Source code for sas.qtgui.Calculators.GenericScatteringCalculator

import sys
import os
import numpy
import logging
import time

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

from twisted.internet import threads

import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
from sas.qtgui.Utilities.GenericReader import GenReader
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Detector
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import Source
from sas.sascalc.calculator import sas_gen
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterBase import PlotterBase
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D import Plotter2D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter import Plotter

from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D

# Local UI
from .UI.GenericScatteringCalculator import Ui_GenericScatteringCalculator

_Q1D_MIN = 0.001

[docs]class GenericScatteringCalculator(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_GenericScatteringCalculator): trigger_plot_3d = QtCore.pyqtSignal() calculationFinishedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() loadingFinishedSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GenericScatteringCalculator, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # disable the context help icon self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.manager = parent self.communicator = self.manager.communicator() self.model = sas_gen.GenSAS() self.omf_reader = sas_gen.OMFReader() self.sld_reader = sas_gen.SLDReader() self.pdb_reader = sas_gen.PDBReader() self.reader = None self.sld_data = None self.parameters = [] = None self.datafile = None self.file_name = '' self.ext = None self.default_shape = str(self.cbShape.currentText()) self.is_avg = False self.data_to_plot = None self.graph_num = 1 # index for name of graph # combox box self.cbOptionsCalc.setVisible(False) # push buttons self.cmdClose.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.cmdHelp.clicked.connect(self.onHelp) self.cmdLoad.clicked.connect(self.loadFile) self.cmdCompute.clicked.connect(self.onCompute) self.cmdReset.clicked.connect(self.onReset) self.cmdSave.clicked.connect(self.onSaveFile) self.cmdDraw.clicked.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=True)) self.cmdDrawpoints.clicked.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=False)) # validators # scale, volume and background must be positive validat_regex_pos = QtCore.QRegExp('^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+([.]\d+)?)$') self.txtScale.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_pos, self.txtScale)) self.txtBackground.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator( validat_regex_pos, self.txtBackground)) self.txtTotalVolume.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator( validat_regex_pos, self.txtTotalVolume)) # fraction of spin up between 0 and 1 validat_regexbetween0_1 = QtCore.QRegExp('^(0(\.\d*)*|1(\.0+)?)$') self.txtUpFracIn.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regexbetween0_1, self.txtUpFracIn)) self.txtUpFracOut.setValidator( QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regexbetween0_1, self.txtUpFracOut)) # 0 < Qmax <= 1000 validat_regex_q = QtCore.QRegExp('^1000$|^[+]?(\d{1,3}([.]\d+)?)$') self.txtQxMax.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_q, self.txtQxMax)) self.txtQxMax.textChanged.connect(self.check_value) # 2 <= Qbin <= 1000 self.txtNoQBins.setValidator(QtGui.QRegExpValidator(validat_regex_q, self.txtNoQBins)) self.txtNoQBins.textChanged.connect(self.check_value) # plots - 3D in real space self.trigger_plot_3d.connect(lambda: self.plot3d(has_arrow=False)) # plots - 3D in real space self.calculationFinishedSignal.connect(self.plot_1_2d) # notify main thread about file load complete self.loadingFinishedSignal.connect(self.complete_loading) # TODO the option Ellipsoid has not been implemented self.cbShape.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.selectedshapechange) # New font to display angstrom symbol new_font = 'font-family: -apple-system, "Helvetica Neue", "Ubuntu";' self.lblUnitSolventSLD.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitVolume.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lbl5.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMx.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMy.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitMz.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitNucl.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitx.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnity.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblUnitz.setStyleSheet(new_font)
[docs] def selectedshapechange(self): """ TODO Temporary solution to display information about option 'Ellipsoid' """ print("The option Ellipsoid has not been implemented yet.") self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit( "The option Ellipsoid has not been implemented yet.")
