sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers package


sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AnnulusSlicer module

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AnnulusSlicer.AnnulusInteractor(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor, SlicerModel

Select an annulus through a 2D plot. This interactor is used to average 2D data with the region defined by 2 radius. this class is defined by 2 Ringinterators.

__doc__ = '\n    Select an annulus through a 2D plot.\n    This interactor is used to average 2D data  with the region\n    defined by 2 radius.\n    this class is defined by 2 Ringinterators.\n    '
__init__(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AnnulusSlicer'

Uses annulus parameters to plot averaged data into 1D data.


nbins – the number of points to plot


Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer


Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. :return params: the dictionary created

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Called when any dragging motion ends. Redraw the plot with new parameters.


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.


Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary.


params – a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer.

set_cursor(x, y)[source]

Allow adding plot to the same panel :param n: the number of layer


Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.

validate(param_name, param_value)[source]

Test the proposed new value “value” for row “row” of parameters

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AnnulusSlicer.RingInteractor(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, sign=1)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Draw a ring Given a radius

__doc__ = '\n     Draw a ring Given a radius\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, sign=1)[source]

the color of the line that defined the ring

  • r – the radius of the ring

  • sign – the direction of motion the the marker

__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AnnulusSlicer'

Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer


Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. :return params: the dictionary created

Return self._inner_mouse_x:

the current radius of the ring

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Called after a dragging motion


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.


Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary.


params – a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer.

set_cursor(x, y)[source]

draw the ring given x, y value


Allow adding plot to the same panel


n – the number of layer


Draw the new roughness on the graph.

sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.Arc module

Arc slicer for 2D data

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.Arc.ArcInteractor(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, theta1=0.39269908169872414, theta2=0.7853981633974483)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Select an annulus through a 2D plot

__doc__ = '\n    Select an annulus through a 2D plot\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, theta1=0.39269908169872414, theta2=0.7853981633974483)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.Arc'

Clear this slicer and its markers


Return arc radius

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


After a dragging motion reset the flag self.has_move to False :param ev: event


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

set_cursor(radius, phi_min, phi_max, nbins)[source]

Allow adding plot to the same panel :param n: the number of layer

update(theta1=None, theta2=None, nbins=None, r=None)[source]

Update the plotted arc :param theta1: starting angle of the arc :param theta2: ending angle of the arc :param nbins: number of points along the arc :param r: radius of the arc

sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AzimutSlicer module

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AzimutSlicer.SectorInteractor(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Select an annulus through a 2D plot

__doc__ = '\n    Select an annulus through a 2D plot\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AzimutSlicer'
move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


post data averaging in Q


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

set_cursor(x, y)[source]

Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.

validate(param_name, param_value)[source]

Test the proposed new value “value” for row “row” of parameters

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AzimutSlicer.SectorInteractorPhi(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: SectorInteractor

__doc__ = '\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AzimutSlicer'
class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AzimutSlicer.SectorInteractorQ(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: SectorInteractor

__doc__ = '\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.AzimutSlicer'

sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BaseInteractor module

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BaseInteractor.BaseInteractor(base, axes, color='black')[source]

Bases: object

Share some functions between the interface interactor and various layer interactors.

Individual interactors need the following functions:

save(ev) - save the current state for later restore restore() - restore the old state move(x,y,ev) - move the interactor to position x,y moveend(ev) - end the drag event update() - draw the interactors

The following are provided by the base class:

connect_markers(markers) - register callbacks for all markers clear_markers() - remove all items in self.markers onHilite(ev) - enter/leave event processing onLeave(ev) - enter/leave event processing onClick(ev) - mouse click: calls save() onRelease(ev) - mouse click ends: calls moveend() onDrag(ev) - mouse move: calls move() or restore() onKey(ev) - keyboard move: calls move() or restore()

Interactor attributes:

base - model we are operating on axes - axes holding the interactor color - color of the interactor in non-active state markers - list of handles for the interactor

