We are pleased to announce a mini-symposium on “Magnetic SAS Data Analysis – State-of-the-Art and Future Improvements”, which will take place during ICNS-2025 on Wednesday, July 9th, 2025, at the Bella Center in Copenhagen.
Please note that participants must be registered for ICNS-2025 to attend.
Registration for the symposium is now open at the following link: https://indico.ess.eu/event/3704/
A current bottleneck in maximizing the outcomes of magnetic and polarized SANS experiments is a lack of a common, robust, maintained, and intuitive data analysis tool. The aim of this mini-symposium is to identify constraints and define missing functionality in existing analysis programs with a view to preparing for their implementation into SasView.
Several improvements to the handling and simulation of magnetic scattering patterns in SasView have recently been implemented, including upgrades to the Generic Scattering Calculator tool, and the integration of additional slicer (ROI) options. But future developments might include, for example, features dedicated to the analysis of 2D/3D images, independent nuclear and magnetic fitting models, the simultaneous fitting of multiple cross-sections, or Reverse Monte Carlo techniques. Some of this functionality may also be of interest to other communities generating quasi-crystalline or anisotropic data such as Rheo-SAS and SAS-Tomography. A goal of this mini-symposium is to identify that functionality with the broadest impact.
Interested participants are therefore cordially invited you to join us for an afternoon of short presentations and topical discussions designed to help identify the future opportunities for advancing the analysis of these systems.
Further information
Please contact the Local Organiser, Annika Stellhorn (annika.stellhorn[at]ess.eu).