Python driver for python kernels
Calls the kernel with a vector of $q$ values for a single parameter set.
Polydispersity is supported by looping over different parameter sets and
summing the results. The interface to :class:`PyModel` matches those for
:class:`kernelcl.GpuModel` and :class:`kerneldll.DllModel`.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import logging
import numpy as np # type: ignore
from .generate import F64
from .kernel import KernelModel, Kernel
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from typing import Union, Callable
except ImportError:
from . import details
DType = Union[None, str, np.dtype]
# pylint: enable=unused-import
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PyModel(KernelModel):
Wrapper for pure python models.
def __init__(self, model_info):
# Make sure Iq is available and vectorized
self.info = model_info
self.dtype = np.dtype('d')
[docs] def make_kernel(self, q_vectors):
q_input = PyInput(q_vectors, dtype=F64)
return PyKernel(self.info, q_input)
[docs] def release(self):
Free resources associated with the model.
[docs]class PyKernel(Kernel):
Callable SAS kernel.
*kernel* is the kernel object to call.
*model_info* is the module information
*q_input* is the DllInput q vectors at which the kernel should be
The resulting call method takes the *pars*, a list of values for
the fixed parameters to the kernel, and *pd_pars*, a list of (value,weight)
vectors for the polydisperse parameters. *cutoff* determines the
integration limits: any points with combined weight less than *cutoff*
will not be calculated.
Call :meth:`release` when done with the kernel instance.
def __init__(self, model_info, q_input):
# type: (callable, ModelInfo, List[np.ndarray]) -> None
self.dtype = np.dtype('d')
self.info = model_info
self.q_input = q_input
self.res = np.empty(q_input.nq, q_input.dtype)
self.dim = '2d' if q_input.is_2d else '1d'
partable = model_info.parameters
#kernel_parameters = (partable.iqxy_parameters if q_input.is_2d
# else partable.iq_parameters)
kernel_parameters = partable.iq_parameters
volume_parameters = partable.form_volume_parameters
# Create an array to hold the parameter values. There will be a
# single array whose values are updated as the calculator goes
# through the loop. Arguments to the kernel and volume functions
# will use views into this vector, relying on the fact that a
# an array of no dimensions acts like a scalar.
parameter_vector = np.empty(len(partable.call_parameters)-2, 'd')
# Create views into the array to hold the arguments
offset = 0
kernel_args, volume_args = [], []
for p in partable.kernel_parameters:
if p.length == 1:
# Scalar values are length 1 vectors with no dimensions.
v = parameter_vector[offset:offset+1].reshape(())
# Vector values are simple views.
v = parameter_vector[offset:offset+p.length]
offset += p.length
if p in kernel_parameters:
if p in volume_parameters:
# Hold on to the parameter vector so we can use it to call kernel later.
# This may also be required to preserve the views into the vector.
self._parameter_vector = parameter_vector
# Generate a closure which calls the kernel with the views into the
# parameter array.
if q_input.is_2d:
form = model_info.Iqxy
qx, qy = q_input.q[:, 0], q_input.q[:, 1]
self._form = lambda: form(qx, qy, *kernel_args)
form = model_info.Iq
q = q_input.q
self._form = lambda: form(q, *kernel_args)
# Generate a closure which calls the form_volume if it exists.
form_volume = model_info.form_volume
self._volume = ((lambda: form_volume(*volume_args)) if form_volume else
(lambda: 1.0))
def __call__(self, call_details, values, cutoff, magnetic):
# type: (CallDetails, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float, bool) -> np.ndarray
if magnetic:
raise NotImplementedError("Magnetism not implemented for pure python models")
#print("Calling python kernel")
res = _loops(self._parameter_vector, self._form, self._volume,
self.q_input.nq, call_details, values, cutoff)
return res
[docs] def release(self):
# type: () -> None
Free resources associated with the kernel.
self.q_input = None
def _loops(parameters, # type: np.ndarray
form, # type: Callable[[], np.ndarray]
form_volume, # type: Callable[[], float]
nq, # type: int
call_details, # type: details.CallDetails
values, # type: np.ndarray
cutoff # type: float
# type: (...) -> None
# #
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n_pars = len(parameters)
parameters[:] = values[2:n_pars+2]
if call_details.num_active == 0:
pd_norm = float(form_volume())
scale = values[0]/(pd_norm if pd_norm != 0.0 else 1.0)
background = values[1]
return scale*form() + background
pd_value = values[2+n_pars:2+n_pars + call_details.num_weights]
pd_weight = values[2+n_pars + call_details.num_weights:]
pd_norm = 0.0
partial_weight = np.NaN
weight = np.NaN
p0_par = call_details.pd_par[0]
p0_length = call_details.pd_length[0]
p0_index = p0_length
p0_offset = call_details.pd_offset[0]
pd_par = call_details.pd_par[:call_details.num_active]
pd_offset = call_details.pd_offset[:call_details.num_active]
pd_stride = call_details.pd_stride[:call_details.num_active]
pd_length = call_details.pd_length[:call_details.num_active]
total = np.zeros(nq, 'd')
for loop_index in range(call_details.num_eval):
# update polydispersity parameter values
if p0_index == p0_length:
pd_index = (loop_index//pd_stride)%pd_length
parameters[pd_par] = pd_value[pd_offset+pd_index]
partial_weight = np.prod(pd_weight[pd_offset+pd_index][1:])
p0_index = loop_index%p0_length
weight = partial_weight * pd_weight[p0_offset + p0_index]
parameters[p0_par] = pd_value[p0_offset + p0_index]
p0_index += 1
if weight > cutoff:
# Call the scattering function
# Assume that NaNs are only generated if the parameters are bad;
# exclude all q for that NaN. Even better would be to have an
# INVALID expression like the C models, but that is too expensive.
Iq = np.asarray(form(), 'd')
if np.isnan(Iq).any():
# update value and norm
total += weight * Iq
pd_norm += weight * form_volume()
scale = values[0]/(pd_norm if pd_norm != 0.0 else 1.0)
background = values[1]
return scale*total + background
def _create_default_functions(model_info):
Autogenerate missing functions, such as Iqxy from Iq.
This only works for Iqxy when Iq is written in python. :func:`make_source`
performs a similar role for Iq written in C. This also vectorizes
any functions that are not already marked as vectorized.
# Note: must call create_vector_Iq before create_vector_Iqxy
def _create_vector_Iq(model_info):
Define Iq as a vector function if it exists.
Iq = model_info.Iq
if callable(Iq) and not getattr(Iq, 'vectorized', False):
#print("vectorizing Iq")
def vector_Iq(q, *args):
Vectorized 1D kernel.
return np.array([Iq(qi, *args) for qi in q])
vector_Iq.vectorized = True
model_info.Iq = vector_Iq
def _create_vector_Iqxy(model_info):
Define Iqxy as a vector function if it exists, or default it from Iq().
Iqxy = getattr(model_info, 'Iqxy', None)
if callable(Iqxy):
if not getattr(Iqxy, 'vectorized', False):
#print("vectorizing Iqxy")
def vector_Iqxy(qx, qy, *args):
Vectorized 2D kernel.
return np.array([Iqxy(qxi, qyi, *args) for qxi, qyi in zip(qx, qy)])
vector_Iqxy.vectorized = True
model_info.Iqxy = vector_Iqxy
#print("defaulting Iqxy")
# Iq is vectorized because create_vector_Iq was already called.
Iq = model_info.Iq
def default_Iqxy(qx, qy, *args):
Default 2D kernel.
return Iq(np.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2), *args)
default_Iqxy.vectorized = True
model_info.Iqxy = default_Iqxy