[docs] def loadFile(self): """ Open menu to choose the datafile to load Only extensions .SLD, .PDB, .OMF, .sld, .pdb, .omf """ try: self.datafile = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Choose a file", "","All supported files (*.OMF *.omf *.SLD *.sld *.pdb *.PDB);;" "OMF files (*.OMF *.omf);;" "SLD files (*.SLD *.sld);;" "PDB files (*.pdb *.PDB);;" "All files (*.*)")[0] if self.datafile: self.default_shape = str(self.cbShape.currentText()) self.file_name = os.path.basename(str(self.datafile)) self.ext = os.path.splitext(str(self.datafile))[1] if self.ext in self.omf_reader.ext: loader = self.omf_reader elif self.ext in self.sld_reader.ext: loader = self.sld_reader elif self.ext in self.pdb_reader.ext: loader = self.pdb_reader else: loader = None # disable some entries depending on type of loaded file # (according to documentation) if self.ext.lower() in ['.sld', '.omf', '.pdb']: self.txtUpFracIn.setEnabled(False) self.txtUpFracOut.setEnabled(False) self.txtUpTheta.setEnabled(False) if self.reader is not None and self.reader.isrunning(): self.reader.stop() self.cmdLoad.setEnabled(False) self.cmdLoad.setText('Loading...') self.communicator.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit( "Loading File {}".format(os.path.basename( str(self.datafile)))) self.reader = GenReader(path=str(self.datafile), loader=loader, completefn=self.complete_loading_ex, updatefn=self.load_update) self.reader.queue() except (RuntimeError, IOError): log_msg = "Generic SAS Calculator: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1] raise return
[docs] def load_update(self): """ Legacy function used in GenRead """ if self.reader.isrunning(): status_type = "progress" else: status_type = "stop"
[docs] def complete_loading_ex(self, data=None): """ Send the finish message from calculate threads to main thread """ self.loadingFinishedSignal.emit(data)
[docs] def complete_loading(self, data=None): """ Function used in GenRead""" assert isinstance(data, list) assert len(data)==1 data = data[0] self.cbShape.setEnabled(False) try: is_pdbdata = False self.txtData.setText(os.path.basename(str(self.datafile))) self.is_avg = False if self.ext in self.omf_reader.ext: gen = sas_gen.OMF2SLD() gen.set_data(data) self.sld_data = gen.get_magsld() self.check_units() elif self.ext in self.sld_reader.ext: self.sld_data = data elif self.ext in self.pdb_reader.ext: self.sld_data = data is_pdbdata = True # Display combobox of orientation only for pdb data self.cbOptionsCalc.setVisible(is_pdbdata) self.update_gui() except IOError: log_msg = "Loading Error: " \ "This file format is not supported for GenSAS." raise except ValueError: log_msg = "Could not find any data" raise"Load Complete") self.cmdLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdLoad.setText('Load') self.trigger_plot_3d.emit()
[docs] def check_units(self): """ Check if the units from the OMF file correspond to the default ones displayed on the interface. If not, modify the GUI with the correct unit """ # TODO: adopt the convention of font and symbol for the updated values if sas_gen.OMFData().valueunit != 'A^(-2)': value_unit = sas_gen.OMFData().valueunit self.lbl_unitMx.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitMy.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitMz.setText(value_unit) self.lbl_unitNucl.setText(value_unit) if sas_gen.OMFData().meshunit != 'A': mesh_unit = sas_gen.OMFData().meshunit self.lbl_unitx.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unity.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unitz.setText(mesh_unit) self.lbl_unitVolume.setText(mesh_unit+"^3")
[docs] def check_value(self): """Check range of text edits for QMax and Number of Qbins """ text_edit = self.sender() text_edit.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);') if text_edit.text(): value = float(str(text_edit.text())) if text_edit == self.txtQxMax: if value <= 0 or value > 1000: text_edit.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255, 182, 193);') else: text_edit.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);') elif text_edit == self.txtNoQBins: if value < 2 or value > 1000: self.txtNoQBins.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255, 182, 193);') else: self.txtNoQBins.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);')
