sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Corfunc package
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Corfunc.CorfuncPerspective module
This module provides the intelligence behind the gui interface for Corfunc.
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Corfunc.CorfuncPerspective.CorfuncWindow(parent=None)[source]
Displays the correlation function analysis of sas data.
- __doc__ = 'Displays the correlation function analysis of sas data.'
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Corfunc.CorfuncPerspective'
- _update_calculator()[source]
- static allowBatch()[source]
We cannot perform corfunc analysis in batch at this time.
- static allowSwap()[source]
We cannot swap data with corfunc analysis at this time.
- calculate_background()[source]
Find a good estimate of the background value.
- closeEvent(event)[source]
Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close
- ext = ' crf'
- extract()[source]
- extrapolate()[source]
Extend the experiemntal data with guinier and porod curves.
- finish_transform(transforms)[source]
- getPage()[source]
Serializes full state of this corfunc page Called by Save Analysis :return: {corfunc-state}
- getState()[source]
Collects all active params into a dictionary of {name: value} :return: {name: value}
- isSerializable()[source]
Tell the caller that this perspective writes its state
- model_changed(_)[source]
Actions to perform when the data is updated
- name = 'Corfunc'
- on_save()[source]
Save corfunc state into a file
- removeData(data_list=None)[source]
Remove the existing data reference from the Invariant Persepective
- serializeAll()[source]
Serialize the corfunc state so data can be saved Corfunc is not batch-ready so this will only effect a single page :return: {data-id: { {corfunc-state}}}
- serializeCurrentPage()[source]
Serialize and return a dictionary of {data_id: corfunc-state} Return empty dictionary if no data :return: {data-id: { {corfunc-state}}}
- setClosable(value=True)[source]
Allow outsiders close this widget
- setData(data_item, is_batch=False)[source]
Obtain a QStandardItem object and dissect it to get Data1D/2D Pass it over to the calculator
- setup_mapper()[source]
Creating mapping between model and gui elements.
- setup_model()[source]
Populate the model with default data.
- setup_slots()[source]
Connect the buttons to their appropriate slots.
- showHelp()[source]
Opens a webpage with help on the perspective
- title()[source]
Window title function used by certain error messages. Check, line 355
- transform()[source]
Calculate the real space version of the extrapolation.
- trigger
- updateFromParameters(params)[source]
Called by Open Project, Open Analysis, and removeData :param params: {param_name: value} -> Default values used if not valid :return: None
- update_real_space_plot(datas)[source]
take the datas tuple and create a plot in DE
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Corfunc.CorfuncPerspective.MyMplCanvas(model, width=5, height=4, dpi=100)[source]
Ultimately, this is a QWidget (as well as a FigureCanvasAgg, etc.).
- __doc__ = 'Ultimately, this is a QWidget (as well as a FigureCanvasAgg, etc.).'
- __init__(model, width=5, height=4, dpi=100)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Corfunc.CorfuncPerspective'
- draw_q_space()[source]
Draw the Q space data in the plot window
This draws the q space data in, as well as the bounds set by self.qmin, self.qmax1, and self.qmax2. It will also plot the extrpolation in self.extrap, if it exists.
- draw_real_space()[source]
This function draws the real space data onto the plot
The 1d correlation function in, the 3d correlation function in self.data3, and the interface distribution function in self.data_idf are all draw in on the plot in linear cooredinates.
- on_legend(qx, qy)[source]
Checks if mouse coursor is on legend box :return:
- on_motion(event)[source]
- on_mouse_down(event)[source]
- on_mouse_up(event)[source]