sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers package
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.abs_reader module
IGOR 1D data reader
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.abs_reader.Reader[source]
Class to load IGOR reduced .ABS files
- __doc__ = '\n Class to load IGOR reduced .ABS files\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.abs_reader'
- ext = ['.abs', '.cor']
- get_file_contents()[source]
Get the contents of the file
- Raises:
RuntimeError – when the file can’t be opened
ValueError – when the length of the data vectors are inconsistent
- type = ['IGOR 1D files (*.abs)|*.abs', 'IGOR 1D USANS files (*.cor)|*.cor']
- type_name = 'IGOR 1D'
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.anton_paar_saxs_reader module
CanSAS 2D data reader for reading HDF5 formatted CanSAS files.
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.anton_paar_saxs_reader.Reader(xml=None, schema=None)[source]
A class for reading in Anton Paar .pdh files
- __doc__ = '\n A class for reading in Anton Paar .pdh files\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.anton_paar_saxs_reader'
- _parse_child(dom, parent='')[source]
Recursive method for stepping through the embedded XML :param dom: XML node with or without children
- allow_all = False
- errors = None
- ext = ['.pdh', '.PDH']
- get_file_contents()[source]
This is the general read method that all SasView data_loaders must have.
- Parameters:
filename – A path for an XML formatted Anton Paar SAXSess data file.
- Returns:
List of Data1D objects or a list of errors.
- logging = None
- parent_list = None
- raw_data = None
- read_data()[source]
- reset_state()[source]
Resets the class state to a base case when loading a new data file so previous data files do not appear a second time
- type = ['Anton Paar SAXSess Files (*.pdh)|*.pdh']
- type_name = 'Anton Paar SAXSess'
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.ascii_reader module
Generic multi-column ASCII data reader
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.ascii_reader.Reader[source]
Class to load ascii files (2, 3 or 4 columns).
- __doc__ = '\n Class to load ascii files (2, 3 or 4 columns).\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.ascii_reader'
- allow_all = True
- ext = ['.txt', '.dat', '.abs', '.csv']
- get_file_contents()[source]
Get the contents of the file
- min_data_pts = 5
- type = ['ASCII files (*.txt)|*.txt', 'ASCII files (*.dat)|*.dat', 'ASCII files (*.abs)|*.abs', 'CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv']
- type_name = 'ASCII'
- write(filename, dataset, sep=' ')[source]
Output data in ascii or similar format, depending on the separator provided
- Parameters:
filename – Full file name and path where the file will be saved
dataset – Data1D object that will be saved
sep – Separator between data items, default is a single space
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.associations module
Module to associate default readers to file extensions. The module reads an xml file to get the readers for each file extension. The readers are tried in order they appear when reading a file.
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.associations.get_generic_readers(settings: [FileReader] = None, use_generic_readers: bool = True) [] [source]
Returns a list of default readers that the data loader system will use in an attempt to load a data file. A list of loaders can be passed as an argument which will be appended to (if use_generic is True) or override the list of generic readers. :param settings: A list of modules to use as default readers. If None is passed, a default list will be used. :param use_generic_readers: Boolean to say if the generic readers should be added to the list of readers returned. :return: Final list of default loader modules the dataloader system will try if necessary
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.associations.read_associations(loader: Registry, settings: {str: FileReader} = None) None [source]
Use the specified settings dictionary to associate readers to file extension. :param loader: Loader object :param settings: A dictionary in the format {str(file extension): data_loader_class} that is used to associate a file extension to a data loader class
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_constants module
Information relating to the CanSAS data format. These constants are used in the file to read in any version of the cansas format.