[docs] def update_gui(self): """ Update the interface with values from loaded data """ self.model.set_is_avg(self.is_avg) self.model.set_sld_data(self.sld_data) self.model.params['total_volume'] = len(self.sld_data.sld_n)*self.sld_data.vol_pix[0] # add condition for activation of save button self.cmdSave.setEnabled(True) # activation of 3D plots' buttons (with and without arrows) self.cmdDraw.setEnabled(self.sld_data is not None) self.cmdDrawpoints.setEnabled(self.sld_data is not None) self.txtScale.setText(str(self.model.params['scale'])) self.txtBackground.setText(str(self.model.params['background'])) self.txtSolventSLD.setText(str(self.model.params['solvent_SLD'])) # Volume to write to interface: npts x volume of first pixel self.txtTotalVolume.setText(str(len(self.sld_data.sld_n)*self.sld_data.vol_pix[0])) self.txtUpFracIn.setText(str(self.model.params['Up_frac_in'])) self.txtUpFracOut.setText(str(self.model.params['Up_frac_out'])) self.txtUpTheta.setText(str(self.model.params['Up_theta'])) self.txtNoPixels.setText(str(len(self.sld_data.sld_n))) self.txtNoPixels.setEnabled(False) list_parameters = ['sld_mx', 'sld_my', 'sld_mz', 'sld_n', 'xnodes', 'ynodes', 'znodes', 'xstepsize', 'ystepsize', 'zstepsize'] list_gui_button = [self.txtMx, self.txtMy, self.txtMz, self.txtNucl, self.txtXnodes, self.txtYnodes, self.txtZnodes, self.txtXstepsize, self.txtYstepsize, self.txtZstepsize] # Fill right hand side of GUI for indx, item in enumerate(list_parameters): if getattr(self.sld_data, item) is None: list_gui_button[indx].setText('NaN') else: value = getattr(self.sld_data, item) if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): item_for_gui = str(GuiUtils.formatNumber(numpy.average(value), True)) else: item_for_gui = str(GuiUtils.formatNumber(value, True)) list_gui_button[indx].setText(item_for_gui) # Enable / disable editing of right hand side of GUI for indx, item in enumerate(list_parameters): if indx < 4: # this condition only applies to Mx,y,z and Nucl value = getattr(self.sld_data, item) enable = self.sld_data.pix_type == 'pixel' \ and numpy.min(value) == numpy.max(value) else: enable = not self.sld_data.is_data list_gui_button[indx].setEnabled(enable)
[docs] def write_new_values_from_gui(self): """ update parameters using modified inputs from GUI used before computing """ if self.txtScale.isModified(): self.model.params['scale'] = float(self.txtScale.text()) if self.txtBackground.isModified(): self.model.params['background'] = float(self.txtBackground.text()) if self.txtSolventSLD.isModified(): self.model.params['solvent_SLD'] = float(self.txtSolventSLD.text()) # Different condition for total volume to get correct volume after # applying set_sld_data in compute if self.txtTotalVolume.isModified() \ or self.model.params['total_volume'] != float(self.txtTotalVolume.text()): self.model.params['total_volume'] = float(self.txtTotalVolume.text()) if self.txtUpFracIn.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_frac_in'] = float(self.txtUpFracIn.text()) if self.txtUpFracOut.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_frac_out'] = float(self.txtUpFracOut.text()) if self.txtUpTheta.isModified(): self.model.params['Up_theta'] = float(self.txtUpTheta.text()) if self.txtMx.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_mx = float(self.txtMx.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_mx)) if self.txtMy.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_my = float(self.txtMy.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_my)) if self.txtMz.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_mz = float(self.txtMz.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_mz)) if self.txtNucl.isModified(): self.sld_data.sld_n = float(self.txtNucl.text())*\ numpy.ones(len(self.sld_data.sld_n)) if self.txtXnodes.isModified(): self.sld_data.xnodes = int(self.txtXnodes.text()) if self.txtYnodes.isModified(): self.sld_data.ynodes = int(self.txtYnodes.text()) if self.txtZnodes.isModified(): self.sld_data.znodes = int(self.txtZnodes.text()) if self.txtXstepsize.isModified(): self.sld_data.xstepsize = float(self.txtXstepsize.text()) if self.txtYstepsize.isModified(): self.sld_data.ystepsize = float(self.txtYstepsize.text()) if self.txtZstepsize.isModified(): self.sld_data.zstepsize = float(self.txtZstepsize.text()) if self.cbOptionsCalc.isVisible(): self.is_avg = (self.cbOptionsCalc.currentIndex() == 1)
