NXcanSAS data reader for reading HDF5 formatted CanSAS files.
import logging
import h5py
import numpy as np
import re
import os
import traceback
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.data_info import plottable_1D, plottable_2D,\
Data1D, Data2D, DataInfo, Process, Aperture, Collimation, \
TransmissionSpectrum, Detector
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader_exceptions import FileContentsException, DefaultReaderException
from sas.sascalc.dataloader.file_reader_base_class import FileReader, decode
except NameError: # CRUFT: python 2 support
basestring = str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def h5attr(node, key, default=None):
value = node.attrs.get(key, default)
#print("h5attr", node, key, value, type(value))
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype.char == 'S':
return [decode(el) for el in value]
elif isinstance(value, list):
return [decode(el) for el in value]
return decode(value)
[docs]class Reader(FileReader):
A class for reading in NXcanSAS data files. The current implementation has
been tested to load data generated by multiple facilities, all of which are
known to produce NXcanSAS standards compliant data. Any number of data sets
may be present within the file and any dimensionality of data may be used.
Currently 1D and 2D SAS data sets are supported, but should be immediately
extensible to SESANS data.
Any number of SASdata groups may be present in a SASentry and the data
within each SASdata group can be a single 1D I(Q), multi-framed 1D I(Q),
2D I(Qx, Qy) or multi-framed 2D I(Qx, Qy).
The NXcanSAS HDF5 reader requires h5py => v2.5.0 or later.
# CanSAS version
cansas_version = 2.0
# Data type name
type_name = "NXcanSAS"
# Wildcards
type = ["NXcanSAS HDF5 Files (*.h5)|*.h5|"]
# List of allowed extensions
ext = ['.h5', '.H5']
# Flag to bypass extension check
allow_all = True
[docs] def get_file_contents(self):
This is the general read method that all SasView data_loaders must have.
:param filename: A path for an HDF5 formatted CanSAS 2D data file.
:return: List of Data1D/2D objects and/or a list of errors.
# Reinitialize when loading a new data file to reset all class variables
filename = self.f_open.name
self.f_open.close() # IO handled by h5py
# Check that the file exists
if os.path.isfile(filename):
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
_, extension = os.path.splitext(basename)
# If the file type is not allowed, return empty list
if extension in self.ext or self.allow_all:
# Load the data file
self.raw_data = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
except Exception as exc:
if extension not in self.ext:
msg = "NXcanSAS Reader could not load file {}".format(
basename + extension)
raise DefaultReaderException(msg)
raise FileContentsException(exc)
# Read in all child elements of top level SASroot
self.read_children(self.raw_data, [])
# Add the last data set to the list of outputs
except Exception as exc:
raise FileContentsException(exc)
# Close the data file
for data_set in self.output:
if isinstance(data_set, Data1D):
if data_set.x.size < 5:
exception = FileContentsException(
"Fewer than 5 data points found.")
[docs] def reset_state(self):
Create the reader object and define initial states for class variables
super(Reader, self).reset_state()
self.data1d = []
self.data2d = []
self.raw_data = None
self.multi_frame = False
self.data_frames = []
self.data_uncertainty_frames = []
self.errors = []
self.logging = []
self.q_names = []
self.mask_name = u''
self.i_name = u''
self.i_node = u''
self.i_uncertainties_name = u''
self.q_uncertainty_names = []
self.q_resolution_names = []
self.parent_class = u''
self.detector = Detector()
self.collimation = Collimation()
self.aperture = Aperture()
self.process = Process()
self.trans_spectrum = TransmissionSpectrum()
[docs] def read_children(self, data, parent_list):
A recursive method for stepping through the hierarchical data file.
