# pylint: disable=invalid-name
SAS generic computation and sld file readers.
Calculation checked by sampling from an ellipsoid and comparing Iq with the
1D, 2D oriented and 2D oriented magnetic analytical model from sasmodels.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from periodictable import formula, nsf
from .geni import Iq, Iqxy
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
def decode(s):
return s
[docs] def decode(s):
return s.decode() if isinstance(s, bytes) else s
MFACTOR_AM = 2.90636E-12
MFACTOR_MT = 2.3128E-9
METER2ANG = 1.0E+10
# Avogadro constant [1/mol]
NA = 6.02214129e+23
[docs]def _vec(v):
return np.ascontiguousarray(v, 'd') if v is not None else None
[docs]def mag2sld(mag, v_unit=None):
Convert magnetization to magnatic SLD
sldm = Dm * mag where Dm = gamma * classical elec. radius/(2*Bohr magneton)
Dm ~ 2.90636E8 [(A m)^(-1)]= 2.90636E-12 [to Ang^(-2)]
if v_unit == "A/m":
factor = MFACTOR_AM
elif v_unit == "mT":
factor = MFACTOR_MT
raise ValueError("Invalid magnetism unit %r" % v_unit)
return factor * mag
[docs]class GenSAS(object):
Generic SAS computation Model based on sld (n & m) arrays
[docs] def __init__(self):
:Params sld_data: MagSLD object
# Initialize BaseComponent
self.sld_data = None
self.data_pos_unit = None
self.data_x = None
self.data_y = None
self.data_z = None
self.data_sldn = None
self.data_mx = None
self.data_my = None
self.data_mz = None
self.data_vol = None # [A^3]
self.is_avg = False
self.is_elements = False
## Name of the model
self.name = "GenSAS"
## Define parameters
self.params = {}
self.params['scale'] = 1.0
self.params['background'] = 0.0
self.params['solvent_SLD'] = 0.0
self.params['total_volume'] = 1.0
self.params['Up_frac_in'] = 1.0
self.params['Up_frac_out'] = 1.0
self.params['Up_theta'] = 0.0
self.params['Up_phi'] = 0.0
self.transformed_positions = None
self.transformed_magnetic_slds = None
self.transformed_angles = None
self.description = 'GenSAS'
## Parameter details [units, min, max]
self.details = {}
self.details['scale'] = ['', 0.0, np.inf]
self.details['background'] = ['[1/cm]', 0.0, np.inf]
self.details['solvent_SLD'] = ['1/A^(2)', -np.inf, np.inf]
self.details['total_volume'] = ['A^(3)', 0.0, np.inf]
self.details['Up_frac_in'] = ['[u/(u+d)]', 0.0, 1.0]
self.details['Up_frac_out'] = ['[u/(u+d)]', 0.0, 1.0]
self.details['Up_theta'] = ['[deg]', -90, 90]
self.details['Up_phi'] = ['[deg]', -180, 180]
# fixed parameters
self.fixed = []
[docs] def set_pixel_volumes(self, volume):
Set the volume of a pixel in (A^3) unit
:Param volume: pixel volume [float]
if self.data_vol is None:
raise TypeError("data_vol is missing")
self.data_vol = volume
[docs] def set_is_avg(self, is_avg=False):
Sets is_avg: [bool]
self.is_avg = bool(is_avg)
[docs] def calculate_Iq(self, qx, qy=None):
Evaluate the function
:Param x: array of x-values
:Param y: array of y-values
:return: function value
# transform position data from sample to beamline coords
x, y, z = self.transform_positions()
sld = self.data_sldn - self.params['solvent_SLD']
vol = self.data_vol
if qy is not None and len(qy) > 0:
# 2-D calculation
qx, qy = _vec(qx), _vec(qy)
# MagSLD can have sld_m = None, although in practice usually a zero array
# if all are None can continue as normal, otherwise set None to array of zeroes to allow rotations
mx, my, mz = self.transform_magnetic_slds()
in_spin = self.params['Up_frac_in']
out_spin = self.params['Up_frac_out']
# transform angles from environment to beamline coords
s_theta, s_phi = self.transform_angles()
if self.is_elements:
I_out = Iqxy(
qx, qy, x, y, z, sld, vol, mx, my, mz,
in_spin, out_spin, s_theta, s_phi,
self.data_elements, self.is_elements)
I_out = Iqxy(
qx, qy, x, y, z, sld, vol, mx, my, mz,
in_spin, out_spin, s_theta, s_phi,
# 1-D calculation
q = _vec(qx)
if self.is_avg:
x, y, z = transform_center(x, y, z)
I_out = Iq(q, x, y, z, sld, vol, is_avg=self.is_avg)
vol_correction = self.data_total_volume / self.params['total_volume']
result = ((self.params['scale'] * vol_correction) * I_out
+ self.params['background'])
return result
[docs] def set_rotations(self, uvw_to_UVW=Rotation.from_rotvec([0,0,0]), xyz_to_UVW=Rotation.from_rotvec([0,0,0])):
"""Set the rotations for the coordinate systems
The rotation matrices are given for the COMPONENTS of the vectors - that is xyz_to_UVW
transforms the components of a vector from the xyz to UVW frame. This is the same rotation that
transforms the basis vectors from UVW to xyz.
self.uvw_to_UVW = uvw_to_UVW
self.xyz_to_UVW = xyz_to_UVW
# TODO: rename set_sld_data() since it does more than set sld
[docs] def set_sld_data(self, sld_data=None):
Sets sld_data
self.sld_data = sld_data
self.is_elements = sld_data.is_elements
if self.is_elements:
self.data_elements = sld_data.elements
self.data_pos_unit = sld_data.pos_unit
self.data_x = _vec(sld_data.pos_x)
self.data_y = _vec(sld_data.pos_y)
self.data_z = _vec(sld_data.pos_z)
self.data_sldn = _vec(sld_data.sld_n)
self.data_mx = _vec(sld_data.sld_mx)
self.data_my = _vec(sld_data.sld_my)
self.data_mz = _vec(sld_data.sld_mz)
self.data_vol = _vec(sld_data.vol_pix)
self.data_total_volume = np.sum(sld_data.vol_pix)
self.params['total_volume'] = self.data_total_volume
[docs] def getProfile(self):
Get SLD profile
: return: sld_data
return self.sld_data
[docs] def run(self, x=0.0):
Evaluate the model
:param x: simple value
:return: (I value)
if self.is_elements:
msg = "The data must be a grid of pixels - not elements"
raise ValueError(msg)
if isinstance(x, list):
if len(x[1]) > 0:
raise ValueError("Not a 1D vector.")
# 1D I is found at y=0 in the 2D pattern
out = self.calculate_Iq(x[0])
return out
msg = "Q must be given as list of qx's and qy's"
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def runXY(self, x=0.0):
Evaluate the model
:param x: simple value
:return: I value
:Use this runXY() for the computation
if isinstance(x, list):
return self.calculate_Iq(x[0], x[1])
msg = "Q must be given as list of qx's and qy's"
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def evalDistribution(self, qdist):
Evaluate a distribution of q-values.
:param qdist: ndarray of scalar q-values (for 1D) or list [qx,qy]
where qx,qy are 1D ndarrays (for 2D).
if isinstance(qdist, list):
return self.run(qdist) if len(qdist[1]) < 1 else self.runXY(qdist)
mesg = "evalDistribution is expecting an ndarray of "
mesg += "a list [qx,qy] where qx,qy are arrays."
raise RuntimeError(mesg)
[docs] def file_verification(self, nuc_data, mag_data):
"""Verifies that enabled files are compatible and can be combined
When the user wishes to combine two different files for nuclear (nuc_data) and magnetic
(mag_data) data they must have the same 3D data points in real-space. This function
decides whther verification of this is necessary and if so carries it out.