[docs] def onHelp(self): """ Bring up the Generic Scattering calculator Documentation whenever the HELP button is clicked. Calls Documentation Window with the path of the location within the documentation tree (after /doc/ ....". """ location = "/user/qtgui/Calculators/sas_calculator_help.html" self.manager.showHelp(location)
[docs] def onReset(self): """ Reset the inputs of textEdit to default values """ try: # reset values in textedits self.txtUpFracIn.setText("1.0") self.txtUpFracOut.setText("1.0") self.txtUpTheta.setText("0.0") self.txtBackground.setText("0.0") self.txtScale.setText("1.0") self.txtSolventSLD.setText("0.0") self.txtTotalVolume.setText("216000.0") self.txtNoQBins.setText("50") self.txtQxMax.setText("0.3") self.txtNoPixels.setText("1000") self.txtMx.setText("0") self.txtMy.setText("0") self.txtMz.setText("0") self.txtNucl.setText("6.97e-06") self.txtXnodes.setText("10") self.txtYnodes.setText("10") self.txtZnodes.setText("10") self.txtXstepsize.setText("6") self.txtYstepsize.setText("6") self.txtZstepsize.setText("6") # reset Load button and textedit self.txtData.setText('Default SLD Profile') self.cmdLoad.setEnabled(True) self.cmdLoad.setText('Load') # reset option for calculation self.cbOptionsCalc.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cbOptionsCalc.setVisible(False) # reset shape button self.cbShape.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cbShape.setEnabled(True) # reset compute button self.cmdCompute.setText('Compute') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(True) # TODO reload default data set self._create_default_sld_data() finally: pass
def _create_default_2d_data(self): """ Copied from previous version Create 2D data by default :warning: This data is never plotted. """ self.qmax_x = float(self.txtQxMax.text()) self.npts_x = int(self.txtNoQBins.text()) = Data2D() = False # # Default values index = len( - 1[index].distance = 8000 # mm = 6 # A[index].pixel_size.x = 5 # mm[index].pixel_size.y = 5 # mm[index].beam_center.x = self.qmax_x[index].beam_center.y = self.qmax_x xmax = self.qmax_x xmin = -xmax ymax = self.qmax_x ymin = -ymax qstep = self.npts_x x = numpy.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) y = numpy.linspace(start=ymin, stop=ymax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) # use data info instead new_x = numpy.tile(x, (len(y), 1)) new_y = numpy.tile(y, (len(x), 1)) new_y = new_y.swapaxes(0, 1) # all data require now in 1d array qx_data = new_x.flatten() qy_data = new_y.flatten() q_data = numpy.sqrt(qx_data * qx_data + qy_data * qy_data) # set all True (standing for unmasked) as default mask = numpy.ones(len(qx_data), dtype=bool) = Source() = numpy.ones(len(mask)) = numpy.ones(len(mask)) = qx_data = qy_data = q_data = mask # store x and y bin centers in q space = x = y # max and min taking account of the bin sizes = xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax def _create_default_sld_data(self): """ Copied from previous version Making default sld-data """ sld_n_default = 6.97e-06 # what is this number?? omfdata = sas_gen.OMFData() omf2sld = sas_gen.OMF2SLD() omf2sld.set_data(omfdata, self.default_shape) self.sld_data = omf2sld.output self.sld_data.is_data = False self.sld_data.filename = "Default SLD Profile" self.sld_data.set_sldn(sld_n_default) def _create_default_1d_data(self): """ Copied from previous version Create 1D data by default :warning: This data is never plotted. residuals.x = data_copy.x[index] residuals.dy = numpy.ones(len(residuals.y)) residuals.dx = None residuals.dxl = None residuals.dxw = None """ self.qmax_x = float(self.txtQxMax.text()) self.npts_x = int(self.txtNoQBins.text()) # Default values xmax = self.qmax_x xmin = self.qmax_x * _Q1D_MIN qstep = self.npts_x x = numpy.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=qstep, endpoint=True) # store x and y bin centers in q space y = numpy.ones(len(x)) dy = numpy.zeros(len(x)) dx = numpy.zeros(len(x)) = Data1D(x=x, y=y) = dx = dy
