Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.Plotter2D

import copy
import numpy
import functools
import logging

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

import matplotlib as mpl

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from sas.sascalc.dataloader.manipulations import CircularAverage

from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data1D
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterData import Data2D

import sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotUtilities as PlotUtilities
import sas.qtgui.Utilities.GuiUtils as GuiUtils
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotterBase import PlotterBase
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.ColorMap import ColorMap
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.BoxSum import BoxSum
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.SlicerParameters import SlicerParameters
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Binder import BindArtist

# TODO: move to sas.qtgui namespace
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer import BoxInteractorX
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer import BoxInteractorY
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AnnulusSlicer import AnnulusInteractor
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer import SectorInteractor
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum import BoxSumCalculator

# Minimum value of Z for which we will present data.
MIN_Z = -32

[docs]class Plotter2DWidget(PlotterBase): """ 2D Plot widget for use with a QDialog """ def __init__(self, parent=None, manager=None, quickplot=False, dimension=2): self.dimension = dimension super(Plotter2DWidget, self).__init__(parent, manager=manager, quickplot=quickplot) self.cmap = # Default scale self.scale = 'log_{10}' # to set the order of lines drawn first. self.slicer_z = 5 # Reference to the current slicer self.slicer = None self.slicer_widget = None # Create Artist and bind it self.connect = BindArtist(self.figure) self.vmin = None self.vmax = None = None self.manager = manager @property def data(self): return self._data @property def data0(self): return self._data[0] @data.setter def data(self, data=None): """ data setter """ if self._data: self._data[0] = data else: self._data.append(data) self.qx_data = data.qx_data self.qy_data = data.qy_data self.xmin = data.xmin self.xmax = data.xmax self.ymin = data.ymin self.ymax = data.ymax self.zmin = data.zmin self.zmax = data.zmax self.label = self.xLabel = "%s(%s)"%(data._xaxis, data._xunit) self.yLabel = "%s(%s)"%(data._yaxis, data._yunit) self.title(title=data.title)
[docs] def plot(self, data=None, marker=None, show_colorbar=True, update=False): """ Plot 2D self._data marker - unused """ # Assing data if isinstance(data, Data2D): # no append, since there can only be one data in Data2D plot = data if not self._data: return # Toggle the scale zmin_2D_temp, zmax_2D_temp = self.calculateDepth() # Prepare and show the plot self.showPlot(, qx_data=self.qx_data, qy_data=self.qy_data, xmin=self.xmin, xmax=self.xmax, ymin=self.ymin, ymax=self.ymax, cmap=self.cmap, zmin=zmin_2D_temp, zmax=zmax_2D_temp, show_colorbar=show_colorbar, update=update) self.updateCircularAverage()
[docs] def calculateDepth(self): """ Re-calculate the plot depth parameters depending on the scale """ # Toggle the scale zmin_temp = self.zmin zmax_temp = self.zmax # self.scale predefined in the baseclass # in numpy > 1.12 power(int, -int) raises ValueException # "Integers to negative integer powers are not allowed." if self.scale == 'log_{10}': if self.zmin is not None: zmin_temp = numpy.power(10.0, self.zmin) if self.zmax is not None: zmax_temp = numpy.power(10.0, self.zmax) else: if self.zmin is not None: # min log value: no log(negative) zmin_temp = MIN_Z if self.zmin <= 0 else numpy.log10(self.zmin) if self.zmax is not None: zmax_temp = numpy.log10(self.zmax) return (zmin_temp, zmax_temp)
