Source code for sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant.InvariantDetails

import sys
import os
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets

# local
from .UI.InvariantDetailsUI import Ui_Dialog
from .InvariantUtils import WIDGETS

# ERROR_COLOR = wx.Colour(255, 0, 0, 128)
# EXTRAPOLATION_COLOR = wx.Colour(169, 169, 168, 128)
# INVARIANT_COLOR = wx.Colour(67, 208, 128, 128)

[docs]class DetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """ This class stores some values resulting from invariant calculations. Given the value of total invariant, this class can also determine the percentage of invariants resulting from extrapolation. """ def __init__(self, parent): super(DetailsDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) DEFAULT_STYLE = """ QProgressBar{ border: 2px solid grey; border-radius: 5px; text-align: center } QProgressBar::chunk { background-color: #b1daf9; width: 10px; margin: 1px; } """ self.progressBarLowQ.setStyleSheet(DEFAULT_STYLE) self.progressBarData.setStyleSheet(DEFAULT_STYLE) self.progressBarHighQ.setStyleSheet(DEFAULT_STYLE) self.progressBarLowQ.setMinimum(0) self.progressBarLowQ.setMaximum(100) self.progressBarData.setMinimum(0) self.progressBarData.setMaximum(100) self.progressBarHighQ.setMinimum(0) self.progressBarHighQ.setMaximum(100) # Modify font in order to display Angstrom symbol correctly new_font = 'font-family: -apple-system, "Helvetica Neue", "Ubuntu";' self.lblQLowQUnits.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblQDataUnits.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.lblQHighQUnits.setStyleSheet(new_font) self.cmdOK.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.warning_msg = "No Details on calculations available...\n" # invariant total self.qstar_total = None self.qhigh = None self.qlow = None self._model = None self.progress_low_qstar = 0.0 self.progress_high_qstar = 0.0 self.progress_qstar = 100.0
[docs] def setModel(self, model): """ """ self._model = model
[docs] def showDialog(self): """ Fill the dialog with values of calculated Q, progress bars""" # Pull out data from the model self.qstar_total = float(self._model.item(WIDGETS.W_INVARIANT).text()) self.txtQData.setText(str(self.qstar_total)) self.txtQDataErr.setText(self._model.item(WIDGETS.W_INVARIANT_ERR).text()) # Reset progress counters self.progress_low_qstar = 0.0 self.progress_high_qstar = 0.0 self.progress_qstar = 100.0 # Low-Q if self._model.item(WIDGETS.W_ENABLE_LOWQ).text() == "true": self.qlow = float(self._model.item(WIDGETS.D_LOW_QSTAR).text()) self.txtQLowQ.setText(str(self.qlow)) self.txtQLowQErr.setText(self._model.item(WIDGETS.D_LOW_QSTAR_ERR).text()) try: self.progress_low_qstar = (self.qlow/self.qstar_total)*100.0 except: self.progress_low_qstar = 'error' # High-Q if self._model.item(WIDGETS.W_ENABLE_HIGHQ).text() == "true": self.qhigh = float(self._model.item(WIDGETS.D_HIGH_QSTAR).text()) self.txtQHighQ.setText(str(self.qhigh)) self.txtQHighQErr.setText(self._model.item(WIDGETS.D_HIGH_QSTAR_ERR).text()) try: self.progress_high_qstar = (self.qhigh/self.qstar_total)*100.0 except: self.progress_high_qstar = 'error' try: self.progress_qstar -= self.progress_low_qstar + self.progress_high_qstar except: self.progress_qstar = 'error' # check values and display warning if self.checkValues(): self.lblWarning.setText(self.checkValues()) # update progress bars if self.progress_low_qstar == 'error': self.progressBarLowQ.setValue(0) else: self.progressBarLowQ.setValue(self.progress_low_qstar) if self.progress_high_qstar == 'error': self.progressBarHighQ.setValue(0) else: self.progressBarHighQ.setValue(self.progress_high_qstar) if self.progress_qstar == 'error': self.progressBarData.setValue(0) else: self.progressBarData.setValue(self.progress_qstar)
[docs] def checkValues(self): """ Create a warning message to be displayed in panel if problems with values """ if self.qstar_total is None: warning_msg = "Invariant not calculated.\n" return warning_msg elif self.qstar_total == 0: warning_msg = "Invariant is zero. \n " \ "The calculations are likely to be unreliable!\n" return warning_msg msg = '' if self.progress_qstar == 'error': msg += 'Error occurred when computing invariant from data.\n ' try: if float(self.progress_qstar) > 100: msg += "Invariant Q contribution is greater than 100% .\n" except ValueError: # Text message, skip msg update pass if self.progress_low_qstar == 'error': try: float(self.qlow) except: msg += "Error occurred when computing extrapolated invariant" msg += " at low-Q region.\n" elif self.progress_low_qstar is not None: if self.progress_low_qstar >= 5: msg += "Extrapolated contribution at Low Q is higher " msg += "than 5% of the invariant.\n" elif self.progress_low_qstar < 0: msg += "Extrapolated contribution at Low Q < 0.\n" elif self.progress_low_qstar > 100: msg += "Extrapolated contribution at Low Q is greater " msg += "than 100% .\n" # High-Q if self.progress_high_qstar == 'error': try: float(self.qhigh) except: msg += 'Error occurred when computing extrapolated' msg += ' invariant at high-Q region.\n' elif self.progress_high_qstar is not None: if self.progress_high_qstar >= 5: msg += "Extrapolated contribution at High Q is higher " \ "than 5% of the invariant.\n" elif self.progress_high_qstar < 0: msg += "Extrapolated contribution at High Q < 0.\n" elif self.progress_high_qstar > 100: msg += "Extrapolated contribution at High Q is greater " \ "than 100% .\n" if (self.progress_low_qstar not in [None, "error"]) and \ (self.progress_high_qstar not in [None, "error"])\ and self.progress_low_qstar + self.progress_high_qstar >= 5: msg += "The sum of all extrapolated contributions is higher " \ "than 5% of the invariant.\n" return msg