sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion package
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.DMaxExplorerWidget module
Dialog panel to explore the P(r) inversion results for a range of D_max value. User picks a number of points and a range of distances, then can toggle between inversion outputs and see their distribution as a function of D_max.
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.DMaxExplorerWidget.DmaxWindow(pr_state, nfunc, parent=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __init__(pr_state, nfunc, parent=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.DMaxExplorerWidget'
- closeEvent(event)[source]
Override close event
- modelChanged(item)[source]
- name = 'Dmax Explorer'
- setupMapper()[source]
- setupModel()[source]
- setupSlots()[source]
- setupValidators()[source]
Add validators on relevant line edits
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionLogic module
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionLogic.InversionLogic(data=None)[source]
All the data-related logic. This class deals exclusively with Data1D/2D No QStandardModelIndex here.
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionLogic', '__doc__': '\n All the data-related logic. This class deals exclusively with Data1D/2D\n No QStandardModelIndex here.\n ', '__init__': <function InversionLogic.__init__>, 'data': <property object>, 'isLoadedData': <function InversionLogic.isLoadedData>, 'new1DPlot': <function InversionLogic.new1DPlot>, 'newPRPlot': <function InversionLogic.newPRPlot>, 'add_errors': <function InversionLogic.add_errors>, 'computeDataRange': <function InversionLogic.computeDataRange>, 'computeRangeFromData': <function InversionLogic.computeRangeFromData>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'InversionLogic' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'InversionLogic' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n All the data-related logic. This class deals exclusively with Data1D/2D\n No QStandardModelIndex here.\n '
- __init__(data=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionLogic'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- add_errors(sigma=0.05)[source]
Adds errors to data set is they are not available. Uses \(\Delta y = \sigma | y |\).
- computeDataRange()[source]
Wrapper for calculating the data range based on local dataset
- computeRangeFromData(data)[source]
Compute the minimum and the maximum range of the data return the npts contains in data
- property data
- isLoadedData()[source]
- new1DPlot(out, pr, q=None)[source]
Create a new 1D data instance based on fitting results
- newPRPlot(out, pr, cov=None)[source]
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionPerspective module
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionPerspective.InversionWindow(parent=None, data=None)[source]
The main window for the P(r) Inversion perspective.
- __doc__ = '\n The main window for the P(r) Inversion perspective.\n '
- __init__(parent=None, data=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionPerspective'
- _calculateCompleted(out, cov, pr, elapsed)[source]
Send a signal to the main thread for model update
- _calculateUpdate(output_tuple)[source]
Method called with the results when the inversion is done
- Parameters:
out – output coefficient for the base functions
cov – covariance matrix
pr – Invertor instance
elapsed – time spent computing
- _estimateCompleted(alpha, message, elapsed)[source]
Send a signal to the main thread for model update
- _estimateDynamicCompleted(alpha, message, elapsed)[source]
Send a signal to the main thread for model update
- _estimateDynamicNTCompleted(nterms, alpha, message, elapsed)[source]
Send a signal to the main thread for model update
- _estimateDynamicNTUpdate(output_tuple)[source]
Parameter estimation completed, display the results to the user
- Parameters:
alpha – estimated best alpha
nterms – estimated number of terms
elapsed – computation time
- _estimateDynamicUpdate(output_tuple)[source]
Parameter estimation completed, display the results to the user
- Parameters:
alpha – estimated best alpha
elapsed – computation time
- _estimateNTCompleted(nterms, alpha, message, elapsed)[source]
Send a signal to the main thread for model update
- _estimateNTUpdate(output_tuple)[source]
Parameter estimation completed, display the results to the user
- Parameters:
alpha – estimated best alpha
nterms – estimated number of terms
elapsed – computation time
- _estimateUpdate(output_tuple)[source]
Parameter estimation completed, display the results to the user
- Parameters:
alpha – estimated best alpha
elapsed – computation time
- _threadError(error)[source]
Call-back method for calculation errors
- acceptAlpha()[source]
Send estimated alpha to input
- acceptNoTerms()[source]
Send estimated no of terms to input
- allowBatch()[source]
- allowSwap()[source]
Tell the caller we don’t accept swapping data
- calculateSignal
- check_q_high(q_value=None)[source]
Validate the value of high q sent by the slider
