Source code for sas.guiframe.plugin_base
Defines the interface for a Plugin class that can be used by the gui_manager.
#This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the
#Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE)
#project funded by the US National Science Foundation.
#See the license text in license.txt
#copyright 2008, University of Tennessee
[docs]class PluginBase(object):
This class defines the interface for a Plugin class
that can be used by the gui_manager.
Plug-ins should be placed in a sub-directory called "perspectives".
For example, a plug-in called Foo should be place in "perspectives/Foo".
That directory contains at least two files:
1. perspectives/Foo/ contains two lines: ::
PLUGIN_ID = "Foo plug-in 1.0"
from Foo import *
2. perspectives/Foo/ contains the definition of the Plugin
class for the Foo plug-in. The interface of that Plugin class
should follow the interface of the class you are looking at.
See for a plugin example.
def __init__(self, name="Test_plugin"):
Abstract class for gui_manager Plugins.
# Define if the plugin is local to Viewerframe and always active
self._always_active = False
## Plug-in name. It will appear on the application menu.
self.sub_menu = name
## Reference to the parent window. Filled by get_panels() below.
self.parent = None
self.frame = None
#plugin state reader
self.state_reader = None
self._extensions = ''
## List of panels that you would like to open in AUI windows
# for your plug-in. This defines your plug-in "perspective"
self.perspective = []
#flag to tell the current plugin that aaplication is in batch mode
self.batch_on = False
#properties for color and ID of a specific plugin..
self.color = None = -1
self.batch_capable = self.get_batch_capable()
[docs] def get_batch_capable(self):
Check if the plugin has a batch capability
return False
[docs] def add_color(self, color, id):
Adds color to a plugin
[docs] def clear_panel(self):
clear all related panels
[docs] def get_extensions(self):
return state reader and its extensions
return self.state_reader, self._extensions
[docs] def can_load_data(self):
if return True, then call handler to laod data
return False
[docs] def use_data(self):
return True if these plugin use data
return True
[docs] def is_in_use(self, data_id):
get a data id a list of data name if data data is
currently used by the plugin and the name of the plugin
data_name = 'None'
in_use = False
example [(data_name, self.sub_menu)]
return []
[docs] def delete_data(self, data_id):
Delete all references of data which id are in data_list.
[docs] def load_data(self, event):
Load data
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load_folder(self, event):
Load entire folder
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_is_active(self, active=False):
Set if the perspective is always active
self._always_active = active
[docs] def is_always_active(self):
return True is this plugin is always active and it is local to guiframe
even if the user is switching between perspectives
return self._always_active
[docs] def get_frame(self):
Returns MDIChildFrame
return self.frame
def _frame_set_helper(self):
Sets default frame config
if self.frame != None:
[docs] def get_panels(self, parent):
Create and return the list of wx.Panels for your plug-in.
Define the plug-in perspective.
Panels should inherit from DefaultPanel defined below,
or should present the same interface. They must define
"window_caption" and "window_name".
:param parent: parent window
:return: list of panels
## Save a reference to the parent
self.parent = parent
# Return the list of panels
return []
[docs] def get_perspective(self):
Get the list of panel names for this perspective
return self.perspective
[docs] def on_perspective(self, event=None):
Call back function for the perspective menu item.
We notify the parent window that the perspective
has changed.
:param event: menu event
old_frame = None
old_persp = self.parent.get_current_perspective()
if old_persp != None:
old_frame = old_persp.get_frame()
if self.frame != None:
if old_frame != None:
pos_x, pos_y = old_frame.GetPositionTuple()
self.frame.SetPosition((pos_x, pos_y))
if not self.frame.IsShown():
[docs] def set_batch_selection(self, flag):
the plugin to its batch state if flag is True
self.batch_on = flag
[docs] def on_batch_selection(self, flag):
need to be overwritten by the derivated class
[docs] def post_init(self):
Post initialization call back to close the loose ends
[docs] def set_state(self, state=None, datainfo=None):
update state
[docs] def set_data(self, data_list=None):
receive a list of data and use it in the current perspective
[docs] def set_theory(self, theory_list=None):
:param theory_list: list of information
related to available theory state
msg = "%s plugin: does not support import theory" % str(self.sub_menu)
raise ValueError, msg
[docs] def on_set_state_helper(self, event):
update state