In the case that the two files have the same real-space data points in different
orders this function re-orders the stored data within the MagSLD objects to make
them align. The full verification is only carried out once for any pair of loaded
if not (nuc_data is not None and mag_data is not None):
# no conflicts if only 1/0 file(s) loaded - therefore restore functionality immediately
return True
# ensure both files are point or element type- not a mixture
if (nuc_data.is_elements and not mag_data.is_elements) or \
(not nuc_data.is_elements and mag_data.is_elements):
logging.error("ERROR: files must both be point-wise or element-wise")
return False
# check each file has the same number of coords
if nuc_data.pos_x.size != mag_data.pos_x.size:
logging.error("ERROR: files have a different number of data points")
return False
# check the coords match up 1-to-1
nuc_coords = np.array(np.column_stack((nuc_data.pos_x, nuc_data.pos_y, nuc_data.pos_z)))
mag_coords = np.array(np.column_stack((mag_data.pos_x, mag_data.pos_y, mag_data.pos_z)))
# TODO: should this have a floating point tolerance??
if np.array_equal(nuc_coords, mag_coords):
if not nuc_data.is_elements:
# arrays are already sorted in the same order, so files match
return True
points_already_match = True
# now check if coords are in wrong order or don't match
nuc_sort_order = np.lexsort((nuc_data.pos_z, nuc_data.pos_y, nuc_data.pos_x))
mag_sort_order = np.lexsort((mag_data.pos_z, mag_data.pos_y, mag_data.pos_x))
nuc_coords = nuc_coords[nuc_sort_order]
mag_coords = mag_coords[mag_sort_order]
# check if sorted data points are equal
if np.array_equal(nuc_coords, mag_coords):
# if data points are equal then resort both lists into the same order
# is this too time consuming for long lists? logging info?
# 1) coords
nuc_data.pos_x, nuc_data.pos_y, nuc_data.pos_z = np.transpose(nuc_coords)
mag_data.pos_x, mag_data.pos_y, mag_data.pos_z = np.transpose(mag_coords)
# 2) mag_data array params that must be in same order as coords
if not nuc_data.is_elements:
params = ["sld_n", "sld_mx", "sld_my", "sld_mz", "vol_pix", "pix_symbol"]
params = ["pix_symbol"]
for item in params:
nuc_val = getattr(nuc_data, item)
if nuc_val is not None:
# data should already be a np array, we cast to an ndarray as a check
# very fast if data is already an instance of ndarray as expected because function
# returns the array as-is
setattr(nuc_data, item, np.asanyarray(nuc_val)[nuc_sort_order])
mag_val = getattr(mag_data, item)
if mag_val is not None:
setattr(mag_data, item, np.asanyarray(mag_val)[mag_sort_order])
# Do NOT need to edit CONECT data (line_x, line_y, line_z as these lines are given by
# absolute positions not references to pos_x, pos_y, pos_z).
if not nuc_data.is_elements:
return True
points_already_match = False
# if sorted lists not equal then data points aren't equal
logging.error("ERROR: files have different real space position data")
return False
if nuc_data.are_elements_array != mag_data.are_elements_array:
# If files don't have the same value for this they do not match anyway.
logging.error("ERROR: files must contain the same elements")
return False
if nuc_data.are_elements_array: # already in np array - can check rapidly
if points_already_match:
if np.array_equal(nuc_data.elements, mag_data.elements): # straight match - immediately confirm
return True
# convert each element into a list of vertices - do not bmag_data comparing each face separately
# while technically with a large number of points one could describe multiple different
# elements, this is not possible from .vtk element types - and would massively slow down verification.
# np.unique also sorts the vertices
nuc_elements_sort = np.unique(nuc_data.elements.reshape((nuc_data.elements.shape[0], -1)), axis=-1)
mag_elements_sort = np.unique(mag_data.elements.reshape((mag_data.elements.shape[0], -1)), axis=-1)
# get reverse permutation
# when positions were changed each index was sent to a new position - this finds the
# position each index was sent to by inverting the permuation
nuc_permutation = np.argsort(nuc_sort_order)
mag_permutation = np.argsort(mag_sort_order)
nuc_elements_sort = np.unique(nuc_data.elements.reshape((nuc_data.elements.shape[0], -1)), axis=-1)
mag_elements_sort = np.unique(mag_data.elements.reshape((mag_data.elements.shape[0], -1)), axis=-1)
# must resort after point positions changed
nuc_elements_sort = np.sort(nuc_permutation[nuc_elements_sort], axis=1)
mag_elements_sort = np.sort(mag_permutation[mag_elements_sort], axis=1)
# elements in each file should now be described by the same real space point indices
# we sort them into order and directly compare them
nuc_elements_sort_order = np.lexsort(np.transpose(nuc_elements_sort))
mag_elements_sort_order = np.lexsort(np.transpose(mag_elements_sort))
if not np.array_equal(nuc_elements_sort[nuc_elements_sort_order, :], mag_elements_sort[mag_elements_sort_order, :]):
logging.error("ERROR: files must contain the same elements")
return False
# if the sorted elements did match we must reposition all the 'per cell' values so the files match
nuc_data.elements = nuc_data.elements[nuc_elements_sort_order, ...]
mag_data.elements = mag_data.elements[mag_elements_sort_order, ...]
params = ["sld_n", "sld_mx", "sld_my", "sld_mz", "vol_pix"]
for item in params:
nuc_val = getattr(nuc_data, item)
if nuc_val is not None:
# data should already be a np array, we cast to an ndarray as a check
# very fast if data is already an instance of ndarray as expected becuase function
# returns the array as-is
setattr(nuc_data, item, np.asanyarray(nuc_val)[nuc_elements_sort_order])
mag_val = getattr(mag_data, item)
if mag_val is not None:
setattr(mag_data, item, np.asanyarray(mag_val)[mag_elements_sort_order])
if not points_already_match:
# if the points were moved we must also update all indices
nuc_data.elements = nuc_permutation[nuc_data.elements]
mag_data.elements = mag_permutation[mag_data.elements]
return True
# the files have different cell types within themselves - the elements are not already in a np array
# as np does not support jagged arrays
nuc_elements = []
mag_elements = []
# get the unique vertices of each element - see the note above about how this is not technically
# a perfect validation.
if points_already_match:
for element in nuc_data.elements:
nuc_elements.append(np.sort(list(set([vertex for face in element for vertex in face]))))
for element in mag_data.elements:
mag_elements.append(np.sort(list(set([vertex for face in element for vertex in face]))))
# ensure the real space point indices match if they were also sorted
nuc_permutation = np.argsort(nuc_sort_order)
mag_permutation = np.argsort(mag_sort_order)
for element in nuc_data.elements:
nuc_elements.append(np.sort(list(set([nuc_permutation[vertex] for face in element for vertex in face]))))
for element in mag_data.elements:
mag_elements.append(np.sort(list(set([mag_permutation[vertex] for face in element for vertex in face]))))
nuc_lengths = [len(i) for i in nuc_elements]
mag_lengths = [len(i) for i in mag_elements]
if max(nuc_lengths) != max(mag_lengths): # if files have different lengthed elements cannot match
logging.error("ERROR: files must contain the same elements")
return False
# sort element vertices into a np array with '-1' filling up the empty slots
r = np.arange(max(nuc_lengths))
nuc_elements_sort = -np.ones((len(nuc_elements), max(nuc_lengths)))
for i in range(len(nuc_elements)):
nuc_elements_sort[i, :nuc_lengths[i]] = nuc_elements[i]
mag_elements_sort = -np.ones((len(mag_elements), max(mag_lengths)))
for i in range(len(mag_elements)):
mag_elements_sort[i, :mag_lengths[i]] = mag_elements[i]
# sort the elements and directly compare them against each mag_data
nuc_elements_sort_order = np.lexsort(np.transpose(nuc_elements_sort))
mag_elements_sort_order = np.lexsort(np.transpose(mag_elements_sort))
if not np.array_equal(nuc_elements_sort[nuc_elements_sort_order, :], mag_elements_sort[mag_elements_sort_order, :]):
logging.error("ERROR: files must contain the same elements")
return False
# if the sorted elements did match we must reposition all the 'per cell' values so the files match
nuc_data.elements = [nuc_data.elements[i] for i in nuc_elements_sort_order]
mag_data.elements = [mag_data.elements[i] for i in mag_elements_sort_order]
params = ["sld_n", "sld_mx", "sld_my", "sld_mz", "vol_pix"]
for item in params:
nuc_val = getattr(nuc_data, item)
if nuc_val is not None:
# data should already be a np array, we cast to an ndarray as a check
# very fast if data is already an instance of ndarray as expected becuase function
# returns the array as-is
setattr(nuc_data, item, np.asanyarray(nuc_val)[nuc_elements_sort_order])
mag_val = getattr(mag_data, item)
if mag_val is not None:
setattr(mag_data, item, np.asanyarray(mag_val)[mag_elements_sort_order])
if not points_already_match:
nuc_data.elements = [[[nuc_permutation[v] for v in f] for f in e] for e in nuc_data.elements]
mag_data.elements = [[[mag_permutation[v] for v in f] for f in e] for e in mag_data.elements]
return True
[docs]class VTKReader:
Class to read and process .vtk files
type_name = "VTK"
## Wildcards
type = ["vtk files (*.VTK, *.vtk)|*.vtk"]
## List of allowed extensions
ext = ['.vtk', '.VTK']
[docs] def read(self, path):
"""This function reads in a vtk file
:param path: The filepath to be loaded
:type path: string
:return: A MagSLD instance containing the loaded data or None if loading failed
:rtype: MagSLD or None
#load in the file
# for standard see https://vtk.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/file-formats.pdf
input_f = open(path, 'rb')
buff = decode(input_f.read())
lines = buff.split('\n')
#remove blank lines - allowed in file standard - returns as an iterator
lines = filter(None, (line.rstrip(" \r") for line in lines))
#first lines should be a file type of the form "# vtk DataFile Version x.x"
header = next(lines)
if len(header) < 23:
logging.error("not a vtk file")
return None
elif header[:23] != "# vtk DataFile Version ":
logging.error("not a vtk file")
return None
