sasmodels.custom package
Module contents
Custom Models
This is a place holder for the custom models namespace. When models are
loaded from a file by sasmodels.generate.load_kernel_module()
they are
loaded as if they exist in sasmodels.custom. This package needs to exist
for this to occur without error.
- sasmodels.custom._find_sources(path: str, source_list: List[str]) List[str] [source]
Return a list of the sources relative to base file; ignore any that are not found.
- sasmodels.custom.load_custom_kernel_module(path: str) module [source]
load SAS kernel from path as sasmodels.custom.modelname
- sasmodels.custom.load_module_from_path(fullname: str, path: str) module [source]
load module from path as fullname
- sasmodels.custom.need_reload(path: str) bool [source]
Return True if any path dependencies have a timestamp newer than the time when the path was most recently loaded.