This is the base file reader class most file readers should inherit from.
All generic functionality required for a file loader/reader is built into this
import os
import sys
import math
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from .loader_exceptions import NoKnownLoaderException, FileContentsException,\
DataReaderException, DefaultReaderException
from .data_info import Data1D, Data2D, DataInfo, plottable_1D, plottable_2D,\
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
def decode(s):
return s
[docs] def decode(s):
return s.decode() if isinstance(s, bytes) else s
# Data 1D fields for iterative purposes
FIELDS_1D = ('x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy', 'dxl', 'dxw')
# Data 2D fields for iterative purposes
FIELDS_2D = ('data', 'qx_data', 'qy_data', 'q_data', 'err_data',
'dqx_data', 'dqy_data', 'mask')
DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = ("\rThe extension of this file suggests the data set migh"
"t not be fully reduced. Support for the reader associat"
"ed with this file type has been removed. An attempt to "
"load the file was made, but, should it be successful, "
"SasView cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data.")
[docs]class FileReader(object):
# String to describe the type of data this reader can load
type_name = "ASCII"
# Wildcards to display
type = ["Text files (*.txt|*.TXT)"]
# List of allowed extensions
ext = ['.txt']
# Deprecated extensions
deprecated_extensions = ['.asc', '.nxs']
# Bypass extension check and try to load anyway
allow_all = False
# Able to import the unit converter
has_converter = True
# Default value of zero
_ZERO = 1e-16
def __init__(self):
# List of Data1D and Data2D objects to be sent back to data_loader
self.output = []
# Current plottable_(1D/2D) object being loaded in
self.current_dataset = None
# Current DataInfo object being loaded in
self.current_datainfo = None
# File path sent to reader
self.filepath = None
# Open file handle
self.f_open = None
[docs] def read(self, filepath):
Basic file reader
:param filepath: The full or relative path to a file to be loaded
self.filepath = filepath
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))
self.extension = extension.lower()
# If the file type is not allowed, return nothing
if self.extension in self.ext or self.allow_all:
# Try to load the file, but raise an error if unable to.
self.f_open = open(filepath, 'rb')
except DataReaderException as e:
except OSError as e:
# If the file cannot be opened
msg = "Unable to open file: {}\n".format(filepath)
msg += e.message
# Close the file handle if it is open
if not self.f_open.closed:
if any(filepath.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in
if len(self.output) > 0:
# Sort the data that's been loaded
msg = "Unable to find file at: {}\n".format(filepath)
msg += "Please check your file path and try again."
# Return a list of parsed entries that data_loader can manage
final_data = self.output
return final_data
[docs] def reset_state(self):
Resets the class state to a base case when loading a new data file so previous
data files do not appear a second time
self.current_datainfo = None
self.current_dataset = None
self.filepath = None
self.ind = None
self.output = []
[docs] def nextline(self):
Returns the next line in the file as a string.
#return self.f_open.readline()
return decode(self.f_open.readline())
[docs] def nextlines(self):
Returns the next line in the file as a string.
for line in self.f_open:
#yield line
yield decode(line)
[docs] def readall(self):
Returns the entire file as a string.
#return self.f_open.read()
return decode(self.f_open.read())
[docs] def handle_error_message(self, msg):
Generic error handler to add an error to the current datainfo to
propagate the error up the error chain.