elif float(header[23:]) > 3:
logging.error("vtk file version > 3.0")
return None
#skip title
#check file is ascii not binary
if next(lines)[:5].upper() != "ASCII":
logging.error("cannot read binary vtk")
return None
# determine dataset format and call appropriate loader to return a MagSLD of suitable type
dataset_format = [item.strip() for item in next(lines).split()]
if dataset_format[0].upper() != "DATASET":
logging.error("vtk file must have geometry section to be used in calulator")
return None
if dataset_format[1].upper() == "UNSTRUCTURED_GRID":
return self.unstructured_grid_read(lines, path)
logging.error("vtk dataset format " + dataset_format + " is not supported")
return None
except Exception as error:
return None
[docs] def unstructured_grid_read(self, lines, path):
"""Processes .vtk files in ASCII unstructured_grid format
:param lines: an iterator with the (non-empty) lines of the file, starting one line
after the DATASET marker
:type lines: iterator
:param path: The filepath to be loaded
:type path: string
:return: A MagSLD instance containing the loaded data or None if loading failed
:rtype: MagSLD or None
# get information on points
point_data = next(lines).split()
if point_data[0].upper() != "POINTS":
logging.error("Expected POINTS as next section in vtk file format unstructured grid")
num_points = int(point_data[1])
# ignore datatype - all can be read as float in python
# cannot read in with np as data not guaranteed to be on a grid with new lines after each point - although this is standard
points = []
while len(points) < 3*num_points:
#casting to int and float can handle whitespace - shouldn't need to strip()
points += [float(item) for item in next(lines).split()]
points = np.array(points).reshape((num_points, 3))
pos_x, pos_y, pos_z = np.hsplit(points, 3)
# read in the element data
element_data = next(lines).split()
if element_data[0].upper() != "CELLS":
logging.error("Expected CELLS as next section in vtk file format unstructured grid")
num_elements = int(element_data[1])
len_elements = int(element_data[2])
# must load and store carfeully: filetype does not guarantee that elements are line by line
# or all of the same type, cannot immediately cast to np array as cannot support potential jagged arrays
elements_raw = []
while len(elements_raw) < len_elements:
elements_raw += [int(item) for item in next(lines).split()]
# convert element data from a list of integers into a list of lists of element vertices
elements_sorted = []
elements_sizes = []
index = 0
while index < len(elements_raw):
element_size = elements_raw[index]
#sanity check the file has the same number of elements as stated
if num_elements != len(elements_sorted):
logging.error("error while reading cells - specified number is inconsistent with data")
return None
#get information on the element types
element_type_data = next(lines).split()
if element_type_data[0].upper() != "CELL_TYPES":
logging.error("Expected CELL_TYPES as next section in vtk file format unstructured grid")
num_element_types = int(element_type_data[1])
# sanity check same number of element types as elements
if num_element_types != num_elements:
logging.error("error while reading cell types - specified number is inconsistent with cells")
return None
element_types = []
while len(element_types) < num_element_types:
element_types += [int(item) for item in next(lines).split()]
# rewrite elements as list of faces with vertices
# elements has form elements x faces x vertex_indices
elements = [self.get_faces(elements_sorted[i], element_types[i]) for i in range(num_elements)]
# get the volumes of each element
vols = np.array([self.get_vols(elements_sorted[i], element_types[i], points) for i in range(num_elements)])
# get the element attributes - nuclear/magnetic sld data
attribute_data = self.load_data_attributes(lines, num_points, num_elements)
if attribute_data is None:
return None
point_data, element_data = attribute_data
# remove None type elements
if None in elements:
i = 0
while i < len(elements):
if elements[i] is None:
for data in element_data:
del data[0][i]
del elements[i]
del vols[i]
i += 1
#convert point data to element data - for now a standard mean function
if len(point_data) > 0:
logging.info("Attributes provided per point - averaging to produce 'per cell' data")
if max(elements_sizes) != min(elements_sizes):
# If the number of vertices per cell is not constant then add 'dummy values'
# so that array is not jagged - even with additional points np can calulate
# much faster - so we need non-jagged arrays
max_size = max(elements_sizes)
points_adj = np.concatenate((points, [[0,0,0]]), axis=0) # add null point to make array non-jagged
for attr in point_data: # add null value for new vertices to point to
attr[0] = np.concatenate((attr[0], [np.zeros(attr[2])]))
new_index = len(points)
cells_sorted_adj = np.array([i + [new_index]*(max_size-j) for i,j in zip(elements_sorted, elements_sizes)])
points_adj = points # if aray already non-jagged no need to alter it
cells_sorted_adj = np.array(elements_sorted)
vertices = points_adj[cells_sorted_adj]
means = np.mean(vertices, axis=1)
dists = means[:, None, :]-vertices
weights = 1/(np.sum(dists*dists, axis=2)) # use inverse distance weighting with power factor 2
# If we added dummy values set their weights to 0 so they are not used in calulation
if max(elements_sizes) != min(elements_sizes):
weights[cells_sorted_adj == len(points_adj)-1] = 0
for attr in point_data:
vals = attr[0][cells_sorted_adj]
val_means = np.sum(vals*weights[..., None], axis=1)/np.sum(weights[..., None], axis=1)
element_data.append([val_means, attr[1], attr[2]])
# identify data read in as nuclear and magnetic data - for now uses sizes rather than names
# so the user doesn't have to get exactly the right names on the data
if len(element_data) == 1:
if element_data[0][2] == 1:
sld_n = element_data[0][0]
sld_mx = np.zeros_like(sld_n)
sld_my = np.zeros_like(sld_n)
sld_mz = np.zeros_like(sld_n)
elif element_data[0][2] == 3:
sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz = np.hsplit(element_data[0][0], 3)
nuc_data = np.zeros_like(sld_mx)
logging.error("Data attributes did not have 1 or 3 components - cannot interpret as nuclear or magnetic SLD")
return None
elif len(element_data) == 2:
if element_data[0][2] == 1 and element_data[1][2] == 3:
sld_n = element_data[0][0]
sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz = np.hsplit(element_data[1][0], 3)
elif element_data[0][2] == 3 and element_data[1][2] == 1:
sld_n = element_data[1][0]
sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz = np.hsplit(element_data[0][0], 3)
logging.error("Data attributes did not have 1 or 3 components - cannot interpret as nuclear and magnetic SLDs")
return None
logging.error("Data attributes cannot be interpreted as nuclear and/or magnetic SLDs")
return None
# need to flatten as hsplit leaves a length 1 axis
output = MagSLD(pos_x.flatten(), pos_y.flatten(), pos_z.flatten(), sld_n.flatten(), sld_mx.flatten(), sld_my.flatten(), sld_mz.flatten())
output.filename = os.path.basename(path)
# check if elements can be written as np array - all elements have same number of faces - all faces have same number of vertices
are_elements_array = False
if all(element_types[0] == x for x in element_types) and not (element_types[0] == 13) and not (element_types[0] == 14):
elements = np.array(elements)
are_elements_array = True
output.set_elements(elements, are_elements_array)
output.set_pixel_symbols('pixel') # draw points as pixels
return output
[docs] def load_data_attributes(self, lines, num_points, num_elements):
"""Extract the data attributes from the file
In the vtk file format the data attributes (POINT_DATA and CELL_DATA) are the last part of
the file. This function processes that data and returns it.
:param lines: The lines from the file - with the next line being either POINT_DATA or CELL_DATA.
:type lines: iterator
:param num_points: The number of points in the loaded file.
:type num_points: int
:param num_elements: The number of elements in the loaded file.
:type num_elements: int
:return: Either the loaded data attributes of None if loading failed. The data is a 2-tuple of lists
of attributes - each attribute being a list of length 3 containing:
the data as a list, the name of the attribute and the number of components of the attribute.
The first list in the tuple is data associated with points, and the second is data
associated with elements.
:rtype: 2-tuple
# get data attributes
data_type_info = next(lines).split()
#cell and point data can come in either order
if data_type_info[0].strip().upper() == "CELL_DATA":
first_set = [num_elements, "CELL_DATA", "cells"]
second_set = [num_points, "POINT_DATA", "points"]
elif data_type_info[0].strip().upper() == "POINT_DATA":
first_set = [num_points, "POINT_DATA", "points"]
second_set = [num_elements, "CELL_DATA", "cells"]
logging.error("error while reading file line: " + data_type_info + ". Expected data attributes POINT_DATA or CELL_DATA")
return None
if int(data_type_info[1]) != first_set[0]:
logging.error("error while reading " + first_set[1] + " attributes - incompatible with number of " + first_set[2])
return None
first_data, nextLine = self.load_attribute(lines, first_set[0])
if first_data is None:
return None
if int(nextLine.split()[1]) != second_set[0]:
logging.error("error while reading " + second_set[1] + " attributes - incompatible with number of " + second_set[2])
return None
second_data, _ = self.load_attribute(lines, second_set[0]) # cell_data already read by prev. function so starts from correct position
if second_data is None:
return None
if data_type_info[0].strip().upper() == "CELL_DATA":
return (second_data, first_data)
return (first_data, second_data)
[docs] def load_attribute(self, lines, size):
"""Returns a single set of data - either point data or element data
:param lines: The lines of the file - with the next lines being the first after the descriptor
:type lines: iterator
:param size: The expected length of each attribute - either the number of points or number of elements.
