Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotProperties

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

from sas.qtgui.Plotting.PlotUtilities import COLORS, SHAPES
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.UI.PlotPropertiesUI import Ui_PlotPropertiesUI

[docs]class PlotProperties(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_PlotPropertiesUI): """ Dialog for modification of single plot properties """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, color=0, marker=0, marker_size=5, legend=""): super(PlotProperties, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # disable the context help icon self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.setFixedSize(self.minimumSizeHint()) self._parent = parent self._marker = marker if marker else 0 self._color = color if color else 0 self._legend = legend self._markersize = marker_size if marker_size else 3 self.custom_color = False if isinstance(self._color, int) else True # Fill out the color combobox self.cbColor.addItems(list(COLORS.keys())[:-1]) # data1d.custom_color can now be a simple integer, # specifying COLORS dict index or a string containing # the hex RGB value, e.g. #00FF00 if isinstance(self._color, int): self.cbColor.setCurrentIndex(self._color) else: # Need the Custom entry here. "Custom" is always last. self.cbColor.addItems([list(COLORS.keys())[-1]]) self.cbColor.setCurrentIndex(list(COLORS.keys()).index("Custom")) # Fill out the marker combobox self.cbShape.addItems(list(SHAPES.keys())) try: self.cbShape.setCurrentIndex(self._marker) except TypeError: marker_index = self.cbShape.findText(self._marker) self.cbShape.setCurrentIndex(marker_index) if self._legend: self.txtLegend.setText(self._legend) self.sbSize.setValue(self._markersize) # Connect slots self.cmdCustom.clicked.connect(self.onColorChange) self.cbColor.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.onColorIndexChange)
[docs] def legend(self): ''' return current legend ''' return str(self.txtLegend.text())
[docs] def marker(self): ''' return the current shape index in SHAPE ''' return self.cbShape.currentIndex()
[docs] def markersize(self): ''' return marker size (int) ''' return self.sbSize.value()
[docs] def color(self): ''' return current color: index in COLORS or a hex string ''' if self.custom_color: return self._color else: return self.cbColor.currentIndex()
[docs] def onColorChange(self): """ Pop up the standard Qt color change dialog """ # Pick up the chosen color proposed_color = QtWidgets.QColorDialog.getColor(parent=self) # Update the text control if proposed_color.isValid(): # Block currentIndexChanged self.cbColor.blockSignals(True) # Add Custom to the color combo box self.cbColor.addItems(["Custom"]) self.cbColor.setCurrentIndex(list(COLORS.keys()).index("Custom")) # unblock currentIndexChanged self.cbColor.blockSignals(False) # Save the color as #RRGGBB self.custom_color = True self._color = str(
[docs] def onColorIndexChange(self): """ Dynamically add/remove "Custom" color index """ # Changed index - assure Custom is deleted custom_index = self.cbColor.findText("Custom") self.custom_color = False if custom_index > -1: self.cbColor.removeItem(custom_index)