sas.qtgui.MainWindow package
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI package
- Submodules
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.AboutUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.AcknowledgementsUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.CategoryManagerUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.ChangeCategoryUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.ChangeNameUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.DataExplorerUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.MainWindowUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.TabbedFileLoadUI module
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.UI.WelcomePanelUI module
- Module contents
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.AboutBox module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.AboutBox.AboutBox(parent=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.AboutBox'
- addActions()[source]
Add actions to the logo push buttons
- addText()[source]
Modify the labels so the text corresponds to the current version
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.Acknowledgements module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.Acknowledgements.Acknowledgements(parent=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.Acknowledgements'
- addText()[source]
Modify the labels so the text corresponds to the current version
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager.Categories[source]
Container class for accessing model categories
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager', '__doc__': '\n Container class for accessing model categories\n ', '__init__': <function Categories.__init__>, 'readCategoryInfo': <function Categories.readCategoryInfo>, 'saveCategories': <function Categories.saveCategories>, 'setupModelDict': <function Categories.setupModelDict>, 'regenerateModelDict': <function Categories.regenerateModelDict>, 'regenerateMasterDict': <function Categories.regenerateMasterDict>, 'modelToCategory': <function Categories.modelToCategory>, 'modelDict': <function Categories.modelDict>, 'categoryDict': <function Categories.categoryDict>, 'categoryList': <function Categories.categoryList>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Categories' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Categories' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n Container class for accessing model categories\n '
- __init__()[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- categoryDict()[source]
Getter for the category dict
- categoryList()[source]
Getter for the category list
- modelDict()[source]
Getter for the model list
- modelToCategory()[source]
Getter for the model->category dict
- readCategoryInfo()[source]
Reads the categories in from file
- regenerateMasterDict()[source]
regenerates self.master_category_dict from self.by_model_dict and self.model_enabled_dict
- regenerateModelDict()[source]
Regenerates self.by_model_dict which has each model name as the key and the list of categories belonging to that model along with the enabled mapping
- saveCategories()[source]
Serializes categorization info to file
- setupModelDict()[source]
create a dictionary for model->category mapping
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager.CategoryManager(parent=None, manager=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(parent=None, manager=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager'
- initializeGlobals()[source]
Initialize global variables used in this class
- initializeModelList()[source]
Model category combo setup
- initializeModels()[source]
Set up models and views
- initializeSignals()[source]
- Returns:
- onClose()[source]
Save the category file before exiting
- onEnableAll(isChecked)[source]
Respond to the Enable/Disable All checkbox
- onListSelection()[source]
Respond to row selection and update GUI
- onModify()[source]
Show the Change Category dialog - modal
- onReset()[source]
Reload the saved categories
- onSearch()[source]
Respond to text entered in search field
- selectedModels()[source]
Returns a list of selected models
- setTableProperties(table)[source]
Setting table properties
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager.ChangeCategory(parent=None, categories=None, model=None)[source]
Dialog for adding/removing categories for a single model
- __doc__ = '\n Dialog for adding/removing categories for a single model\n '
- __init__(parent=None, categories=None, model=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager'
- initializeElements()[source]
Initialize local GUI elements with information from the Categories object
- initializeList()[source]
Initialize the category list for the given model
- initializeSignals()[source]
Initialize signals for UI elements
- listCategories()[source]
Returns the list of categories from the QListWidget
- onAdd()[source]
Add the chosen category to the list
- onAddChoice()[source]
Respond to the type selection for new category
- onListSelection()[source]
Respond to selection in the category list view
- onOK()[source]
Accept the new categories for the model
- onRemove()[source]
Remove selected categories in the list
- selectedModels()[source]
Returns a list of selected models
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager.ToolTippedItemModel(parent=None)[source]
Subclass from QStandardItemModel to allow displaying tooltips in QTableView model.
- __doc__ = '\n Subclass from QStandardItemModel to allow displaying tooltips in\n QTableView model.\n '
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.CategoryManager'
- headerData(section, orientation, role=0)[source]
Displays tooltip for each column’s header :param section: :param orientation: :param role: :return:
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataExplorer module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataExplorer.DataExplorerWindow(parent=None, guimanager=None, manager=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(parent=None, guimanager=None, manager=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataExplorer'
- _perspective()[source]
Returns the current perspective
- addDataPlot2D(plot_set, item)[source]
Create a new 2D plot and add it to the workspace
- addPlot(new_plot)[source]
Helper method for plot bookkeeping
- add_data(data_list)[source]
Update the data manager with new items
- allDataForModel(model)[source]
- static appendOrUpdatePlot(self, data, plot)[source]
- appendPlot()[source]
Add data set(s) to the existing matplotlib chart
- changeName()[source]
Open a modal window that can change the display name of the selected data
- changeTabs(tab=0)[source]
Switch tabs of the data explorer 0: data tab 1: theory tab
- chooseFiles()[source]
Shows the Open file dialog and returns the chosen path(s)
- cloneTheory(item_from)[source]
Manually clone theory items into a new HashableItem
- closeAllPlots()[source]
Close all currently displayed plots
- closeEvent(event)[source]
Overwrite the close event - no close!