[docs] def onCompute(self): """ Copied from previous version Execute the computation of I(qx, qy) """ # Set default data when nothing loaded yet if self.sld_data is None: self._create_default_sld_data() try: self.model.set_sld_data(self.sld_data) self.write_new_values_from_gui() if self.is_avg or self.is_avg is None: self._create_default_1d_data() i_out = numpy.zeros(len( inputs = [, [], i_out] else: self._create_default_2d_data() i_out = numpy.zeros(len( inputs = [,, i_out]"Computation is in progress...") self.cmdCompute.setText('Wait...') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(False) d = threads.deferToThread(self.complete, inputs, self._update) # Add deferred callback for call return #d.addCallback(self.plot_1_2d) d.addCallback(self.calculateComplete) d.addErrback(self.calculateFailed) except: log_msg = "{}. stop".format(sys.exc_info()[1]) return
def _update(self, value): """ Copied from previous version """ pass
[docs] def calculateFailed(self, reason): """ """ print("Calculate Failed with:\n", reason) pass
[docs] def calculateComplete(self, d): """ Notify the main thread """ self.calculationFinishedSignal.emit()
[docs] def complete(self, input, update=None): """ Gen compute complete function :Param input: input list [qx_data, qy_data, i_out] """ out = numpy.empty(0) for ind in range(len(input[0])): if self.is_avg: if ind % 1 == 0 and update is not None: # update() percentage = int(100.0 * float(ind) / len(input[0])) update(percentage) time.sleep(0.001) # 0.1 inputi = [input[0][ind:ind + 1], [], input[2][ind:ind + 1]] outi = out = numpy.append(out, outi) else: if ind % 50 == 0 and update is not None: percentage = int(100.0 * float(ind) / len(input[0])) update(percentage) time.sleep(0.001) inputi = [input[0][ind:ind + 1], input[1][ind:ind + 1], input[2][ind:ind + 1]] outi = self.model.runXY(inputi) out = numpy.append(out, outi) self.data_to_plot = out'Gen computation completed.') self.cmdCompute.setText('Compute') self.cmdCompute.setEnabled(True) return
[docs] def onSaveFile(self): """Save data as .sld file""" path = os.path.dirname(str(self.datafile)) default_name = os.path.join(path, 'sld_file') kwargs = { 'parent': self, 'directory': default_name, 'filter': 'SLD file (*.sld)', 'options': QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog} # Query user for filename. filename_tuple = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(**kwargs) filename = filename_tuple[0] if filename: try: _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if not extension: filename = '.'.join((filename, 'sld')) sas_gen.SLDReader().write(filename, self.sld_data) except: raise
[docs] def plot3d(self, has_arrow=False): """ Generate 3D plot in real space with or without arrows """ self.write_new_values_from_gui() graph_title = " Graph {}: {} 3D SLD Profile".format(self.graph_num, self.file_name) if has_arrow: graph_title += ' - Magnetic Vector as Arrow' plot3D = Plotter3D(self, graph_title) plot3D.plot(self.sld_data, has_arrow=has_arrow) self.graph_num += 1
[docs] def plot_1_2d(self): """ Generate 1D or 2D plot, called in Compute""" if self.is_avg or self.is_avg is None: data = Data1D(, y=self.data_to_plot) data.title = "GenSAS {} #{} 1D".format(self.file_name, int(self.graph_num)) data.xaxis('\\rm{Q_{x}}', '\AA^{-1}') data.yaxis('\\rm{Intensity}', 'cm^{-1}') self.graph_num += 1 else: numpy.nan_to_num(self.data_to_plot) data = Data2D(image=self.data_to_plot,,,,,,,, data.title = "GenSAS {} #{} 2D".format(self.file_name, int(self.graph_num)) zeros = numpy.ones(, dtype=bool) data.mask = zeros self.graph_num += 1 # TODO new_item = GuiUtils.createModelItemWithPlot(data, name=data.title) self.communicator.updateModelFromPerspectiveSignal.emit(new_item) self.communicator.forcePlotDisplaySignal.emit([new_item, data])
[docs]class Plotter3DWidget(PlotterBase): """ 3D Plot widget for use with a QDialog """ def __init__(self, parent=None, manager=None): super(Plotter3DWidget, self).__init__(parent, manager=manager) @property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, data=None): """ data setter """ self._data = data
[docs] def plot(self, data=None, has_arrow=False): """ Plot 3D self._data """ if not data: return = data #assert(self._data) # Prepare and show the plot self.showPlot(, has_arrow=has_arrow)