:type size: int
:return: a tuple containg both the data loaded - and the next lines in the file - which is None
if the file is ended.
:rtype: 2-tuple
# loop over lines - no need to worry about infinite loop as will stop at end of file if required
data = []
while True:
nextLine = next(lines, None)
# check if end of data attributes of this type
if nextLine is None:
return data, None
nextLineSplit = nextLine.split()
attribute = []
if nextLineSplit[0].strip().upper() == "CELL_DATA" or nextLineSplit[0].upper() == "POINT_DATA":
return data, nextLine
elif nextLineSplit[0].strip().upper() == "SCALARS":
dataType = "SCALAR"
dataName = nextLineSplit[1].strip()
if len(nextLineSplit) <= 3:
components = 1
components = int(nextLineSplit[3]) # do not care about type - python can convert all to float
# check for lookup table
nextLine = next(lines)
if not nextLine.split()[0].strip().upper() == "LOOKUP_TABLE":
attribute += [float(item) for item in nextLine.split()]
elif nextLineSplit[0].strip().upper() == "VECTORS":
dataType = "VECTOR"
dataName = nextLineSplit[1].strip()
components = 3
logging.error("Data type " + nextLineSplit[0].strip() + " is not currently accepted")
return None, None
while len(attribute) < size*components:
#casting to int and float can handle whitespace - shouldn't need to strip()
attribute += [float(item) for item in next(lines).split()]
attribute = np.reshape(np.array(attribute), (size, components))
data.append([attribute, dataName, components])
[docs] def get_faces(self, e, element_type):
"""Returns the faces of the elements
This function takes in the vertices and element type of an element and returns
a list of faces - the orientation of the vertices in each face does not appear
to be guaranteed in the vtk file format.
:param e: The vertices (as indices) of the element in the order as given in the .vtk file
:type e: list of int
:param element_type: The element_type (as given in the file specification).
:type element_type: int
:return: A list of faces which is in turn a list of vertex indices, None if the element type is not supported
:rtype: list of list of int or None
# e = cell_elements - shortened for brevity in code
#returns points in faces
if element_type == 10: # tetrahedron
return [[e[0], e[2], e[1]],
[e[0], e[1], e[3]],
[e[0], e[3], e[2]],
[e[1], e[2], e[3]]]
elif element_type == 11 or element_type == 12: # voxel (rectangular cuboid) or hexahedron
return [[e[0], e[2], e[3], e[1]],
[e[0], e[1], e[5], e[4]],
[e[1], e[3], e[7], e[5]],
[e[3], e[2], e[6], e[7]],
[e[2], e[0], e[4], e[6]],
[e[4], e[5], e[7], e[6]]]
elif element_type == 13: # wedge
return [[e[0], e[3], e[4], e[1]],
[e[0]. e[2], e[5], e[3]],
[e[1], e[4], e[5], e[2]],
[e[0], e[1], e[2]],
[e[3], e[5], e[4]]]
elif element_type == 14: # quadrilateral based pyramid
return [[e[0], e[3], e[2], e[1]],
[e[0], e[1], e[4]],
[e[3], e[0], e[4]],
[e[2], e[3], e[4]],
[e[1], e[2], e[4]]]
logging.error("element type (CELL_TYPE=" + str(element_type) + ") is not supported - skipping element")
return None
[docs] def get_vols(self, e, element_type, v):
"""Returns the volumes of the elements
This function takes in the vertices and element type of an element and returns
the real space volume of each element.
:param e: the vertices (as indexes) of the element in the order as given in the .vtk file
:type e: list of int
:param element_type: The element_type (as given in the file specification).
:type element_type: int
:param v: A list of real space positions which are indexed by `e`.
:type v: list
:return: The volume of the element.
:rtype: float
if element_type == 10: # tetrahedron
return np.abs(np.dot(v[e[0]]-v[e[3]], np.cross(v[e[1]]-v[e[3]], v[e[2]]-v[e[3]])))/6
elif element_type == 11: # voxel
return np.abs(np.dot(v[e[0]]-v[e[2]], np.cross(v[e[0]]-v[e[1]], v[e[0]]-v[e[4]])))
elif element_type == 12: # hexahedron
vals = np.array([[e[2], e[4], e[7], e[1]],
[e[0], e[1], e[2], e[4]],
[e[1], e[4], e[7], e[5]],
[e[1], e[2], e[3], e[7]],
[e[2], e[4], e[6], e[7]]])
vert = v[vals]
return np.sum(np.abs(np.sum(vert[:,0]-vert[:,3] * np.cross(vert[:,1]-vert[:,3], vert[:,2]-vert[:,3]), axis=-1)))/6
elif element_type == 13: # wedge
vals = np.array([[e[0], e[1], e[2], e[5]],
[e[0], e[1], e[3], e[5]],
[e[1], e[3], e[4], e[5]]])
vert = v[vals]
return np.sum(np.abs(np.sum(vert[:,0]-vert[:,3] * np.cross(vert[:,1]-vert[:,3], vert[:,2]-vert[:,3]), axis=-1)))/6
elif element_type == 14: # quadrilateral based pyramid
vals = np.array([[e[0], e[1], e[2], e[4]],
[e[0], e[3], e[2], e[4]]])
vert = v[vals]
return np.sum(np.abs(np.sum(vert[:,0]-vert[:,3] * np.cross(vert[:,1]-vert[:,3], vert[:,2]-vert[:,3]), axis=-1)))/6
return None
[docs]class OMF2SLD(object):
Convert OMFData to MAgData
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.pos_x = None
self.pos_y = None
self.pos_z = None
self.mx = None
self.my = None
self.mz = None
self.sld_n = None
self.vol_pix = None
self.output = None
self.omfdata = None
[docs] def set_data(self, omfdata, shape='rectangular'):
Set all data
self.omfdata = omfdata
length = int(omfdata.xnodes * omfdata.ynodes * omfdata.znodes)
pos_x = np.arange(omfdata.xmin,
omfdata.xnodes*omfdata.xstepsize + omfdata.xmin,
pos_y = np.arange(omfdata.ymin,
omfdata.ynodes*omfdata.ystepsize + omfdata.ymin,
pos_z = np.arange(omfdata.zmin,
omfdata.znodes*omfdata.zstepsize + omfdata.zmin,
self.pos_x = np.tile(pos_x, int(omfdata.ynodes * omfdata.znodes))
self.pos_y = pos_y.repeat(int(omfdata.xnodes))
self.pos_y = np.tile(self.pos_y, int(omfdata.znodes))
self.pos_z = pos_z.repeat(int(omfdata.xnodes * omfdata.ynodes))
self.mx = omfdata.mx
self.my = omfdata.my
self.mz = omfdata.mz
self.sld_n = np.zeros(length)
if omfdata.mx is None:
self.mx = np.zeros(length)
if omfdata.my is None:
self.my = np.zeros(length)
if omfdata.mz is None:
self.mz = np.zeros(length)
# self.remove_null_points(True, False)
mask = np.ones(len(self.sld_n), dtype=bool)
if shape.lower() == 'ellipsoid':
# Pixel (step) size included
x_c = max(self.pos_x) + min(self.pos_x)
y_c = max(self.pos_y) + min(self.pos_y)
z_c = max(self.pos_z) + min(self.pos_z)
x_d = max(self.pos_x) - min(self.pos_x)
y_d = max(self.pos_y) - min(self.pos_y)
z_d = max(self.pos_z) - min(self.pos_z)
x_r = (x_d + omfdata.xstepsize) / 2.0
y_r = (y_d + omfdata.ystepsize) / 2.0
z_r = (z_d + omfdata.zstepsize) / 2.0
x_dir2 = ((self.pos_x - x_c / 2.0) / x_r)
x_dir2 *= x_dir2
y_dir2 = ((self.pos_y - y_c / 2.0) / y_r)
y_dir2 *= y_dir2
z_dir2 = ((self.pos_z - z_c / 2.0) / z_r)
z_dir2 *= z_dir2
mask = (x_dir2 + y_dir2 + z_dir2) <= 1.0
except Exception as exc:
self.output = MagSLD(self.pos_x[mask], self.pos_y[mask],
self.pos_z[mask], self.sld_n[mask],
self.mx[mask], self.my[mask], self.mz[mask])
self.output.filename = omfdata.filename
[docs] def get_omfdata(self):
Return all data
return self.omfdata
[docs] def get_output(self):
Return output
return self.output
[docs] def _check_data_length(self, length):
Check if the data lengths are consistent
:Params length: data length
parts = (self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.pos_z, self.mx, self.my, self.mz)
if any(len(v) != length for v in parts):
raise ValueError("Error: Inconsistent data length.")