- closePlotsForItem(item)[source]
Given standard item, close all its currently displayed plots
- contextMenu()[source]
Define actions and layout of the right click context menu
- deleteAllItems()[source]
Deletes all datasets from both model and theory_model
- deleteFile(event)[source]
Delete selected rows from the model
- deleteIndices(indices)[source]
Delete model idices from the current view
- deleteIntermediateTheoryPlotsByModelID(model_id)[source]
Given a model’s ID, deletes all items in the theory item model which reference the same ID. Useful in the case of intermediate results disappearing when changing calculations (in which case you don’t want them to be retained in the list).
- deleteSelectedItem()[source]
Delete the current item
- deleteTheory(event)[source]
Delete selected rows from the theory model
- displayData(data_list, id=None)[source]
Forces display of charts for the given data set
- displayDataByName(name=None, is_data=True, id=None)[source]
Forces display of charts for the given name
- displayHelp()[source]
Show the “Loading data” section of help
- enableGraphCombo(combo_text)[source]
Enables/disables “Assign Plot” elements
- extShowEditDataMask()[source]
- flatDataForModel(model)[source]
Get a flat “name:data1d/2d” dict for all items in the model, including children
- freezeCheckedData()[source]
Convert checked results (fitted model, residuals) into separate dataset.
- freezeDataToItem(data=None)[source]
Freeze given set of data to main model
- freezeItem(item=None)[source]
Freeze given item
- freezeSelectedItems()[source]
Freeze selected items
- freezeTheory(event)[source]
Freeze selected theory rows.
“Freezing” means taking the plottable data from the Theory item and copying it to a separate top-level item in Data.
- getAllData()[source]
Get items from both data and theory models
- getAllFlatData()[source]
Get items from both data and theory models
- getDataForID(id)[source]
- getItemForID(id)[source]
- getSerializedData()[source]
converts all datasets into serializable dictionary
- getWlist()[source]
Wildcards of files we know the format of.
- initPerspectives()[source]
Populate the Perspective combobox and define callbacks
- isPlotShown(plot)[source]
Checks currently shown plots and returns true if match
- itemFromDisplayName(name)[source]
Retrieves model item corresponding to the given display name
- loadAnalysis()[source]
Called when the “Open Analysis” menu item chosen.
- loadComplete(output)[source]
Post message to status bar and update the data manager
- loadFailed(reason)[source]
- loadFile(event=None)[source]
Called when the “Load” button pressed. Opens the Qt “Open File…” dialog
- loadFolder(event=None)[source]
Called when the “File/Load Folder” menu item chosen. Opens the Qt “Open Folder…” dialog
- loadFromURL(url)[source]
Threaded file load
- loadProject()[source]
Called when the “Open Project” menu item chosen.
- minimizeAllPlots()[source]
Minimize all currently displayed plots
- newPlot()[source]
Select checked data and plot it
- onAnalysisUpdate(new_perspective='')[source]
Update the perspective combo index based on passed string
- onCustomContextMenu(position)[source]
Show the right-click context menu in the data treeview
- onFileListChanged(item)[source]
Slot for model (data/theory) changes. Currently only reacting to checkbox selection.
- onFileListDeselected()[source]
Slot for actionDeselect
- onFileListSelected()[source]
Slot for actionSelect
- onTabSwitch(index)[source]
Callback for tab switching signal
- plotData(plots, transform=True)[source]
Takes 1D/2D data and generates a single plot (1D) or multiple plots (2D)
- quickData3DPlot()[source]
Slowish 3D plot
- quickDataPlot()[source]
Frozen plot - display an image of the plot
- readData(path)[source]
verbatim copy-paste from
slightly modified for clarity
- readProject(filename)[source]
Read out datasets and perspective information from file
- recursivelyCloneItem(item)[source]
Clone QStandardItem() object
- saveAnalysis(data, tab_id=1, ext='fitv')[source]
Called when the “Save Analysis” menu item chosen.
- saveAsAnalysisFile(tab_id=1, extension='fitv')[source]
Show the save as… dialog and return the chosen filepath
- saveDataAs()[source]
Save the data points as either txt or xml
- saveDataToFile(outfile)[source]
Save every dataset to a json file
- saveProject()[source]
Called when the “Save Project” menu item chosen.
