Source code for sas.sasgui.perspectives.calculator.pyconsole

Console Module display Python console
import sys
import os

import numpy as np

import wx
from wx.lib.dialogs import ScrolledMessageDialog
from wx.lib import layoutf

import as editor

if sys.platform.count("win32") > 0:
    PANEL_WIDTH = 800
    PANEL_HEIGHT = 700
    PANEL_WIDTH = 830
    PANEL_HEIGHT = 730
ID_RUN = wx.NewId()

[docs]def check_model(path): """ Check that the model on the path can run. """ # try running the model from sasmodels.sasview_model import load_custom_model Model = load_custom_model(path) model = Model() q = np.array([0.01, 0.1]) Iq = model.evalDistribution(q) qx, qy = np.array([0.01, 0.01]), np.array([0.1, 0.1]) Iqxy = model.evalDistribution([qx, qy]) result = """ Iq(%s) = %s Iqxy(%s, %s) = %s """%(q, Iq, qx, qy, Iqxy) return result
[docs]def show_model_output(parent, fname): # Make sure we have a python file; not sure why we care though... if not (fname and os.path.exists(fname) and fname.endswith('.py')): mssg = "\n This is not a python file." wx.MessageBox(str(mssg), 'Error', style=wx.ICON_ERROR) return False try: result, errmsg = check_model(fname), None except Exception: import traceback result, errmsg = None, traceback.format_exc() parts = ["Running model '%s'..." % os.path.basename(fname)] if errmsg is not None: parts.extend(["", "Error occurred:", errmsg, ""]) title, icon = "Error", wx.ICON_ERROR else: parts.extend(["", "Success:", result, ""]) title, icon = "Info", wx.ICON_INFORMATION text = "\n".join(parts) dlg = ResizableScrolledMessageDialog(parent, text, title, size=((550, 250))) fnt = wx.Font(10, wx.TELETYPE, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL) dlg.GetChildren()[0].SetFont(fnt) dlg.GetChildren()[0].SetInsertionPoint(0) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return errmsg is None
[docs]class ResizableScrolledMessageDialog(wx.Dialog): """ Custom version of wx ScrolledMessageDialog, allowing border resize """ def __init__(self, parent, msg, caption, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(500,300), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER ): # Notice, that style can be overrriden in the caller. wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, caption, pos, size, style) x, y = pos if x == -1 and y == -1: self.CenterOnScreen(wx.BOTH) text = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, msg, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) ok = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "OK") # Mysterious constraint layouts from # lc = layoutf.Layoutf('t=t5#1;b=t5#2;l=l5#1;r=r5#1', (self,ok)) text.SetConstraints(lc) lc = layoutf.Layoutf('b=b5#1;x%w50#1;w!80;h!25', (self,)) ok.SetConstraints(lc) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Layout()
[docs]class PyConsole(editor.EditorNotebookFrame): ## Internal nickname for the window, used by the AUI manager window_name = "Custom Model Editor" ## Name to appear on the window title bar window_caption = "Plugin Model Editor" ## Flag to tell the AUI manager to put this panel in the center pane CENTER_PANE = False def __init__(self, parent=None, base=None, manager=None, panel=None, title='Python Shell/Editor', filename=None, size=(PANEL_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT)): self.config = None editor.EditorNotebookFrame.__init__(self, parent=parent, title=title, size=size) self.parent = parent self._manager = manager self.base = base self.panel = panel self._add_menu() if filename != None: dataDir = os.path.dirname(filename) elif self.parent != None: dataDir = self.parent._default_save_location else: dataDir = None self.dataDir = dataDir self.Centre() # See if there is a corresponding C file if filename != None: c_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".c" if os.path.isfile(c_filename): self.bufferCreate(c_filename) # If not, just open the requested .py, if any. # Needs to be after the C file so the tab focus is correct. if os.path.isfile(filename): self.bufferCreate(filename) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnNewFile, id=wx.ID_NEW) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpenFile, id=wx.ID_OPEN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSaveFile, id=wx.ID_SAVE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSaveAsFile, id=wx.ID_SAVEAS) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCheckModel, id=ID_CHECK_MODEL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnRun, id=ID_RUN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.OnUpdateCompileMenu, id=ID_CHECK_MODEL) self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.OnUpdateCompileMenu, id=ID_RUN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close) if not title.count('Python Shell'): # Delete menu item (open and new) if not python shell #self.fileMenu.Delete(wx.ID_NEW) self.fileMenu.Delete(wx.ID_OPEN) def _add_menu(self): """ Add menu """ self.compileMenu = wx.Menu() self.compileMenu.Append(ID_CHECK_MODEL, 'Check model', 'Loading and run the model') self.compileMenu.AppendSeparator() self.compileMenu.Append(ID_RUN, 'Run in Shell', 'Run the file in the Python Shell') self.MenuBar.Insert(3, self.compileMenu, '&Run')