[docs] def remove_null_points(self, remove=False, recenter=False):
Removes any mx, my, and mz = 0 points
if remove:
is_nonzero = (np.fabs(self.mx) + np.fabs(self.my) +
if len(is_nonzero[0]) > 0:
self.pos_x = self.pos_x[is_nonzero]
self.pos_y = self.pos_y[is_nonzero]
self.pos_z = self.pos_z[is_nonzero]
self.sld_n = self.sld_n[is_nonzero]
self.mx = self.mx[is_nonzero]
self.my = self.my[is_nonzero]
self.mz = self.mz[is_nonzero]
if recenter:
self.pos_x -= (min(self.pos_x) + max(self.pos_x)) / 2.0
self.pos_y -= (min(self.pos_y) + max(self.pos_y)) / 2.0
self.pos_z -= (min(self.pos_z) + max(self.pos_z)) / 2.0
[docs]class OMFReader(object):
Class to load omf/ascii files (3 columns w/header).
## File type
type_name = "OMF ASCII"
## Wildcards
type = ["OMF files (*.OMF, *.omf)|*.omf"]
## List of allowed extensions
ext = ['.omf', '.OMF']
[docs] def read(self, path):
Load data file
:param path: file path
:return: x, y, z, sld_n, sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz
desc = ""
mx = []
my = []
mz = []
input_f = open(path, 'rb')
buff = decode(input_f.read())
lines = buff.split('\n')
output = OMFData()
valueunit = None
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
# Read data
if line and not line.startswith('#'):
toks = line.split()
_mx = float(toks[0])
_my = float(toks[1])
_mz = float(toks[2])
_mx = mag2sld(_mx, valueunit)
_my = mag2sld(_my, valueunit)
_mz = mag2sld(_mz, valueunit)
except Exception as exc:
# Skip non-data lines
logging.error(str(exc)+" when processing %r"%line)
elif line:
# Reading Header; Segment count ignored
s_line = line.split(":", 1)
if s_line[0].lower().count("oommf") > 0:
oommf = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("title") > 0:
title = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("desc") > 0:
desc += s_line[1].lstrip()
desc += '\n'
if s_line[0].lower().count("meshtype") > 0:
meshtype = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("meshunit") > 0:
meshunit = s_line[1].lstrip()
if meshunit.count("m") < 1:
msg = "Error: \n"
msg += "We accept only m as meshunit"
return None
if s_line[0].lower().count("xbase") > 0:
xbase = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("ybase") > 0:
ybase = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("zbase") > 0:
zbase = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("xstepsize") > 0:
xstepsize = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("ystepsize") > 0:
ystepsize = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("zstepsize") > 0:
zstepsize = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("xnodes") > 0:
xnodes = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("ynodes") > 0:
ynodes = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("znodes") > 0:
znodes = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("xmin") > 0:
xmin = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("ymin") > 0:
ymin = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("zmin") > 0:
zmin = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("xmax") > 0:
xmax = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("ymax") > 0:
ymax = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("zmax") > 0:
zmax = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("valueunit") > 0:
valueunit = s_line[1].lstrip()
if valueunit.count("mT") < 1 and valueunit.count("A/m") < 1:
msg = "Error: \n"
msg += "We accept only mT or A/m as valueunit"
return None
if s_line[0].lower().count("valuemultiplier") > 0:
valuemultiplier = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("valuerangeminmag") > 0:
valuerangeminmag = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("valuerangemaxmag") > 0:
valuerangemaxmag = s_line[1].lstrip()
if s_line[0].lower().count("end") > 0:
output.filename = os.path.basename(path)
output.oommf = oommf
output.title = title
output.desc = desc
output.meshtype = meshtype
output.xbase = float(xbase) * METER2ANG
output.ybase = float(ybase) * METER2ANG
output.zbase = float(zbase) * METER2ANG
output.xstepsize = float(xstepsize) * METER2ANG
output.ystepsize = float(ystepsize) * METER2ANG
output.zstepsize = float(zstepsize) * METER2ANG
output.xnodes = float(xnodes)
output.ynodes = float(ynodes)
output.znodes = float(znodes)
output.xmin = float(xmin) * METER2ANG
output.ymin = float(ymin) * METER2ANG
output.zmin = float(zmin) * METER2ANG
output.xmax = float(xmax) * METER2ANG
output.ymax = float(ymax) * METER2ANG
output.zmax = float(zmax) * METER2ANG
output.valuemultiplier = valuemultiplier
output.valuerangeminmag \
= mag2sld(float(valuerangeminmag), valueunit)
output.valuerangemaxmag \
= mag2sld(float(valuerangemaxmag), valueunit)
mx = np.reshape(mx, (len(mx),))
my = np.reshape(my, (len(my),))
mz = np.reshape(mz, (len(mz),))
output.set_m(mx, my, mz)
omf2sld = OMF2SLD()
output = omf2sld.get_output()
return output
except Exception:
msg = "%s is not supported: \n" % path
msg += "We accept only Text format OMF file."
return None
[docs]class PDBReader(object):
PDB reader class: limited for reading the lines starting with 'ATOM'
type_name = "PDB"
## Wildcards
type = ["pdb files (*.PDB, *.pdb)|*.pdb"]
## List of allowed extensions
ext = ['.pdb', '.PDB']
[docs] def read(self, path):
Load data file
:param path: file path
:return: MagSLD
:raise RuntimeError: when the file can't be opened
pos_x = []
pos_y = []
pos_z = []
sld_n = []
sld_mx = []
sld_my = []
sld_mz = []
vol_pix = []
pix_symbol = []
x_line = []
y_line = []
z_line = []
x_lines = []
y_lines = []
z_lines = []
input_f = open(path, 'rb')
buff = decode(input_f.read())
lines = buff.split('\n')
num = 0
for line in lines:
# check if line starts with "ATOM"
if line[0:6] in ('ATM ', 'ATOM '):
# define fields of interest
atom_name = line[12:16].strip()
atom_name = atom_name[1].upper()
except Exception:
if len(atom_name) == 4:
atom_name = atom_name[0].upper()
elif line[12] != ' ':
atom_name = atom_name[0].upper() + \
atom_name = atom_name[0].upper()
_pos_x = float(line[30:38].strip())
_pos_y = float(line[38:46].strip())
_pos_z = float(line[46:54].strip())
val = nsf.neutron_sld(atom_name)[0]
# sld in Ang^-2 unit
val *= 1.0e-6
atom = formula(atom_name)
# cm to A units
vol = 1.0e+24 * atom.mass / atom.density / NA
except Exception:
logging.warning("Warning: set the sld of %s to zero"% atom_name)
elif line[0:6] == 'CONECT':
toks = line.split()
num = int(toks[1]) - 1
val_list = []
for val in toks[2:]:
int_val = int(val)
except Exception:
if int_val == 0:
# need val_list ordered
for val in val_list:
index = val - 1
if (pos_x[index], pos_x[num]) in x_line and \
(pos_y[index], pos_y[num]) in y_line and \
(pos_z[index], pos_z[num]) in z_line:
x_line.append((pos_x[num], pos_x[index]))
y_line.append((pos_y[num], pos_y[index]))
z_line.append((pos_z[num], pos_z[index]))
if len(x_line) > 0:
except Exception as exc:
pos_x = np.reshape(pos_x, (len(pos_x),))
pos_y = np.reshape(pos_y, (len(pos_y),))
pos_z = np.reshape(pos_z, (len(pos_z),))
sld_n = np.reshape(sld_n, (len(sld_n),))
sld_mx = np.reshape(sld_mx, (len(sld_mx),))
sld_my = np.reshape(sld_my, (len(sld_my),))
sld_mz = np.reshape(sld_mz, (len(sld_mz),))
vol_pix = np.reshape(vol_pix, (len(vol_pix),))
pix_symbol = np.reshape(pix_symbol, (len(pix_symbol),))
output = MagSLD(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, sld_n, sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz)
output.set_conect_lines(x_line, y_line, z_line)
output.filename = os.path.basename(path)
output.sld_unit = '1/A^(2)'
return output
except Exception:
logging.error("%s is not a pdb file" % path)
return None
[docs] def write(self, path, data):
print("Not implemented... ")
[docs]class SLDReader(object):
"""SLD reader for text files.
1 line of header - may give any information
n lines of data points of the form:
4 columns: x y z sld
6 columns: x y z mx my mz
7 columns: x y z sld mx my mz
8 columns: x y z sld mx my mz volume
where all n lines have the same format.