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BaseInteractor', '__doc__': '\n    Share some functions between the interface interactor and various layer\n    interactors.\n\n    Individual interactors need the following functions:\n\n        save(ev)  - save the current state for later restore\n        restore() - restore the old state\n        move(x,y,ev) - move the interactor to position x,y\n        moveend(ev) - end the drag event\n        update() - draw the interactors\n\n    The following are provided by the base class:\n\n        connect_markers(markers) - register callbacks for all markers\n        clear_markers() - remove all items in self.markers\n        onHilite(ev) - enter/leave event processing\n        onLeave(ev) - enter/leave event processing\n        onClick(ev) - mouse click: calls save()\n        onRelease(ev) - mouse click ends: calls moveend()\n        onDrag(ev) - mouse move: calls move() or restore()\n        onKey(ev) - keyboard move: calls move() or restore()\n\n    Interactor attributes:\n\n        base  - model we are operating on\n        axes  - axes holding the interactor\n        color - color of the interactor in non-active state\n        markers - list of handles for the interactor\n\n    ', '__init__': <function BaseInteractor.__init__>, 'clear_markers': <function BaseInteractor.clear_markers>, 'save': <function>, 'restore': <function BaseInteractor.restore>, 'move': <function BaseInteractor.move>, 'moveend': <function BaseInteractor.moveend>, 'connect_markers': <function BaseInteractor.connect_markers>, 'onHilite': <function BaseInteractor.onHilite>, 'onLeave': <function BaseInteractor.onLeave>, 'onClick': <function BaseInteractor.onClick>, 'onRelease': <function BaseInteractor.onRelease>, 'onDrag': <function BaseInteractor.onDrag>, 'onKey': <function BaseInteractor.onKey>, 'dpixel': <function BaseInteractor.dpixel>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'BaseInteractor' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseInteractor' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = '\n    Share some functions between the interface interactor and various layer\n    interactors.\n\n    Individual interactors need the following functions:\n\n        save(ev)  - save the current state for later restore\n        restore() - restore the old state\n        move(x,y,ev) - move the interactor to position x,y\n        moveend(ev) - end the drag event\n        update() - draw the interactors\n\n    The following are provided by the base class:\n\n        connect_markers(markers) - register callbacks for all markers\n        clear_markers() - remove all items in self.markers\n        onHilite(ev) - enter/leave event processing\n        onLeave(ev) - enter/leave event processing\n        onClick(ev) - mouse click: calls save()\n        onRelease(ev) - mouse click ends: calls moveend()\n        onDrag(ev) - mouse move: calls move() or restore()\n        onKey(ev) - keyboard move: calls move() or restore()\n\n    Interactor attributes:\n\n        base  - model we are operating on\n        axes  - axes holding the interactor\n        color - color of the interactor in non-active state\n        markers - list of handles for the interactor\n\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black')[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BaseInteractor'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Clear old markers and interfaces.


Connect markers to callbacks

dpixel(x, y, nudge=False)[source]

Return the step size in data coordinates for a small step in screen coordinates. If nudge is False (default) the step size is one pixel. If nudge is True, the step size is 0.2 pixels.

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Prepare to move the artist. Calls save() to preserve the state for later restore().


Move the artist. Calls move() to update the state, or restore() if the mouse leaves the window.


Hilite the artist reporting the event, indicating that it is ready to receive a click.


Respond to keyboard events. Arrow keys move the widget. Escape restores it to the position before the last click.

Calls move() to update the state. Calls restore() on escape.


Restore the artist to the original colour when the cursor leaves.


sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer module

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer.BoxInteractor(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor, SlicerModel

BoxInteractor define a rectangle that return data1D average of Data2D in a rectangle area defined by -x, x ,y, -y

__doc__ = '\n    BoxInteractor define a rectangle that return data1D average of Data2D\n    in a rectangle area defined by -x, x ,y, -y\n    '
__init__(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer'

Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer


Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary.

Return params:

the dictionary created

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Called after a dragging event. Post the slicer new parameters and creates a new Data1D corresponding to the new average

post_data(new_slab=None, nbins=None, direction=None)[source]

post data averaging in Qx or Qy given new_slab type

  • new_slab – slicer that determine with direction to average

  • nbins – the number of points plotted when averaging

  • direction – the direction of averaging


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.


Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary.


params – a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer.

set_cursor(x, y)[source]

Allow adding plot to the same panel


n – the number of layer


Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.