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_constants.CansasConstants[source]
The base class to define where all of the data is to be saved by
- ANY = {'storeas': 'content'}
- CANSAS_FORMAT = {'SASentry': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'Run': {'attributes': {'name': {}}}, 'SASdata': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'Idata': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'timestamp': {'storeas': 'timestamp'}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'I': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Idev': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Q': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Qdev': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Qmean': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'unit': 'x_unit'}, 'Shadowfactor': {}, 'dQl': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'dQw': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}}}, 'Sesans': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'yacceptance': {'storeas': 'float'}, 'zacceptance': {'storeas': 'float'}}, 'variable': None}, 'SASinstrument': {'children': {'SAScollimation': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'aperture': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'type': {}}, 'children': {'distance': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}, 'size': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'children': {'storeas': 'float', 'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}}}}}, 'length': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content', 'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'length_unit'}}}, 'SASdetector': {'attributes': {'name': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'children': {'SDD': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}, 'beam_center': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}}}, 'name': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'offset': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}}}, 'orientation': {'children': {'pitch': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'roll': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'yaw': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}}}, 'pixel_size': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}}}, 'slit_length': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'slit_length_unit'}}}, 'SASsource': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'beam_shape': {}, 'beam_size': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}}}, 'radiation': {}, 'wavelength': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_unit'}, 'wavelength_max': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_max_unit'}, 'wavelength_min': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_min_unit'}, 'wavelength_spread': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_spread_unit'}}}, 'name': {}}}, 'SASnote': {}, 'SASprocess': {'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'SASprocessnote': {'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'date': {}, 'description': {}, 'name': {}, 'term': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'unit': {}}}}}, 'SASsample': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'ID': {}, 'details': {}, 'orientation': {'children': {'pitch': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'roll': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'yaw': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}}}, 'position': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'position_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'position_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'position_unit'}}}, 'temperature': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'temperature_unit'}, 'thickness': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'thickness_unit'}, 'transmission': {'storeas': 'float'}}}, 'SAStransmission_spectrum': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'timestamp': {}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'Tdata': {'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'Lambda': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_unit'}, 'T': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'transmission_unit'}, 'Tdev': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'transmission_deviation_unit'}}}}}, 'Title': {}}, 'storeas': 'content', 'units_optional': True}}
- CANSAS_NS = {'1.0': {'ns': 'cansas1d/1.0', 'schema': 'cansas1d_v1_0.xsd'}, '1.1': {'ns': 'urn:cansas1d:1.1', 'schema': 'cansas1d_v1_1.xsd'}}
- RUN = {'attributes': {'name': {}}}
- SASDATA = {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'Idata': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'timestamp': {'storeas': 'timestamp'}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'I': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Idev': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Q': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Qdev': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Qmean': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'unit': 'x_unit'}, 'Shadowfactor': {}, 'dQl': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'dQw': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}}}, 'Sesans': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'yacceptance': {'storeas': 'float'}, 'zacceptance': {'storeas': 'float'}}, 'variable': None}
- SASDATA_IDATA = {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'timestamp': {'storeas': 'timestamp'}}, 'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'I': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Idev': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Q': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Qdev': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'Qmean': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'unit': 'x_unit'}, 'Shadowfactor': {}, 'dQl': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}, 'dQw': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}}}
- SASDATA_IDATA_DQL = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}
- SASDATA_IDATA_DQW = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}
- SASDATA_IDATA_I = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}
- SASDATA_IDATA_IDEV = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'units_optional': False}
- SASDATA_IDATA_Q = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}
- SASDATA_IDATA_QDEV = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'units_optional': False}
- SASDATA_IDATA_QMEAN = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'unit': 'x_unit'}
- SASINSTR = {'children': {'SAScollimation': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'aperture': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'type': {}}, 'children': {'distance': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}, 'size': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'children': {'storeas': 'float', 'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}}}}}, 'length': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content', 'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'length_unit'}}}, 'SASdetector': {'attributes': {'name': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'children': {'SDD': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}, 'beam_center': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}}}, 'name': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'offset': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}}}, 'orientation': {'children': {'pitch': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'roll': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'yaw': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}}}, 'pixel_size': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}}}, 'slit_length': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'slit_length_unit'}}}, 'SASsource': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'beam_shape': {}, 'beam_size': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}}}, 'radiation': {}, 'wavelength': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_unit'}, 'wavelength_max': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_max_unit'}, 'wavelength_min': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_min_unit'}, 'wavelength_spread': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_spread_unit'}}}, 'name': {}}}