## File type
type_name = "SLD ASCII"
## Wildcards
type = ["sld files (*.SLD, *.sld)|*.sld",
"txt files (*.TXT, *.txt)|*.txt",
"all files (*.*)|*.*"]
## List of allowed extensions
ext = ['.sld', '.SLD', '.txt', '.TXT', '.*']
[docs] def read(self, path):
Load data file
:param path: file path
:return MagSLD: x, y, z, sld_n, sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz
:raise RuntimeError: when the file can't be loaded
data = np.loadtxt(path, dtype='float', skiprows=1,
ndmin=1, unpack=True)
except Exception:
data = None
if data is None or data.shape[0] not in (4, 6, 7, 8):
logging.error("%r is not an sld file" % path)
return None
if data.shape[0] == 4:
x, y, z, sld = data[:4]
mx = np.zeros_like(sld)
my = np.zeros_like(sld)
mz = np.zeros_like(sld)
elif data.shape[0] == 6:
x, y, z, mx, my, mz = data[:6]
sld = np.zeros_like(mx)
x, y, z, sld, mx, my, mz = data[:7]
vol = data[7] if data.shape[0] > 7 else None
output = MagSLD(x, y, z, sld, mx, my, mz, vol)
output.filename = os.path.basename(path)
return output
[docs] def write(self, path, data):
Write sld file
:Param path: file path
:Param data: MagSLD data object
if path is None:
raise ValueError("Missing the file path.")
if data is None:
raise ValueError("Missing the data to save.")
if data.is_elements:
logging.error("cannot save finite element data as a .sld file")
x, y, z = data.pos_x, data.pos_y, data.pos_z
sld_n = data.sld_n if data.sld_n is not None else np.zeros_like(x)
if data.sld_mx is None:
mx = my = mz = np.zeros_like(x)
mx, my, mz = data.sld_mx, data.sld_my, data.sld_mz
vol = data.vol_pix if data.vol_pix is not None else np.ones_like(x)
columns = np.column_stack((x, y, z, sld_n, mx, my, mz, vol))
with open(path, 'w') as out:
# First Line: Column names
out.write("X Y Z SLDN SLDMx SLDMy SLDMz VOLUMEpix\n")
np.savetxt(out, columns)
[docs]class OMFData(object):
OMF Data.
_meshunit = "A"
_valueunit = "A^(-2)"
[docs] def __init__(self):
Init for mag SLD
self.filename = 'default'
self.oommf = ''
self.title = ''
self.desc = ''
self.meshtype = ''
self.meshunit = self._meshunit
self.valueunit = self._valueunit
self.xbase = 0.0
self.ybase = 0.0
self.zbase = 0.0
self.xstepsize = 6.0
self.ystepsize = 6.0
self.zstepsize = 6.0
self.xnodes = 10.0
self.ynodes = 10.0
self.znodes = 10.0
self.xmin = 0.0
self.ymin = 0.0
self.zmin = 0.0
self.xmax = 60.0
self.ymax = 60.0
self.zmax = 60.0
self.mx = None
self.my = None
self.mz = None
self.valuemultiplier = 1.
self.valuerangeminmag = 0
self.valuerangemaxmag = 0
[docs] def __str__(self):
doc strings
_str = "Type: %s\n" % self.__class__.__name__
_str += "File: %s\n" % self.filename
_str += "OOMMF: %s\n" % self.oommf
_str += "Title: %s\n" % self.title
_str += "Desc: %s\n" % self.desc
_str += "meshtype: %s\n" % self.meshtype
_str += "meshunit: %s\n" % str(self.meshunit)
_str += "xbase: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.xbase), self.meshunit)
_str += "ybase: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.ybase), self.meshunit)
_str += "zbase: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.zbase), self.meshunit)
_str += "xstepsize: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.xstepsize),
_str += "ystepsize: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.ystepsize),
_str += "zstepsize: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.zstepsize),
_str += "xnodes: %s\n" % str(self.xnodes)
_str += "ynodes: %s\n" % str(self.ynodes)
_str += "znodes: %s\n" % str(self.znodes)
_str += "xmin: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.xmin), self.meshunit)
_str += "ymin: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.ymin), self.meshunit)
_str += "zmin: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.zmin), self.meshunit)
_str += "xmax: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.xmax), self.meshunit)
_str += "ymax: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.ymax), self.meshunit)
_str += "zmax: %s [%s]\n" % (str(self.zmax), self.meshunit)
_str += "valueunit: %s\n" % self.valueunit
_str += "valuemultiplier: %s\n" % str(self.valuemultiplier)
_str += "ValueRangeMinMag:%s [%s]\n" % (str(self.valuerangeminmag),
_str += "ValueRangeMaxMag:%s [%s]\n" % (str(self.valuerangemaxmag),
return _str
[docs] def set_m(self, mx, my, mz):
Set the Mx, My, Mz values
self.mx = mx
self.my = my
self.mz = mz
[docs]class MagSLD(object):
Magnetic SLD.
pos_x = None
pos_y = None
pos_z = None
sld_n = None
sld_mx = None
sld_my = None
sld_mz = None
# Units
_pos_unit = 'A'
_sld_unit = '1/A^(2)'
_pix_type = 'pixel'
[docs] def __init__(self, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, sld_n=None,
sld_mx=None, sld_my=None, sld_mz=None, vol_pix=None):
Init for mag SLD
:params : All should be np 1D array
self.is_data = True
self.is_elements = False # is this a finite-element based mesh
self.are_elements_array = False # are all elements of the same type
self.elements = []
self.filename = ''
self.xstepsize = 6.0
self.ystepsize = 6.0
self.zstepsize = 6.0
self.xnodes = 10.0
self.ynodes = 10.0
self.znodes = 10.0
self.has_stepsize = False
self.has_conect = False
self.pos_unit = self._pos_unit
self.sld_unit = self._sld_unit
self.pix_type = 'pixel' if vol_pix is None else 'atom'
self.pos_x = np.asarray(pos_x, 'd')
self.pos_y = np.asarray(pos_y, 'd')
self.pos_z = np.asarray(pos_z, 'd')
self.sld_n = np.asarray(sld_n, 'd')
self.line_x = None
self.line_y = None
self.line_z = None
self.sld_mx = sld_mx
self.sld_my = sld_my
self.sld_mz = sld_mz
self.vol_pix = vol_pix
self.data_length = len(pos_x)
#self.sld_m = None
#self.sld_phi = None
#self.sld_theta = None
#self.sld_phi = None
self.pix_symbol = None
if sld_mx is not None and sld_my is not None and sld_mz is not None:
self.set_sldms(sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz)
if vol_pix is None:
[docs] def __str__(self):
doc strings
_str = "Type: %s\n" % self.__class__.__name__
_str += "File: %s\n" % self.filename
_str += "Axis_unit: %s\n" % self.pos_unit
_str += "SLD_unit: %s\n" % self.sld_unit
return _str
[docs] def set_pix_type(self, pix_type):
Set pixel type
:Param pix_type: string, 'pixel' or 'atom'
self.pix_type = pix_type
[docs] def set_sldn(self, sld_n, non_zero_mag_only=True):
Sets neutron SLD.
Warning: if *sld_n* is a scalar and attribute *is_data* is True, then
only pixels with non-zero magnetism will be set by default. Use
the argument non_zero_mag_only=False to change this
if isinstance(sld_n, float):
if self.is_data and non_zero_mag_only:
# For data, put the value to only the pixels w non-zero M
is_nonzero = (np.fabs(self.sld_mx) +
np.fabs(self.sld_my) +
if len(is_nonzero[0]) > 0:
self.sld_n = np.zeros(self.data_length)
self.sld_n[is_nonzero] = sld_n
self.sld_n = np.full(self.data_length, sld_n)
# For non-data, put the value to all the pixels
self.sld_n = np.full(self.data_length, sld_n)
self.sld_n = sld_n
[docs] def set_sldms(self, sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz):
Sets mx, my, mz and abs(m).
""" # Note: escaping
if isinstance(sld_mx, float):
self.sld_mx = np.full(self.data_length, sld_mx)
self.sld_mx = sld_mx
if isinstance(sld_my, float):
self.sld_my = np.full(self.data_length, sld_my)
self.sld_my = sld_my
if isinstance(sld_mz, float):
self.sld_mz = np.full(self.data_length, sld_mz)
self.sld_mz = sld_mz
#sld_m = np.sqrt(sld_mx**2 + sld_my**2 + sld_mz**2)
#if isinstance(sld_m, float):
# self.sld_m = np.full_like(self.pos_x, sld_m)
# self.sld_m = sld_m
[docs] def set_pixel_symbols(self, symbol='pixel'):
Set pixel
:Params pixel: str; pixel or atomic symbol, or array of strings
if self.sld_n is None:
if symbol.__class__.__name__ == 'str':
self.pix_symbol = np.repeat(symbol, len(self.pos_x))
self.pix_symbol = symbol
[docs] def set_pixel_volumes(self, vol):
Set pixel volumes
:Params pixel: str; pixel or atomic symbol, or array of strings
if self.sld_n is None:
if isinstance(vol, np.ndarray):
self.vol_pix = vol
elif vol.__class__.__name__.count('float') > 0:
self.vol_pix = np.repeat(vol, self.data_length)
# TODO: raise error rather than silently ignore
self.vol_pix = None
[docs] def set_elements(self, elements, are_elements_array):
"""Set elements for a non-rectangular grid
This sets element data for the object allowing non rectangular grids to be used.