- selectData(index)[source]
Callback method for modifying the TreeView on Selection Options change
- sendData(event=None)[source]
Send selected item data to the current perspective and set the relevant notifiers
- sendItemToPerspective(item, tab_index=None)[source]
Send the passed item data to the current perspective and set the relevant notifiers
- setCheckItems(status=0)[source]
Sets requested checkbox status on selected indices
- setItemsCheckability(model, dimension=None, checked=False)[source]
For a given model, check or uncheck all items of given dimension
- showDataInfo()[source]
Show a simple read-only text edit with data information.
- showEditDataMask(data=None)[source]
Mask Editor for 2D plots
- updateGraphCombo(graph_list)[source]
Modify Graph combo box on graph add/delete
- updateGraphCount(graphs)[source]
Modify the graph name combo and potentially remove deleted graphs
- updateModel(data, p_file)[source]
Add data and Info fields to the model item
- updateModelFromData(data)[source]
Given data from analysis/project file, create indices and populate data/theory models
- updateModelFromPerspective(model_item)[source]
Receive an update model item from a perspective Make sure it is valid and if so, replace it in the model
- updatePerspectiveCombo(index)[source]
Notify the gui manager about the new perspective chosen.
- updatePerspectiveWithProperties(key, value)[source]
- updatePlot(data)[source]
Modify existing plot for immediate response and returns True. Returns false, if the plot does not exist already.
- updatePlotName(name_tuple)[source]
Modify the name of the current plot
- updateTheoryFromPerspective(model_item)[source]
Receive an update theory item from a perspective Make sure it is valid and if so, replace/add in the model
- updateWithBatchPages(all_data)[source]
Checks all properties and see if there are any batch pages defined. If so, pull out relevant indices and recreate the batch page(s)
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataManager module
This module manages all data loaded into the application. Data_manager makes available all data loaded for the current perspective.
All modules “creating Data” posts their data to data_manager . Data_manager make these new data available for all other perspectives.
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataManager.DataManager[source]
Manage a list of data
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataManager', '__doc__': '\n Manage a list of data\n ', '__init__': <function DataManager.__init__>, '__str__': <function DataManager.__str__>, 'create_gui_data': <function DataManager.create_gui_data>, 'rename': <function DataManager.rename>, 'add_data': <function DataManager.add_data>, 'update_data': <function DataManager.update_data>, 'update_theory': <function DataManager.update_theory>, 'get_message': <function DataManager.get_message>, 'get_by_id': <function DataManager.get_by_id>, 'freeze': <function DataManager.freeze>, 'freeze_theory': <function DataManager.freeze_theory>, 'delete_data': <function DataManager.delete_data>, 'remove_item_from_data_name_dict': <function DataManager.remove_item_from_data_name_dict>, 'delete_theory': <function DataManager.delete_theory>, 'delete_by_id': <function DataManager.delete_by_id>, 'get_by_name': <function DataManager.get_by_name>, 'delete_by_name': <function DataManager.delete_by_name>, 'update_stored_data': <function DataManager.update_stored_data>, 'get_data_state': <function DataManager.get_data_state>, 'get_all_data': <function DataManager.get_all_data>, 'assign': <function DataManager.assign>, 'save_to_writable': <function DataManager.save_to_writable>, 'load_from_readable': <function DataManager.load_from_readable>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DataManager' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DataManager' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n Manage a list of data\n '
- __init__()[source]
Store opened path and data object created at the loading time :param auto_plot: if True the datamanager sends data to plotting
- Parameters:
auto_set_data – if True the datamanager sends to the current
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataManager'
- __str__()[source]
Return str(self).
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- add_data(data_list)[source]
receive a list of data items for storage
- assign(other)[source]
- create_gui_data(data, path=None)[source]
Receive data from loader and create a data to use for guiframe
- delete_by_id(id_list=None)[source]
save data and path
- delete_by_name(name_list=None)[source]
save data and path
- delete_data(data_id, theory_id=None, delete_all=False)[source]
- delete_theory(data_id, theory_id)[source]
- freeze(theory_id)[source]
- freeze_theory(data_id, theory_id)[source]
- get_all_data()[source]
return list of all available data
- get_by_id(id_list=None)[source]
- get_by_name(name_list=None)[source]
return a list of data given a list of data names
- get_data_state(data_id)[source]
Send list of selected data
- get_message()[source]
return message
- load_from_readable(fp)[source]
load content from tp to stored_data (a .read()-supporting file-like object)
- remove_item_from_data_name_dict(name)[source]
Remove ‘name’ or ‘name [n]’ from data_name_dict
- rename(name)[source]
rename data
- save_to_writable(fp)[source]
save content of stored_data to fp (a .write()-supporting file-like object)
- update_data(prev_data, new_data)[source]
- update_stored_data(name_list=None)[source]
update stored data after deleting files in Data Explorer
- update_theory(theory, data_id=None, state=None)[source]
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataState module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataState.DataState(data=None, parent=None)[source]
Store information about data
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataState', '__doc__': '\n Store information about data\n ', '__init__': <function DataState.__init__>, '__str__': <function DataState.__str__>, 'clone': <function DataState.clone>, 'set_name': <function DataState.set_name>, 'get_name': <function DataState.get_name>, 'set_data': <function DataState.set_data>, 'get_data': <function DataState.get_data>, 'set_path': <function DataState.set_path>, 'get_path': <function DataState.get_path>, 'set_theory': <function DataState.set_theory>, 'get_theory': <function DataState.get_theory>, 'get_message': <function DataState.get_message>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DataState' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DataState' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n Store information about data\n '
- __init__(data=None, parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DataState'
- __str__()[source]
Return str(self).