[docs] def OnHelp(self, event): """ Show a help dialog. """ import wx.lib.dialogs title = 'Help on key bindings' text = dlg = wx.lib.dialogs.ScrolledMessageDialog(self, text, title, size=((700, 540))) fnt = wx.Font(10, wx.TELETYPE, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL) dlg.GetChildren()[0].SetFont(fnt) dlg.GetChildren()[0].SetInsertionPoint(0) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def set_manager(self, manager): """ Set the manager of this window """ self._manager = manager
[docs] def OnAbout(self, event): """ On About """ message = ABOUT dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, 'About', wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dial.ShowModal()
[docs] def OnNewFile(self, event): """ OnFileOpen """ self.OnFileNew(event)
[docs] def OnOpenFile(self, event): """ OnFileOpen """ self.OnFileOpen(event) self.Show(False) self.Show(True)
[docs] def OnSaveFile(self, event): """ OnFileSave overwrite """ self.OnFileSave(event) self.Show(False) self.Show(True)
[docs] def OnSaveAsFile(self, event): """ OnFileSaveAs overwrite """ self.OnFileSaveAs(event) self.Show(False) self.Show(True)
[docs] def bufferOpen(self): """ Open file in buffer, bypassing editor bufferOpen """ if self.bufferHasChanged(): cancel = self.bufferSuggestSave() if cancel: return cancel filedir = '' if self.buffer and self.buffer.doc.filedir: filedir = self.buffer.doc.filedir if not filedir: filedir = self.dataDir result = editor.openSingle(directory=filedir, wildcard='Python Files (*.py)|*.py') if result.path: self.bufferCreate(result.path) # See if there is a corresponding C file if result.path != None: c_filename = os.path.splitext(result.path)[0] + ".c" if os.path.isfile(c_filename): self.bufferCreate(c_filename) cancel = False return cancel
[docs] def bufferSaveAs(self): """ Save buffer to a new filename: Bypassing editor bufferSaveAs """ filedir = '' if self.buffer and self.buffer.doc.filedir: filedir = self.buffer.doc.filedir if not filedir: filedir = self.dataDir result = editor.saveSingle(directory=filedir, filename='', wildcard='Python Files (*.py)|*.py') if result.path: self.buffer.confirmed = True self.buffer.saveAs(result.path) cancel = False else: cancel = True return cancel
[docs] def OnRun(self, event): """ Run """ if not self._check_saved(): return True if self.buffer and self.buffer.doc.filepath: self.editor.setFocus() # Why we have to do this (Otherwise problems on Windows)? forward_path = self.buffer.doc.filepath.replace('\\', '/')"execfile('%s')" % forward_path) return">>>")[-2] else: mssg = "\n This is not a python file." title = 'Error' icon = wx.ICON_ERROR wx.MessageBox(str(mssg), title, style=icon) return False
[docs] def OnCheckModel(self, event): """ Compile """ if not self._check_saved(): return True fname = self.editor.getStatus()[0] success = show_model_output(self, fname) # Update plugin model list in fitpage combobox if success and self._manager != None and self.panel != None: self._manager.set_edit_menu_helper(self.parent) wx.CallAfter(self._manager.update_custom_combo)
def _check_saved(self): """ If content was changed, suggest to save it first """ if self.bufferHasChanged() and self.buffer.doc.filepath: cancel = self.bufferSuggestSave() return not cancel return True
[docs] def OnUpdateCompileMenu(self, event): """ Update Compile menu items based on current tap. """ win = wx.Window.FindFocus() id = event.GetId() event.Enable(True) try: if id == ID_CHECK_MODEL or id == ID_RUN: menu_on = False if self.buffer and self.buffer.doc.filepath: menu_on = True event.Enable(menu_on) except AttributeError: # This menu option is not supported in the current context. event.Enable(False)
[docs] def on_close(self, event): """ Close event """ if self.base != None: self.base.py_frame = None self.Destroy()
ABOUT = "Welcome to Python %s! \n\n" % sys.version.split()[0] ABOUT += "This uses Py Shell/Editor in wx (developed by Patrick K. O'Brien).\n" ABOUT += "If this is your first time using Python, \n" ABOUT += "you should definitely check out the tutorial " ABOUT += "on the Internet at" if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.App() dlg = PyConsole() dlg.Show() app.MainLoop()