It sets a boolean flag in the class, stores the structure of the elements and
sets the pixel type to 'element', and hence nodes and stepsize to None. Once
this flag is enabled the sld data is expected to match up to elements as opposed
to points.
:param elements: The elements which describe the volume. This should be a list
(of elements) of a list (of faces) of a list (of vertex indices). It may be a
jagged array due to the freedom of the .vtk file format. Faces may not be
:type elements: list
self.is_elements = True
self.are_elements_array = are_elements_array
self.elements = elements
self.pix_type = "elements"
self.data_length = len(elements)
[docs] def get_sldn(self):
Returns nuclear sld
return self.sld_n
[docs] def set_nodes(self):
Set xnodes, ynodes, and znodes
if self.pix_type == 'pixel':
xdist = (max(self.pos_x) - min(self.pos_x)) / self.xstepsize
ydist = (max(self.pos_y) - min(self.pos_y)) / self.ystepsize
zdist = (max(self.pos_z) - min(self.pos_z)) / self.zstepsize
self.xnodes = int(xdist) + 1
self.ynodes = int(ydist) + 1
self.znodes = int(zdist) + 1
except Exception:
# TODO: don't silently ignore errors
self.xnodes = None
self.ynodes = None
self.znodes = None
self.xnodes = None
self.ynodes = None
self.znodes = None
[docs] def set_stepsize(self):
Set xtepsize, ystepsize, and zstepsize
if self.pix_type == 'pixel':
xpos_pre = self.pos_x[0]
ypos_pre = self.pos_y[0]
zpos_pre = self.pos_z[0]
for x_pos in self.pos_x:
if xpos_pre != x_pos:
self.xstepsize = np.fabs(x_pos - xpos_pre)
for y_pos in self.pos_y:
if ypos_pre != y_pos:
self.ystepsize = np.fabs(y_pos - ypos_pre)
for z_pos in self.pos_z:
if zpos_pre != z_pos:
self.zstepsize = np.fabs(z_pos - zpos_pre)
# default pix volume
self.vol_pix = np.ones(len(self.pos_x))
vol = self.xstepsize * self.ystepsize * self.zstepsize
self.has_stepsize = True
except Exception:
# TODO: don't silently ignore errors
self.xstepsize = None
self.ystepsize = None
self.zstepsize = None
self.vol_pix = None
self.has_stepsize = False
self.xstepsize = None
self.ystepsize = None
self.zstepsize = None
self.has_stepsize = True
return self.xstepsize, self.ystepsize, self.zstepsize
[docs] def set_conect_lines(self, line_x, line_y, line_z):
Set bonding line data if taken from pdb
if line_x.__class__.__name__ != 'list' or len(line_x) < 1:
if line_y.__class__.__name__ != 'list' or len(line_y) < 1:
if line_z.__class__.__name__ != 'list' or len(line_z) < 1:
self.has_conect = True
self.line_x = line_x
self.line_y = line_y
self.line_z = line_z
[docs]def test():
Check that the GenSAS can load coordinates and compute I(q).
ofpath = _get_data_path("coordinate_data", "A_Raw_Example-1.omf")
if not os.path.isfile(ofpath):
raise ValueError("file(s) not found: %r"%(ofpath,))
oreader = OMFReader()
omfdata = oreader.read(ofpath)
model = GenSAS()
q = np.linspace(0, 0.1, 11)[1:]
return model.runXY([q, q])
# =======================================================================
# Code to check the speed and correctness of the generic sas calculation.
# =======================================================================
[docs]def _get_data_path(*path_parts):
from os.path import realpath, join as joinpath, dirname
# in sas/sascalc/calculator; want sas/sasview/test
return joinpath(dirname(realpath(__file__)),
'..', '..', 'sasview', 'test', *path_parts)
[docs]def demo_load():
Check loading of coordinate data.
tfpath = _get_data_path("1d_data", "CoreXY_ShellZ.txt")
ofpath = _get_data_path("coordinate_data", "A_Raw_Example-1.omf")
if not os.path.isfile(tfpath) or not os.path.isfile(ofpath):
raise ValueError("file(s) not found: %r, %r"%(tfpath, ofpath))
reader = SLDReader()
oreader = OMFReader()
output = reader.read(tfpath)
ooutput = oreader.read(ofpath)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
ax.plot(output.pos_x, output.pos_y, output.pos_z, '.', c="g",
alpha=0.7, markeredgecolor='gray', rasterized=True)
#gap = 7
#max_mx = max(output.sld_mx)
#max_my = max(output.sld_my)
#max_mz = max(output.sld_mz)
#max_m = max(max_mx, max_my, max_mz)
#x2 = output.pos_x+output.sld_mx/max_m * gap
#y2 = output.pos_y+output.sld_my/max_m * gap
#z2 = output.pos_z+output.sld_mz/max_m * gap
#x_arrow = np.column_stack((output.pos_x, x2))
#y_arrow = np.column_stack((output.pos_y, y2))
#z_arrow = np.column_stack((output.pos_z, z2))
#unit_x2 = output.sld_mx / max_m
#unit_y2 = output.sld_my / max_m
#unit_z2 = output.sld_mz / max_m
#color_x = np.fabs(unit_x2 * 0.8)
#color_y = np.fabs(unit_y2 * 0.8)
#color_z = np.fabs(unit_z2 * 0.8)
#colors = np.column_stack((color_x, color_y, color_z))
[docs]def demo_save():
Check saving of coordinate data.
ofpath = _get_data_path("coordinate_data", "A_Raw_Example-1.omf")
if not os.path.isfile(ofpath):
raise ValueError("file(s) not found: %r"%(ofpath,))
oreader = OMFReader()
omfdata = oreader.read(ofpath)
writer = SLDReader()
writer.write("out.txt", omfdata.output)
[docs]def sas_gen_c(self, qx, qy=None):
C interface to sas_gen, for comparison to new python interface.
Note: this requires the old C implementation which may have already
been removed from the repository.
from . import _sld2i
x, y, z = self.data_x, self.data_y, self.data_z
if self.is_avg:
x, y, z = transform_center(x, y, z)
sld = self.data_sldn - self.params['solvent_SLD']
vol = self.data_vol
mx, my, mz = self.data_mx, self.data_my, self.data_mz
in_spin = self.params['Up_frac_in']
out_spin = self.params['Up_frac_out']
s_theta = self.params['Up_theta']
s_phi = self.params['Up_phi']
scale = self.params['scale']
total_volume = self.params['total_volume']
background = self.params['background']
is_magnetic = (mx is not None and my is not None and mz is not None)
if not is_magnetic:
mx = my = mz = np.zeros_like(x)
args = (
(1 if self.is_avg else 0),
# To compare new to old need to swap the inputs. Also need to
# reverse the sign.
x, y, z, sld, mx, mz, my, vol, in_spin, out_spin, s_theta, s_phi)
model = _sld2i.new_GenI(*args)
I_out = np.empty_like(qx)
if qy is not None and len(qy) > 0:
qx, qy = _vec(qx), _vec(qy)
_sld2i.genicomXY(model, qx, qy, I_out)
qx = _vec(qx)
_sld2i.genicom(model, qx, I_out)
vol_correction = self.data_total_volume / total_volume
result = (scale * vol_correction) * I_out + background
return result
[docs]def realspace_Iq(self, qx, qy):
Compute Iq for GenSAS object using sasmodels/explore/realspace.py
from realspace import calc_Iq_magnetic, calc_Iqxy
from realspace import calc_Pr, calc_Iq_from_Pr, calc_Iq_avg, r_bins
x, y, z = self.data_x, self.data_y, self.data_z
if self.is_avg:
x, y, z = transform_center(x, y, z)
rho = (self.data_sldn - self.params['solvent_SLD'])*1e6
volume = self.data_vol
rho_m = (self.data_mx, self.data_my, self.data_mz)
in_spin = self.params['Up_frac_in']
out_spin = self.params['Up_frac_out']
s_theta = self.params['Up_theta']
s_phi = self.params['Up_phi']
scale = self.params['scale']
total_volume = self.params['total_volume']
background = self.params['background']
is_magnetic = all(v is not None for v in rho_m)
#print("qx, qy", qx, qy)
if is_magnetic:
rho_m = np.vstack(rho_m)*1e6
points = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
if qy is None:
if self.is_avg:
I_out = calc_Iq_avg(qx, rho, points, volume)
rmax = np.linalg.norm(np.max(points, axis=0) - np.min(points, axis=0))
r = r_bins(qx, rmax, over_sampling=10)
Pr = calc_Pr(r, rho, points, volume)
#import pylab; pylab.plot(r, Pr); pylab.figure()
I_out = calc_Iq_from_Pr(qx, r, Pr)
if is_magnetic:
I_out = calc_Iq_magnetic(
qx, qy, rho, rho_m, points, volume,
up_frac_i=in_spin, up_frac_f=out_spin, up_angle=s_theta, up_phi=s_phi,
I_out = calc_Iqxy(qx, qy, rho, points, volume=volume, dtype='d')
vol_correction = self.data_total_volume / total_volume
#print("vol correction", vol_correction, self.data_total_volume, total_volume)
result = (scale * vol_correction) * I_out + background
return result
# author: Ben (https://stackoverflow.com/users/874660/ben)
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8130823/set-matplotlib-3d-plot-aspect-ratio/19248731#19248731
[docs]def set_axis_equal_3D(ax):
Set equal axes on a 3D plot.