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- clone()[source]
- get_data()[source]
- get_message()[source]
return message
- get_name()[source]
- get_path()[source]
return the path of the loaded data
- get_theory()[source]
- set_data(data)[source]
- set_name(name)[source]
- set_path(path)[source]
Set the path of the loaded data
- set_theory(theory_data, theory_state=None)[source]
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DroppableDataLoadWidget module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DroppableDataLoadWidget.DroppableDataLoadWidget(parent=None, guimanager=None)[source]
Overwrite drag and drop methods in the base class so users can drop files directly onto the Data Explorer
- __doc__ = '\n Overwrite drag and drop methods in the base class\n so users can drop files directly onto the Data Explorer\n '
- __init__(parent=None, guimanager=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.DroppableDataLoadWidget'
- closeEvent(event)[source]
Overwrite the close event - no close!
- dragEnterEvent(event)[source]
Called automatically on a drag into the treeview
- dragIsOK(event)[source]
Return True if the event contain URLs
- dragMoveEvent(event)[source]
Called automatically when a drag is moved inside the treeview
- dropEvent(event)[source]
Called automatically when a drop is added to the treeview.
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.GuiManager module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.GuiManager.GuiManager(parent=None)[source]
Main SasView window functionality
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.GuiManager', '__doc__': '\n Main SasView window functionality\n ', '__init__': <function GuiManager.__init__>, 'info': <function>, 'addWidgets': <function GuiManager.addWidgets>, 'loadAllPerspectives': <function GuiManager.loadAllPerspectives>, 'closeAllPerspectives': <function GuiManager.closeAllPerspectives>, 'addCategories': <function GuiManager.addCategories>, 'updatePlotItems': <function GuiManager.updatePlotItems>, 'addPlotItemsInWindowsMenu': <function GuiManager.addPlotItemsInWindowsMenu>, 'plotSelectedSlot': <function GuiManager.plotSelectedSlot>, 'removePlotItemsInWindowsMenu': <function GuiManager.removePlotItemsInWindowsMenu>, 'updateLogContextMenus': <function GuiManager.updateLogContextMenus>, 'updateContextMenus': <function GuiManager.updateContextMenus>, 'statusBarSetup': <function GuiManager.statusBarSetup>, 'fileWasRead': <function GuiManager.fileWasRead>, 'showHelp': <function GuiManager.showHelp>, 'workspace': <function GuiManager.workspace>, 'perspectiveChanged': <function GuiManager.perspectiveChanged>, 'updatePerspective': <function GuiManager.updatePerspective>, 'communicator': <function GuiManager.communicator>, 'perspective': <function GuiManager.perspective>, 'updateProgressBar': <function GuiManager.updateProgressBar>, 'updateStatusBar': <function GuiManager.updateStatusBar>, 'appendLog': <function GuiManager.appendLog>, 'createGuiData': <function GuiManager.createGuiData>, 'setData': <function GuiManager.setData>, 'findItemFromFilename': <function GuiManager.findItemFromFilename>, 'quitApplication': <function GuiManager.quitApplication>, 'checkUpdate': <function GuiManager.checkUpdate>, 'log_installed_packages': <function GuiManager.log_installed_packages>, 'log_imported_packages': <function GuiManager.log_imported_packages>, 'processVersion': <function GuiManager.processVersion>, 'actionWelcome': <function GuiManager.actionWelcome>, 'showWelcomeMessage': <function GuiManager.showWelcomeMessage>, 'addCallbacks': <function GuiManager.addCallbacks>, 'addTriggers': <function GuiManager.addTriggers>, 'actionLoadData': <function GuiManager.actionLoadData>, 'actionLoad_Data_Folder': <function GuiManager.actionLoad_Data_Folder>, 'actionOpen_Project': <function GuiManager.actionOpen_Project>, 'actionOpen_Analysis': <function GuiManager.actionOpen_Analysis>, 'actionSave_Project': <function GuiManager.actionSave_Project>, 'actionSave_Analysis': <function GuiManager.actionSave_Analysis>, 'actionQuit': <function GuiManager.actionQuit>, 'actionUndo': <function GuiManager.actionUndo>, 'actionRedo': <function GuiManager.actionRedo>, 'actionCopy': <function GuiManager.actionCopy>, 'actionPaste': <function GuiManager.actionPaste>, 'actionReport': <function GuiManager.actionReport>, 'actionReset': <function GuiManager.actionReset>, 'actionExcel': <function GuiManager.actionExcel>, 'actionLatex': <function GuiManager.actionLatex>, 