[docs] def createContextMenu(self): """ Define common context menu and associated actions for the MPL widget """ self.defaultContextMenu() self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionDataInfo = self.contextMenu.addAction("&DataInfo") self.actionDataInfo.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onDataInfo, self.data0)) self.actionSavePointsAsFile = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Save Points as a File") self.actionSavePointsAsFile.triggered.connect( functools.partial(self.onSavePoints, self.data0)) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionCircularAverage = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Perform Circular Average") self.actionCircularAverage.triggered.connect(self.onCircularAverage) self.actionSectorView = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Sector [Q View]") self.actionSectorView.triggered.connect(self.onSectorView) self.actionAnnulusView = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Annulus [Phi View]") self.actionAnnulusView.triggered.connect(self.onAnnulusView) self.actionBoxSum = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Box Sum") self.actionBoxSum.triggered.connect(self.onBoxSum) self.actionBoxAveragingX = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Box Averaging in Qx") self.actionBoxAveragingX.triggered.connect(self.onBoxAveragingX) self.actionBoxAveragingY = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Box Averaging in Qy") self.actionBoxAveragingY.triggered.connect(self.onBoxAveragingY) # Additional items for slicer interaction if self.slicer: self.actionClearSlicer = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Clear Slicer") self.actionClearSlicer.triggered.connect(self.onClearSlicer) if self.slicer.__class__.__name__ != "BoxSumCalculator": self.actionEditSlicer = self.contextMenu.addAction("&Edit Slicer Parameters") self.actionEditSlicer.triggered.connect(self.onEditSlicer) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionColorMap = self.contextMenu.addAction("&2D Color Map") self.actionColorMap.triggered.connect(self.onColorMap) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionChangeScale = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Linear/Log Scale") self.actionChangeScale.triggered.connect(self.onToggleScale)
[docs] def createContextMenuQuick(self): """ Define context menu and associated actions for the quickplot MPL widget """ self.defaultContextMenu() if self.dimension == 2: self.actionToggleGrid = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Grid On/Off") self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.actionChangeScale = self.contextMenu.addAction("Toggle Linear/Log Scale") # Define the callbacks self.actionChangeScale.triggered.connect(self.onToggleScale) if self.dimension == 2: self.actionToggleGrid.triggered.connect(self.onGridToggle)
[docs] def onToggleScale(self, event): """ Toggle axis and replot image """ # self.scale predefined in the baseclass if self.scale == 'log_{10}': self.scale = 'linear' else: self.scale = 'log_{10}' self.plot()
[docs] def onClearSlicer(self): """ Remove all sclicers from the chart """ if self.slicer is None: return self.slicer.clear() self.canvas.draw() self.slicer = None
[docs] def onEditSlicer(self): """ Present a small dialog for manipulating the current slicer """ assert self.slicer # Only show the dialog if not currently shown if self.slicer_widget: return def slicer_closed(): # Need to disconnect the signal!! self.slicer_widget.closeWidgetSignal.disconnect() self.manager.parent.workspace().removeSubWindow(self.slicer_subwindow) # reset slicer_widget on "Edit Slicer Parameters" window close self.slicer_widget = None self.param_model = self.slicer.model() # Pass the model to the Slicer Parameters widget self.slicer_widget = SlicerParameters(model=self.param_model, validate_method=self.slicer.validate) self.slicer_widget.closeWidgetSignal.connect(slicer_closed) # Add the plot to the workspace self.slicer_subwindow = self.manager.parent.workspace().addSubWindow(self.slicer_widget)
[docs] def circularAverage(self): """ Calculate the circular average and create the Data object for it """ # Find the best number of bins npt = numpy.sqrt(len([numpy.isfinite(])) npt = numpy.floor(npt) # compute the maximum radius of data2D self.qmax = max(numpy.fabs(self.data0.xmax), numpy.fabs(self.data0.xmin)) self.ymax = max(numpy.fabs(self.data0.ymax), numpy.fabs(self.data0.ymin)) self.radius = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(self.qmax, 2) + numpy.power(self.ymax, 2)) #Compute beam width bin_width = (self.qmax + self.qmax) / npt # Create data1D circular average of data2D circle = CircularAverage(r_min=0, r_max=self.radius, bin_width=bin_width) circ = circle(self.data0) dxl = circ.dxl if hasattr(circ, "dxl") else None dxw = circ.dxw if hasattr(circ, "dxw") else None new_plot = Data1D(x=circ.x, y=circ.y, dy=circ.dy, dx=circ.dx) new_plot.dxl = dxl new_plot.dxw = dxw = new_plot.title = "Circ avg " + new_plot.source = self.data0.source new_plot.interactive = True new_plot.detector = self.data0.detector # Define axes if not done yet. new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", "A^{-1}") if hasattr(self.data0, "scale") and \ self.data0.scale == 'linear': new_plot.ytransform = 'y' new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Residuals} ", "normalized") else: new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") new_plot.group_id = "2daverage" + = "Circ avg " + new_plot.is_data = True return new_plot
