(len(self.x)) # Plot area self.plot = Model1D(self.x, y=y, dy=dy) = DEFAULT_OUTPUT self.plot.symbol = GUIFRAME_ID.CURVE_SYMBOL_NUM # Graph self.graph = Graph() self.graph.xaxis("\\rm{D_{max}}", 'A') self.graph.yaxis("\\rm{%s}" % DEFAULT_OUTPUT, "") self.graph.add(self.plot) self.graph.render(self) self.toolbar.DeleteToolByPos(0) self.toolbar.DeleteToolByPos(8) self.toolbar.Realize()
[docs] def onContextMenu(self, event): """ Default context menu for the plot panel :TODO: Would be nice to add printing and log/linear scales. The current verison of plottools no longer plays well with plots outside of guiframe. Guiframe team needs to fix this. """ # Slicer plot popup menu wx_id = wx.NewId() slicerpop = wx.Menu() slicerpop.Append(wx_id, '&Save image', 'Save image as PNG') wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx_id, self.onSaveImage) wx_id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.AppendSeparator() slicerpop.Append(wx_id, '&Reset Graph') wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx_id, self.onResetGraph) pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) self.PopupMenu(slicerpop, pos)
[docs]class Results(object): """ Class to hold the inversion output parameters as a function of D_max """ def __init__(self): """ Initialization. Create empty arrays and dictionary of labels. """ # Array of output for each inversion self.chi2 = [] self.osc = [] self.pos = [] self.pos_err = [] self.rg = [] self.iq0 = [] self.bck = [] self.d_max = [] # Dictionary of outputs self.outputs = {} self.outputs['Chi2/dof'] = ["\chi^2/dof", "a.u.", self.chi2] self.outputs['Oscillation parameter'] = ["Osc", "a.u.", self.osc] self.outputs['Positive fraction'] = ["P^+", "a.u.", self.pos] self.outputs['1-sigma positive fraction'] = ["P^+_{1\ \sigma}", "a.u.", self.pos_err] self.outputs['Rg'] = ["R_g", "A", self.rg] self.outputs['I(q=0)'] = ["I(q=0)", "1/A", self.iq0] self.outputs['Background'] = ["Bck", "1/A", self.bck]
[docs]class ExploreDialog(wx.Dialog): """ The explorer dialog box. This dialog is meant to be invoked by the InversionControl class. """ def __init__(self, pr_state, nfunc, *args, **kwds): """ Initialization. The parameters added to Dialog are: :param pr_state: object :param nfunc: Number of terms in the expansion """ kwds["style"] = wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE wx.Dialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) # Initialize Results object self.results = Results() self.pr_state = pr_state self._default_min = 0.9 * self.pr_state.d_max self._default_max = 1.1 * self.pr_state.d_max self.nfunc = nfunc # Control for number of points self.npts_ctl = PrTextCtrl(self, -1, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, size=(60, 20)) # Control for the minimum value of D_max self.dmin_ctl = PrTextCtrl(self, -1, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, size=(60, 20)) # Control for the maximum value of D_max self.dmax_ctl = PrTextCtrl(self, -1, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, size=(60, 20)) # Output selection box for the y axis self.output_box = None # Create the plot object self.plotpanel = OutputPlot(self._default_min, self._default_max, self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) # Create the layout of the dialog self.__do_layout() self.Fit() # Calculate exploration results self._recalc() # Graph the default output curve self._plot_output()
[docs] class Event(object): """ Class that holds the content of the form """ ## Number of points to be plotted npts = 0 ## Minimum value of D_max dmin = 0 ## Maximum value of D_max dmax = 0
def _get_values(self, event=None): """ Invoked when the user changes a value of the form. Check that the values are of the right type. :return: ExploreDialog.Event object if the content is good, None otherwise """ # Flag to make sure that all values are good flag = True # Empty ExploreDialog.Event content content_event = self.Event() # Read each text control and make sure the type is valid # Let the user know if a type is invalid by changing the # background color of the control. try: content_event.npts = int(self.npts_ctl.GetValue()) self.npts_ctl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.npts_ctl.Refresh() except: flag = False self.npts_ctl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.npts_ctl.Refresh() try: content_event.dmin = float(self.dmin_ctl.GetValue()) self.dmin_ctl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.dmin_ctl.Refresh() except: flag = False self.dmin_ctl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.dmin_ctl.Refresh() try: content_event.dmax = float(self.dmax_ctl.GetValue()) self.dmax_ctl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.dmax_ctl.Refresh() except: flag = False self.dmax_ctl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.dmax_ctl.Refresh() # If the content of the form is valid, return the content, # otherwise return None if flag: if event is not None: event.Skip(True) return content_event else: return None def _plot_output(self, event=None): """ Invoked when a new output type is selected for plotting, or when a new computation is finished. """ # Get the output type selection output_type = self.output_box.GetString(self.output_box.GetSelection()) # If the selected output type is part of the results ojbect, # display the results. # Note: by design, the output type should always be part of the # results object. if self.results.outputs.has_key(output_type): self.plotpanel.plot.x = self.results.d_max self.plotpanel.plot.y = self.results.outputs[output_type][2] = '_nolegend_' y_label = "\\rm{%s}" % self.results.outputs[output_type][0] self.plotpanel.graph.yaxis(y_label, self.results.outputs[output_type][1]) # Redraw self.plotpanel.graph.render(self.plotpanel) self.plotpanel.