- SASINSTR_COLL = {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'aperture': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'type': {}}, 'children': {'distance': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}, 'size': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'children': {'storeas': 'float', 'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}}}}}, 'length': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content', 'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'length_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_COLL_APER = {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'type': {}}, 'children': {'distance': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}, 'size': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'children': {'storeas': 'float', 'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}}}}}
- SASINSTR_COLL_APER_ATTR = {'unit': {}}
- SASINSTR_COLL_APER_DIST = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}
- SASINSTR_COLL_APER_SIZE = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'children': {'storeas': 'float', 'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_COLL_APER_X = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_COLL_APER_Y = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_COLL_APER_Z = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET = {'attributes': {'name': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'children': {'SDD': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}, 'beam_center': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}}}, 'name': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'offset': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}}}, 'orientation': {'children': {'pitch': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'roll': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'yaw': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}}}, 'pixel_size': {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}}}, 'slit_length': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'slit_length_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_DET_BC = {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_DET_BC_X = {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_BC_Y = {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_BC_Z = {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_OFF = {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_DET_OFF_ATTR = {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}
- SASINSTR_DET_OFF_X = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_OFF_Y = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_OFF_Z = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_OR = {'children': {'pitch': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'roll': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}, 'yaw': {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_DET_OR_PITCH = {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_OR_ROLL = {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_OR_YAW = {'attributes': {}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL = {'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_X = {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_Y = {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_PIXEL_Z = {'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_SDD = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit'}
- SASINSTR_DET_SLIT = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'slit_length_unit'}
- SASINSTR_SRC = {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'beam_shape': {}, 'beam_size': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}}}, 'radiation': {}, 'wavelength': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_unit'}, 'wavelength_max': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_max_unit'}, 'wavelength_min': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_min_unit'}, 'wavelength_spread': {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_spread_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE = {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'x': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'y': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}, 'z': {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}}}
- SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_X = {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_Y = {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_SRC_BEAMSIZE_Z = {'attributes': {'unit': ''}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_size_unit'}
- SASINSTR_SRC_WL = {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_unit'}
- SASINSTR_SRC_WL_MAX = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_max_unit'}
- SASINSTR_SRC_WL_MIN = {'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_min_unit'}
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'unit': 'orientation_unit', 'attributes': {}}}}, 'beam_center': {'children': {'x': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'y': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'z': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}}}, 'pixel_size': {'children': {'x': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'y': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'z': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}}}, 'slit_length': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'slit_length_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}}}}}, 'CANSAS_FORMAT': {'SASentry': {'units_optional': True, 'storeas': 'content', 'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'Title': {}, 'Run': {'attributes': {'name': {}}}, 'SASdata': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'variable': None, 'children': {'Idata': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'timestamp': {'storeas': 'timestamp'}}, 'children': {'Q': {'units_optional': False, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'I': {'units_optional': False, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'Idev': {'units_optional': False, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'y_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'Qdev': {'units_optional': False, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'dQw': {'units_optional': False, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'dQl': {'units_optional': False, 'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'x_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'Qmean': {'unit': 'x_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'Shadowfactor': {}, '<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'Sesans': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'zacceptance': {'storeas': 'float'}, 'yacceptance': {'storeas': 'float'}, '<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'SAStransmission_spectrum': {'children': {'Tdata': {'children': {'Lambda': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'wavelength_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'T': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'transmission_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'Tdev': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'transmission_deviation_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, '<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, '<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'attributes': {'name': {}, 'timestamp': {}}}, 