Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.LinearFit

Adds a linear fit plot to the chart
import re
import numpy
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

from sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils import formatNumber, DoubleValidator

from sas.qtgui.Plotting import Fittings
from sas.qtgui.Plotting import DataTransform
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.LineModel import LineModel
import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils

# Local UI
from sas.qtgui.UI import main_resources_rc
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.UI.LinearFitUI import Ui_LinearFitUI

[docs]class LinearFit(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_LinearFitUI): updatePlot = QtCore.pyqtSignal(tuple) def __init__(self, parent=None, data=None, max_range=(0.0, 0.0), fit_range=(0.0, 0.0), xlabel="", ylabel=""): super(LinearFit, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # disable the context help icon self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) assert(isinstance(max_range, tuple)) assert(isinstance(fit_range, tuple)) = data self.parent = parent self.max_range = max_range self.fit_range = fit_range self.xLabel = xlabel self.yLabel = ylabel self.rg_on = False self.rg_yx = False self.bg_on = False # Scale dependent content self.guiner_box.setVisible(False) if (self.yLabel == "ln(y)" or self.yLabel == "ln(y*x)") and \ (self.xLabel == "x^(2)"): if self.yLabel == "ln(y*x)": self.label_12.setText('<html><head/><body><p>Rod diameter [Å]</p></body></html>') self.rg_yx = True self.rg_on = True self.guiner_box.setVisible(True) if (self.xLabel == "x^(4)") and (self.yLabel == "y*x^(4)"): self.bg_on = True self.label_3.setText('Background') self.x_is_log = self.xLabel == "log10(x)" self.y_is_log = self.yLabel == "log10(y)" self.txtFitRangeMin.setValidator(DoubleValidator()) self.txtFitRangeMax.setValidator(DoubleValidator()) # Default values in the line edits self.txtA.setText("1") self.txtB.setText("1") self.txtAerr.setText("0") self.txtBerr.setText("0") self.txtChi2.setText("0") # Initial ranges self.txtRangeMin.setText(str(max_range[0])) self.txtRangeMax.setText(str(max_range[1])) # Assure nice display of ranges fr_min = GuiUtils.formatNumber(fit_range[0]) fr_max = GuiUtils.formatNumber(fit_range[1]) self.txtFitRangeMin.setText(str(fr_min)) self.txtFitRangeMax.setText(str(fr_max)) # cast xLabel into html label = re.sub(r'\^\((.)\)(.*)', r'<span style=" vertical-align:super;">\1</span>\2', str(self.xLabel).rstrip()) self.lblRange.setText('Fit range of ' + label) self.model = LineModel() # Display the fittings values self.default_A = self.model.getParam('A') self.default_B = self.model.getParam('B') self.cstA = Fittings.Parameter(self.model, 'A', self.default_A) self.cstB = Fittings.Parameter(self.model, 'B', self.default_B) self.transform = DataTransform self.setFixedSize(self.minimumSizeHint()) # connect Fit button self.cmdFit.clicked.connect(
[docs] def setRangeLabel(self, label=""): """ Overwrite default fit range label to correspond to actual unit """ assert(isinstance(label, str)) self.lblRange.setText(label)
[docs] def range(self): return (float(self.txtFitRangeMin.text()), float(self.txtFitRangeMax.text()))
[docs] def fit(self, event): """ Performs the fit. Receive an event when clicking on the button Fit.Computes chisqr , A and B parameters of the best linear fit y=Ax +B Push a plottable to the caller """ tempx = [] tempy = [] tempdy = [] # Checks to assure data correctness if len( < 2: return if not self.checkFitValues(self.txtFitRangeMin): return self.xminFit, self.xmaxFit = self.range() xmin = self.xminFit xmax = self.xmaxFit xminView = xmin xmaxView = xmax # Set the qmin and qmax in the panel that matches the # transformed min and max value_xmin = self.floatInvTransform(xmin) value_xmax = self.floatInvTransform(xmax) self.txtRangeMin.setText(formatNumber(value_xmin)) self.txtRangeMax.setText(formatNumber(value_xmax)) tempx, tempy, tempdy = self.origData() # Find the fitting parameters self.cstA = Fittings.Parameter(self.model, 'A', self.default_A) self.cstB = Fittings.Parameter(self.model, 'B', self.default_B) tempdy = numpy.asarray(tempdy) tempdy[tempdy == 0] = 1 if