'actionSaveParamsAs': <function GuiManager.actionSaveParamsAs>, 'actionShow_Grid_Window': <function GuiManager.actionShow_Grid_Window>, 'showBatchOutput': <function GuiManager.showBatchOutput>, 'actionHide_Toolbar': <function GuiManager.actionHide_Toolbar>, 'actionHide_DataExplorer': <function GuiManager.actionHide_DataExplorer>, 'actionHide_LogExplorer': <function GuiManager.actionHide_LogExplorer>, 'actionStartup_Settings': <function GuiManager.actionStartup_Settings>, 'actionCategory_Manager': <function GuiManager.actionCategory_Manager>, 'actionData_Operation': <function GuiManager.actionData_Operation>, 'actionSLD_Calculator': <function GuiManager.actionSLD_Calculator>, 'actionDensity_Volume_Calculator': <function GuiManager.actionDensity_Volume_Calculator>, 'actionKiessig_Calculator': <function GuiManager.actionKiessig_Calculator>, 'actionSlit_Size_Calculator': <function GuiManager.actionSlit_Size_Calculator>, 'actionSAS_Resolution_Estimator': <function GuiManager.actionSAS_Resolution_Estimator>, 'actionGeneric_Scattering_Calculator': <function GuiManager.actionGeneric_Scattering_Calculator>, 'actionPython_Shell_Editor': <function GuiManager.actionPython_Shell_Editor>, 'actionFreeze_Theory': <function GuiManager.actionFreeze_Theory>, 'actionOrientation_Viewer': <function GuiManager.actionOrientation_Viewer>, 'actionImage_Viewer': <function GuiManager.actionImage_Viewer>, 'actionFile_Converter': <function GuiManager.actionFile_Converter>, 'actionNew_Fit_Page': <function GuiManager.actionNew_Fit_Page>, 'actionConstrained_Fit': <function GuiManager.actionConstrained_Fit>, 'actionCombine_Batch_Fit': <function GuiManager.actionCombine_Batch_Fit>, 'actionFit_Options': <function GuiManager.actionFit_Options>, 'actionGPU_Options': <function GuiManager.actionGPU_Options>, 'actionFit_Results': <function GuiManager.actionFit_Results>, 'showFitResults': <function GuiManager.showFitResults>, 'actionAdd_Custom_Model': <function GuiManager.actionAdd_Custom_Model>, 'actionEdit_Custom_Model': <function GuiManager.actionEdit_Custom_Model>, 'actionManage_Custom_Models': <function GuiManager.actionManage_Custom_Models>, 'actionAddMult_Models': <function GuiManager.actionAddMult_Models>, 'actionEditMask': <function GuiManager.actionEditMask>, 'actionFitting': <function GuiManager.actionFitting>, 'actionInversion': <function GuiManager.actionInversion>, 'actionInvariant': <function GuiManager.actionInvariant>, 'actionCorfunc': <function GuiManager.actionCorfunc>, 'actionCascade': <function GuiManager.actionCascade>, 'actionTile': <function GuiManager.actionTile>, 'actionArrange_Icons': <function GuiManager.actionArrange_Icons>, 'actionNext': <function GuiManager.actionNext>, 'actionPrevious': <function GuiManager.actionPrevious>, 'actionClosePlots': <function GuiManager.actionClosePlots>, 'actionMinimizePlots': <function GuiManager.actionMinimizePlots>, 'actionDocumentation': <function GuiManager.actionDocumentation>, 'actionTutorial': <function GuiManager.actionTutorial>, 'actionAcknowledge': <function GuiManager.actionAcknowledge>, 'actionMarketplace': <function GuiManager.actionMarketplace>, 'actionAbout': <function GuiManager.actionAbout>, 'actionCheck_for_update': <function GuiManager.actionCheck_for_update>, 'updateTheoryFromPerspective': <function GuiManager.updateTheoryFromPerspective>, 'deleteIntermediateTheoryPlotsByModelID': <function GuiManager.deleteIntermediateTheoryPlotsByModelID>, 'updateModelFromDataOperationPanel': <function GuiManager.updateModelFromDataOperationPanel>, 'showPlotFromName': <function GuiManager.showPlotFromName>, 'showPlot': <function GuiManager.showPlot>, 'uncheckAllMenuItems': <function GuiManager.uncheckAllMenuItems>, 'checkAnalysisOption': <function GuiManager.checkAnalysisOption>, 'clearPerspectiveMenubarOptions': <function GuiManager.clearPerspectiveMenubarOptions>, 'setupPerspectiveMenubarOptions': <function GuiManager.setupPerspectiveMenubarOptions>, 'saveCustomConfig': <function GuiManager.saveCustomConfig>, 'customSavePaths': <function GuiManager.customSavePaths>, 'customSaveOpenCL': <function GuiManager.customSaveOpenCL>, 'writeCustomConfig': <function GuiManager.writeCustomConfig>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'GuiManager' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'GuiManager' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n Main SasView window functionality\n '
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
Initialize the manager as a child of MainWindow.