:param msg: Error message
if len(self.output) > 0:
elif isinstance(self.current_datainfo, DataInfo):
raise NoKnownLoaderException(msg)
[docs] def send_to_output(self):
Helper that automatically combines the info and set and then appends it
to output
data_obj = combine_data_info_with_plottable(self.current_dataset,
[docs] def sort_one_d_data(self):
Sort 1D data along the X axis for consistency
for data in self.output:
if isinstance(data, Data1D):
# Normalize the units for
data.x_unit = self.format_unit(data.x_unit)
data.y_unit = self.format_unit(data.y_unit)
# Sort data by increasing x and remove 1st point
ind = np.lexsort((data.y, data.x))
data.x = self._reorder_1d_array(data.x, ind)
data.y = self._reorder_1d_array(data.y, ind)
if data.dx is not None:
if len(data.dx) == 0:
data.dx = None
data.dx = self._reorder_1d_array(data.dx, ind)
if data.dxl is not None:
data.dxl = self._reorder_1d_array(data.dxl, ind)
if data.dxw is not None:
data.dxw = self._reorder_1d_array(data.dxw, ind)
if data.dy is not None:
if len(data.dy) == 0:
data.dy = None
data.dy = self._reorder_1d_array(data.dy, ind)
if data.lam is not None:
data.lam = self._reorder_1d_array(data.lam, ind)
if data.dlam is not None:
data.dlam = self._reorder_1d_array(data.dlam, ind)
data = self._remove_nans_in_data(data)
if len(data.x) > 0:
data.xmin = np.min(data.x)
data.xmax = np.max(data.x)
data.ymin = np.min(data.y)
data.ymax = np.max(data.y)
def _reorder_1d_array(array, ind):
Reorders a 1D array based on the indices passed as ind
:param array: Array to be reordered
:param ind: Indices used to reorder array
:return: reordered array
array = np.asarray(array, dtype=np.float64)
return array[ind]
def _remove_nans_in_data(data):
Remove data points where nan is loaded
:param data: 1D or 2D data object
:return: data with nan points removed
if isinstance(data, Data1D):
fields = FIELDS_1D
elif isinstance(data, Data2D):
fields = FIELDS_2D
return data
# Make array of good points - all others will be removed
good = np.isfinite(getattr(data, fields[0]))
for name in fields[1:]:
array = getattr(data, name)
if array is not None:
# Update good points only if not already changed
good &= np.isfinite(array)
if not np.all(good):
for name in fields:
array = getattr(data, name)
if array is not None:
setattr(data, name, array[good])
return data
[docs] def sort_two_d_data(self):
for dataset in self.output:
if isinstance(dataset, Data2D):
# Normalize the units for
dataset.x_unit = self.format_unit(dataset.Q_unit)
dataset.y_unit = self.format_unit(dataset.I_unit)
dataset.data = dataset.data.astype(np.float64)
dataset.qx_data = dataset.qx_data.astype(np.float64)
dataset.xmin = np.min(dataset.qx_data)
dataset.xmax = np.max(dataset.qx_data)
dataset.qy_data = dataset.qy_data.astype(np.float64)
dataset.ymin = np.min(dataset.qy_data)
dataset.ymax = np.max(dataset.qy_data)
dataset.q_data = np.sqrt(dataset.qx_data * dataset.qx_data
+ dataset.qy_data * dataset.qy_data)
if dataset.err_data is not None:
dataset.err_data = dataset.err_data.astype(np.float64)
if dataset.dqx_data is not None:
dataset.dqx_data = dataset.dqx_data.astype(np.float64)
if dataset.dqy_data is not None:
dataset.dqy_data = dataset.dqy_data.astype(np.float64)
if dataset.mask is not None:
dataset.mask = dataset.mask.astype(dtype=bool)
if len(dataset.data.shape) == 2:
n_rows, n_cols = dataset.data.shape
dataset.y_bins = dataset.qy_data[0::int(n_cols)]
dataset.x_bins = dataset.qx_data[:int(n_cols)]
dataset.data = dataset.data.flatten()
dataset = self._remove_nans_in_data(dataset)
if len(dataset.data) > 0:
dataset.xmin = np.min(dataset.qx_data)
dataset.xmax = np.max(dataset.qx_data)
dataset.ymin = np.min(dataset.qy_data)