[docs] def showPlot(self, data, has_arrow=False): """ Render and show the current data """ # If we don't have any data, skip. if data is None: return # This import takes forever - place it here so the main UI starts faster from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D color_dic = {'H': 'blue', 'D': 'purple', 'N': 'orange', 'O': 'red', 'C': 'green', 'P': 'cyan', 'Other': 'k'} marker = ',' m_size = 2 pos_x = data.pos_x pos_y = data.pos_y pos_z = data.pos_z sld_mx = data.sld_mx sld_my = data.sld_my sld_mz = data.sld_mz pix_symbol = data.pix_symbol sld_tot = numpy.fabs(sld_mx) + numpy.fabs(sld_my) + \ numpy.fabs(sld_mz) + numpy.fabs(data.sld_n) is_nonzero = sld_tot > 0.0 is_zero = sld_tot == 0.0 if data.pix_type == 'atom': marker = 'o' m_size = 3.5 self.figure.clear() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.8, bottom=.1) ax = Axes3D(self.figure) ax.set_xlabel('x ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) ax.set_ylabel('z ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) ax.set_zlabel('y ($\A{}$)'.format(data.pos_unit)) # I. Plot null points if is_zero.any(): im = ax.plot(pos_x[is_zero], pos_z[is_zero], pos_y[is_zero], marker, c="y", alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor='y', markersize=m_size) pos_x = pos_x[is_nonzero] pos_y = pos_y[is_nonzero] pos_z = pos_z[is_nonzero] sld_mx = sld_mx[is_nonzero] sld_my = sld_my[is_nonzero] sld_mz = sld_mz[is_nonzero] pix_symbol = data.pix_symbol[is_nonzero] # II. Plot selective points in color other_color = numpy.ones(len(pix_symbol), dtype='bool') for key in list(color_dic.keys()): chosen_color = pix_symbol == key if numpy.any(chosen_color): other_color = other_color & (chosen_color!=True) color = color_dic[key] im = ax.plot(pos_x[chosen_color], pos_z[chosen_color], pos_y[chosen_color], marker, c=color, alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor=color, markersize=m_size, label=key) # III. Plot All others if numpy.any(other_color): a_name = '' if data.pix_type == 'atom': # Get atom names not in the list a_names = [symb for symb in pix_symbol \ if symb not in list(color_dic.keys())] a_name = a_names[0] for name in a_names: new_name = ", " + name if a_name.count(name) == 0: a_name += new_name # plot in black im = ax.plot(pos_x[other_color], pos_z[other_color], pos_y[other_color], marker, c="k", alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor="k", markersize=m_size, label=a_name) if data.pix_type == 'atom': ax.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 10}) # IV. Draws atomic bond with grey lines if any if data.has_conect: for ind in range(len(data.line_x)): im = ax.plot(data.line_x[ind], data.line_z[ind], data.line_y[ind], '-', lw=0.6, c="grey", alpha=0.3) # V. Draws magnetic vectors if has_arrow and len(pos_x) > 0: def _draw_arrow(input=None, update=None): # import moved here for performance reasons from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Arrow3D import Arrow3D """ draw magnetic vectors w/arrow """ max_mx = max(numpy.fabs(sld_mx)) max_my = max(numpy.fabs(sld_my)) max_mz = max(numpy.fabs(sld_mz)) max_m = max(max_mx, max_my, max_mz) try: max_step = max(data.xstepsize, data.ystepsize, data.zstepsize) except: max_step = 0 if max_step <= 0: max_step = 5 try: if max_m != 0: unit_x2 = sld_mx / max_m unit_y2 = sld_my / max_m unit_z2 = sld_mz / max_m # 0.8 is for avoiding the color becomes white=(1,1,1)) color_x = numpy.fabs(unit_x2 * 0.8) color_y = numpy.fabs(unit_y2 * 0.8) color_z = numpy.fabs(unit_z2 * 0.8) x2 = pos_x + unit_x2 * max_step y2 = pos_y + unit_y2 * max_step z2 = pos_z + unit_z2 * max_step x_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_x, x2)) y_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_y, y2)) z_arrow = numpy.column_stack((pos_z, z2)) colors = numpy.column_stack((color_x, color_y, color_z)) arrows = Arrow3D(self.figure, x_arrow, z_arrow, y_arrow, colors, mutation_scale=10, lw=1, arrowstyle="->", alpha=0.5) ax.add_artist(arrows) except: pass log_msg = "Arrow Drawing completed.\n" log_msg = "Arrow Drawing is in progress..." # Defer the drawing of arrows to another thread d = threads.deferToThread(_draw_arrow, ax) self.figure.canvas.resizing = False self.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def createContextMenu(self): """ Define common context menu and associated actions for the MPL widget """ self.defaultContextMenu()
[docs] def createContextMenuQuick(self): """ Define context menu and associated actions for the quickplot MPL widget """ return
[docs]class Plotter3D(QtWidgets.QDialog, Plotter3DWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, graph_title=''): self.graph_title = graph_title QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) Plotter3DWidget.__init__(self, manager=parent) self.setWindowTitle(self.graph_title)