extents = np.array([getattr(ax, 'get_{}lim'.format(dim))() for dim in 'xyz'])
sz = extents[:, 1] - extents[:, 0]
centers = np.mean(extents, axis=1)
maxsize = max(abs(sz))
r = maxsize/2
for ctr, dim in zip(centers, 'xyz'):
getattr(ax, 'set_{}lim'.format(dim))(ctr - r, ctr + r)
[docs]def compare(obj, qx, qy=None, plot_points=False, theory=None):
Compare GenSAS calculator *obj* to old C and sasmodels versions.
*theory* is the I(q) value for the shape, if known.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import realspace
use_realspace = True
except ImportError:
use_realspace = False
from . import _sld2i
# old model is too slow for large number of points
use_oldmodel = (len(obj.data_x) <= 21000)
except ImportError:
use_oldmodel = False
#use_realspace = oldmodel = False
use_theory = (theory is not None)
I_theory = (theory, "theory") if use_theory else None
if use_realspace:
start = timer()
I_realspace = (realspace_Iq(obj, qx, qy), "realspace")
print("realspace time:", timer() - start)
I_realspace = None
start = timer()
I_new = obj.calculate_Iq(qx, qy)
print("New time:", timer() - start)
new_label = "New"
if use_oldmodel:
start = timer()
I_old = (sas_gen_c(obj, qx, qy), "old")
print("Old time:", timer() - start)
I_old = None
def select(a, b, c):
if a is None and b is None:
return c, None, None
elif a is None:
return b, c, None
return a, b, c
base, other, extra = select(I_theory, I_old, I_realspace)
#base, other, extra = select(I_theory, I_realspace, I_old)
def calc_rel_err(target, label):
rel_error = np.abs(target - I_new)/np.abs(target)
index = (I_new > I_new.max()/10)
ratio = np.mean(target[index]/I_new[index])
print(label, "rel error =", rel_error[~np.isnan(rel_error)].max(),
", %s/New ="%label, ratio)
if use_theory:
if use_oldmodel:
if use_realspace:
if base is not None:
#rel_error = 0.5*np.abs(base[0] - I_new)/(np.abs(base[0])+np.abs(I_new))
#rel_error = np.abs(base[0]/np.sum(base[0]) - I_new/np.sum(I_new))
#rel_label = "|%s/sum(%s) - %s/sum(%s)|" % (base[1], base[1], new_label, new_label)
rel_error = np.abs(base[0] - I_new)/np.abs(base[0])
rel_label = "|%s - %s|/|%s|" % (base[1], new_label, base[1])
#print(rel_label, "=", rel_error[~np.isnan(rel_error)].max())
rel_error, rel_label = None, None
if qy is not None and len(qy) > 0:
plt.pcolormesh(qx, qy, np.log10(I_new))
if base is not None:
if other is None:
plt.pcolormesh(qx, qy, np.log10(base[0]))
if other is not None:
plt.pcolormesh(qx, qy, np.log10(other[0]))
if rel_error is not None:
if False:
plt.pcolormesh(qx, qy, base[0] - I_new)
plt.title("%s - %s" % (base[1], new_label))
plt.pcolormesh(qx, qy, rel_error)
if use_realspace:
plt.loglog(qx, I_realspace[0], '-', label=I_realspace[1])
if use_oldmodel:
plt.loglog(qx, I_old[0], '-', label=I_old[1])
if use_theory:
plt.loglog(qx, I_theory[0], '-', label=I_theory[1])
plt.loglog(qx, I_new, '-', label=new_label)
if plot_points:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
#ax = fig.add_subplot((111), projection='3d')
ax.plot(obj.data_x, obj.data_y, obj.data_z, '.', c="g",
alpha=0.7, markeredgecolor='gray', rasterized=True)
[docs]def demo_oommf():
Calculate theory from saved OOMMF magnetic data.
path = _get_data_path("coordinate_data", "A_Raw_Example-1.omf")
reader = OMFReader()
omfdata = reader.read(path)
data = omfdata.output
model = GenSAS()
model.params['background'] = 1e-7
q = np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 31)
qx, qy = np.meshgrid(q, q)
compare(model, qx, qy)
[docs]def demo_pdb(is_avg=False):
Calculation I(q) for object in pdb file.
#filename = "diamond.pdb"
filename = "dna.pdb"
path = _get_data_path("coordinate_data", filename)
reader = PDBReader()
data = reader.read(path)
model = GenSAS()
#print(filename, "has", len(model.data_x), "points")
q = np.linspace(0, 1, 1350)
compare(model, q)
[docs]def demo_shape(shape='ellip', samples=2000, nq=100, view=(60, 30, 0),
qmax=0.5, use_2d=False, **kw):
Sample from shape with analytic model.
*shape* is one of the shapes from sasmodels/explore/realspace.py
*samples* is the number of sample points
*view* is the rotation angle for the shape
*qmax* is the max q value
*use_2d* produces a 2D shape rather
Remaining keywords are specific to the shape. See def build_SHAPE(...)
in realspace.py for details.
import realspace
builder = realspace.SHAPE_FUNCTIONS[shape]
shape, fx, fxy = builder(**kw)
sampling_density = samples / shape.volume
if shape.is_magnetic:
rho, rho_m, points = shape.sample_magnetic(sampling_density)
rho, rho_m = rho*1e-6, rho_m*1e-6
mx, my, mz = rho_m
up_i, up_f, up_angle, up_phi = shape.spin
rho, points = shape.sample(sampling_density)
rho = rho*1e-6
mx = my = mz = None
up_i, up_f, up_angle, up_phi = 0.5, 0.5, 90.0, 0.0
points = realspace.apply_view(points, view)
volume = shape.volume / len(points)
#print("shape, pixel volume", shape.volume, shape.volume/len(points))
x, y, z = points.T
data = MagSLD(x, y, z, sld_n=rho, vol_pix=volume,
sld_mx=mx, sld_my=my, sld_mz=mz)
model = GenSAS()
#print("vol", data.vol_pix[:10], model.data_vol[:10])
model.params['scale'] = 1.0
model.params['background'] = 1e-2
model.params['Up_frac_in'] = up_i
model.params['Up_frac_out'] = up_f
model.params['Up_theta'] = up_angle
model.params['Up_phi'] = up_phi
if use_2d or shape.is_magnetic:
q = np.linspace(-qmax, qmax, nq)
qx, qy = np.meshgrid(q, q)
theory = fxy(qx, qy, view)
qmax = np.log10(qmax)
qx = np.logspace(qmax-3, qmax, nq)
qy = None
theory = fx(qx)
theory = model.params['scale']*theory + model.params['background']
compare(model, qx, qy, plot_points=False, theory=theory)
[docs]def demo():
Run a GenSAS operation demo.
# Comparison to sasmodels.
# See sasmodels/explore/realspace.py:build_SHAPE for parameters.
pars = dict(
# Shape + qrange + magnetism (only for ellip).
#shape='ellip', rab=125, rc=50, qmax=0.1,
#shape='ellip', rab=25, rc=50, qmax=0.1,
shape='ellip', rab=125, rc=50, qmax=0.05, rho_m=5, theta_m=20, phi_m=30, up_i=1, up_f=0, up_angle=35, up_phi=35,
# 1D or 2D curve (ignored for magnetism).
# Particle orientation.
view=(30, 60, 0),
# Number of points in the volume.
#samples=2000, nq=100,
samples=20000, nq=51,
#samples=200000, nq=20,
#samples=20000000, nq=10,
[docs]def _setup_realspace_path():
Put sasmodels/explore on path so realspace
import realspace
except ImportError:
from os.path import join as joinpath, realpath, dirname
path = realpath(joinpath(dirname(__file__),
'..', '..', '..', '..', '..',
'sasmodels', 'explore'))
sys.path.insert(0, path)
logging.info("inserting %r into python path for realspace", path)
if __name__ == "__main__":