self.x_is_log: xmin = numpy.log10(xmin) xmax = numpy.log10(xmax) chisqr, out, cov = Fittings.sasfit(self.model, [self.cstA, self.cstB], tempx, tempy, tempdy, xmin, xmax) # Use chi2/dof if len(tempx) > 0: chisqr = chisqr / len(tempx) # Check that cov and out are iterable before displaying them errA = numpy.sqrt(cov[0][0]) if cov is not None else 0 errB = numpy.sqrt(cov[1][1]) if cov is not None else 0 cstA = out[0] if out is not None else 0.0 cstB = out[1] if out is not None else 0.0 # Reset model with the right values of A and B self.model.setParam('A', float(cstA)) self.model.setParam('B', float(cstB)) tempx = [] tempy = [] y_model = 0.0 # load tempy with the minimum transformation y_model = tempx.append(xminView) tempy.append(numpy.power(10.0, y_model) if self.y_is_log else y_model) # load tempy with the maximum transformation y_model = tempx.append(xmaxView) tempy.append(numpy.power(10.0, y_model) if self.y_is_log else y_model) # Set the fit parameter display when FitDialog is opened again self.Avalue = cstA self.Bvalue = cstB self.ErrAvalue = errA self.ErrBvalue = errB self.Chivalue = chisqr # Update the widget self.txtA.setText(formatNumber(self.Avalue)) self.txtAerr.setText(formatNumber(self.ErrAvalue)) self.txtB.setText(formatNumber(self.Bvalue)) self.txtBerr.setText(formatNumber(self.ErrBvalue)) self.txtChi2.setText(formatNumber(self.Chivalue)) # Possibly Guiner analysis i0 = numpy.exp(cstB) self.txtGuiner_1.setText(formatNumber(i0)) err = numpy.abs(numpy.exp(cstB) * errB) self.txtGuiner1_Err.setText(formatNumber(err)) if self.rg_yx: rg = numpy.sqrt(-2 * float(cstA)) diam = 4 * numpy.sqrt(-float(cstA)) value = formatNumber(diam) if rg is not None and rg != 0: err = formatNumber(8 * float(errA) / diam) else: err = '' else: rg = numpy.sqrt(-3 * float(cstA)) value = formatNumber(rg) if rg is not None and rg != 0: err = formatNumber(3 * float(errA) / (2 * rg)) else: err = '' self.txtGuiner_2.setText(value) self.txtGuiner2_Err.setText(err) value = formatNumber(rg * self.floatInvTransform(self.xminFit)) self.txtGuiner_3.setText(value) value = formatNumber(rg * self.floatInvTransform(self.xmaxFit)) self.txtGuiner_4.setText(value) tempx = numpy.array(tempx) tempy = numpy.array(tempy) self.updatePlot.emit((tempx, tempy))
[docs] def origData(self): # Store the transformed values of view x, y and dy before the fit xmin_check = numpy.log10(self.xminFit) # Local shortcuts x = y = dy = if self.y_is_log: if self.x_is_log: tempy = [numpy.log10(y[i]) for i in range(len(x)) if x[i] >= xmin_check] tempdy = [DataTransform.errToLogX(y[i], 0, dy[i], 0) for i in range(len(x)) if x[i] >= xmin_check] else: tempy = list(map(numpy.log10, y)) tempdy = list(map(lambda t1,t2:DataTransform.errToLogX(t1,0,t2,0),y,dy)) else: tempy = y tempdy = dy if self.x_is_log: tempx = [numpy.log10(x) for x in if x > xmin_check] else: tempx = x return numpy.array(tempx), numpy.array(tempy), numpy.array(tempdy)
[docs] def checkFitValues(self, item): """ Check the validity of input values """ flag = True value = item.text() p_white = item.palette() p_white.setColor(item.backgroundRole(), QtCore.Qt.white) p_pink = item.palette() p_pink.setColor(item.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(255, 128, 128)) item.setAutoFillBackground(True) # Check for possible values entered if self.x_is_log: if float(value) > 0: item.setPalette(p_white) else: flag = False item.setPalette(p_pink) return flag
[docs] def floatInvTransform(self, x): """ transform a float.It is used to determine the x.View min and x.View max for values not in x. Also used to properly calculate RgQmin, RgQmax and to update qmin and qmax in the linear range boxes on the panel. """ # TODO: refactor this. This is just a hack to make the # functionality work without rewritting the whole code # with good design (which really should be done...). if self.xLabel == "x": return x elif self.xLabel == "x^(2)": return numpy.sqrt(x) elif self.xLabel == "x^(4)": return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sqrt(x)) elif self.xLabel == "log10(x)": return numpy.power(10.0, x) elif self.xLabel == "ln(x)": return numpy.exp(x) elif self.xLabel == "log10(x^(4))": return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(10.0, x))) return x