'SASsample': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'ID': {}, 'thickness': {'unit': 'thickness_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'transmission': {'storeas': 'float'}, 'temperature': {'unit': 'temperature_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'position': {'children': {'x': {'unit': 'position_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'y': {'unit': 'position_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'z': {'unit': 'position_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}}}, 'orientation': {'children': {'roll': {'unit': 'orientation_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'pitch': {'unit': 'orientation_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'yaw': {'unit': 'orientation_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}}}, 'details': {}, '<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'SASinstrument': {'children': {'name': {}, 'SASsource': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'radiation': {}, 'beam_size': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'x': {'unit': 'beam_size_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': ''}}, 'y': {'unit': 'beam_size_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': ''}}, 'z': {'unit': 'beam_size_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': ''}}}}, 'beam_shape': {}, 'wavelength': {'unit': 'wavelength_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'wavelength_min': {'unit': 'wavelength_min_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'wavelength_max': {'unit': 'wavelength_max_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'wavelength_spread': {'unit': 'wavelength_spread_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}}}, 'SAScollimation': {'attributes': {'name': {}}, 'children': {'length': {'unit': 'length_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content', 'unit': {}}}, 'aperture': {'attributes': {'name': {}, 'type': {}}, 'children': {'size': {'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'children': {'storeas': 'float', 'x': {'unit': 'size_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'y': {'unit': 'size_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'z': {'unit': 'size_unit', 'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}}}, 'distance': {'storeas': 'float', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}, 'unit': 'distance_unit'}}}}}, 'SASdetector': {'attributes': {'name': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'children': {'name': {'storeas': 'content'}, 'SDD': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'distance_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}, 'offset': {'children': {'x': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'y': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'z': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'offset_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {'storeas': 'content'}}}}}, 'orientation': {'children': {'roll': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit', 'attributes': {}}, 'pitch': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit', 'attributes': {}}, 'yaw': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'orientation_unit', 'attributes': {}}}}, 'beam_center': {'children': {'x': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'y': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'z': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'beam_center_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}}}, 'pixel_size': {'children': {'x': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'y': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}, 'z': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'pixel_size_unit', 'attributes': {'storeas': 'content'}}}}, 'slit_length': {'storeas': 'float', 'unit': 'slit_length_unit', 'attributes': {'unit': {}}}}}}}, 'SASprocess': {'children': {'name': {}, 'date': {}, 'description': {}, 'term': {'attributes': {'unit': {}, 'name': {}}}, 'SASprocessnote': {'children': {'<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, '<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}, 'SASnote': {}, '<any>': {'storeas': 'content'}}}}, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'CansasConstants' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'CansasConstants' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n The base class to define where all of the data is to be saved by\n\n '
- __init__()[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_constants'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- format = ''
- get_namespace_map()[source]
Helper method to get the names namespace list
- iterate_namespace(namespace)[source]
Method to iterate through a cansas constants tree based on a list of names
- Parameters:
namespace – A list of names that match the tree structure of cansas_constants
- names = ''
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_constants.CurrentLevel[source]
A helper class to hold information on where you are in the constants tree
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_constants', '__doc__': '\n A helper class to hold information on where you are in the constants tree\n ', 'current_level': '', 'ns_datatype': '', 'ns_optional': True, '__init__': <function CurrentLevel.__init__>, 'get_current_level': <function CurrentLevel.get_current_level>, 'get_data_type': <function CurrentLevel.get_data_type>, 'get_variable': <function CurrentLevel.get_variable>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'CurrentLevel' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'CurrentLevel' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n A helper class to hold information on where you are in the constants tree\n '
- __init__()[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_constants'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- current_level = ''
- get_current_level()[source]
Helper method to get the current_level map
- get_data_type()[source]
Helper method to get the ns_datatype label
- get_variable()[source]
Helper method to get the ns_variable label
- ns_datatype = ''
- ns_optional = True
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader module
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader.Reader(xml=None, schema=None)[source]
- __doc__ = None
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader'
- _add_intermediate()[source]
This method stores any intermediate objects within the final data set after fully reading the set.
- _check_origin(entry_node, doc)[source]
Return the document, and the SASentry node associated with the data we just wrote. If the calling function was not the cansas reader, return a minidom object rather than an lxml object.
- Parameters:
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
doc – entire xml tree
- _create_main_node()[source]
Creates the primary xml header used when writing to file
- _get_node_value(node, tagname)[source]
Get the value of a node and any applicable units
- Parameters:
node – The XML node to get the value of
tagname – The tagname of the node
- _get_pi_string()[source]
Creates the processing instructions header for writing to file
- _initialize_new_data_set(node=None)[source]
- _is_call_local()[source]
- _parse_entry(dom, recurse=False)[source]
- _store_content(location, node, variable, storage)[source]
Get the content of a xpath location and store the result. The value is treated as a string.
The xpath location might or might not exist. If it does not exist, nothing is done
- Parameters:
location – xpath location to fetch
node – node to read the data from
variable – name of the data member to store it in [string]
storage – data object that has the ‘variable’ data member
- Returns:
return a list of errors
- _store_float(location, node, variable, storage, optional=True)[source]
Get the content of a xpath location and store the result. Check that the units are compatible with the destination. The value is expected to be a float.