:param data: h5py Group object of any kind
:param parent: h5py Group parent name
# Loop through each element of the parent and process accordingly
for key in data.keys():
# Get all information for the current key
value = data.get(key)
class_name = h5attr(value, u'canSAS_class')
if isinstance(class_name, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
class_name = class_name[0]
if class_name is None:
class_name = h5attr(value, u'NX_class')
if class_name is not None:
class_prog = re.compile(class_name)
class_prog = re.compile(value.name)
if isinstance(value, h5py.Group):
# Set parent class before recursion
last_parent_class = self.parent_class
self.parent_class = class_name
# If a new sasentry, store the current data sets and create
# a fresh Data1D/2D object
if class_prog.match(u'SASentry'):
elif class_prog.match(u'SASdata'):
# Recursion step to access data within the group
self.read_children(value, parent_list)
except Exception as e:
# Reset parent class when returning from recursive method
self.parent_class = last_parent_class
elif isinstance(value, h5py.Dataset):
# If this is a dataset, store the data appropriately
data_set = value[()]
unit = self._get_unit(value)
# Put scalars into lists to be sure they are iterable
if np.isscalar(data_set):
data_set = [data_set]
for data_point in data_set:
if isinstance(data_point, np.ndarray):
if data_point.dtype.char == 'S':
data_point = decode(bytes(data_point))
data_point = decode(data_point)
# Top Level Meta Data
if key == u'definition':
if isinstance(data_set, basestring):
self.current_datainfo.meta_data['reader'] = data_set
'reader'] = data_point
# Run
elif key == u'run':
run_name = h5attr(value, 'name', default='name')
run_dict = {data_point: run_name}
self.current_datainfo.run_name = run_dict
except Exception:
if isinstance(data_set, basestring):
# Title
elif key == u'title':
if isinstance(data_set, basestring):
self.current_datainfo.title = data_set
self.current_datainfo.title = data_point
# Note
elif key == u'SASnote':
# Sample Information
elif self.parent_class == u'SASsample':
self.process_sample(data_point, key)
# Instrumental Information
elif (key == u'name'
and self.parent_class == u'SASinstrument'):
self.current_datainfo.instrument = data_point
# Detector
elif self.parent_class == u'SASdetector':
self.process_detector(data_point, key, unit)
# Collimation
elif self.parent_class == u'SAScollimation':
self.process_collimation(data_point, key, unit)
# Aperture
elif self.parent_class == u'SASaperture':
self.process_aperture(data_point, key)
# Process Information
elif self.parent_class == u'SASprocess': # CanSAS 2.0
self.process_process(data_point, key)
# Source
elif self.parent_class == u'SASsource':
self.process_source(data_point, key, unit)
# Everything else goes in meta_data
elif self.parent_class == u'SASdata':
if isinstance(self.current_dataset, plottable_2D):
self.process_2d_data_object(data_set, key, unit)
self.process_1d_data_object(data_set, key, unit)
elif self.parent_class == u'SAStransmission_spectrum':
self.process_trans_spectrum(data_set, key)
new_key = self._create_unique_key(
self.current_datainfo.meta_data, key)
self.current_datainfo.meta_data[new_key] = data_point
# I don't know if this reachable code
[docs] def process_1d_data_object(self, data_set, key, unit):
SASdata processor method for 1d data items
:param data_set: data from HDF5 file
:param key: canSAS_class attribute
:param unit: unit attribute
if key == self.i_name:
if self.multi_frame:
for x in range(0, data_set.shape[0]):
self.current_dataset.y = data_set.flatten()
self.current_dataset.yaxis("Intensity", unit)
elif key == self.i_uncertainties_name:
if self.multi_frame:
for x in range(0, data_set.shape[0]):
self.current_dataset.dy = data_set.flatten()
elif key in self.q_names:
self.current_dataset.xaxis("Q", unit)
self.current_dataset.x = data_set.flatten()
elif key in self.q_resolution_names:
if (len(self.q_resolution_names) > 1
and np.where(self.q_resolution_names == key)[0] == 0):
self.current_dataset.dxw = data_set.flatten()
elif (len(self.q_resolution_names) > 1
and np.where(self.q_resolution_names == key)[0] == 1):
self.current_dataset.dxl = data_set.flatten()
self.current_dataset.dx = data_set.flatten()
elif key in self.q_uncertainty_names:
if (len(self.q_uncertainty_names) > 1
and np.where(self.q_uncertainty_names == key)[0] == 0):
self.current_dataset.dxw = data_set.flatten()
elif (len(self.q_uncertainty_names) > 1
and np.where(self.q_uncertainty_names == key)[0] == 1):
self.current_dataset.dxl = data_set.flatten()
self.current_dataset.dx = data_set.flatten()
elif key == self.mask_name:
self.current_dataset.mask = data_set.flatten()
elif key == u'wavelength':