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.GuiManager'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- actionAbout()[source]
Open the About box
- actionAcknowledge()[source]
Open the Acknowledgements widget
- actionAddMult_Models()[source]
- actionAdd_Custom_Model()[source]
- actionArrange_Icons()[source]
Arranges all iconified windows at the bottom of the workspace
- actionCascade()[source]
Arranges all the child windows in a cascade pattern.
- actionCategory_Manager()[source]
- actionCheck_for_update()[source]
Menu Help/Check for Update
- actionClosePlots()[source]
Closes all Plotters and Plotter2Ds.
- actionCombine_Batch_Fit()[source]
- actionConstrained_Fit()[source]
Add a new Constrained and Simult. Fit page in the fitting perspective.
- actionCopy()[source]
Send a signal to the fitting perspective so parameters can be saved to the clipboard
- actionCorfunc()[source]
Change to the Corfunc perspective
- actionData_Operation()[source]
- actionDensity_Volume_Calculator()[source]
- actionDocumentation()[source]
Display the documentation
TODO: use QNetworkAccessManager to assure _helpLocation is valid
- actionEditMask()[source]
- actionEdit_Custom_Model()[source]
- actionExcel()[source]
Send a signal to the fitting perspective so parameters can be saved to the clipboard
- actionFile_Converter()[source]
Shows the File Converter widget.
- actionFit_Options()[source]
- actionFit_Results()[source]
- actionFitting()[source]
Change to the Fitting perspective
- actionFreeze_Theory()[source]
Convert a child index with data into a separate top level dataset
- actionGPU_Options()[source]
Load the OpenCL selection dialog if the fitting perspective is active
- actionGeneric_Scattering_Calculator()[source]
- actionHide_DataExplorer()[source]
Toggle Data Explorer vsibility
- actionHide_LogExplorer()[source]
Toggle Data Explorer vsibility
- actionHide_Toolbar()[source]
Toggle toolbar vsibility
- actionImage_Viewer()[source]
- actionInvariant()[source]
Change to the Invariant perspective
- actionInversion()[source]
Change to the Inversion perspective
- actionKiessig_Calculator()[source]
- actionLatex()[source]
Send a signal to the fitting perspective so parameters can be saved to the clipboard
- actionLoadData()[source]
Menu File/Load Data File(s)
- actionLoad_Data_Folder()[source]
Menu File/Load Data Folder
- actionManage_Custom_Models()[source]
- actionMarketplace()[source]
Open the marketplace link in default browser
- actionMinimizePlots()[source]
Minimizes all Plotters and Plotter2Ds.
- actionNew_Fit_Page()[source]
Add a new, empty Fit page in the fitting perspective.
- actionNext()[source]
Gives the input focus to the next window in the list of child windows.
- actionOpen_Analysis()[source]
- actionOpen_Project()[source]
Menu Open Project
- actionOrientation_Viewer()[source]
Make sasmodels orientation & jitter viewer available
- actionPaste()[source]
Send a signal to the fitting perspective so parameters from the clipboard can be used to modify the fit state
- actionPrevious()[source]
Gives the input focus to the previous window in the list of child windows.
- actionPython_Shell_Editor()[source]
Display the Jupyter console as a docked widget.
- actionQuit()[source]
Close the reactor, exit the application.
- actionRedo()[source]
- actionReport()[source]
Show the Fit Report dialog.
