SasView has a number of user-settable options available. For information on a specific preference, navigate to the appropriate page heading. Not all preferences are housed here, but will be eventually.
A number of these preferences will only apply to the current SasView window and will reset when closing. Others, labelled persistent in this document, will be retained for the next time SasView is run.
Plotting Preferences, Display Preferences, GPU Preferences, Fit Optimizer Preferences
Plotting Preferences¶
Plotting preferences only apply to new plots. Existing plots will retain existing settings.
Use full-width plot legends (most compatible)?: With this option selected, plot legends will always be the full width of the plot it is on. The legend will also be partially transparent to better view the data. persistent
Use truncated legend entries?: By selecting this option, legend labels are truncated to a single line of length Legend entry line length leaving only the beginning and end of the label. The central characters will be replaced with an ellipsis and whitespace. persistent
Legend entry line length: This defines the maximum number of characters to display in a single line of a plot legend before wrapping to the next line. persistent
Disable Residuals Display: When selected, residual plots are not automatically displayed when fits are completed. The plots can still be accessed in the data explorer under the data set the fit was performed on. persistent
Disable Polydispersity Plot Display: When selected, polydispersity plots are not automatically displayed when fits are completed. The plots can still be accessed in the data explorer under the data set the fit was performed on. persistent
Show toolbar on all new plots: When selected, all new plots will open a toolbar on the bottom. The toolbar comes from Matplotlib. Note: The toolbar can be enabled and disabled in each individual plot by opening the context menu with a right click and selecting ‘Toggle Navigation Menu’
Display Preferences¶
The display preferences modify underlying features of our GUI framework, Qt. For more information on each setting, please read more on the Qt High DPI Settings.
QT Screen Scale Factor: A percent scaling factor that is applied all element sizes within the GUI. A restart of SasView is required to take effect. persistent
Automatic Screen Scale Factor: enables automatic scaling, based on the monitor’s pixel density. This won’t change the size of point-sized fonts, since point is a physical measurement unit. Multiple screens may get different scale factors. persistent
GPU Preferences¶
GPU Options: If a potential GPU device is present the dialog will show it. The Test button can then be used to check if your system has the necessary drivers to use it. But also see GPU Setup. persistent
Fit Optimizer Preferences¶
Default Fitting Algorithm: The fitting optimizer that will be set when SasView starts. persistent
Active Fitting Algorithm: The fitting algorithm currently in use. This will default to the Default Fitting Algorithm when SasView loads. When this changes, settings for the optimizer will update. More information on the various optimizers can be found at Optimizer Selection