[docs] def onCircularAverage(self): """ Perform circular averaging on Data2D """ new_plot = self.circularAverage() item = self._item if self._item.parent() is not None: item = self._item.parent() GuiUtils.updateModelItemWithPlot(item, new_plot, self.manager.communicator.plotUpdateSignal.emit([new_plot]) self.manager.communicator.forcePlotDisplaySignal.emit([item, new_plot])
[docs] def updateCircularAverage(self): """ Update circular averaging plot on Data2D change """ if not hasattr(self,'_item'): return item = self._item if self._item.parent() is not None: item = self._item.parent() # Get all plots for current item plots = GuiUtils.plotsFromModel("", item) if plots is None: return ca_caption = '2daverage' # See if current item plots contain 2D average plot has_plot = False for plot in plots: if plot.group_id is None: continue if ca_caption in plot.group_id: has_plot=True # return prematurely if no circular average plot found if not has_plot: return # Create a new plot new_plot = self.circularAverage() # Overwrite existing plot GuiUtils.updateModelItemWithPlot(item, new_plot, # Show the new plot, if already visible self.manager.communicator.plotUpdateSignal.emit([new_plot]) self.manager.communicator.forcePlotDisplaySignal.emit([item, new_plot])
# Show the plot
[docs] def setSlicer(self, slicer): """ Clear the previous slicer and create a new one. slicer: slicer class to create """ # Clear current slicer if self.slicer is not None: self.slicer.clear() # Create a new slicer self.slicer_z += 1 self.slicer = slicer(self,, item=self._item, zorder=self.slicer_z), self.data0.ymax), self.data0.xmax) # Draw slicer self.figure.canvas.draw() self.slicer.update() # Reset the model on the Edit slicer parameters widget self.param_model = self.slicer.model() if self.slicer_widget: self.slicer_widget.setModel(self.param_model)
[docs] def onSectorView(self): """ Perform sector averaging on Q and draw sector slicer """ self.setSlicer(slicer=SectorInteractor)
[docs] def onAnnulusView(self): """ Perform sector averaging on Phi and draw annulus slicer """ self.setSlicer(slicer=AnnulusInteractor)
[docs] def onBoxSum(self): """ Perform 2D Data averaging Qx and Qy. Display box slicer details. """ self.onClearSlicer() self.slicer_z += 1 self.slicer = BoxSumCalculator(self,, zorder=self.slicer_z), self.data0.ymax), self.data0.xmax) self.figure.canvas.draw() self.slicer.update() def boxWidgetClosed(): # Need to disconnect the signal!! self.boxwidget.closeWidgetSignal.disconnect() # reset box on "Edit Slicer Parameters" window close self.manager.parent.workspace().removeSubWindow(self.boxwidget_subwindow) self.boxwidget = None # Get the BoxSumCalculator model. self.box_sum_model = self.slicer.model() # Pass the BoxSumCalculator model to the BoxSum widget self.boxwidget = BoxSum(self, model=self.box_sum_model) # Add the plot to the workspace self.boxwidget_subwindow = self.manager.parent.workspace().addSubWindow(self.boxwidget) self.boxwidget.closeWidgetSignal.connect(boxWidgetClosed)
[docs] def onBoxAveragingX(self): """ Perform 2D data averaging on Qx Create a new slicer. """ self.setSlicer(slicer=BoxInteractorX)
[docs] def onBoxAveragingY(self): """ Perform 2D data averaging on Qy Create a new slicer . """ self.setSlicer(slicer=BoxInteractorY)
[docs] def onColorMap(self): """ Display the color map dialog and modify the plot's map accordingly """ color_map_dialog = ColorMap(self, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, data=self.data0) color_map_dialog.apply_signal.connect(self.onApplyMap) if color_map_dialog.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: self.onApplyMap(color_map_dialog.norm(), color_map_dialog.cmap())
[docs] def onApplyMap(self, v_values, cmap): """ Update the chart color map based on data passed from the widget """ self.cmap = str(cmap) self.vmin, self.vmax = v_values # Redraw the chart with new cmap self.plot()
