For Users
Release versions:
(Mac Users: Please ensure you have the Xcode command line tools installed before installing SasView; get it from the App Store. If you also get an error message that Apple cannot check the .dmg file for malicious software, Control-click on the .dmg to override)
We recommend that you avoid using installation folder paths which contain spaces, non-Latin characters or characters not available on a standard keyboard.
Previous versions:
(Note: Version 5.0.6 was the last version to be built for Windows7) (Note: Version 4.2.0 was the last version to be built for 32-bit operating systems)
- All versions from v3.0 (click on the version number for more information)
- To download versions of SasView before v2.2 please go to the old SansView website
Conda-forge versions:
Plug-in Model Marketplace:
Looking for new models, or wish to contribute a model? Visit the Marketplace. It’s free!
Getting Help:
If you are having problems,
- First check our Frequently Asked Questions
- Otherwise to report bugs, or for help using SasView, please contact us at:
- Or you can also try asking other SasView Users! Email or visit the Users Forum Archives
Join the SasView User Forum Mailing List
- Want to get the inside scoop on all things SasView? Why not join our User Forum List! Sign up here.
For Developers
Current information:
- Source code repository on Github
- Project Wiki - a source for project information and HowTo documents
- Full SasView Sphinx Documentation for the latest build
- Class Documentation Index for the latest build
Old/historical information:
- Old Sourceforge repository - Closed to commits February 2015
- Old Project Wiki
For developer questions please contact the developers at: or visit the Developer Archives (note: a developer login is required to access these)
Other Resources
- Brian Pauw has produced a cool interactive tool for visualising the models in SasView. Check it out!
- The new SAS Portal aims to be an access point for all information related to SAS and should be a great resource for any SAS question.
- Some of the same great Team developing SasView are also engaged in a project called CCP-SAS for atomistic structure determination from solution small-angle scattering.
- The canSAS group develops standards and data formats for SAS.
- The Scattering-Central repository of (mostly) legacy SAS software
Acknowledging SasView
If you found this sofware useful to your work please dont forget to acknowledge its use in your publications as suggested below and reference this website: Please also consider letting us know by sending us the reference to your work. We will add it to our list of publications. This will help us to ensure the long term support and development of the software.
This work benefited from the use of the SasView application, originally developed under NSF award DMR-0520547. SasView also contains code developed with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the SINE2020 project, grant agreement No 654000.