Source code for sas.qtgui.Plotting.ScaleProperties

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

import sas.sasview
from sas.qtgui.UI import main_resources_rc

from sas.qtgui.UI import main_resources_rc
from sas.qtgui.Plotting.UI.ScalePropertiesUI import Ui_scalePropertiesUI

x_values = ["x", "x^(2)", "x^(4)", "ln(x)", "log10(x)", "log10(x^(4))"]
y_values = ["y", "1/y", "ln(y)", "y^(2)", "y*x^(2)", "y*x^(4)", "1/sqrt(y)",
            "log10(y)", "ln(y*x)", "ln(y*x^(2))", "ln(y*x^(4))", "log10(y*x^(4))"]
view_values = ["--", "Linear y vs x", "log(y) vs log(x)", "Guinier lny vs x^(2)",
            "XS Guinier ln(y*x) vs x^(2)", "Porod y*x^(4) vs x^(4)", "Kratky y*x^(2) vs x"]
view_to_xy = {
    view_values[0]: [None, None], # custom
    view_values[1]: [0, 0], # linear
    view_values[2]: [4, 7], # log
    view_values[3]: [1, 2], # Guinier
    view_values[4]: [1, 8], # XS Guinier
    view_values[5]: [2, 5], # Porod
    view_values[6]: [0, 4], # Kratky
[docs]class ScaleProperties(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_scalePropertiesUI):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, init_scale_x='x', init_scale_y='y'): super(ScaleProperties, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # disable the context help icon self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) # Set up comboboxes self.cbX.addItems(x_values) self.cbY.addItems(y_values) self.cbView.addItems(view_values) # Resize the dialog only AFTER the boxes are populated self.setFixedSize(self.minimumSizeHint()) # Set up the initial values for x and y. # This avoids keeping a QModel instance here. if init_scale_x in x_values and init_scale_y in y_values: self.cbX.setCurrentIndex(x_values.index(init_scale_x)) self.cbY.setCurrentIndex(y_values.index(init_scale_y)) # Connect combobox index change to a custom method self.cbView.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.viewIndexChanged) self.cbX.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.xyIndexChanged) self.cbY.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.xyIndexChanged)
[docs] def getValues(self): """ Return current values from comboboxes """ return str(self.cbX.currentText()), str(self.cbY.currentText())
[docs] def viewIndexChanged(self, index): """ Update X and Y labels based on the "View" index """ if index > 0: # Disable signals so xyIndexChanged() doesn't get called self.cbX.blockSignals(True) self.cbY.blockSignals(True) # Update the sub-controls self.cbX.setCurrentIndex(view_to_xy[view_values[index]][0]) self.cbY.setCurrentIndex(view_to_xy[view_values[index]][1]) # Re-enable the signals self.cbX.blockSignals(False) self.cbY.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def xyIndexChanged(self, index): """ Update View label based on the "X" and "Y" index """ self.cbView.setCurrentIndex(0)