Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.Fittings
This module is used to fit a set of x,y data to a model passed to it. It is
used to calculate the slope and intercepts for the linearized fits. Two things
should be noted:
First, this fitting module uses the NLLSQ module of SciPy rather than a linear
fit. This along with a few other modules could probably be removed if we
move to a linear regression approach.
Second, this infrastructure does not allow for resolution smearing of the
the models. Hence the results are not that accurate even for pinhole
collimation of SANS but may be good for SAXS. It is completely wrong for
slit smeared data.
[docs]class Parameter(object):
Class to handle model parameters - sets the parameters and their
initial value from the model based to it.
[docs] def __init__(self, model, name, value=None):
self.model = model = name
if value is not None:
self.model.setParam(, value)
[docs] def set(self, value):
Set the value of the parameter
self.model.setParam(, value)
[docs] def __call__(self):
Return the current value of the parameter
return self.model.getParam(
[docs]def sasfit(model, pars, x, y, err_y, qmin=None, qmax=None):
Fit function
:param model: sas model object
:param pars: list of parameters
:param x: vector of x data
:param y: vector of y data
:param err_y: vector of y errors
def f(params):
Calculates the vector of residuals for each point
in y for a given set of input parameters.
:param params: list of parameter values
:return: vector of residuals
i = 0
for p in pars:
i += 1
residuals = []
for j in range(len(x)):
if x[j] >= qmin and x[j] <= qmax:
residuals.append((y[j] - model.runXY(x[j])) / err_y[j])
return residuals
def chi2(params):
Calculates chi^2
:param params: list of parameter values
:return: chi^2
sum = 0
res = f(params)
for item in res:
sum += item * item
return sum
# This import takes a long time, which is why it's here not in the top of file
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
p = [param() for param in pars]
out, cov_x, info, mesg, success = leastsq(f, p, full_output=1)
# Calculate chi squared
if len(pars) > 1:
chisqr = chi2(out)
elif len(pars) == 1:
chisqr = chi2([out])
return chisqr, out, cov_x
[docs]def calcCommandline(event):
# Testing implementation
# Fit a Line model
from .LineModel import LineModel
line = LineModel()
cstA = Parameter(line, 'A', event.cstA)
cstB = Parameter(line, 'B', event.cstB)
y =
chisqr, out, cov = sasfit(line, [cstA, cstB], event.x, y, 0)
# print "Output parameters:", out
print("The right answer is [70.0, 1.0]")
print(chisqr, out, cov)