Source code for sas.sascalc.data_util.registry

File extension registry.

This provides routines for opening files based on extension,
and registers the built-in file extensions.
from __future__ import print_function

from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader_exceptions import NoKnownLoaderException

[docs]class ExtensionRegistry(object): """ Associate a file loader with an extension. Note that there may be multiple loaders for the same extension. Example: :: registry = ExtensionRegistry() # Add an association by setting an element registry['.zip'] = unzip # Multiple extensions for one loader registry['.tgz'] = untar registry['.tar.gz'] = untar # Generic extensions to use after trying more specific extensions; # these will be checked after the more specific extensions fail. registry['.gz'] = gunzip # Multiple loaders for one extension registry['.cx'] = cx1 registry['.cx'] = cx2 registry['.cx'] = cx3 # Show registered extensions print registry.extensions() # Can also register a format name for explicit control from caller registry['cx3'] = cx3 print registry.formats() # Retrieve loaders for a file name registry.lookup('') -> [cx3,cx2,cx1] # Run loader on a filename registry.load('') -> try: return cx3('') except: try: return cx2('') except: return cx1('') # Load in a specific format ignoring extension registry.load('',format='cx3') -> return cx3('') """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kw): self.loaders = {}
[docs] def __setitem__(self, ext, loader): if ext not in self.loaders: self.loaders[ext] = [] self.loaders[ext].insert(0, loader)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ext): return self.loaders[ext]
[docs] def __contains__(self, ext): return ext in self.loaders
[docs] def formats(self): """ Return a sorted list of the registered formats. """ names = [a for a in self.loaders.keys() if not a.startswith('.')] names.sort() return names
[docs] def extensions(self): """ Return a sorted list of registered extensions. """ exts = [a for a in self.loaders.keys() if a.startswith('.')] exts.sort() return exts
[docs] def lookup(self, path): """ Return the loader associated with the file type of path. :param path: Data file path :return: List of available readers for the file extension (maybe empty) """ # Find matching lower-case extensions path_lower = path.lower() extlist = [ext for ext in self.extensions() if path_lower.endswith(ext)] # Sort matching extensions by decreasing order of length extlist.sort(key=len) # Combine loaders for matching extensions into one big list loaders = [] for L in [self.loaders[ext] for ext in extlist]: loaders.extend(L) # Remove duplicates if they exist if len(loaders) != len(set(loaders)): result = [] for L in loaders: if L not in result: result.append(L) loaders = result return loaders
[docs] def load(self, path, format=None): """ Call the loader for the file type of path. Raises an exception if the loader fails or if no loaders are defined for the given path or format. """ if format is None: loaders = self.lookup(path) if not loaders: raise NoKnownLoaderException("No loaders match extension in %r" % path) else: loaders = self.loaders.get(format.lower(), []) if not loaders: raise NoKnownLoaderException("No loaders match format %r" % format) last_exc = None for fn in loaders: try: return fn(path) except Exception as e: last_exc = e pass # give other loaders a chance to succeed # If we get here it is because all loaders failed raise last_exc