The xpath location might or might not exist. If it does not exist, nothing is done
- Parameters:
location – xpath location to fetch
node – node to read the data from
variable – name of the data member to store it in [string]
storage – data object that has the ‘variable’ data member
optional – if True, no exception will be raised if unit conversion can’t be done
- Raises:
ValueError – raised when the units are not recognized
- _to_xml_doc(datainfo)[source]
Create an XML document to contain the content of a Data1D
- Parameters:
datainfo – Data1D object
- _unit_conversion(node, tagname, node_value)[source]
A unit converter method used to convert the data included in the file to the default units listed in data_info
- Parameters:
node – XML node
tagname – name of the node
node_value – The value of the current dom node
- _write_collimation(datainfo, instr)[source]
Writes the collimation information to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
instr – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_data(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes 1D I and Q data to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_data_2d(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes 2D data to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data2D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_detectors(datainfo, instr)[source]
Writes the detector information to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
inst – lxml instrument node to be appended to
- _write_instrument(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes the instrumental information to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_notes(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes the notes to the XML file and creates an empty note if none exist
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_process_notes(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes the process notes to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_run_names(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes the run names to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_sample_info(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes the sample information to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- _write_source(datainfo, instr)[source]
Writes the source information to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
instr – instrument node to be appended to
- _write_trans_spectrum(datainfo, entry_node)[source]
Writes the transmission spectrum data to the XML file
- Parameters:
datainfo – The Data1D object the information is coming from
entry_node – lxml node ElementTree object to be appended to
- allow_all = True
- base_ns = '{cansas1d/1.1}'
- cansas_defaults = None
- cansas_version = '1.1'
- current_data1d = None
- data = None
- errors = {}
- ext = ['.xml', '.svs']
- frm = ''
- get_file_contents()[source]
Reader specific class to access the contents of the file All reader classes that inherit from FileReader must implement
- invalid = True
- is_cansas(ext='xml')[source]
Checks to see if the XML file is a CanSAS file
- Parameters:
ext – The file extension of the data file
- Raises:
FileContentsException – Raised if XML file isn’t valid CanSAS
- load_file_and_schema(xml_file, schema_path='')[source]
- logging = None
- names = None
- ns_list = None
- process_1d_data_object(tagname, data_point, unit, attr)[source]
Assign a 1D data variable to the appropriate plottable value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param unit: Unit of the data_point :param attr: Extra attributes :return: None
- process_2d_data_object(tagname, data_point, unit)[source]
Assign a 2D data variable to the appropriate plottable value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param unit: Unit of the data_point :return: None
- process_collimation_data_object(tagname, data_point, unit)[source]
Assign a collimation variable to the appropriate Collimation value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param unit: Unit of the data_point :return: None
- process_detector_data_object(tagname, data_point, unit)[source]
Assign a detector variable to the appropriate Detector value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param unit: Unit of the data_point :return: None
- process_meta_data(tagname, data_point)[source]
Any unrecognized tag should still be loaded - add to meta_data :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :return: None
- process_process_data_object(tagname, data_point, attr)[source]
Assign a process variable to the appropriate Process value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param attr: XML attributes :return: None
- process_sample_data_object(tagname, data_point, unit)[source]
Assign a sample data variable to the appropriate Sample value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param unit: Unit of the data_point :return: None
- process_source_data_object(tagname, data_point, unit)[source]
Assign a source variable to the appropriate Source value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param unit: Unit of the data_point :return: None
- process_trans_spec_data_object(tagname, data_point, unit)[source]
Assign a transmission spectrum data variable to the appropriate datainfo value :param tagname: Name of the XML tag :param data_point: Data to be assigned :param unit: Unit of the data_point :return: None
- reset_state()[source]
Resets the class state to a base case when loading a new data file so previous data files do not appear a second time
- set_default_schema()[source]
- type = ['XML files (*.xml)|*.xml', 'SasView Save Files (*.svs)|*.svs']
- type_name = 'canSAS'
- write(filename, datainfo)[source]
Write the content of a Data1D as a CanSAS XML file
- Parameters:
filename – name of the file to write
datainfo – Data1D object
- write_node(parent, name, value, attr=None)[source]
- Parameters:
doc – document DOM
parent – parent node
name – tag of the element
value – value of the child text node
attr – attribute dictionary
- Returns:
True if something was appended, otherwise False
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader.get_content(location, node)[source]
Get the first instance of the content of a xpath location.
- Parameters:
location – xpath location
node – node to start at
- Returns:
Element, or None
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader.getattrchain(obj, chain, default=None)[source]
Like getattr, but the attr may contain multiple parts separated by ‘.’
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader.setattrchain(obj, chain, value)[source]
Like setattr, but the attr may contain multiple parts separated by ‘.’
