Source code for sasmodels.weights

SAS distributions for polydispersity.
# TODO: include dispersion docs with the disperser models
from __future__ import division, print_function

from math import sqrt  # type: ignore
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np  # type: ignore
from scipy.special import gammaln  # type: ignore

# pylint: disable=unused-import
    from typing import Tuple, List
    from .modelinfo import ModelInfo
except ImportError:
# pylint: enable=unused-import

# TODO: include dispersion docs with the disperser models

[docs]class Dispersion(object): """ Base dispersion object. Subclasses should define *_weights(center, sigma, lb, ub)* which returns the x points and their corresponding weights. """ type = "base disperser" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=3)
[docs] def __init__(self, npts=None, width=None, nsigmas=None): self.npts = self.default['npts'] if npts is None else int(npts) self.width = self.default['width'] if width is None else width self.nsigmas = self.default['nsigmas'] if nsigmas is None else nsigmas
[docs] def get_pars(self): """ Return the parameters to the disperser as a dictionary. """ pars = {'type': self.type} pars.update(self.__dict__) return pars
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def set_weights(self, values, weights): """ Set the weights on the disperser if it is :class:`ArrayDispersion`. """ raise RuntimeError("set_weights is only available for ArrayDispersion")
[docs] def get_weights(self, center, lb, ub, relative): """ Return the weights for the distribution. *center* is the center of the distribution *lb*, *ub* are the min and max allowed values *relative* is True if the distribution width is proportional to the center value instead of absolute. For polydispersity use relative. For orientation parameters use absolute. """ sigma = self.width * center if relative else self.width if not relative: # For orientation, the jitter is relative to 0 not the angle center = 0 if sigma == 0 or self.npts < 2: if lb <= center <= ub: return np.array([center], 'd'), np.array([1.], 'd') else: return np.array([], 'd'), np.array([], 'd') x, px = self._weights(center, sigma, lb, ub) return x, px
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): """actual work of computing the weights""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _linspace(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): """helper function to provide linear spaced weight points within range""" npts, nsigmas = self.npts, self.nsigmas x = center + np.linspace(-nsigmas*sigma, +nsigmas*sigma, npts) x = x[(x >= lb) & (x <= ub)] return x
[docs]class GaussianDispersion(Dispersion): r""" Gaussian dispersion, with 1-$\sigma$ width. .. math:: w = \exp\left(-\tfrac12 (x - c)^2/\sigma^2\right) """ type = "gaussian" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=3)
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): # TODO: sample high probability regions more densely # i.e., step uniformly in cumulative density rather than x value # so weight = 1/Npts for all weights, but values are unevenly spaced x = self._linspace(center, sigma, lb, ub) px = np.exp((x-center)**2 / (-2.0 * sigma * sigma)) return x, px
[docs]class UniformDispersion(Dispersion): r""" Uniform dispersion, with width $\sigma$. .. math:: w = 1 """ type = "uniform" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=None)
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = np.linspace(center-sigma, center+sigma, self.npts) x = x[(x >= lb) & (x <= ub)] return x, np.ones_like(x)
[docs]class RectangleDispersion(Dispersion): r""" Uniform dispersion, with width $\sqrt{3}\sigma$. .. math:: w = 1 """ type = "rectangle" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=1.73205)
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma, lb, ub) x = x[np.fabs(x-center) <= np.fabs(sigma)*sqrt(3.0)] return x, np.ones_like(x)
[docs]class LogNormalDispersion(Dispersion): r""" log Gaussian dispersion, with 1-$\sigma$ width. .. math:: w = \frac{\exp\left(-\tfrac12 (\ln x - c)^2/\sigma^2\right)}{x\sigma} """ type = "lognormal" default = dict(npts=80, width=0, nsigmas=8)
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma, max(lb, 1e-8), max(ub, 1e-8)) # sigma in the lognormal function is in ln(R) space, thus needs converting sig = np.fabs(sigma/center) px = np.exp(-0.5*((np.log(x)-np.log(center))/sig)**2)/(x*sig) return x, px