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength = data_set[0]
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_unit = unit
[docs] def process_2d_data_object(self, data_set, key, unit):
if key == self.i_name:
self.current_dataset.data = data_set
self.current_dataset.zaxis("Intensity", unit)
elif key == self.i_uncertainties_name:
self.current_dataset.err_data = data_set.flatten()
elif key in self.q_names:
self.current_dataset.xaxis("Q_x", unit)
self.current_dataset.yaxis("Q_y", unit)
if self.q_names[0] == self.q_names[1]:
# All q data in a single array
self.current_dataset.qx_data = data_set[0]
self.current_dataset.qy_data = data_set[1]
elif self.q_names.index(key) == 0:
self.current_dataset.qx_data = data_set
elif self.q_names.index(key) == 1:
self.current_dataset.qy_data = data_set
elif key in self.q_resolution_names:
if (len(self.q_resolution_names) == 1
or (self.q_resolution_names[0]
== self.q_resolution_names[1])):
self.current_dataset.dqx_data = data_set[0].flatten()
self.current_dataset.dqy_data = data_set[1].flatten()
elif self.q_resolution_names[0] == key:
self.current_dataset.dqx_data = data_set.flatten()
self.current_dataset.dqy_data = data_set.flatten()
elif key in self.q_uncertainty_names:
if (len(self.q_uncertainty_names) == 1
or (self.q_uncertainty_names[0]
== self.q_uncertainty_names[1])):
self.current_dataset.dqx_data = data_set[0].flatten()
self.current_dataset.dqy_data = data_set[1].flatten()
elif self.q_uncertainty_names[0] == key:
self.current_dataset.dqx_data = data_set.flatten()
self.current_dataset.dqy_data = data_set.flatten()
elif key == self.mask_name:
self.current_dataset.mask = data_set.flatten()
elif key == u'Qy':
self.current_dataset.yaxis("Q_y", unit)
self.current_dataset.qy_data = data_set.flatten()
elif key == u'Qydev':
self.current_dataset.dqy_data = data_set.flatten()
elif key == u'Qx':
self.current_dataset.xaxis("Q_x", unit)
self.current_dataset.qx_data = data_set.flatten()
elif key == u'Qxdev':
self.current_dataset.dqx_data = data_set.flatten()
[docs] def process_trans_spectrum(self, data_set, key):
SAStransmission_spectrum processor
:param data_set: data from HDF5 file
:param key: canSAS_class attribute
if key == u'T':
self.trans_spectrum.transmission = data_set.flatten()
elif key == u'Tdev':
self.trans_spectrum.transmission_deviation = data_set.flatten()
elif key == u'lambda':
self.trans_spectrum.wavelength = data_set.flatten()
[docs] def process_sample(self, data_point, key):
SASsample processor
:param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file
:param key: class name data_point was taken from
if key == u'Title':
self.current_datainfo.sample.name = data_point
elif key == u'name':
self.current_datainfo.sample.name = data_point
elif key == u'ID':
self.current_datainfo.sample.name = data_point
elif key == u'thickness':
self.current_datainfo.sample.thickness = data_point
elif key == u'temperature':
self.current_datainfo.sample.temperature = data_point
elif key == u'transmission':
self.current_datainfo.sample.transmission = data_point
elif key == u'x_position':
self.current_datainfo.sample.position.x = data_point
elif key == u'y_position':
self.current_datainfo.sample.position.y = data_point
elif key == u'pitch':
self.current_datainfo.sample.orientation.x = data_point
elif key == u'yaw':
self.current_datainfo.sample.orientation.y = data_point
elif key == u'roll':
self.current_datainfo.sample.orientation.z = data_point
elif key == u'details':
[docs] def process_detector(self, data_point, key, unit):
SASdetector processor
:param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file
:param key: class name data_point was taken from
:param unit: unit attribute from data set
if key == u'name':
self.detector.name = data_point
elif key == u'SDD':
self.detector.distance = float(data_point)
self.detector.distance_unit = unit
elif key == u'slit_length':
self.detector.slit_length = float(data_point)
self.detector.slit_length_unit = unit
elif key == u'x_position':
self.detector.offset.x = float(data_point)
self.detector.offset_unit = unit
elif key == u'y_position':
self.detector.offset.y = float(data_point)
self.detector.offset_unit = unit
elif key == u'pitch':
self.detector.orientation.x = float(data_point)
self.detector.orientation_unit = unit
elif key == u'roll':
self.detector.orientation.z = float(data_point)
self.detector.orientation_unit = unit
elif key == u'yaw':
self.detector.orientation.y = float(data_point)
self.detector.orientation_unit = unit
elif key == u'beam_center_x':
self.detector.beam_center.x = float(data_point)
self.detector.beam_center_unit = unit
elif key == u'beam_center_y':
self.detector.beam_center.y = float(data_point)
self.detector.beam_center_unit = unit