Update the slicer and plot the resulting data

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer.BoxInteractorX(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: BoxInteractor

Average in Qx direction

__doc__ = '\n    Average in Qx direction\n    '
__init__(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer'

Post data creating by averaging in Qx direction

validate(param_name, param_value)[source]

Validate input from user. Values get checked at apply time.

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer.BoxInteractorY(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: BoxInteractor

Average in Qy direction

__doc__ = '\n    Average in Qy direction\n    '
__init__(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer'

Post data creating by averaging in Qy direction

validate(param_name, param_value)[source]

Validate input from user Values get checked at apply time.

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer.HorizontalLines(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Draw 2 Horizontal lines centered on (0,0) that can move on the x- direction and in opposite direction

__doc__ = '\n    Draw 2 Horizontal lines centered on (0,0) that can move\n    on the x- direction and in opposite direction\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer'

Clear this slicer and its markers

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Called after a dragging this edge and set self.has_move to False to specify the end of dragging motion


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.


Allow adding plot to the same panel


n – the number of layer

update(x=None, y=None)[source]

Draw the new roughness on the graph.

  • x – x-coordinates to reset current class x

  • y – y-coordinates to reset current class y

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer.VerticalLines(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Select an annulus through a 2D plot

__doc__ = '\n    Select an annulus through a 2D plot\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSlicer'

Clear this slicer and its markers

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Called after a dragging this edge and set self.has_move to False to specify the end of dragging motion


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.


Allow adding plot to the same panel


n – the number of layer

update(x=None, y=None)[source]

Draw the new roughness on the graph.

  • x – x-coordinates to reset current class x

  • y – y-coordinates to reset current class y

validate(param_name, param_value)[source]

Validate input from user

sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum module

Boxsum Class: determine 2 rectangular area to compute the sum of pixel of a Data.

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum.BoxSumCalculator(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Boxsum Class: determine 2 rectangular area to compute the sum of pixel of a Data. Uses PointerInteractor , VerticalDoubleLine,HorizontalDoubleLine. @param zorder: Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first. @param x_min: the minimum value of the x coordinate @param x_max: the maximum value of the x coordinate @param y_min: the minimum value of the y coordinate @param y_max: the maximum value of the y coordinate

__doc__ = '\n    Boxsum Class: determine 2 rectangular area to compute\n    the sum of pixel of a Data.\n    Uses PointerInteractor , VerticalDoubleLine,HorizontalDoubleLine.\n    @param zorder:  Artists with lower zorder values are drawn first.\n    @param x_min: the minimum value of the x coordinate\n    @param x_max: the maximum value of the x coordinate\n    @param y_min: the minimum value of the y coordinate\n    @param y_max: the maximum value of the y coordinate\n\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum'

Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer


Redraw canvas


Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. :return params: the dictionary created


Return the result of box summation


model accessor


After a dragging motion this function is called to compute the error and the sum of pixel of a given data 2D


Get the limits of the boxsum and compute the sum of the pixel contained in that region and the error on that sum


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.


Allow adding plot to the same panel :param n: the number of layer


Set up the Qt model for data handling between controls


Store the name of the panel associated to this slicer @param name: the name of this panel


Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary. :param params: a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer.


Cast model content onto params dict


Cast model content onto “read-only” subset of parameters


Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.

validate(param_name, param_value)[source]

Validate input from user

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum.HorizontalDoubleLine(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5, center_x=0.0, center_y=0.0)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Select an annulus through a 2D plot

__doc__ = '\n    Select an annulus through a 2D plot\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5, center_x=0.0, center_y=0.0)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum'

Clear this figure and its markers

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


After a dragging motion reset the flag self.has_move to False


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

setCursor(x, y)[source]

Update the figure given x and y


Allow adding plot to the same panel @param n: the number of layer

update(x1=None, x2=None, y1=None, y2=None, width=None, height=None, center=None)[source]

Draw the new roughness on the graph. :param x1: new maximum value of x coordinates :param x2: new minimum value of x coordinates :param y1: new maximum value of y coordinates :param y2: new minimum value of y coordinates :param width: is the width of the new rectangle :param height: is the height of the new rectangle :param center: provided x, y coordinates of the center point

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum.PointInteractor(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, center_x=0.0, center_y=0.0)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Draw a point that can be dragged with the marker. this class controls the motion the center of the BoxSum

__doc__ = '\n    Draw a point that can be dragged with the marker.\n    this class controls the motion the center of the BoxSum\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, center_x=0.0, center_y=0.0)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum'

Clear this figure and its markers

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

setCursor(x, y)[source]

Allow adding plot to the same panel @param n: the number of layer

update(center_x=None, center_y=None)[source]

Draw the new roughness on the graph.