- actionReset()[source]
- actionSAS_Resolution_Estimator()[source]
- actionSLD_Calculator()[source]
- actionSaveParamsAs()[source]
Menu Save Params
- actionSave_Analysis()[source]
Menu File/Save Analysis
- actionSave_Project()[source]
Menu Save Project
- actionShow_Grid_Window()[source]
- actionSlit_Size_Calculator()[source]
- actionStartup_Settings()[source]
- actionTile()[source]
Tile workspace windows
- actionTutorial()[source]
Open the page with tutorial PDF links
- actionUndo()[source]
- actionWelcome()[source]
Show the Welcome panel
- addCallbacks()[source]
Method defining all signal connections for the gui manager
- addCategories()[source]
Make sure categories.json exists and if not compile it and install in ~/.sasview
- addPlotItemsInWindowsMenu(plot)[source]
Dynamically update the QMenu content and assign signals
- addTriggers()[source]
Trigger definitions for all menu/toolbar actions.
- addWidgets()[source]
Populate the main window with widgets
- appendLog(msg)[source]
Appends a message to the list widget in the Log Explorer. Use this instead of listWidget.insertPlainText() to facilitate auto-scrolling
- checkAnalysisOption(analysisMenuOption)[source]
Unchecks all the items in the analysis menu and checks the item passed
- checkUpdate()[source]
Check with the deployment server whether a new version of the application is available. A thread is started for the connecting with the server. The thread calls a call-back method when the current version number has been obtained.
- clearPerspectiveMenubarOptions(perspective)[source]
When closing a perspective, clears the menu bar
- closeAllPerspectives()[source]
- communicator()[source]
Accessor for the communicator
- createGuiData(item, p_file=None)[source]
Access the Data1D -> plottable Data1D conversion
- customSaveOpenCL(config_content)[source]
Update the config module with current session OpenCL choice Returns True if update was done, False, otherwise
- customSavePaths(config_content)[source]
Update the config module with current session paths Returns True if update was done, False, otherwise
- deleteIntermediateTheoryPlotsByModelID(model_id)[source]
Catch the signal to delete items in the Theory item model which correspond to a model ID. Send the request to the DataExplorer for updating the theory model.
- fileWasRead(data)[source]
Callback for fileDataReceivedSignal
- findItemFromFilename(filename)[source]
Queries the data explorer for the index corresponding to the filename within
- info(type, value, tb)[source]
- loadAllPerspectives()[source]
- log_imported_packages()[source]
Log version number of python packages imported in this instance of SasView.
- log_installed_packages()[source]
Log version number of locally installed python packages
- perspective()[source]
Accessor for the perspective
- perspectiveChanged(perspective_name)[source]
Respond to change of the perspective signal
- plotSelectedSlot(plot_name)[source]
Set focus on the selected plot
- processVersion(version_info)[source]
Call-back method for the process of checking for updates. This methods is called by a VersionThread object once the current version number has been obtained. If the check is being done in the background, the user will not be notified unless there’s an update.
- Parameters:
version – version string
- quitApplication()[source]
Close the reactor and exit nicely.
- removePlotItemsInWindowsMenu(plot)[source]
Dynamically update the QMenu content and disconnect signals
- saveCustomConfig()[source]
Save the config file based on current session values
- setData(data)[source]
Sends data to current perspective
- setupPerspectiveMenubarOptions(perspective)[source]
When setting a perspective, sets up the menu bar
- showBatchOutput(output_data)[source]
Display/redisplay the batch fit viewer
- showFitResults(output_data)[source]
Show bumps convergence plots
- showHelp(url)[source]
Open a local url in the default browser
- showPlot(plot, id)[source]
Pass the show plot request to the data explorer
- showPlotFromName(name)[source]
Pass the show plot request to the data explorer
- showWelcomeMessage()[source]
Show the Welcome panel, when required
- statusBarSetup()[source]
Define the status bar. | <message label> …. | Progress Bar |
Progress bar invisible until explicitly shown
- uncheckAllMenuItems(menuObject)[source]
Uncheck all options in a given menu
- updateContextMenus(visible=False)[source]
Modify the View/Data Explorer menu item text on widget visibility
- updateLogContextMenus(visible=False)[source]
Modify the View/Data Explorer menu item text on widget visibility
- updateModelFromDataOperationPanel(new_item, new_datalist_item)[source]
- Parameters:
new_item – item to be added to list of loaded files
new_datalist_item –
- updatePerspective(data)[source]
Update perspective with data sent.
- updatePlotItems(graphs)[source]
Wrapper for adding/removing actions in the windows menu
- updateProgressBar(value)[source]
Update progress bar with the required value (0-100)
- updateStatusBar(text)[source]
Set the status bar text
- updateTheoryFromPerspective(index)[source]
Catch the theory update signal from a perspective Send the request to the DataExplorer for updating the theory model.
