Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.rangeSlider

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# /***************************************************************************
# Name                 : RangeSlider
# Description          : A slider for ranges
# Date                 : Jun 20, 2012
# copyright            : (C) 2012 by Giuseppe Sucameli
# email                :
# the code is based on RangeSlider by phil
# (see licensed under GPLv2
# ***************************************************************************/

# /**************************************************************************
# *                                                                         *
# *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
# *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
# *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
# *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
# *                                                                         *
# ***************************************************************************/

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

[docs]class RangeSlider(QtWidgets.QSlider): """ A slider for ranges. This class provides a dual-slider for ranges, where there is a defined maximum and minimum, as is a normal slider, but instead of having a single slider value, there are 2 slider values. This class emits the same signals as the QSlider base class, with the exception of valueChanged. In addition, two new signals are emitted to catch the movement of each handle, lowValueChanged(int) and highValueChanged(int). """ highValueChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) lowValueChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): super(RangeSlider, self).__init__(*args) self._low = self.minimum() self._high = self.maximum() self.pressed_control = QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_None self.hover_control = QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_None self.click_offset = 0 # -1 for the low, 1 for the high, 0 for both self.active_slider = -1
[docs] def lowValue(self): return self._low
[docs] def setLowValue(self, low): if low < self.minimum(): low = self.minimum() if low == self._low: return self._low = low self.update() if self.hasTracking(): self.lowValueChanged.emit(self._low)
[docs] def highValue(self): return self._high
[docs] def setHighValue(self, high): if high > self.maximum(): high = self.maximum() if high == self._high: return self._high = high self.update() if self.hasTracking(): self.highValueChanged.emit(self._high)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): # based on painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) style = for i, value in enumerate([self._low, self._high]): opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOptionSlider() self.initStyleOption(opt) gr = style.subControlRect(style.CC_Slider, opt, style.SC_SliderGroove, self) sr = style.subControlRect(style.CC_Slider, opt, style.SC_SliderHandle, self) if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal: handle_length = sr.width() slider_length = gr.width() slider_min = gr.x() slider_max = gr.right() - handle_length + 1 else: handle_length = sr.height() slider_length = gr.height() slider_min = gr.y() slider_max = gr.bottom() - handle_length + 1 opt.subControls = QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_SliderGroove | QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_SliderHandle # draw the first slider with inverted appearance, then the second # slider drawn on top of the existing ones if i == 0: if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal: opt.upsideDown = not self.invertedAppearance() else: opt.upsideDown = self.invertedAppearance() if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal: opt.sliderValue = value - self.minimum() opt.sliderPosition = self.minimum() + (self.maximum() - value) opt.rect.setX(slider_min) opt.rect.setWidth(slider_length) else: opt.rect.setY(slider_min) opt.rect.setHeight(slider_length) else: # do not highlight the second part when has focus to avoid # drawing of partially overlapped semi-transparent backgrounds opt.state &= ~QtWidgets.QStyle.State_HasFocus opt.sliderValue = 0 opt.sliderPosition = self.minimum() if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal: opt.upsideDown = self.invertedAppearance() pos = style.sliderPositionFromValue(0, self.maximum()-self.minimum(), value-self.minimum(), slider_max - slider_min - 4, opt.upsideDown) opt.rect.setX(pos + 3) opt.rect.setWidth(slider_max - pos + handle_length - 3) else: opt.upsideDown = not self.invertedAppearance() pos = style.sliderPositionFromValue(0, self.maximum()-self.minimum(), self.maximum()-value, slider_max - slider_min - 4, opt.upsideDown) opt.rect.setY(slider_min-1) opt.rect.setHeight(slider_min + slider_length - pos - 2) if self.tickPosition() != self.NoTicks: opt.subControls |= QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_SliderTickmarks if self.pressed_control: opt.activeSubControls = self.pressed_control opt.state |= QtWidgets.QStyle.State_Sunken else: opt.activeSubControls = self.hover_control style.drawComplexControl(QtWidgets.QStyle.CC_Slider, opt, painter, self)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): event.accept() style = button = event.button() # In a normal slider control, when the user clicks on a point in the # slider's total range, but not on the slider part of the control the # control would jump the slider value to where the user clicked. # For this control, clicks which are not direct hits will slide both # slider parts if button: opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOptionSlider() self.initStyleOption(opt) self.active_slider = 0 mid = (self.maximum() - self.minimum()) / 2.0 for i, value in enumerate([self._low, self._high]): opt.sliderPosition = value hit = style.hitTestComplexControl(style.CC_Slider, opt, event.pos(), self) if hit == style.SC_SliderHandle: self.pressed_control = hit # if both handles are close together, avoid locks # choosing the one with more empty space near it if self._low + 2 >= self._high: self.active_slider = 1 if self._high < mid else -1 else: self.active_slider = -1 if i == 0 else 1 self.triggerAction(self.SliderMove) self.setRepeatAction(self.SliderNoAction) self.setSliderDown(True) break if self.active_slider == 0: self.pressed_control = QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_SliderHandle self.click_offset = self.__pixelPosToRangeValue(self.__pick(event.pos())) self.triggerAction(self.SliderMove) self.setRepeatAction(self.SliderNoAction) self.setSliderDown(True) else: event.ignore()
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if self.pressed_control != QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_SliderHandle: event.ignore() return self.setSliderDown(False) return QtWidgets.QSlider.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event)
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if self.pressed_control != QtWidgets.QStyle.SC_SliderHandle: event.ignore() return event.accept() new_pos = self.__pixelPosToRangeValue(self.__pick(event.pos())) opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOptionSlider() self.initStyleOption(opt) old_click_offset = self.click_offset self.click_offset = new_pos if self.active_slider == 0: offset = new_pos - old_click_offset new_low = self._low + offset new_high = self._high + offset if new_low < self.minimum(): diff = self.minimum() - new_low new_low += diff new_high += diff if new_high > self.maximum(): diff = self.maximum() - new_high new_low += diff new_high += diff self.setLowValue( new_low ) self.setHighValue( new_high ) elif self.active_slider < 0: if new_pos > self._high: new_pos = self._high self.setLowValue( new_pos ) else: if new_pos < self._low: new_pos = self._low self.setHighValue( new_pos )
def __pick(self, pt): if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal: return pt.x() else: return pt.y() def __pixelPosToRangeValue(self, pos): opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOptionSlider() self.initStyleOption(opt) style = gr = style.subControlRect(style.CC_Slider, opt, style.SC_SliderGroove, self) sr = style.subControlRect(style.CC_Slider, opt, style.SC_SliderHandle, self) if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal: handle_length = sr.width() slider_min = gr.x() + handle_length/2 slider_max = gr.right() - handle_length/2 + 1 else: handle_length = sr.height() slider_min = gr.y() + handle_length/2 slider_max = gr.bottom() - handle_length/2 + 1 return self.minimum() + style.sliderValueFromPosition(0, self.maximum()-self.minimum(), pos-slider_min, slider_max - slider_min, opt.upsideDown)