[docs] def showPlot(self, data, qx_data, qy_data, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, label='data2D', cmap=DEFAULT_CMAP, show_colorbar=True, update=False): """ Render and show the current data """ self.qx_data = qx_data self.qy_data = qy_data self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.ymin = ymin self.ymax = ymax self.zmin = zmin self.zmax = zmax # If we don't have any data, skip. if data is None: return if data.ndim == 0: return elif data.ndim == 1: output = PlotUtilities.build_matrix(data, self.qx_data, self.qy_data) else: output = copy.deepcopy(data) # get the x and y_bin arrays. x_bins, y_bins = PlotUtilities.get_bins(self.qx_data, self.qy_data) self.data0.x_bins = x_bins self.data0.y_bins = y_bins zmin_temp = self.zmin # check scale if self.scale == 'log_{10}': #with numpy.errstate(all='ignore'): # output = numpy.log10(output) #index = numpy.isfinite(output) #if not index.all(): # cutoff = (numpy.quantile(output[index], 0.05) - numpy.log10(2) if index.any() else 0.) # output[output < cutoff] = cutoff # output[~index] = cutoff try: if self.zmin <= 0 and len(output[output > 0]) > 0: zmin_temp = self.zmin output[output > 0] = numpy.log10(output[output > 0]) elif self.zmin <= 0: zmin_temp = self.zmin output[output > 0] = numpy.zeros(len(output)) output[output <= 0] = MIN_Z else: zmin_temp = self.zmin output[output > 0] = numpy.log10(output[output > 0]) except: #Too many problems in 2D plot with scale output[output > 0] = numpy.log10(output[output > 0]) pass vmin, vmax = None, None self.cmap = cmap if self.dimension != 3: #Re-adjust colorbar self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, right=.8, bottom=.2) zmax_temp = self.zmax if self.vmin is not None: zmin_temp = self.vmin zmax_temp = self.vmax if is not None and update: else: =, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=zmin_temp, vmax=zmax_temp, cmap=self.cmap, extent=(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax)) cbax = self.figure.add_axes([0.88, 0.2, 0.02, 0.7]) # Current labels for axes # Title only for regular charts if not self.quickplot: if cbax is None: ax.set_frame_on(False) cb = self.figure.colorbar(, shrink=0.8, aspect=20) else: cb = self.figure.colorbar(, cax=cbax) cb.update_bruteforce( cb.set_label('$' + self.scale + '$') self.vmin = cb.vmin self.vmax = cb.vmax if show_colorbar is False: cb.remove() else: # clear the previous 2D from memory self.figure.clear() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.8, bottom=.1) data_x, data_y = numpy.meshgrid(self.data0.x_bins[0:-1], self.data0.y_bins[0:-1]) ax = Axes3D(self.figure) # Disable rotation for large sets. # TODO: Define "large" for a dataset SET_TOO_LARGE = 500 if len(data_x) > SET_TOO_LARGE: ax.disable_mouse_rotation() self.figure.canvas.resizing = False im = ax.plot_surface(data_x, data_y, output, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cmap, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) if self.dimension != 3: self.figure.canvas.draw_idle() else: self.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def imageShow(self, img, origin=None): """ Show background image :Param img: [imread(path) from matplotlib.pyplot] """ if origin is not None: im =, origin=origin) else: im =
[docs] def update(self): self.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def draw(self): self.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def replacePlot(self, id, new_plot): """ Replace data in current chart. This effectively refreshes the chart with changes to one of its plots """ self.plot(data=new_plot)
[docs] def onMplMouseDown(self, event): """ Display x/y/intensity on click """ # Check that the LEFT button was pressed if event.button != 1: return if event.inaxes is None: return x_click = 0.0 y_click = 0.0 try: x_click = float(event.xdata) # / size_x y_click = float(event.ydata) # / size_y except: self.position = None x_str = GuiUtils.formatNumber(x_click) y_str = GuiUtils.formatNumber(y_click) coord_str = "x: {}, y: {}".format(x_str, y_str) self.manager.communicate.statusBarUpdateSignal.emit(coord_str)
[docs]class Plotter2D(QtWidgets.QDialog, Plotter2DWidget): """ Plotter widget implementation """ def __init__(self, parent=None, quickplot=False, dimension=2): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) Plotter2DWidget.__init__(self, manager=parent, quickplot=quickplot, dimension=dimension) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/res/ball.ico"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) self.setWindowIcon(icon)