- workspace()[source]
Accessor for the main window workspace
- writeCustomConfig(config)[source]
Write custom configuration
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.MainWindow module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.MainWindow.MainSasViewWindow(screen_resolution, parent=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(screen_resolution, parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.MainWindow'
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)[source]
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.MainWindow.SplashScreen()[source]
Displays splash screen as soon as humanely possible. The screen will disappear as soon as the event loop starts.
- sas.qtgui.MainWindow.MainWindow.run_sasview()[source]
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.NameChanger module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.NameChanger.ChangeName(parent=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.NameChanger'
- addActions()[source]
Add actions for buttons
- close(retVal=False)[source]
Return a value - hide the window for now
- property data
- getNewText()[source]
Find the radio button that is selected and find its associated textbox
- property model_item
- removeData(data_list=None)[source]
Safely remove data from the window in the unlikely event a data deletion signal is sent to the modal window
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.PackageGatherer module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.PackageGatherer.PackageGatherer[source]
A class used to gather packages/modules used by SasView and their current installed version
- Method log_installed_packages:
Log version number of locally installed python packages
- Method log_imported_packages:
Log version number of python packages imported in this instance of SasView.
- Method get_imported_packages:
Get a dictionary of imported module version numbers
- Method remove_duplicate_modules:
Strip duplicate instances of each module
- Method format_unattainable_packages_list:
Format module names in the unattainable_modules list
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.PackageGatherer', '__doc__': ' A class used to gather packages/modules used by SasView and their current installed version\n\n :method log_installed_packages: Log version number of locally installed python packages\n :method log_imported_packages: Log version number of python packages imported in this instance of SasView.\n :method get_imported_packages: Get a dictionary of imported module version numbers\n :method remove_duplicate_modules: Strip duplicate instances of each module\n :method format_unattainable_packages_list: Format module names in the unattainable_modules list\n ', 'log_installed_modules': <function PackageGatherer.log_installed_modules>, 'log_imported_packages': <function PackageGatherer.log_imported_packages>, 'get_imported_packages': <function PackageGatherer.get_imported_packages>, 'remove_duplicate_modules': <function PackageGatherer.remove_duplicate_modules>, 'format_no_version_list': <function PackageGatherer.format_no_version_list>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'PackageGatherer' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'PackageGatherer' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = ' A class used to gather packages/modules used by SasView and their current installed version\n\n :method log_installed_packages: Log version number of locally installed python packages\n :method log_imported_packages: Log version number of python packages imported in this instance of SasView.\n :method get_imported_packages: Get a dictionary of imported module version numbers\n :method remove_duplicate_modules: Strip duplicate instances of each module\n :method format_unattainable_packages_list: Format module names in the unattainable_modules list\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.PackageGatherer'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- format_no_version_list(modules_dict, no_version_list)[source]
Format module names in the no_version_list list
The unattainable_modules is a list of modules whose version number could not be found. This method rename each module in the unattainable_modules to it’s parent modules name, remove modules that already have a version number and remove duplicate modules from the no_version_list list. Entries may appear in the no_version_list if they are a class in a module, and the version number could not be ascertained from the class.
- Parameters:
modules_dict (dict) – A dictionary with the module names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value.
no_version_list (list) – A list of modules whose version number could not be found.
- Returns:
A reduced / clean list of modules whose version number could not be found
- Return type:
- get_imported_packages()[source]
Get a dictionary of imported package version numbers
Use a variety of method, for example a module.version call, to attempt to get the module version of each module that has been imported in this instance of running SasView. The sys.modules command lists the imported modules. A list of modules whose version number cannot be found is also included.
- Returns:
A dictionary with the package names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value.
- Return type:
- log_imported_packages()[source]
Log version number of python packages imported in this instance of SasView.
Use the get_imported_packages method to to create a dictionary of installed modules as the keys, with their respective version numbers as the values. There may be some packages whose version number is unattainable.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- log_installed_modules()[source]
Log version number of locally installed python packages
Use pip list to create a dictionary of installed modules as the keys, with their respective version numbers as the values. Only packages available through pip will be included.
:returns:Nothing :rtype: None
- remove_duplicate_modules(modules_dict)[source]
Strip duplicate instances of each module
Multiple instances of one module can be keys of the dictionary of module version numbers generated by the method get_imported_packages. This is because if an individual class is imported from a module, then each class would be listed in sys.modules. For example the command from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QMdiArea lead to both QMainWindow and QMdiArea being keys, when in reality they are both part of PyQt5. This method save the first instance of each module, unless the version numbers are different.
- Parameters:
modules_dict (dict) – A dictionary with the module names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value.
- Returns:
A reduced / cleaned dictionary with the module names as the key, with their respective version numbers as the value.
- Return type:
sas.qtgui.MainWindow.WelcomePanel module
- class sas.qtgui.MainWindow.WelcomePanel.WelcomePanel(parent=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.MainWindow.WelcomePanel'