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader.write_node(doc, parent, name, value, attr=None)[source]
- Parameters:
doc – document DOM
parent – parent node
name – tag of the element
value – value of the child text node
attr – attribute dictionary
- Returns:
True if something was appended, otherwise False
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader_HDF5 module
NXcanSAS data reader for reading HDF5 formatted CanSAS files.
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader_HDF5.Reader[source]
A class for reading in NXcanSAS data files. The current implementation has been tested to load data generated by multiple facilities, all of which are known to produce NXcanSAS standards compliant data. Any number of data sets may be present within the file and any dimensionality of data may be used. Currently 1D and 2D SAS data sets are supported, but should be immediately extensible to SESANS data.
Any number of SASdata groups may be present in a SASentry and the data within each SASdata group can be a single 1D I(Q), multi-framed 1D I(Q), 2D I(Qx, Qy) or multi-framed 2D I(Qx, Qy).
- Dependencies:
The NXcanSAS HDF5 reader requires h5py => v2.5.0 or later.
- __doc__ = '\n A class for reading in NXcanSAS data files. The current implementation has\n been tested to load data generated by multiple facilities, all of which are\n known to produce NXcanSAS standards compliant data. Any number of data sets\n may be present within the file and any dimensionality of data may be used.\n Currently 1D and 2D SAS data sets are supported, but should be immediately\n extensible to SESANS data.\n\n Any number of SASdata groups may be present in a SASentry and the data\n within each SASdata group can be a single 1D I(Q), multi-framed 1D I(Q),\n 2D I(Qx, Qy) or multi-framed 2D I(Qx, Qy).\n\n :Dependencies:\n The NXcanSAS HDF5 reader requires h5py => v2.5.0 or later.\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader_HDF5'
- _create_unique_key(dictionary, name, numb=0)[source]
Create a unique key value for any dictionary to prevent overwriting Recurses until a unique key value is found.
- Parameters:
dictionary – A dictionary with any number of entries
name – The index of the item to be added to dictionary
numb – The number to be appended to the name, starts at 0
- Returns:
The new name for the dictionary entry
- _find_data_attributes(value)[source]
A class to find the indices for Q, the name of the Qdev and Idev, and the name of the mask. :param value: SASdata/NXdata HDF5 Group
- _get_unit(value)[source]
Find the unit for a particular value within the h5py dictionary
- Parameters:
value – attribute dictionary for a particular value set
- Returns:
unit for the value passed to the method
- _initialize_new_data_set(value=None)[source]
A private class method to generate a new 1D or 2D data object based on the type of data within the set. Outside methods should call add_data_set() to be sure any existing data is stored properly.
- Parameters:
parent_list – List of names of parent elements
- _is_2d_not_multi_frame(value, i_base='', q_base='')[source]
A private class to determine if the data set is 1d or 2d.
- Parameters:
value – Nexus/NXcanSAS data group
basename – Approximate name of an entry to search for
- Returns:
True if 2D, otherwise false
- add_data_set(key='')[source]
Adds the current_dataset to the list of outputs after preforming final processing on the data and then calls a private method to generate a new data set.
- Parameters:
key – NeXus group name for current tree level
- add_intermediate()[source]
This method stores any intermediate objects within the final data set after fully reading the set.
- Parameters:
parent – The NXclass name for the h5py Group object that just finished being processed
- allow_all = True
- static as_list_or_array(iterable)[source]
Return value as a list if not already a list or array. :param iterable: :return:
- cansas_version = 2.0
- ext = ['.h5', '.H5']
- final_data_cleanup()[source]
Does some final cleanup and formatting on self.current_datainfo and all data1D and data2D objects and then combines the data and info into Data1D and Data2D objects
- get_file_contents()[source]
This is the general read method that all SasView data_loaders must have.
- Parameters:
filename – A path for an HDF5 formatted CanSAS 2D data file.
- Returns:
List of Data1D/2D objects and/or a list of errors.
