sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant package
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant.InvariantDetails module
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant.InvariantDetails.DetailsDialog(parent)[source]
This class stores some values resulting from invariant calculations. Given the value of total invariant, this class can also determine the percentage of invariants resulting from extrapolation.
- __doc__ = '\n This class stores some values resulting from invariant calculations.\n Given the value of total invariant, this class can also\n determine the percentage of invariants resulting from extrapolation.\n '
- __init__(parent)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant.InvariantDetails'
- checkValues()[source]
Create a warning message to be displayed in panel if problems with values
- setModel(model)[source]
- showDialog()[source]
Fill the dialog with values of calculated Q, progress bars
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant.InvariantPerspective module
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant.InvariantPerspective.InvariantWindow(parent=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Invariant.InvariantPerspective'
- allowBatch()[source]
Tell the caller that we don’t accept multiple data instances
- allowSwap()[source]
Tell the caller that we can’t swap data
- allow_calculation()[source]
- calculateInvariant()[source]
Use twisted to thread the calculations away
- calculateThread(extrapolation)[source]
Perform Invariant calculations.
- calculationFailed(reason)[source]
- checkLength()[source]
Validators of number of points for extrapolation. Error if it is larger than the distribution length
- checkQExtrapolatedData()[source]
Match status of low or high-Q extrapolated data checkbox in DataExplorer with low or high-Q extrapolation checkbox in invariant panel
- checkQMaxRange(value=None)[source]
- checkQMinRange(value=None)[source]
- checkQRange()[source]
Validate the Q range for the upper and lower bounds
Valid: q_low_max < q_high_min, q_low_min < q_low_max, q_high_min > q_low_max, q_high_max > q_high_min
- closeEvent(event)[source]
Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close
- deferredPlot(model)[source]
Run the GUI/model update in the main thread
- enabling()[source]
- ext = 'inv'
- getPage()[source]
Serializes full state of this invariant page Called by Save Analysis :return: {invariant-state}
- getState()[source]
Collects all active params into a dictionary of {name: value} :return: {name: value}
- get_high_q_extrapolation_lower_limit()[source]
- get_low_q_extrapolation_upper_limit()[source]
- hiFitAndFixToggle(toggle)[source]
Enable editing of power exponent if Fix for high Q is checked Disable otherwise
- highQToggle(clicked)[source]
Disable/enable High Q extrapolation
- isSerializable()[source]
Tell the caller that this perspective writes its state
- lowFitAndFixToggle(toggle)[source]
Fit and Fix radiobuttons cannot be selected at the same time
- lowGuinierAndPowerToggle(toggle)[source]
Guinier and Power radio buttons cannot be selected at the same time If Power is selected, Fit and Fix radio buttons are visible and Power line edit can be edited if Fix is selected
- lowQToggle(clicked)[source]
Disable / enable Low Q extrapolation
- modelChanged(item)[source]
Update when model changed
- name = 'Invariant'
- onHelp()[source]
Display help when clicking on Help button
- onStatus()[source]
Display Invariant Details panel when clicking on Status button
- plotResult(model)[source]
Plot result of calculation
- removeData(data_list=None)[source]
Remove the existing data reference from the Invariant Persepective
- serializeAll()[source]
Serialize the invariant state so data can be saved Invariant is not batch-ready so this will only effect a single page :return: {data-id: { {invariant-state}}}
- serializeCurrentPage()[source]
Serialize and return a dictionary of {data_id: invariant-state} Return empty dictionary if no data :return: {data-id: { {invariant-state}}}
- setClosable(value=True)[source]
Allow outsiders close this widget
- setData(data_item=None, is_batch=False)[source]
Obtain a QStandardItem object and dissect it to get Data1D/2D Pass it over to the calculator
- set_high_q_extrapolation_lower_limit(value)[source]
- set_low_q_extrapolation_upper_limit(value)[source]
- setupMapper()[source]
- setupModel()[source]
- setupSlots()[source]
- stateChanged()[source]
Catch modifications from low- and high-Q extrapolation check boxes
- title()[source]
Perspective name
- updateDetailsWidget(model)[source]
On demand update of the details widget
- updateFromGui()[source]
Update model when new user inputs
- updateFromModel()[source]
Update the globals based on the data in the model
- updateFromParameters(params)[source]
Called by Open Project and Open Analysis :param params: {param_name: value} :return: None
- updateGuiFromFile(data=None)[source]
update display in GUI and plot
- updateModelFromThread(widget, value)[source]
Update the model in the main thread