elif key == u'x_pixel_size':
self.detector.pixel_size.x = float(data_point)
self.detector.pixel_size_unit = unit
elif key == u'y_pixel_size':
self.detector.pixel_size.y = float(data_point)
self.detector.pixel_size_unit = unit
[docs] def process_collimation(self, data_point, key, unit):
SAScollimation processor
:param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file
:param key: class name data_point was taken from
:param unit: unit attribute from data set
if key == u'distance':
self.collimation.length = data_point
self.collimation.length_unit = unit
elif key == u'name':
self.collimation.name = data_point
[docs] def process_aperture(self, data_point, key):
SASaperture processor
:param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file
:param key: class name data_point was taken from
if key == u'shape':
self.aperture.shape = data_point
elif key == u'x_gap':
self.aperture.size.x = data_point
elif key == u'y_gap':
self.aperture.size.y = data_point
[docs] def process_source(self, data_point, key, unit):
SASsource processor
:param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file
:param key: class name data_point was taken from
:param unit: unit attribute from data set
if key == u'incident_wavelength':
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength = data_point
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_unit = unit
elif key == u'wavelength_max':
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_max = data_point
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_max_unit = unit
elif key == u'wavelength_min':
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_min = data_point
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_min_unit = unit
elif key == u'incident_wavelength_spread':
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_spread = data_point
self.current_datainfo.source.wavelength_spread_unit = unit
elif key == u'beam_size_x':
self.current_datainfo.source.beam_size.x = data_point
self.current_datainfo.source.beam_size_unit = unit
elif key == u'beam_size_y':
self.current_datainfo.source.beam_size.y = data_point
self.current_datainfo.source.beam_size_unit = unit
elif key == u'beam_shape':
self.current_datainfo.source.beam_shape = data_point
elif key == u'radiation':
self.current_datainfo.source.radiation = data_point
elif key == u'type':
self.current_datainfo.source.type = data_point
elif key == u'probe':
self.current_datainfo.source.probe = data_point
[docs] def process_process(self, data_point, key):
SASprocess processor
:param data_point: Single point from an HDF5 data file
:param key: class name data_point was taken from
term_match = re.compile(u'^term[0-9]+$')
if key == u'Title': # CanSAS 2.0
self.process.name = data_point
elif key == u'name': # NXcanSAS
self.process.name = data_point
elif key == u'description':
self.process.description = data_point
elif key == u'date':
self.process.date = data_point
elif term_match.match(key):
[docs] def final_data_cleanup(self):
Does some final cleanup and formatting on self.current_datainfo and
all data1D and data2D objects and then combines the data and info into
Data1D and Data2D objects
# Type cast data arrays to float64
if len(self.current_datainfo.trans_spectrum) > 0:
spectrum_list = []
for spectrum in self.current_datainfo.trans_spectrum:
spectrum.transmission = spectrum.transmission.astype(np.float64)
spectrum.transmission_deviation = \
spectrum.wavelength = spectrum.wavelength.astype(np.float64)
if len(spectrum.transmission) > 0:
self.current_datainfo.trans_spectrum = spectrum_list
# Append errors to dataset and reset class errors
self.current_datainfo.errors = self.errors
self.errors = []
# Combine all plottables with datainfo and append each to output
# Type cast data arrays to float64 and find min/max as appropriate
for dataset in self.data2d:
# Calculate the actual Q matrix
if dataset.q_data.size <= 1:
dataset.q_data = np.sqrt(dataset.qx_data
* dataset.qx_data
+ dataset.qy_data
* dataset.qy_data).flatten()
dataset.q_data = None
if dataset.data.ndim == 2:
dataset.y_bins = np.unique(dataset.qy_data.flatten())
dataset.x_bins = np.unique(dataset.qx_data.flatten())
dataset.data = dataset.data.flatten()
dataset.qx_data = dataset.qx_data.flatten()
dataset.qy_data = dataset.qy_data.flatten()
dataset.mask = np.invert(np.asarray(dataset.mask, dtype=bool))
except TypeError:
dataset.mask = np.ones(dataset.data.shape, dtype=bool)
self.current_dataset = dataset
for dataset in self.data1d:
self.current_dataset = dataset
[docs] def add_data_set(self, key=""):
Adds the current_dataset to the list of outputs after preforming final
processing on the data and then calls a private method to generate a
new data set.