- process_1d_data_object(data_set, key, unit)[source]
SASdata processor method for 1d data items :param data_set: data from HDF5 file :param key: canSAS_class attribute :param unit: unit attribute
- process_2d_data_object(data_set, key, unit)[source]
- process_aperture(data_point, key)[source]
SASaperture processor :param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file :param key: class name data_point was taken from
- process_collimation(data_point, key, unit)[source]
SAScollimation processor :param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file :param key: class name data_point was taken from :param unit: unit attribute from data set
- process_detector(data_point, key, unit)[source]
SASdetector processor :param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file :param key: class name data_point was taken from :param unit: unit attribute from data set
- process_process(data_point, key)[source]
SASprocess processor :param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file :param key: class name data_point was taken from
- process_sample(data_point, key)[source]
SASsample processor :param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file :param key: class name data_point was taken from
- process_source(data_point, key, unit)[source]
SASsource processor :param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file :param key: class name data_point was taken from :param unit: unit attribute from data set
- process_trans_spectrum(data_set, key)[source]
SAStransmission_spectrum processor :param data_set: data from HDF5 file :param key: canSAS_class attribute
- read_children(data, parent_list)[source]
A recursive method for stepping through the hierarchical data file.
- Parameters:
data – h5py Group object of any kind
parent – h5py Group parent name
- reset_state()[source]
Create the reader object and define initial states for class variables
- type = ['NXcanSAS HDF5 Files (*.h5)|*.h5|']
- type_name = 'NXcanSAS'
- write(filename, dataset)[source]
Export data in NXcanSAS format
- Parameters:
filename – File path where the data will be saved
dataset – DataInfo object that will be converted to NXcanSAS
- Returns:
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.cansas_reader_HDF5.h5attr(node, key, default=None)[source]
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.csv_reader module
CSV-specific multi-column ASCII data reader
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.csv_reader.Reader[source]
Class to load CSV files (2, 3 or 4 columns) built off the ASCII reader.
All reading is done by the ASCIIReader. The writer calls the ASCII writer with a different separator.
- __doc__ = '\n Class to load CSV files (2, 3 or 4 columns) built off the ASCII reader.\n\n All reading is done by the ASCIIReader. The writer calls the ASCII writer with a different separator.\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.csv_reader'
- ext = ['.csv']
- min_data_pts = 5
- type = ['CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv']
- type_name = 'CSV'
- write(filename, dataset, sep=', ')[source]
Output data csv format using the ASCII reader
- Parameters:
filename – Full file name and path where the file will be saved
dataset – Data1D object that will be saved
sep – Separator between data items, default is a comma followed by a single space
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.danse_reader module
DANSE/SANS file reader
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.danse_reader.Reader[source]
Example data manipulation
- __doc__ = '\n Example data manipulation\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.danse_reader'
- ext = ['.sans', '.SANS']
- get_file_contents()[source]
Reader specific class to access the contents of the file All reader classes that inherit from FileReader must implement
- type = ['DANSE files (*.sans)|*.sans']
- type_name = 'DANSE'
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.red2d_reader module
TXT/IGOR 2D Q Map file reader
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.red2d_reader.Reader[source]
Simple data reader for Igor data files
- __doc__ = ' Simple data reader for Igor data files '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.red2d_reader'
- ext = ['.DAT', '.dat']
- get_file_contents()[source]
Reader specific class to access the contents of the file All reader classes that inherit from FileReader must implement
- type = ['IGOR/DAT 2D file in Q_map (*.dat)|*.DAT']
- type_name = 'IGOR/DAT 2D Q_map'
- write(filename, data)[source]
Write to .dat
- Parameters:
filename – file name to write
data – data2D
- sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.red2d_reader.check_point(x_point)[source]
check point validity
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.sesans_reader module
SESANS reader (based on ASCII reader)
Reader for .ses or .sesans file format
Jurrian Bakker
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.sesans_reader.Reader[source]
Class to load sesans files (6 columns).
- __doc__ = '\n Class to load sesans files (6 columns).\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.sesans_reader'
- static _insist_header(headers, name)[source]
- static _unit_conversion(value, value_unit, default_unit)[source]
Performs unit conversion on a measurement.
- Parameters:
value – The magnitude of the measurement
value_unit – a string containing the final desired unit
default_unit – string with the units of the original measurement
- Returns:
The magnitude of the measurement in the new units
- _unit_fetch(unit)[source]
- allow_all = True
- ext = ['.ses', '.SES', '.sesans', '.SESANS']
- get_file_contents()[source]
Reader specific class to access the contents of the file All reader classes that inherit from FileReader must implement
- type = ['SESANS files (*.ses)|*.ses', 'SESANS files (*..sesans)|*.sesans']
- type_name = 'SESANS'
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.tiff_reader module
Image reader. Untested.