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() else: msg = "ExploreDialog: the Results object's dictionary " msg += "does not contain " msg += "the [%s] output type. This must be indicative of " msg += "a change in the " % str(output_type) msg += "ExploreDialog code." logging.error(msg) def __do_layout(self): """ Do the layout of the dialog """ # Dialog box properties self.SetTitle("D_max Explorer") self.SetSize((600, 595)) sizer_main = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer_button = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_params = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) iy = 0 ix = 0 label_npts = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Npts") sizer_params.Add(label_npts, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 sizer_params.Add(self.npts_ctl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) self.npts_ctl.SetValue("%g" % DEFAULT_NPTS) ix += 1 label_dmin = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Min Distance [A]") sizer_params.Add(label_dmin, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 sizer_params.Add(self.dmin_ctl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) self.dmin_ctl.SetValue(str(self._default_min)) ix += 1 label_dmax = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Max Distance [A]") sizer_params.Add(label_dmax, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 sizer_params.Add(self.dmax_ctl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) self.dmax_ctl.SetValue(str(self._default_max)) # Ouput selection box selection_msg = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Select a dependent variable:") self.output_box = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) for item in self.results.outputs.keys(): self.output_box.Append(item, "") self.output_box.SetStringSelection(DEFAULT_OUTPUT) output_sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) output_sizer.Add(selection_msg, (0, 0), (1, 1), wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) output_sizer.Add(self.output_box, (0, 1), (1, 2), wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.output_box, -1, self._plot_output) sizer_main.Add(output_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) sizer_main.Add(self.plotpanel, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) sizer_main.SetItemMinSize(self.plotpanel, 400, 400) sizer_main.Add(sizer_params, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 10) static_line_3 = wx.StaticLine(self, -1) sizer_main.Add(static_line_3, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0) # Bottom area with the close button sizer_button.Add((20, 20), 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) button_OK = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "Close") sizer_button.Add(button_OK, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) sizer_main.Add(sizer_button, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.BOTTOM | wx.TOP, 10) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizer(sizer_main) self.Layout() self.Centre() # Bind the Enter key to recalculation self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self._recalc)
[docs] def set_plot_unfocus(self): """ Not implemented """ pass
[docs] def send_focus_to_datapanel(self, name): """ The GUI manager sometimes calls this method TODO: refactor this """ pass
def _recalc(self, event=None): """ Invoked when the user changed a value on the form. Process the form and compute the output to be plottted. """ # Get the content of the form content = self._get_values() # If the content of the form is invalid, return and do nothing if content is None: return # Results object to store the computation outputs. results = Results() # Loop over d_max values for i in range(content.npts): temp = (content.dmax - content.dmin) / (content.npts - 1.0) d = content.dmin + i * temp self.pr_state.d_max = d try: out, cov = self.pr_state.invert(self.nfunc) # Store results iq0 = self.pr_state.iq0(out) rg = self.pr_state.rg(out) pos = self.pr_state.get_positive(out) pos_err = self.pr_state.get_pos_err(out, cov) osc = self.pr_state.oscillations(out) results.d_max.append(self.pr_state.d_max) results.bck.append(self.pr_state.background) results.chi2.append(self.pr_state.chi2) results.iq0.append(iq0) results.rg.append(rg) results.pos.append(pos) results.pos_err.append(pos_err) results.osc.append(osc) except: # This inversion failed, skip this D_max value msg = "ExploreDialog: inversion failed " msg += "for D_max=%s\n%s" % (str(d), sys.exc_value) logging.error(msg) self.results = results # Plot the selected output self._plot_output()