- check_q_low(q_value=None)[source]
Validate the low q value
- closeBatchResults()[source]
- closeDMax()[source]
- closeEvent(event)[source]
Overwrite QDialog close method to allow for custom widget close
- communicator()[source]
- currentTabDataId()[source]
Returns the data ID of the current tab
- displayChange(data_index=0)[source]
Switch to another item in the data list
- enableButtons()[source]
Enable buttons when data is present, else disable them
- estimateDynamicNTSignal
- estimateDynamicSignal
- estimateNTSignal
- estimateSignal
- ext = 'pr'
- getNFunc()[source]
Get the n_func value from the GUI object
- getPage()[source]
serializes full state of this fit page
- getState()[source]
Collects all active params into a dictionary of {name: value} :return: {name: value}
- help()[source]
Open the P(r) Inversion help browser
- isClosable()[source]
Allow outsiders close this widget
- isSerializable()[source]
Tell the caller that this perspective writes its state
- model_changed()[source]
Update the values when user makes changes
- name = 'Inversion'
- openExplorerWindow()[source]
Open the Explorer window to see correlations between params and results
- performEstimate()[source]
Perform parameter estimation
- performEstimateDynamic()[source]
Perform parameter estimation
- performEstimateDynamicNT()[source]
Perform parameter estimation
- performEstimateNT()[source]
Perform parameter estimation
- populateDataComboBox(name, data_ref)[source]
Append a new name to the data combobox :param name: data name :param data_ref: QStandardItem reference for data set to be added
- removeData(data_list=None)[source]
Remove the existing data reference from the P(r) Persepective
- serializeAll()[source]
Serialize the inversion state so data can be saved Inversion is not batch-ready so this will only effect a single page :return: {data-id: { {inversion-state}}}
- serializeCurrentPage()[source]
- setClosable(value=True)[source]
Allow outsiders close this widget
- setCurrentData(data_ref)[source]
Get the data by reference and display as necessary
- setData(data_item=None, is_batch=False)[source]
Assign new data set(s) to the P(r) perspective Obtain a QStandardItem object and parse it to get Data1D/2D Pass it over to the calculator
- set_background(value)[source]
- setupLinks()[source]
Connect the use controls to their appropriate methods
- setupMapper()[source]
- setupModel()[source]
Update boxes with initial values
- setupValidators()[source]
Apply validators to editable line edits
- setupWindow()[source]
Initialize base window state on init
- showBatchOutput()[source]
Display the batch output in tabular form :param output_data: Dictionary mapping name -> P(r) instance
- startNextBatchItem()[source]
- startThread()[source]
Start a calculation thread
- startThreadAll()[source]
- stopCalcThread()[source]
Stops a thread if it exists and is running
- stopCalculation()[source]
Stop all threads, return to the base state and update GUI
- stopEstimateNTThread()[source]
- stopEstimationThread()[source]
Stop the estimation thread if it exists and is running
- toggleBgd()[source]
Toggle the background between manual and estimated
- updateCalculator()[source]
Update all p(r) params
- updateDataList(dataRef)[source]
Save the current data state of the window into self._data_list
- updateDynamicGuiValues()[source]
- updateFromParameters(params)[source]
- updateGuiValues()[source]
- sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionPerspective.is_float(value)[source]
Converts text input values to floats. Empty strings throw ValueError
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.InversionUtils module
sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.Thread module
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.Thread.CalcPr(pr, nfunc=5, error_func=None, completefn=None, updatefn=None, yieldtime=0.01, worktime=0.01)[source]
Compute P(r)
- __doc__ = '\n Compute P(r)\n '
- __init__(pr, nfunc=5, error_func=None, completefn=None, updatefn=None, yieldtime=0.01, worktime=0.01)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.Thread'
- compute()[source]
Perform P(r) inversion
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.Thread.EstimateNT(pr, nfunc=5, error_func=None, completefn=None, updatefn=None, yieldtime=0.01, worktime=0.01)[source]
- __doc__ = '\n '
- __init__(pr, nfunc=5, error_func=None, completefn=None, updatefn=None, yieldtime=0.01, worktime=0.01)[source]
Prepare the calculator
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.Thread'
- compute()[source]
Calculates the estimate
- isquit()[source]
- class sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.Thread.EstimatePr(pr, nfunc=5, error_func=None, completefn=None, updatefn=None, yieldtime=0.01, worktime=0.01)[source]
Estimate P(r)
- __doc__ = '\n Estimate P(r)\n '
- __init__(pr, nfunc=5, error_func=None, completefn=None, updatefn=None, yieldtime=0.01, worktime=0.01)[source]
Prepare the calculator
- __module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Perspectives.Inversion.Thread'
- compute()[source]
Calculates the estimate