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.tiff_reader.Reader[source]
Example data manipulation
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.tiff_reader', '__doc__': '\n Example data manipulation\n ', 'type_name': 'TIF', 'type': ['TIF files (*.tif)|*.tif', 'TIFF files (*.tiff)|*.tiff'], 'ext': ['.tif', '.tiff'], 'read': <function>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Reader' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Reader' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = '\n Example data manipulation\n '
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.tiff_reader'
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- ext = ['.tif', '.tiff']
- read(filename=None)[source]
Open and read the data in a file
- Parameters:
file – path of the file
- type = ['TIF files (*.tif)|*.tif', 'TIFF files (*.tiff)|*.tiff']
- type_name = 'TIF'
sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.xml_reader module
Generic XML read and write utility
Usage: Either extend xml_reader or add as a class variable.
- class sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.xml_reader.XMLreader(xml=None, schema=None)[source]
Generic XML read and write class. Mostly helper functions. Makes reading/writing XML a bit easier than calling lxml libraries directly.
- Dependencies:
This class requires lxml 2.3 or higher.
- __doc__ = '\n Generic XML read and write class. Mostly helper functions.\n Makes reading/writing XML a bit easier than calling lxml libraries directly.\n\n :Dependencies:\n This class requires lxml 2.3 or higher.\n '
- __init__(xml=None, schema=None)[source]
- __module__ = 'sas.sascalc.dataloader.readers.xml_reader'
- _create_unique_key(dictionary, name, numb=0)[source]
Create a unique key value for any dictionary to prevent overwriting Recurses until a unique key value is found.
- Parameters:
dictionary – A dictionary with any number of entries
name – The index of the item to be added to dictionary
numb – The number to be appended to the name, starts at 0
- append(element, tree)[source]
Append an etree Element to an ElementTree.
- Parameters:
element – etree Element to append
tree – ElementTree object to append to
- break_processing_instructions(string, dic)[source]
Method to break a processing instruction string apart and add to a dict
- Parameters:
string – A processing instruction as a string
dic – The dictionary to save the PIs to
- create_element(name, attrib=None, nsmap=None)[source]
Create an XML element for writing to file
- Parameters:
name – The name of the element to be created
- create_element_from_string(xml_string)[source]
Create an element from an XML string
- Parameters:
xml_string – A string of xml
- create_tree(root)[source]
Create an element tree for processing from an etree element
- Parameters:
root – etree Element(s)
- ebuilder(parent, elementname, text=None, attrib=None)[source]
Use lxml E builder class with arbitrary inputs.
- Parameters:
parnet – The parent element to append a child to
elementname – The name of the child in string form
text – The element text
attrib – A dictionary of attribute names to attribute values
- encoding = None
- find_invalid_xml()[source]
Finds the first offending element that should not be present in XML file
- parse_schema_and_doc()[source]
Creates a dictionary of the parsed schema and xml files.
- processing_instructions = None
- reader()[source]
Read in an XML file into memory and return an lxml dictionary
- return_processing_instructions()[source]
Get all processing instructions saved when loading the document
- Parameters:
tree – etree.ElementTree object to write PIs to
- schema = None
- schemadoc = None
- set_encoding(attr_str)[source]
Find the encoding in the xml declaration and save it as a string
- Parameters:
attr_str – All attributes as a string e.g. “foo1=”bar1” foo2=”bar2” foo3=”bar3” … foo_n=”bar_n””
- set_processing_instructions()[source]
Take out all processing instructions and create a dictionary from them If there is a default encoding, the value is also saved
- set_schema(schema)[source]
Set the schema file and parse
- set_xml_file(xml)[source]
Set the XML file and parse
- set_xml_string(tag_soup)[source]
Set an XML string as the working XML.
- Parameters:
tag_soup – XML formatted string
- to_string(elem, pretty_print=False, encoding=None)[source]
Converts an etree element into a string
- validate_xml()[source]
Checks to see if the XML file meets the schema
- write_attribute(elem, attr_name, attr_value)[source]
Write attributes to an Element
- Parameters:
elem – etree.Element object
attr_name – attribute name to write
attr_value – attribute value to set
- write_text(elem, text)[source]
Write text to an etree Element
- Parameters:
elem – etree.Element object
text – text to write to the element
- xml = None
- xmldoc = None
- xmlroot = None