[docs]class SchulzDispersion(Dispersion): r""" Schultz dispersion, with 1-$\sigma$ width. .. math:: w = \frac{z^z\,R^{z-1}}{e^{Rz}\,c \Gamma(z)} where $c$ is the center of the distribution, $R = x/c$ and $z=(c/\sigma)^2$. This is evaluated using logarithms as .. math:: w = \exp\left(z \ln z + (z-1)\ln R - Rz - \ln c - \ln \Gamma(z) \right) """ type = "schulz" default = dict(npts=80, width=0, nsigmas=8)
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma, max(lb, 1e-8), max(ub, 1e-8)) R = x/center z = (center/sigma)**2 arg = z*np.log(z) + (z-1)*np.log(R) - R*z - np.log(center) - gammaln(z) px = np.exp(arg) return x, px
[docs]class ArrayDispersion(Dispersion): r""" Empirical dispersion curve. Use :meth:`set_weights` to set $w = f(x)$. """ type = "array" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=1)
[docs] def __init__(self, npts=None, width=None, nsigmas=None): Dispersion.__init__(self, npts, width, nsigmas) self.values = np.array([0.], 'd') self.weights = np.array([1.], 'd')
[docs] def set_weights(self, values, weights): """ Set the weights for the given x values. """ self.values = np.ascontiguousarray(values, 'd') self.weights = np.ascontiguousarray(weights, 'd') self.npts = len(values)
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): # TODO: rebin the array dispersion using npts # TODO: use a distribution that can be recentered and scaled x = self.values #x = center + self.values*sigma idx = (x >= lb) & (x <= ub) x = x[idx] px = self.weights[idx] return x, px
[docs]class BoltzmannDispersion(Dispersion): r""" Boltzmann dispersion, with $\sigma=k T/E$. .. math:: w = \exp\left( -|x - c|/\sigma\right) """ type = "boltzmann" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=3)
[docs] def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma, lb, ub) px = np.exp(-np.abs(x-center) / np.abs(sigma)) return x, px
# dispersion name -> disperser lookup table. # Maintain order since this is used by sasview GUI to order the options in # the dispersion type combobox. DISTRIBUTIONS = OrderedDict((d.type, d) for d in ( RectangleDispersion, UniformDispersion, ArrayDispersion, LogNormalDispersion, GaussianDispersion, SchulzDispersion, BoltzmannDispersion )) # CRUFT: deprecated old name MODELS = DISTRIBUTIONS SAS_WEIGHTS_PATH = "~/.sasview/weights"
[docs]def load_weights(pattern=None): # type: (str) -> None """ Load dispersion distributions matching the given glob pattern """ import logging import os import os.path import glob import traceback from .custom import load_custom_kernel_module if pattern is None: path = os.environ.get("SAS_WEIGHTS_PATH", SAS_WEIGHTS_PATH) pattern = os.path.join(path, "*.py") for filename in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(pattern))): try: #print("loading weights from", filename) module = load_custom_kernel_module(filename) DISTRIBUTIONS[module.Dispersion.type] = module.Dispersion except Exception as exc: logging.error(traceback.format_exc(exc))
[docs]def get_weights(disperser, n, width, nsigmas, value, limits, relative): """ Return the set of values and weights for a polydisperse parameter. *disperser* is the name of the disperser. *n* is the number of points in the weight vector. *width* is the width of the disperser distribution. *nsigmas* is the number of sigmas to span for the dispersion convolution. *value* is the value of the parameter in the model. *limits* is [lb, ub], the lower and upper bound on the possible values. *relative* is true if *width* is defined in proportion to the value of the parameter, and false if it is an absolute width. Returns *(value, weight)*, where *value* and *weight* are vectors. """ if disperser == "array": raise NotImplementedError("Don't handle arrays through get_weights;" " use values and weights directly") cls = DISTRIBUTIONS[disperser] obj = cls(n, width, nsigmas) v, w = obj.get_weights(value, limits[0], limits[1], relative) return v, w/np.sum(w)
[docs]def plot_weights(model_info, mesh): # type: (ModelInfo, List[Tuple[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]) -> None """ Plot the weights returned by :func:`get_weights`. *model_info* defines model parameters, etc. *mesh* is a list of tuples containing (*value*, *dispersity*, *weights*) for each parameter, where (*dispersity*, *weights*) pairs are the distributions to be plotted. """ import pylab if any(len(dispersity) > 1 for value, dispersity, weights in mesh): labels = [ for p in model_info.parameters.call_parameters] #pylab.interactive(True) pylab.figure() for (_, x, w), s in zip(mesh, labels): if len(x) > 1: pylab.plot(x, w, '-o', label=s) pylab.grid(True) pylab.legend()