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum.VerticalDoubleLine(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5, center_x=0.0, center_y=0.0)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Draw 2 vertical lines moving in opposite direction and centered on a point (PointInteractor)

__doc__ = '\n    Draw 2 vertical lines moving in opposite direction and centered on\n    a point (PointInteractor)\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, x=0.5, y=0.5, center_x=0.0, center_y=0.0)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.BoxSum'

Clear this slicer and its markers

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


After a dragging motion reset the flag self.has_move to False


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

setCursor(x, y)[source]

Update the figure given x and y


Allow adding plot to the same panel :param n: the number of layer

update(x1=None, x2=None, y1=None, y2=None, width=None, height=None, center=None)[source]

Draw the new roughness on the graph. :param x1: new maximum value of x coordinates :param x2: new minimum value of x coordinates :param y1: new maximum value of y coordinates :param y2: new minimum value of y coordinates :param width: is the width of the new rectangle :param height: is the height of the new rectangle :param center: provided x, y coordinates of the center point

sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.RadiusInteractor module

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.RadiusInteractor.RadiusInteractor(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, arc1=None, arc2=None, theta=0.39269908169872414)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Select an annulus through a 2D plot

__doc__ = '\n    Select an annulus through a 2D plot\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, arc1=None, arc2=None, theta=0.39269908169872414)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.RadiusInteractor'
move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

set_cursor(r_min, r_max, theta)[source]
update(r1=None, r2=None, theta=None)[source]

Draw the new roughness on the graph.

sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer module

Sector interactor

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer.LineInteractor(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, theta=0.7853981633974483)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Select an annulus through a 2D plot

__doc__ = '\n    Select an annulus through a 2D plot\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, theta=0.7853981633974483)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer'
move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

set_cursor(x, y)[source]

Draw the new roughness on the graph.

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer.SectorInteractor(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor, SlicerModel

Draw a sector slicer.Allow to performQ averaging on data 2D

__doc__ = '\n    Draw a sector slicer.Allow to performQ averaging on data 2D\n    '
__init__(base, axes, item=None, color='black', zorder=3)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer'

compute sector averaging of data2D into data1D :param nbins: the number of point to plot for the average 1D data


Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer


Redraw canvas


Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. :return params: the dictionary created

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Called a dragging motion ends.Get slicer event


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.


Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary.


params – a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer.

set_cursor(x, y)[source]

Allow adding plot to the same panel


n – the number of layer


Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets.

validate(param_name, param_value)[source]

Test the proposed new value “value” for row “row” of parameters

class sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer.SideInteractor(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, phi=0.7853981633974483, theta2=1.0471975511965976)[source]

Bases: BaseInteractor

Draw an oblique line

  • phi – the phase between the middle line and one side line

  • theta2 – the angle between the middle line and x- axis

__doc__ = '\n    Draw an oblique line\n\n    :param phi: the phase between the middle line and one side line\n    :param theta2: the angle between the middle line and x- axis\n\n    '
__init__(base, axes, color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0, phi=0.7853981633974483, theta2=1.0471975511965976)[source]
__module__ = 'sas.qtgui.Plotting.Slicers.SectorSlicer'

Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer

move(x, y, ev)[source]

Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed.


Restore the roughness for this layer.


Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc.

set_cursor(x, y)[source]

Allow adding plot to the same panel


n – the number of layer

update(phi=None, delta=None, mline=None, side=False, left=False, right=False)[source]

Draw oblique line

  • phi – the phase between the middle line and the current line

  • delta – phi/2 applied only when the mline was moved

Module contents