dataset.ymax = np.max(dataset.qx_data)
[docs] def set_all_to_none(self):
Set all mutable values to None for error handling purposes
self.current_dataset = None
self.current_datainfo = None
self.output = []
[docs] def data_cleanup(self):
Clean up the data sets and refresh everything
:return: None
self.send_to_output() # Combine datasets with DataInfo
self.current_datainfo = DataInfo() # Reset DataInfo
[docs] def remove_empty_q_values(self):
Remove any point where Q == 0
if isinstance(self.current_dataset, plottable_1D):
# Booleans for resolutions
has_error_dx = self.current_dataset.dx is not None
has_error_dxl = self.current_dataset.dxl is not None
has_error_dxw = self.current_dataset.dxw is not None
has_error_dy = self.current_dataset.dy is not None
# Create arrays of zeros for non-existent resolutions
if has_error_dxw and not has_error_dxl:
array_size = self.current_dataset.dxw.size - 1
self.current_dataset.dxl = np.append(self.current_dataset.dxl,
has_error_dxl = True
elif has_error_dxl and not has_error_dxw:
array_size = self.current_dataset.dxl.size - 1
self.current_dataset.dxw = np.append(self.current_dataset.dxw,
has_error_dxw = True
elif not has_error_dxl and not has_error_dxw and not has_error_dx:
array_size = self.current_dataset.x.size - 1
self.current_dataset.dx = np.append(self.current_dataset.dx,
has_error_dx = True
if not has_error_dy:
array_size = self.current_dataset.y.size - 1
self.current_dataset.dy = np.append(self.current_dataset.dy,
has_error_dy = True
# Remove points where q = 0
x = self.current_dataset.x
self.current_dataset.x = self.current_dataset.x[x != 0]
self.current_dataset.y = self.current_dataset.y[x != 0]
if has_error_dy:
self.current_dataset.dy = self.current_dataset.dy[x != 0]
if has_error_dx:
self.current_dataset.dx = self.current_dataset.dx[x != 0]
if has_error_dxl:
self.current_dataset.dxl = self.current_dataset.dxl[x != 0]
if has_error_dxw:
self.current_dataset.dxw = self.current_dataset.dxw[x != 0]
elif isinstance(self.current_dataset, plottable_2D):
has_error_dqx = self.current_dataset.dqx_data is not None
has_error_dqy = self.current_dataset.dqy_data is not None
has_error_dy = self.current_dataset.err_data is not None
has_mask = self.current_dataset.mask is not None
x = self.current_dataset.qx_data
self.current_dataset.data = self.current_dataset.data[x != 0]
self.current_dataset.qx_data = self.current_dataset.qx_data[x != 0]
self.current_dataset.qy_data = self.current_dataset.qy_data[x != 0]
self.current_dataset.q_data = np.sqrt(
np.square(self.current_dataset.qx_data) + np.square(
if has_error_dy:
self.current_dataset.err_data = self.current_dataset.err_data[x != 0]
if has_error_dqx:
self.current_dataset.dqx_data = self.current_dataset.dqx_data[x != 0]
if has_error_dqy:
self.current_dataset.dqy_data = self.current_dataset.dqy_data[x != 0]
if has_mask:
self.current_dataset.mask = self.current_dataset.mask[x != 0]
[docs] def reset_data_list(self, no_lines=0):
Reset the plottable_1D object
# Initialize data sets with arrays the maximum possible size
x = np.zeros(no_lines)
y = np.zeros(no_lines)
dx = np.zeros(no_lines)
dy = np.zeros(no_lines)
self.current_dataset = plottable_1D(x, y, dx, dy)
[docs] def splitline(line):
Splits a line into pieces based on common delimiters
:param line: A single line of text
:return: list of values
# Initial try for CSV (split on ,)
toks = line.split(',')
# Now try SCSV (split on ;)
if len(toks) < 2:
toks = line.split(';')
# Now go for whitespace
if len(toks) < 2:
toks = line.split()
return toks
[docs] def get_file_contents(self):
Reader specific class to access the contents of the file
All reader classes that inherit from FileReader must implement