:param key: NeXus group name for current tree level
if self.current_datainfo and self.current_dataset:
self.data_frames = []
self.data_uncertainty_frames = []
self.data1d = []
self.data2d = []
self.current_datainfo = DataInfo()
[docs] def _initialize_new_data_set(self, value=None):
A private class method to generate a new 1D or 2D data object based on
the type of data within the set. Outside methods should call
add_data_set() to be sure any existing data is stored properly.
:param parent_list: List of names of parent elements
if self._is_2d_not_multi_frame(value):
self.current_dataset = plottable_2D()
x = np.array(0)
y = np.array(0)
self.current_dataset = plottable_1D(x, y)
self.current_datainfo.filename = self.raw_data.filename
[docs] @staticmethod
def as_list_or_array(iterable):
Return value as a list if not already a list or array.
:param iterable:
if not (isinstance(iterable, np.ndarray) or isinstance(iterable, list)):
iterable = iterable.split(",") if isinstance(iterable, basestring)\
else [iterable]
return iterable
[docs] def _find_data_attributes(self, value):
A class to find the indices for Q, the name of the Qdev and Idev, and
the name of the mask.
:param value: SASdata/NXdata HDF5 Group
# Initialize values to base types
self.mask_name = u''
self.i_name = u''
self.i_node = u''
self.i_uncertainties_name = u''
self.q_names = []
self.q_uncertainty_names = []
self.q_resolution_names = []
# Get attributes
signal = h5attr(value, "signal", "I")
i_axes = h5attr(value, "I_axes", ["Q"])
q_indices = h5attr(value, "Q_indices", [0])
i_axes = self.as_list_or_array(i_axes)
keys = value.keys()
# Assign attributes to appropriate class variables
self.q_names = [i_axes[int(v)] for v in self.as_list_or_array(q_indices)]
self.mask_name = h5attr(value, "mask")
self.i_name = signal
self.i_node = value.get(self.i_name)
for item in self.q_names:
if item in keys:
q_vals = value.get(item)
uncertainties = h5attr(q_vals, "uncertainties")
if uncertainties is None:
uncertainties = h5attr(q_vals, "uncertainty")
if isinstance(uncertainties, basestring):
uncertainties = uncertainties.split(",")
if uncertainties is not None:
self.q_uncertainty_names = uncertainties
resolutions = h5attr(q_vals, "resolutions")
if isinstance(resolutions, basestring):
resolutions = resolutions.split(",")
if resolutions is not None:
self.q_resolution_names = resolutions
if self.i_name in keys:
i_vals = value.get(self.i_name)
self.i_uncertainties_name = h5attr(i_vals, "uncertainties")
if self.i_uncertainties_name is None:
self.i_uncertainties_name = h5attr(i_vals, "uncertainty")
[docs] def _is_2d_not_multi_frame(self, value, i_base="", q_base=""):
A private class to determine if the data set is 1d or 2d.
:param value: Nexus/NXcanSAS data group
:param basename: Approximate name of an entry to search for
:return: True if 2D, otherwise false
i_basename = i_base if i_base != "" else self.i_name
i_vals = value.get(i_basename)
q_basename = q_base if q_base != "" else self.q_names
q_vals = value.get(q_basename[0])
self.multi_frame = (i_vals is not None and q_vals is not None
and len(i_vals.shape) != 1
and len(q_vals.shape) == 1)
return (i_vals is not None and len(i_vals.shape) != 1
and not self.multi_frame)
[docs] def _create_unique_key(self, dictionary, name, numb=0):
Create a unique key value for any dictionary to prevent overwriting
Recurses until a unique key value is found.
:param dictionary: A dictionary with any number of entries
:param name: The index of the item to be added to dictionary
:param numb: The number to be appended to the name, starts at 0
:return: The new name for the dictionary entry
if dictionary.get(name) is not None:
numb += 1
name = name.split("_")[0]
name += "_{0}".format(numb)
name = self._create_unique_key(dictionary, name, numb)
return name
[docs] def _get_unit(self, value):
Find the unit for a particular value within the h5py dictionary
:param value: attribute dictionary for a particular value set
:return: unit for the value passed to the method
unit = h5attr(value, u'units')
if unit is None:
unit = h5attr(value, u'unit')
return unit
[docs] def write(self, filename, dataset):
Export data in NXcanSAS format
:param filename: File path where the data will be saved
:param dataset: DataInfo object that will be converted to NXcanSAS
:return: None
from sas.sascalc.file_converter.nxcansas_writer import NXcanSASWriter
writer = NXcanSASWriter()
writer.write(dataset=[dataset], filename=filename)